

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-21



Visiting Fellow, Graduate School of Education, HarvardUniversity2018-2019
Supervisor: Jon Star

Ph.D., Department of Psychology, The ChineseUniversity of Hong Kong2016-2019
Supervisor: Catherine McBride

M.A.,Schoolof Psychological and Cognitive Sciences,Peking University2013-2016

B.S., School of Psychology,Beijing Normal University2009-2013

Postdoctoral Fellow, Department ofPsychology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong,2019.7-2019.11

1. Yang, X. J. & Zhang, X. (accepted). Dissociatedcontributions of cognitive profiles to symbolic and non-symbolic mathematics. Early Childhood Research Quarterly.
2. Yang, X. J. & Meng, X. Z. (in press). Howdoes visual processing contribute to reading and mathematics of Chinese youngchildren? Frontiers in Psychology.
3. Wong, S.W. L., Zheng,M., Cheung, H., Yang, X. J., Ho, C. S.H., McBride, C. (in press). The effect of twinning on Chineseand English vocabulary development.Child Development Perspectives.
4. Yang, X. J., & McBride, C. (in press). Phonological processing matters inearly Chinese reading and mathematics. EducationalPsychology.
5. Yang, X. J., McBride, C., Ho, C. S. H., &Chung, C. C. (2019). Longitudinal associations ofphonological processing skills, Chinese word reading, and arithmetic. Reading and Writing. doi: 10.1007/s11145-019-09998-9
6. Yang, X. J., Chung, C. C., & McBride, C.(2019). The contributions of executive functioning andvisual-spatial skills to Chinese children’s mathematical learning. Educational Psychology. 1, 1-27. doi:10.1080/**.2018.**
7. Yang, X. J., Peng, P., & Meng, X. Z. (2019).The Domain-general Precursors of Chinese Reading Acquisition in BeginningReaders: The Mediation Effect of Domain-specific Factors. Frontiers in Psychology. 9, 1-13. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02670
8. Yang, X. J., Peng, P., & Meng, X. (2019).How do metalinguistic awareness, working memory, reasoning, and inhibitioncontribute to Chinese character reading of kindergarten children?.Infantand Child Development, e2122. doi:10.1002/icd.2122
9. Li, H., Booth, J. R., Bélanger, N.N… Yang, X. J… & Liu, L. (2018).Structural correlates of literacy difficulties in the second language: Evidencefrom Mandarin-speaking children learning English.NeuroImage.179,288-297. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2018.06.037.
10. Cheung, S. K., Yang, X. J., Dulay, K. M., &McBride, C. (2018). Family and individual variables associated with youngFilipino children's numeracy interest and competence.British Journalof Developmental Psychology,36(2), 334-353. doi: 10.1111/bjdp.12222
11. Peng, P.#, Yang, X. J.# (Co-first author), & Meng, X. (2017). The relation between approximate numbersystem and early arithmetic: The mediation role of numerical knowledge.Journalof Experimental Child Psychology,157, 111-124.
12. Feng, X., Li, L., Zhang, M., Yang, X., Tian, M., Xie, W.,.. &Ding, G. (2017). Dyslexic children show atypical cerebellar activation andcerebro-cerebellar functional connectivity in orthographic and phonologicalprocessing.Cerebellum,16(2), 496-507.
13. Yang, X. J. & Meng, X. Z. (2016). Dissociationbetween exact and approximate addition in developmental dyslexia. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 56,139-152.doi: 10.1016/j.ridd.2016.05.018
14. Yang, X.J., Han, Y.G., & Wang, D. H. (2013). The aging effect of task switching. Studies of Psychology and Behavior, 11(3),359-366. [杨秀杰, 韩雨歌, & 王大华. (2013). 任务切换的老化效应.心理与行为研究,11(3), 359-366.](CSSCI)
15. *Yang, X.J. &Feng, Y. N. (2013). Effects of negative emotion and gender difference on taskswitching. Chinese Mental Health Journal,27(5), 396-400. [*杨秀杰 & 冯亚楠. (2013). 消极情绪对任务切换的作用及其性别差异.中国心理卫生杂志,27(5), 396-400.] (CSSCI)
Differentcontributions of cognitive profiles to fractions of Chinese primary children: Across-sectional study
Collaborator: Jon Star, Harvard University Jan.2017-June.2019
s Work as the Principal Investigator (PI), including experimental designs, data analysis, and paper drafting.
How do phonologicalawareness, phonological memory, and RAN contribute to early arithmetic of youngchildren? The mediation effect of early numeracy knowledge
Supervisor: Catherine McBride, Direct Grant of the Chinese University ofHong Kong Jun.2018-June.2019
s Work as the project CoordinatorInvestigator (Co-I), including the data collection, data analysis, and paperdrafting.
Reading, writing,and mathematics: Behavioral genetics, molecular genetics, and neuro-markers ofearly academic achievement in Hong Kong Chinese children.
Supervisor: Catherine McBride, the Collaborative Research Fund(CRF) June.2018-June.2019
s The EEG data collection, dataanalysis, and paper drafting.
Continuity anddiscontinuity from whole numbers to fraction and rational numbers innumerical cognition
Supervisor: Yujing Ni, DirectGrant of the Chinese University of Hong Kong Jun.2015-Sep.2015
s Reviewed the educational interventions ofchildren’s fractional concepts from 2000 to 2015.
The cognitive neurophysiological study on perceptual learningdifficulties in Chinese-speaking children with developmental dyslexia
Supervisor: Xiangzhi Meng, National Natural Science Funds Mar. 2014-Apr.2017
s Designedand undertook a longitudinal study to investigate the underlying influence ofperceptual learning on children’s reading acquisition
s Developeda phonological awareness task and a morphological awareness task for children atkindergarten.
The cognitive neuropsychological mechanisms in developmentaldyslexia
Supervisor: Xiangzhi Meng, National Natural Science Funds Aug.2011-Feb.2015
s Designed and undertook a nonsymboliccomparison task to assess number sense using MatlabR2009a
s Undertook four experiments including thevisual Texture Discrimination Task (TDT), auditory duration task, auditorytemporal discrimination task and reading assessments on children.
Aneye movement exploration of the visual factors during fatigue driving
Supervisor: Xuemin Zhang, National UndergraduateInnovation Program Nov.2011-Mar.2013
s Work as the Principal Investigator (PI), including experimental designs,data analysis, and paper drafting.
The exploration of neural mechanisms about teenager’sinnovative ability
Supervisor: Hong Zou, National Natural Science Funds Sep.2010-Mar.2011
s Organizedsemi-structured interviews with middle school students, their parents andteachers to investigate the ordinary understanding of innovation and co-edited the investigation reports
s Participatedin the design of standard adolescent creative questionnaires and undertook theinvestigations in three high schools in the Beijing district.
Theaging effect of task switching
Supervisor: Dahua Wang, BNU UndergraduateInnovation Research Grant Nov.2010-Mar.2012
s Work as the Principal Investigator (PI), including experimental designs,data analysis, and paper drafting.
Yang, X. J., & Dulay, K. M., Cheung, S. K., McBride,C (2019). Developmentaltrajectories of early numeracy and print knowledge in young Filipino children:The roles of phonological awareness, rapid automatized naming, and vocabularyknowledge. Symposium has been accepted and will be presented at Mathematical Cognition and Learning Societyconference (MCLS) (June, Canada).
Yang,X. J. & Meng, X. Z. (2019). How doesvisual acuity contribute to Chinese reading and mathematics? The mediatingeffects of orthographic knowledge and early numerical processing. Paperpresented at International Convention ofPsychological Science (ICPS) (Mar, France).
Yang, X. J., & McBride,C. (2019). How do phonological processing abilities contribute to early Chinesereading and mathematics?. Paper presented at Association for Reading and Writing in Asia (ARWA) (Feb, India).
Yang, X. J., &McBride, C. (2018). Longitudinal associations of phonological processingskills, Chinese word reading, and arithmetic. Paper presented at The International Society for the Study ofBehavioural Development (ISSBD) (July, Austrilia).
Yang,X. J. & Meng, X. Z. (2018). Theabsence of global precedence in children with developmental dyslexia. Paperpresented at The International Societyfor the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD) (July, Austrilia).
Cheung, S.K., Yang, X. J., Dulay, K. M., &McBride, C. (2018). Home Learning Environment or Parents’ Characteristics:Which Matters More for Filipino Children’s Numeracy Skills? Paper presented at The 70th International OMEP Conference (June, Czech).
Yang, X. J., Han, Y. G., & Wang, D. H. (2018).The aging effect of task switching. U.S.-Hong Kong 2018 AgingConference "Aging across Time and Contexts" (May, Hong Kong).
Yang, X. J., Lo, J. C. M., McBride, C., & Ho, C. S-K. (2018). Pathways toreading and arithmetic: the role of rapid automatic naming, phonologicalworking memory, and phonological awareness. Paper presented at Association for Reading and Writing in Asia(ARWA) (February, Japan).
Yang,X. J. (2018). Phonologicalawareness, RAN, and vocabulary contribute to early numeracy and print knowledgeof Filipino Children. Paper presented at the Exchange Conference of Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Beijing (May,Hong Kong).
Yang,X. J., Meng, X. Z., &McBride, C. (2017).The Domain-general and Domain-specific Precursors for Chinese character recognitionin Beginning Readers: A longitudinal study. Paper presented at the Society for Research in ChildDevelopment (SRCD) (April, USA).
Yang,X. J., Peng, P., & Meng, X. Z. (2017). DoDomain-general Cognitive Skills Matter in Early Chinese Character Reading? Paperpresented at Association for Reading andWriting in Asia (ARWA) (February, Hong Kong).
McBride,C., Lo, J. C. M., Yang, X. J., Ho, C. S.-H., & Waye, M.(2017). Delay copying uniquely explains spelling in bothChinese and English. Paper presented at the Society for Research in ChildDevelopment (SRCD) (April, USA).
Yang,X. J. & Meng, X. Z. (2016). TheDomain-general and Domain-specific Precursors for Chinese Reading Acquisition.Paper presented at the PsychologicalAssociation Conference for Four Beijing Universities (May, China).
Yang,X. J. (2015). An eyemovement exploration of the visual factors during fatigue driving. Paper presentedat the Exchange Conference of Hong Kong,Taiwan, and Beijing (May, Hong Kong).
Yang,X. J. & Meng, X.Z. (2014). Dissociation between exact calculation and approximation indevelopmental dyslexia. Paper presented at BritishDyslexia Association International Conference (March, UK).
Yang,X. J. (2013). Effects of negative emotion and gender difference on taskswitching. Paper presented at the Psychological Association Conference for Four Beijing Universities (April, China).

Teachingassistant (2012-2018)
Statistics Consultation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (in English, 2018.7-2019.2)
Statistics Consultation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (in English, 2017.9-2018.1)
Psychological Testing, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (in English, 2016.12-2017.4)
Teaching Struggling Readers Around The World (K-12), Canvas Network MOOC (in English, 2019)
Abnormal Child Psychology, Peking University (in Chinese, 2015.9-2016.1)
Experimental Child Psychology, Peking University (in Chinese, 2014.9-2015.1)
Developmental Psychology, Peking University (in Chinese, 2013.9-2014.1)


1. The Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (香港政府奖学金, 2016-2019),University Grants Committee (TOP 250 students worldwide in all fields: https://cerg1.ugc.edu.hk/hkpfs/index.html)
2. The FirstPrize for Graduation Thesis Competition (毕业论文比赛一等奖), The Chinese University ofHong Kong (2019)
3. The GlobalScholarship for Research Excellence, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (2018)
4. OverseasAcademic Activities Travel Grants, The Chinese University of Hong Kong(2016-2019)
5. Travel Fund of MCLS (The Mathematical Cognition andLearning Society) (2019)
6. 国家奖学金、国家励志奖学金等
Invited Reviewer: EducationalPsychology Review;
Reading andWriting;
InternationalJournal of Behavioral Development;
British Journal of Developmental Psychology;
Frontiers in Psychology;
Early ChildhoodResearch Quarterly.
Membership: The Society for Research in ChildDevelopment (SRCD);
The Association for PsychologicalScience (APS);
The Association for Reading and Writing inAsia (ARWA);
International Society for the Study ofBehavioral Development (ISSBD);
MathematicalCognition and Learning Society (MCLS).

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