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可加Lévy噪声驱动随机微分方程的强Feller性与指数遍历性 梁明杰1,2, 王健31. 三明学院信息工程学院, 三明 365004;
2. 福建师范大学数学与计算机科学学院, 福州 350007;
3. 福建师范大学数学与计算机科学学院, 福州 350007 for SDEs with Additive Lévy Noises LIANG Mingjie1,2, WANG Jian31. School of Information Engineering, Sanming University, Sanming 365004, China;
2. School of Mathematics and Computer Science, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350007, China;
3. School of Mathematics and Computer Science, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350007, China

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收稿日期: 2012-10-31
梁明杰, 王健. 可加Lévy噪声驱动随机微分方程的强Feller性与指数遍历性[J]. 应用数学学报, 2017, 40(2): 267-278. LIANG Mingjie, WANG Jian. for SDEs with Additive Lévy Noises. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, 2017, 40(2): 267-278.

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