

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-10

张全,男,博士,副教授,教育部霍英东青年教师奖获得者,浙江省151第三层次人才,浙江省新苗计划、浙江省挑战杯课外科技竞赛指导教师。主要研究方向为环境暴露与健康,着重以“污染物暴露-效应评价-生态与健康风险”为主线,围绕人们频繁暴露新型污染物(新型阻燃剂和新型烟碱类农药)的生态健康风险及机制开展一系列相关工作。已发表SCI论文60余篇,9篇发表在环境科学与工程国际顶级期刊Environmental Science & Technology上,4篇研究论文入选环境与生态领域ESI高被引论文,另参编美国化学会(ACS)专著一部,授权国家发明专利2项。目前,已主持或参与国家自然科学基金等多项国家级项目。2012年获浙江省自然科学学术奖三等奖,2017年获浙江省毒理学会青年科学家奖。2018年,2019年,2020年连续三年受邀为世界环境化学与毒理学学会(SETAC)年会烟碱类农药分会主席,SCI引用1000余次。


2016/10-2017/10 美国哈佛大学公共卫生学院 Visiting Scientist.
2012/06-2014/04 浙江大学环境与资源学院博士后。
2010/04-2010/07 美国休斯敦大学化学系 Exchange Scholar.

ChineseChemical Letters 青年编委
2014- 美国毒理学会会员(SETAC)
2014- 中国毒理学会会员
2009- 浙江省生态学会会员
2012- 生态和环境毒理学的国际主流期刊Environ. Sci. Technol., Environ. Inter., Environ. Sci.: Nano,Sci. of Total Environ.,Pest Manga. Sci., Environ. Toxicol. Chem.,Chemosphere,Aquatic Toxicol.等学术审稿人。

2020年发表在Environmental Science & Technology Letters论文“Mitochondrial Dysfunction: A Plausible Pathway for Honeybee Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) ”入选当期封面论文
2018年发表在Environmental Science & Technology期刊上的论文“Neonicotinoids Residues in Fruits and Vegetables: An Integrated Dietary Exposure Assessment Approac”入选ESI高被引论文Highly Cited Papers研究成果受美国鸟类保护学会报道
2017年发表在Environmental Science & Technology期刊上的论文“Potential glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid effects of nine Organophosphate flame retardants”受ACS网站新闻摘要报道
2016年发表在Environmental Pollution期刊上的论文“Thyroid hormone-disrupting activity and ecological risk assessment of phosphorus-containing flame retardants by in vitro, in vivo and in silico approaches”入选该期“Invited Paper”,并受到该杂志编辑推荐;
2014年发表在Environmental Science & Technology期刊上的论文“Potential estrogenic effects of phosphorus-containing flame retardants ”被美国环境工作组(EWG)REACH栏目作为研究范例引用报道;
2014年发表在Environmental Pollution期刊上的论文“Risk assessment of polychlorinated biphenyls and heavy metals in soils of an abandoned e-waste site in China”曾入选ESI高被引论文Highly Cited Papers,研究成果被国际巴塞尔公约组织等广泛报道;
2012年有关手性农药水生毒性论文Enantioselective aquatic toxicity of current chiral pesticides入选Journal of Environmental Monitoring杂志年度下载量最高的文章;
2011年申请人参编美国化学会American Chemical Society出版的《Chiral Pesticides: Stereoselectivity and Its Consequences》专著一部(第八章节)。

1.Zhang Q, Yu C, Fu L, Gu S, Wang C. 2020.New insights in the endocrine disrupting effects of three primary metabolites of organophosphate flame retardants. Environmental Science & Technology. doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.9b07874.
2.Zhang Q, Ji SJ, Chai LH, Yang FX, Zhao MR, Liu WP, Schuurmann G. 2018. Metabolic Mechanism of Aryl Phosphorus Flame Retardants by Cytochromes P450: A Combined Experimental and Computational Study on Triphenyl Phosphate. Environmental Science & Technology.52,14411-14421.
3.Lu CS, Chang CH, Palmer C, Zhao MR, Zhang Q*. 2018. Neonicotinoids Residues in Fruits and Vegetables: An Integrated Dietary Exposure Assessment Approach. Environmental Science & Technology.52, 3175–3184. (高被引论文)
4.Zhang Q, Wang JH, Zhu JQ, Liu J, Zhao MR*. 2017. Potential glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid effects of nine organophosphate flame retardants.Environmental Science & Technology, 51, 5803-5810.
5.Zhang Q, Lu MY, Dong XW, Hu YZ, Wang C, Zhao MR*. 2014. Potential estrogenic effects of phosphorus-containing flame retardants. Environmental Science & Technology, 48, 6995-7001.
6.Jin HB, Lin S, Dai W, Feng, LF, Li, T, Lou, JL, Zhang Q*. 2020. Exposure sources of perfluoroalkyl acids and the influence of age and gender on the concentrations of chlorinated polyfluorinated ether sulfonates in human serum from China. Environment International.
7.Zhang, Q, Lu, ZB,Chang, CH,Dietary risk of neonicotinoid insecticides through fruit and vegetable consumption in school-age childrenEnvironment International.2019,126, 672-681.(高被引论文)
8.Zhang Q, Wang JH, Zhu JQ, Liu J, Zhang JY, Zhao MR*. 2016. Assessment of the endocrine-disrupting effects of short-chain chlorinated paraffins in in vitro models. Environment International, 94, 43-50.
9.Zhang Q, Y JJ, Chen JY, Xu HJ, Wang C*, Zhao MR*. 2014. Risk assessment of polychlorinated biphenyls and heavy metals in soils of an abandoned e-waste site in China. Environmental Pollution, 185, 258–265.
10.Wang* C, Le YF, Lu DZ, Zhao MR, Dou XB, Zhang Q*. Triphenyl phosphate causes a sexually dimorphic metabolism dysfunction associated with disordered adiponectin receptors in pubertal mice. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020,388: 121732.
11.Zhang Q, Li Z, Chang CH, Lou JL, Zhao MR, Lu CS*. 2018. Potential human exposures to neonicotinoid insecticides: A review. Environmental pollution, 236, 71-81. (高被引论文)
12.Zhang Q, Ji CY, Yin XH, Yan L, Lu MY, Zhao MR*. 2016. Thyroid hormone-disrupting activity and ecological risk assessment of phosphorus-containing flame retardants by in vitro, in vivo and in silico approaches. Environmental pollution, 210, 27-33.
13.Zhang Q, Ji CY, Yan L, Lu MY, Lu CS, Zhao MR*. 2016. The identification of the metabolites of chlorothalonil in zebrafish (Danio rerio) and their embryo toxicity and endocrine effects at environmentally relevant levels. Environmental Pollution, 218: 8-15.
14.Song Q, Zhang Y, Yan L, Wang JH, Lu CS, Zhang Q*, Zhao MR. 2017. Risk assessment of the endocrine-disrupting effects of nine chiral pesticides. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 338: .57-65.
15.Zhang Q#, Yan L#, Wu Y, Ji L, Chen YC, Zhao MR*, Dong XW*. 2017. A ternary classification using machine learning methods of distinct estrogen receptor activities within a large collection of environmental chemicals.Science of the Total Environment, 580: 1268-1275.
16.Zhang Q, Song Q, Wang C, Zhou C, Lu CS, Zhao MR*. 2017. Effects of glufosinate on the growth of and microcystin production by Microcystis aeruginosaat environmentally relevant concentrations. Science of the Total Environment, 575: 513-518.
17.Zhang Q, Zhang Y, Du J, Zhao MR*. 2017. Environmentally relevant levels of λ-cyhalothrin, fenvalerate, and permethrin cause developmental toxicity and disrupt endocrine system in zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryo. Chemosphere, 185:1173-1180.
18.Qian Y, Zhou PX, Zhang Q*. 2017. Development of environment-friendly insecticides based on enantioselectivity: bifenthrin as a case. Current Protein Peptide Science, 18(1):10-14.
19.Zhang Q*, Zhu JQ, Ye JJ. Chen F, Zhao MR. 2016. Temporal trends and risk assessment of polychlorinated biphenyls and heavy metals in a solid waste site in Taizhou, China. Environmental Science Pollution Research,23(1):438-446.
20.Zhang Q, Zhou H, Li Z, Zhu JQ, Zhou C, Zhao MR*. 2016. Effects of glyphosate at environmentally relevant concentrations on the growth of and microcystin production by Microcystis aeruginosa. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 188(11): 632.
21.Chen H, Zhu JQ, Li Z,Chen A, Zhang Q*. 2016. The occurrence and risk assessment of five organophosphorus pesticides in river water from Shangyu, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment,188(11): 614.
22.Zhang Q, Song Q, Li JL, Zou ML, Zhang CX, Zhang Q*.2016. Alteration of the enantioselective toxicity of diclofop acid by nonylphenol: effect on ascorbate-glutathione cycle in Microcystis aeruginosa. Chirality, 28(6):475-481.
23.Zhang YJ, Zhang Y, Chen A, Zhang W, Zhang Q*.2016. Enantioselectivity in developmental toxicity of rac-metalaxyl and R-metalaxyl in zebrafish (Danio rerio) Embryo. Chirality, 28(6):489-494.
24.Lu MY, Du J, Zhou PX, Chen H, Lu CS, Zhang Q*. 2015. Endocrine disrupting potential of fipronil and its metabolite in reporter gene assays. Chemosphere, 120: 246-251.
25.Zhang Q, Ji CY, Yin XH, Yan L, Lu MY, Zhao MR*. 2014. Characterization of estrogen receptor alpha activities in polychlorinated biphenyls by in vitro dual-luciferase reporter gene assay. Environmental pollution, 189, 169-175.他引12次.
26.Zhang Q, Liu WP, Geng SW, Qu JP, Liu M, Zhang YM, Zhao MR*. 2014. Degradation of the potential rodent contraceptive quinestrol and elimination of its estrogenic activity in soil and water. Environmental Science and Pollution Research,21, 652-659.
27.Wang C#,Zhang Q#,Qian Y, Zhao MR*.2014. p,p’?DDE induces apoptosis through the modulation of tumor necrosis factor α in PC12 cells. Chemical Research in Toxicology, 27, 507-513.
28.Zhang Q, Wang C*. 2013. Toxicity of binary mixtures of enantiomers in chiral organophosphorus insecticides: the significance of joint effects between enantiomers. Chirality, 25, 787-792.
29.Zhang Q, Wang C, Zhang XF, Jin DQ, Huang CJ*, Zhao MR*. 2012. Enantioselective aquatic toxicity of current chiral pesticides.Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 14(2): 465-472.
30.Zhang Q, Wang C, Liu WP, Zhang XF, Zhuang SL*. 2012. Evidence for DNA-diquat interaction and cytotoxicity in in vitro rat cells.Environmental Chemistry Letters, 10, 35-39.
31.Zhang Q, Wang C, Li L, Zhao MR*. 2010. Cytotoxicity of lambda-cyhalothrin on the macrophage cell Line RAW 264.7. Journal of Environmental Sciences,22, 428-432.
32.Wang C#, Zhang Q#, Zhang XF, Liu J, Liu WP*.2010. Understanding the endocrine disruption of chiral pesticides: The enantioselectivity in estrogenic activity of synthetic pyrethroids. Science China, 53, 1003-1009.
33.He XM, Dong XW, Zou XW, Yu DH, Fang Y, Zhang QY, Zhang Q, Zhao MR.* 2015. EnantioselectiveEffectsofo,p′-DDTonCellInvasionandAdhesionofBreastCancerCells:
ChiralityinCancerDevelopment. Environmental Science & Technology,49(16): 10028-10037.
34.Zhang Y, Lu MY, Zhou PX, Wang C, Zhang Q, Zhao MR*. 2015. Multilevel evaluations of potential liver injury of bifenthrin. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 122, 29-37.
35.Zhao MR, Zhang Y, Zhuang SL,Zhang Q, Liu WP*. 2014. Disruption of the Hormonal Network and the Enantioselectivity of Bifenthrin in Trophoblast: Maternal-Fetal Health Risk of Chiral Pesticides. Environmental Science & Technology, 48, 8109-8116.
36.Wang C, Li ZY, Zhang Q,Zhao MR*, Liu WP*. 2013. Chirality in risk assessment of POPs metabolite: enantioselective induction of cytotoxicity by o,p’-DDD in PC12 cells. Environmental Science & Technology, 47, 3909-3917.
37.Chen F, Zhang Q, Wang C, Lu YC, Zhao MR*. 2012. Enantioselectivity in estrogenicity of organochlorine insecticide acetofenate in human trophoblast and MCF-7. Reproductive Toxicology, 33, 53-59.
38.Zhang Q, Zhao M R*, Qian H F, Lu T, Zhang Q, Liu WP*. 2012. Enantioselective Damage of Diclofop Acid Mediated by Oxidative Stress and Acetyl-CoA Carboxylase in Nontarget Plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Environmental Science & Technology,46, 8405-8412.
39.Zhang Q, Zhou C, Zhang Q, Qian H F, Liu WP*, Zhao MR*. 2012. StereoselectivePhytotoxicity of HCH Mediated by Photosynthetic and Antioxidant Defense Systems in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLoS ONE, 8(1): e51043.
40.Wang C, Zhang Q,Zhao MR*, Liu WP.2011. Chiral Pesticides: Stereoselectivity and its Consequences, In: Enantioselectivity in Estrogenic Potential of Chiral Pesticides, American Chemical Society.
41.Hu F, Li L, Wang C, Zhang Q, Xu C, Zhao MR*. 2010. Enantioselective induction of oxidative stress by permethrin in rat PC12 cells. Environmental Toxicological Chemistry, 29, 683-690.
42.Zhao MR, Chen F, Wang C, Zhang Q, Gan J, Liu WP*. 2010. Integrative assessment of enantioselectivity in endocrine disruption and immunotoxicity of synthetic pyrethroids. Environmental Pollution, 158, 1968-1973.
43.Tong CL*,Ye RM,Zhang Q,Liu WP. 2010. Interaction of S-Metolachlor with calf thymus DNA.Chemical Journal of Chinese University, 31, 905-910.
44.Wang C, Zhang N, Li L, Zhang Q, Zhao MR*, Liu WP*. 2010. Enantioselective Interaction with Acetylcholinesterase of an Organophosphate Insecticide Fenamiphos. Chirality, 22, 612-617.
45.Wang C, Chen F*, Zhang Q, Fang Z. 2009. Chronic Toxicity and Cytotoxicity of the Synthetic Pyrethroid Insecticide cis-bifenthrin. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 21, 1710-1715.
46.张全, 王萃, 赵美蓉, 刘维屏*. 2013. 手性持久性有机污染物的环境界面过程及生态安全研究进展. 中国科学,43, 326-335.
张全,赵美蓉,刘维屏,王萃。一种毛细管电泳拆分2,4,5滴丙酸对映体的新方法。ZL 4.0。
赵美蓉,张全,刘维屏,王萃。一种毛细管电泳拆分2,4滴丙酸对映体的新方法。ZL 2.9;


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