


姓 名: 徐霞
性 别:女 技术职称:讲师最高学位:博士

1. 国家重点研发计划项目子课题,2019YFD0901604,船载冷舱绿色无氨氟蒸发无相变载冷技术与装备研发,2019.11-2022.12,97 万元,主持
2. 浙江省自然科学基金一般项目,LY19C200013,鱼类新鲜度的多彩可视化纳米传感体系及其机理研究, 2019.01-2021.12,10 万元,主持

3. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,31401572,基于可控纳米组装体的 SERS 适体传感器超灵敏快速检测赭曲霉毒素 A 的研究,2015.01-2017.12,24 万,主持
4. 中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目,2015T80617,银壳增强的二元纳米组装体超灵敏 SERS 检测赭曲霉毒素 A ,2015.07-2016.09,15 万元,主持
5. 浙江省公益性技术应用研究计划项目,2014C32002,粮油食品中真菌毒素快速检测用 SERS 生物传感关键技术的研究,2014.07-2016.12,15 万元,主持
6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31871869, 传统腌腊鱼中 RCS 生成及其对嗜盐菌的胁迫作用与机制,2019.01-2022.12,60 万元,参加
7. 浙江省重点研发计划项目,2018C02925,典型贝类加工废弃物资源化综合利用与联产技术研究-贝类加工副产物综合利用,2018.01-2020.12,448 万元,参加
8. 国家杰出青年科学基金, 30825027 , 农产品品质与安全无损检测,
2009.01-2012.12,200 万元,参加
1. Xia Xu, Hong Chen, Qi Zhang, Fei Lyu, Yuting Ding*, Xuxia Zhou*. Effects of oil droplet size
and interfacial protein film on the properties of fish myofibrillar proteins-oil composite gels,
Molecules, 2020, 25(2), 289.
2. Jianhua Liu, Chunhua Fang, Xia Xu, Qi Su, Peicheng Zhao, Yuting Ding*,
Physico-chemical and functional properties of silver carp myosin glycated with konjac
oligo-glucomannan: Effects of deacetylation. Food Chemistry, 2019, 291: 223-230.
3. Jianhua Liu, Chunhua Fang, Xia Xu, Qi Su, Peicheng Zhao, Yuting Ding*, Structural
Changes of Silver Carp Myosin Glycated with Konjac Oligo-glucomannan:
Effects of Deacetylation, Food Hydrocolloids, 2019, 91: 275-282.
4. Xia Xu, Chengnan Xu, Yibin Ying*. Aptasensor for simple detection of
ochratoxin A based on side-by-side assembly of gold nanorods, RSC Advances,

2016, 6, 50437-50443.

5. Xia Xu, Xiangjiang Liu, Yanbin Li, Yibin Ying*. A simple and rapid optical
biosensor for detection of aflatoxin B1 based on competitive dispersion of gold nanorods,
Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 2013. 47: 361-367.
6. Xia Xu, Yibin Ying*, Yanbin Li. One-step and label-free detection of
alpha-fetoprotein based on aggregation of gold nanorods, Sensors and Actuators: B, Chemical.
7. Wendao Xu, Lijuan Xie, Jianfei Zhu, Xia Xu, Zunzhong Ye, Chen Wang, Yungui Ma and Yibin
Ying*. Gold nanoparticles based terahertz metamaterials sensors: mechanisms and applications, ACS
Photonics, 2016, 3(12), 2304-2314.
8. Pan Wang, Lei Zhang, Younan Xia, Limin Tong*, Xia Xu and Yibin Ying. Polymer
nano?bers embedded with aligned gold nanorods: a new platform for plasmonic studies and
optical sensing. Nano Letters, 2012.12, 3145?3150.
9. Xia Xu, Yibin Ying*, Microbial biosensors for environmental monitoring and food
analysis, Food Reviews International, 2011. 27(3): 300-329.
10. Xia Xu, Zunzhong Ye, Jian Wu, Yibin, Ying*. Application and research development
of surface plasmon resonance-based immunosensors for protein detection, Chinese Journal of
Analytical Chemistry, 2010. 38(7): 1052-1059.
11. Xuesong Jiang, Dongyang Li, Xia Xu, Yibin Ying*, Yanbin Li, Zunzhong Ye, Jianping
Wang. Immunosensors for detection of pesticide residues. Biosensors and Bioelectronics,
2008. 23(11): 1577–1587.
12. 徐霞,成芳*,应义斌. 近红外光谱技术在肉品检测中的应用与研究进展,光谱与光谱学分析,2009, 29 (7): 1876-1880.

13. Xia Xu, Yibin Ying*. Gold nanorod assembly based optical aptasensor for one-step
detection of ochratoxin A, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers
Annual International Meeting 2014, ASABE 2014, Montreal, Quebec Canada, 2014.7.13-7.16.

14. Xia Xu, Yibin Ying*, Yanbin Li. A simple, competitive biosensor for rapid detection
of aflatoxin B1 based on aggregation of gold nanorods, Sensors, 2012 IEEE. IEEE, Taipei,
15. Xia Xu, Yibin Ying*, Yanbin Li. Gold Nanorods based LSPR biosensor for label-free
detection of alpha-fetoprotein, Eurosensors XXV, Procedure Engineering, Athens,
Greece, 2011.9.4-9.7.

16. 徐霞,徐程楠,应义斌. 基于纳米组装结构的 SERS 适体传感器的构建方法及其应用,2019.03.01, 中国发明专利,ZL201710433533.2
1.“海洋精准捕捞与海上移动干制加工新技术及应用”,2018 年中国商业联合会科学技术奖特等奖(7/13)
2.“禽肉制品加工及其质量安全控制关键技术研究”,2018 年中国商业联合会科学技术奖一等奖(10/10)
3. 浙江工业大学 2018/2019 学年校级优秀班主任
4. “浙江省优秀毕业研究生”、“浙江省优秀毕业生”称号

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