

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-16

高瑞昶, 武艳艳, 李明雪, 康伟
AuthorsHTML:高瑞昶, 武艳艳, 李明雪, 康伟
AuthorsListE:Gao Ruichang, Wu Yanyan, Li Mingxue, Kang Wei
AuthorsHTMLE:Gao Ruichang, Wu Yanyan, Li Mingxue, Kang Wei
Unit:天津大学化工学院,天津 300350
Unit_EngLish:School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300350, China
Abstract_Chinese:采用中空纤维更新液膜对青霉素G溶液进行萃取回收.以安伯莱特离子交换树脂(Amberlite LA-2)、正辛醇、煤油作为液膜相, Na2CO3溶液作为反萃相, 研究了载体浓度、油水比、进料相青霉素G浓度、进料相pH、反萃相pH、两相流率对萃取率的影响, 确定了最适操作条件.结果表明:载体Amberlite LA-2浓度为100 mmol/L、油水比为1∶20、进料相青霉素G浓度为10 mmol/L、进料相pH为5、反萃相pH为10、管程流速为0.6 cm/s、壳程流速为0.48 cm/s时, 青霉素G的萃取率能达到85% , 展现出很好的工业应用前景.
Abstract_English:The hollow fiber renewal liquid membrane was used for the extraction and recovery of penicillin G solution. The organic solution of Amberlite LA-2,1-octanol and kerosene was used as liquid membrane phase and Na2CO3 solution was used as stripping phase. The effects of carrier concentration,ratio of oil to water,penicillin G concentration in the feed phase,pH of the feed phase,pH of the stripping phase,and flow rates of two phases on the extraction efficiency were studied,and the optimum operation conditions were determined. The results demonstrate that the extraction efficiency could reach 85% when the carrier(Amberlite LA-2)concentration is 100 mmol/L,ratio of oil to water is 1∶20,penicillin G concentration in the feed phase is 10 mmol/L,pH of the feed phase is 5,pH of the stripping phase is 10,the tube side flow rate is 0.6 cm/s,and the shell side flow rate is 0.48 cm/s,which shows a good industrial application prospect.
Keyword_Chinese:青霉素G; 中空纤维更新液膜; 传质; Amberlite LA-2; 萃取; 回收
Keywords_English:penicillin G; hollow fiber renewal liquid membrane; mass transfer; Amberlite LA-2; extraction; recovery

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