

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-16

陈昆1,2, 闫澍旺1, 张智2, 李雅楠2
AuthorsHTML:陈昆1,2, 闫澍旺1, 张智2, 李雅楠2
AuthorsListE:Chen Kun1,2, Yan Shuwang1, Zhang Zhi2, Li Yanan 2
AuthorsHTMLE:Chen Kun1,2, Yan Shuwang1, Zhang Zhi2, Li Yanan 2
Unit:1. 天津大学建筑工程学院,天津 300072;2. 天津大学建筑设计研究院,天津 300073
Unit_EngLish:1.School of Civil Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China
2.Architectural Design and Research Institute, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300073, China
Abstract_Chinese:本文基于天津市滨海新区A07地块项目深基坑工程, 首先研究了规则形状的深基坑环梁和直梁的支撑效果, 发现环梁支撑结构在基坑开挖支护中的效果明显优于直梁支撑结构.其次, 以有限元ABAQUS软件模拟分析实际案例下大直径环梁支撑型式对深基坑开挖变形的影响, 并与直梁支护深基坑对周边环境的影响作对比.分析结果表明, 数值模型可较准确地模拟深基坑开挖施工过程.结果显示, 大直径环梁支护体系相比于直梁支撑体系, 可更好地控制基坑开挖引起的周边土体变形.
Abstract_English:The research in this paper is based on the complex supporting and irregular shape deep foundation project of A07 block in Tianjin Binhai New Area. Firstly,the supporting effect of deep foundation pit excavation under ring beam and straight beam is studied. It is found that the supporting effect of ring beam is better than that of straight beam. Then,the impact of large-diameter ring beam supporting on deformation of deep foundation pit excavation is analyzed by the finite element ABAQUS software. Meanwhile,it is compared with the impact analysis of deep foundation pit excavation under straight beam supporting on surrounding environment. The simulation results fit well with the actual data. It is found that the large-diameter ring beam supporting could realize effective control on the vertical deformation of ground surface surrounding excavation pit,the deformation of enclosure structure and the vertical deformation of soil in the middle of the excavation.
Keyword_Chinese:深基坑开挖; 支撑结构; 环梁支撑型式; 有限元; 对比分析
Keywords_English:deep foundation pit excavation; structural support; ring beam supporting; finite element; comparative analysis
