A four-sector conductance method for measuring and characterizing low-velocity oil-water two-phase flows
Characterizing slug to churn flow transition by using multivariate pseudo Wigner distribution and multivariate multiscale ent
Multivariate multiscale complex network analysis of vertical upward oil-water two-phase flow in a small diameter pipe
Multiscale complex network for analyzing experimental multivariate time series
Multi-frequency complex network from time series for uncovering oil-water flow structure
Multivariate weighted complex network analysis for characterizing nonlinear dynamic behavior in two-phase flow
Recurrence networks from multivariate signals for uncovering dynamic transitions of horizontal oil-water stratified flows
Multivariate recurrence network analysis for characterizing horizontal oil-water two-phase flow
Multivariate multiscale entropy analysis of horizontal oil-water two-phase flow
Uncovering dynamic behaviors underlying experimental oil-water two-phase flow based on dynamic segmentation algorithm
Complex networks from experimental horizontal oil-water flows: Community structure detection versus flow pattern discriminati
Recurrence network analysis of experimental signals from bubbly oil-in-water flows
Markov transition probability-based network from time series for characterizing experimental two-phase flow
Limited penetrable visibility graph from two-phase flow for investigating flow pattern dynamics
A directed weighted complex network for characterizing chaotic dynamics from time series
Characterization of chaotic dynamic behavior in the gas-liquid slug flow using directed weighted complex network analysis
Visibility graphs from experimental three-phase flow for characterizing dynamic flow behavior
Complex networks from multivariate time series for characterizing nonlinear dynamics of two-phase flow patterns
Modality transition-based network from multivariate time series for characterizing horizontal oil-water flow patterns
Characterization of horizontal gas-liquid two-phase flow using Markov model-based complex network
Nonlinear characterization of oil-gas-water three-phase flow in complex networks
The application of auto-disturbance rejection control optimized by least squares support vector machines method and tim
Scaling analysis of phase fluctuations in experimental three-phase flows
Motif distributions in phase-space networks for characterizing experimental two-phase flow patterns with chaotic features
Phase characterization of experimental gas-liquid two-phase flows
Flow pattern identification and nonlinear dynamics of gas-liquid two-phase flow in complex networks
Complex network from time series based on phase space reconstruction
Complex network analysis in inclined oil-water two-phase flow
Complex network community structure of two-phase flow pattern and its statistical characteristics
The experimental signals analysis for bubbly oil-in-water flow using multi-scale weighted-permutation entropy
Liquid holdup measurement with double helix capacitance sensor in horizontal oil-water two-phase flow pipes
Spatial prisoner's dilemma games with increasing neighborhood size and individual diversity on two interdependent lattices
Cross-correlation velocity measurement of horizontal oil-water two-phase flow by using parallel-wire capacitance probe
Attractor comparison analysis for characterizing vertical upward oil-gas-water three-phase flow
The finite element analysis for parallel-wire capacitance probe in small diameter two-phase flow pipe
Liquid holdup measurement in horizontal oil-water two-phase flow by using concave capacitance sensor
Multi-scale complexity entropy causality plane: An intrinsic measure for indicating two-phase flow structures
Multifractal analysis of inclined oil-water countercurrent flow
Multi-scale permutation entropy: a complexity measure for discriminating two-phase flow dynamics
Multi-scale time asymmetry for detecting the breakage of slug flow structure
The ultrasonic measurement of high water volume fraction in dispersed oil-in-water flows
Detecting unstable periodic orbits from oil-gas-water three-phase slug flows
Local property of recurrence network for investigating gas-liquid two-phase flow characteristics
Flow pattern and water holdup measurements of vertical upward oil-water two-phase flow in small diameter pipes,
Detecting unstable periodic orbits from continuous chaotic dynamical systems by dynamical transformation method
Limited penetrable visibility graph for establishing complex network from time series
Analysis of total energy and time-frequency entropy of gas-liquid two-phase flow pattern
Testing for nonlinearity of vertical upward oil-gas-water three-phase bubble and slug flows
Multiscale permutation entropy analysis of oil-in-water type two-phase flow pattern
Multi-scale cross entropy analysis for inclined oil-water two-phase countercurrent flow patterns
Gas-Liquid Two Phase Flow Pattern Evolution Characteristics Based on Detrended Fluctuation Analysis
Nonlinear dynamic analysis of large diameter inclined oil–water two phase flow pattern
Nonlinear dynamical analysis of large diameter vertical upward oil-gas-water three-phase flow pattern characteristics
Magnitude and sign correlations in conductance fluctuation of horizontal oil water two-phase flow
Well logging interpretation of production profile in horizontal oil-water two-phase flow pipes
Local characteristics of horizontal oil-water two-phase flow: A comparision of CFD simulation and measurement
A New Perspective for Investigating Two-Phase Flow: Complex Networks
Strength distribution in complex network for analyzing experimental two-phase flow signals
Visibility graph analysis of fluid flow signals
Complex Network from Nonlinear Time Series with Application to Inclined Oil-Water Flow Pattern Identification
Community Structure Detection in Complex Networks with Applications to Gas-liquid Two-phase Flow
Identification of flow pattern in two-phase flow based on complex network theory
Recurrence network analysis of two-phase flows
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-09-13
相关话题/天津大学 博士生
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