燃(油)气爆炸灾害安全性基础研究 课题二:燃(油)气爆燃条件下工程结构损伤破坏机理以及计算理论
Optimised design of foam cladding for protection of reinforced concrete members under blast loading
A single degree of freedom approach to incorporate axial load effects on pressure impulse curves for steel columns
Mechanical properties of partially damaged structural steel induced by high strain rate loading at elevated temperatures - An
Numerical Modeling of concrete-infilled double skin tuballar/square columns under blast loading.
A numerically efficient finite element analysis of reinforced concrete members subjected to blasts.
Optimised design of foam cladding for protection of reinforced concrete members under blast loading
Prediction of confined blast loading in single-layer latticed shells
Characteristics of free air blast load due to simultaneously detonated multiple charges
Interaction between direct shear and flexural responses for blast loaded reinforced concrete slabs using a finite element mo
Application of normalised pressure impulse diagrams for vented and unvented confined blasts. Journal of Engineering Mechanic
Numerical analysis of foam-protected RC members under blast load
Implementation and outcomes of online self and peer assessment on group based honours research projects
Derivation of normalized pressure impulse curves for a structural member with bilinear resistance function under partially co
A new general approach to derive normalised pressure impulse curves.
Mechanics based hinge for reinforced concrete columns.
A new approach to derive normalised pressure impulse curves for elastic members against external blasts.
Experimental and numerical investigation of confined explosion in a blast chamber.
Simplification of fully confined blasts for structural response analysis.
Experimental and analytical study of mitigation of blast effects on reinforced concrete slabs using loam cladding
Mesoscale modelling of the concrete compressive failure mechanism
Mitigation of blast effects on unreinforced concrete masonry unit walls.
Partial-interaction short term serviceability deflection of RC beams.
3D numerical model for dynamic loading-induced multiple fracture zones around cavity faces
Derivation of normalized pressure impulse curves for flexural ultra high performance concrete slabs
Research development on Protection of Structures against Blast Loading at University of Adelaide
A Finite Element Modeling to Investigate the Mitigation of Blast Effects on Reinforced Concrete Panel Using Foam Cladding
Derivation of Normalized Pressure Impulse Curves for Flexural Ultra High Performance Concrete Slabs
Simplified Analysis of Foam Cladding Protected Reinforced Concrete Slabs against Blast Loadings
Blast Testing of Aluminum Foam Protected Reinforced Concrete Slabs
Special Issue on Protection of Structures against Blast Loading Introduction
Characteristics of Confined Blast Loading in Unvented Structures
Modelling of the Bond-Slip Behavior in FRP Reinforced Masonry
Numerical Analysis of Metallic Foam using Microstructure Model
Investigation of Air-Blast Effects from Spherical- and Cylindrical-Shaped Charges
Fragmentation from spallation of RC slabs due to airblast loads
Blast testing of ultra-high performance fibre and FRP-retrofitted concrete slabs
Finite difference analysis of simply supported RC slabs for blast loadings
Layered Blast Capacity Analysis of FRP Retrofitted RC Member
Analysis of retrofitted RC beam with fixed end supports against blast loads
Energy-controlled design of reinforced ultra-high performance fiber concrete slabs against airblast loads
FRP retrofitted RC slabs using finite difference model
Mitigation of blast effects on aluminum foam protected masonry walls
Numerical derivation of averaged material properties of hollow concrete block masonry
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-09-13
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