
西安交通大学生命科学与技术学院导师教师师资介绍简介-白 丽君

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-26

Welcome - 白 丽君基本信息


2016. 01-2017.1:哈佛大学麻省总医院神经科学系,助理教授;放射学系访问副教授
编委及客座主编,Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2012-date
客座主编, Neural Plasticity, 2017
编委,ISRN Radiology, 2012-date
责编,BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2012-date
编委及客座主编,BioMed Research International, 2012-date
编委,Humanitas Traditional Medicine, 2012-date
编委,Dataset Papers in Medicine, 2012-date

祝贺课题组最新研究被中科院1区Human Brain Mapping接收



国际神经认知科学权威专家Mingzhou Ding教授来实验室学术交流




生命学院研究生办公室,王老师 联系电话:

I. 生物医学工程学科(工学硕士,博士,博士后) 返回顶部


II. 医学(硕士,博士,博士后) 返回顶部



课题组在开展实验方面,已与亚洲最大的神经影像基地北京天坛医院(放射科,核医学科以及神经内科),宣武医院(放射科及神经内科),北京东直门医院(神经 内科与影像科),北京中医医院,广安门中医医院,深圳宝安人民医院等国内著名的影像基地及中西医结合基地建立了稳定广泛的合作关系。






近五年在SCI检索的国际期刊发表论文50余篇,第一作者及通讯作者共发表37篇(影响因子大于120),论文总引1627次,H-index: 21,拥有国家发明专利9项,软件著作权8项。研究成果得到瑞典皇家科学院院士、国际疼痛学专业排名第一的Pain杂志副主编等发表在Nat. Neurosci. Reviews等顶尖期刊的正面引用与评价。出版学术专著三部,其中两部获得国家出版基金,一部获得我国新闻出版界的最高奖项“国家出版政府奖”。现为国际SCI检索期刊Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine、BioMed Research International,Neural Plasticity的客座主编,并为领域6种期刊的编委。

2.国家自然科学基金面上项目,资助号:**, 2016/01-2019/12,71万
4.国家自然科学基金面上项目,资助号:**, 2011.1-2013.12,32万
5.国家重点研发计划课题,资助号2016YFC**, 2016/7-2018/12,340万
6.北京市科技新星计划,资助号:Z1116, 2012.1-2014.12, 20万
7.北京市自然科学基金面上项目,资助号:**, 2012.1-2014.12, 11万

1.国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)资助号:2011CB707700, 2011/1-2015/12,2650万
2.中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目,资助号:KGCX2-YW-129 2009.7.1-2013.1.31,500万
3. 国家自然科学基金国家重大科研仪器研制专项,资助号:** 2013.1-2017.12,8500万
4. 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划,资助号:**,2003.1-2006.12,120万; 结题评为优秀,并追加一年经费
5. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,循经取穴治疗偏头痛的中枢响应网络研究,资助号: **, 2010.1-2013.12, 170万.

2015年度: 西安交通大学首届“十大学术新人”奖
2014年度: 陕西省青年科技新星(西安交通大学共入选6名)

2014年度: 北京市科学技术奖二等奖(第四完成人
2014年度: CAA自然科学奖一等奖(第四完成人
2014年度: 中国体视学学会科学技术一等奖(第四完成人
2012年度: 北京市青年科技新星(中国科学院全系统共入选3名)
2011年度: 陕西省科学技术二等奖(第二完成人
2011年度: 陕西高等学校科学技术一等奖(第二完成人


1. Bai L*, Bai G, Wang S, et al.,Yan Z*,(2020) Strategic white matter injury associated with long-term information processing speed deficits in mild traumatic brain injury. Human Brain Mapping, 2020. (中科院I区)
2. Sun Y#,Lijun Bai*#, Xuan Niu, et al., Feng Zhu*, Ming Zhang*, (2019) Elevated Serum Levels of Inflammation-Related Cytokines in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Are Associated With Cognitive Performance.Frontiers in Neurology, 2019, 10: 1120. (中科院III区)

3. Wang Z, Sun C, Wang S, et al,Bai L*.(2019)Single mild TBI deteriorates progressive interhemispheric functional and structural connectivity.Journal of Neurotrauma. 2019. (中科院II区)
4. Bo Yin,Bai L*,Sun C, et al., Zhang M*.(2019)Longitudinal changes in diffusion tensor imaging following mild traumatic brain injury and correlation with outcome.Frontiers in neural circuits.(中科院III区)
5. Bai G,Bai L*, Cao J†, et al., Zhang M*.(2019)Sex Differences in Cerebral Perfusion Changes after Mild Traumatic Brain injury: Longitudinal Investigation and Correlation with Outcome.Brain Research.2019. (中科院III区)
6. Hui Xu, Xiaocui Wang, Zhen Chen, et al Ming Zhang* and Bai L* (2018) Longitudinal Changes of Caudate-Based Resting State Functional Connectivity in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. Frontiers in Neurology, 9, Article 467. (中科院II区)
7. Bai L, Niu X, Liu Z, Chen Z, et al, Jie Tian*, Lixing Lao, and Ming Zhang* (2018) The role of insula-cerebellum connection underlying aversive regulation with acupuncture. Molecular Pain, 14: 1-11. (中科院II区)

8. Bai L, Sun C, Wang S, et al. (2018) Early Fiber-specific white matter reductions associated with 6-12 months outcome following mild traumatic brain injury. Radiology, Major revision. (中科院I区)
9. Wang X, et al., Bai L*. (2018) Reorganized hubs of brain functional networks following very early stage of mild traumatic brain injury. Brain Imaging and Behavior, Major revision. (中科院II区)
10. Niu X, Bai L*, et al., Zhang M*. (2018) Disruption of periaqueductal gray-default mode network functional connectivity predicts persistent post - traumatic headache in mild traumatic brain injury. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2018,90(3):326:332. (中科院I区)
11.Shao M., Bai L, et al.(2018)Preliminary Evidence of Sex Differences in Cortical Thickness Following Acute Mild Traumatic Brain Injury.Frontiers in Neurology. 2018, 9: Article 878. (中科院II区)
12. Niu X, Zhang M, Liu Z, Bai L*, Sun C, Shan Wang, Xiaocui Wang, Zhen Chen, Hongyan Chen, Jie Tian* (2017) Interaction of acupuncture treatment and manipulation laterality modulated by the default mode network, Molecular Pain, 13: 1-14. (中科院II区)
13. Lijun Bai*, Lin Ai, Kevin K. W. Wang, Imaging Neural Plasticity following Brain Injury, Neural Plasticity, 2017, 2017: ID **. (中科院II区)
14. Qin W, Bai L., Liu Z., Liu P., Zhang Y., Liu J., Yuan K., Zhao B., Dai J.*, Liu Y.*, Tian J*. (2015) How the ancient art of acupuncture works: Neuroimaging studies shed light on brain activity in Advances in Computational Psychophysiology (Science/AAAS, Washington, DC, 2015), p. 38-40. This is a sponsored supplement, published together with the 2 October 2015 issue of Science.
15. Gao L†, Bai L†, Zhang Y, Dai X, Netra R, Min Y, Zhou F, Niu C, Dun W, Gong H, Zhang M. (2015) Frequency-Dependent Changes of Local Resting Oscillations in Sleep-Deprived Brain. PLoS One. 10(3): e**.
16. Gao L, Zhang M., Gong H., Bai L*, Dai X., Min Y., Zhou F (2014) Differential Activation Patterns of fMRI in Sleep Deprived Brain: Restoring Effects of Acupuncture. Evidence based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2014, Article ID 465760, 7 pages.
17. Lijun Bai*, Yin Tao, Dan Wang, Jing Wang, Chuanzhu Sun, Nongxiao Hao, Shangjie Chen*, Lixing Lao, (2014) Acupuncture induces time-dependent remodelling brain network on the stable somatosensory first ever stroke patients: combining diffusion tensor and functional MR imaging, Evidence based and Alternative Medicine, 2014, 2014: ID740480.
18. Liu Z., Wei W., Bai L.*, Dai R., You Y., Chen S., Tian J., (2014) Exploring the patterns of acupuncture on mild cognitive impairment patients using regional homogeneity. Plos One, 9(6): e99335.
19.Lijun Bai*, Lin Ai, Mingzhou Ding, Yong He, Lixing Lao, Fanrong Liang, (2014) Imaging Neurodegenerative Diseases: Mechanisms and Interventions, BioMed Research International, 2014: ID419317.
20. Lijun Bai*, Richard E. Harris, Jian Kong, Lixing Lao, Vitaly Napadow, Baixiao Zhao (2014) Neurobiological Mechanisms of Acupuncture 2014, Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2014, 2014: ID765068.
21. Bai L*, Tao Y, Wang D, Wang J, Sun C, Hao N, Chen S, Lao L (2014). Acupuncture induces time dependent remodeling brain network on the stable somatosensory first ever stroke patients: combining diffusion tensor and functional MR imaging. Evidence based and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 740480, 7 pages.
22. Bai L*, Lin Ai, Mingzhou Ding, Yong He, Lixing Lao, Fanrong Liang (2014). Imaging Neurodegenerative Diseases: Mechanisms and Interventions. BioMed Research International, Article ID 419317.
23. Zhu Y, Li Z., Bai L.*, Tao Y., Sun C., Li M., Zheng L., Zhu B., Yao J., Zhou H. and M Zhang. (2014) Loss of Microstructural Integrity in the Limbic Subcortical Networks for Acute Symptomatic Traumatic Brain Injury. BioMed Research International, Volume 2014, Article ID 548392, 7 pages.
24. Shen Y, Bai L*, Gao Y, Cui F, Tan Z, Tao Y, Sun C, Zhou L. (2014) Depressive Symptoms in Multiple Sclerosis from an In Vivo Study with TBSS. BioMed Research International, Volume 2014, Article ID 148465, 8 pages.
25. Xie Z., Cui F., Zou Y., and Bai L*. (2014) Acupuncture Enhances Effective Connectivity between Cerebellum and Primary Sensorimotor Cortex in Patients with Stable Recovery Stroke. Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 603909, 9 pages.
26. Zhang Y, Li K., Ren Y., Cui F., Xie Z., Shin J., Tan Z., Tang L., Bai L.*, and Zou Y. (2014) Acupuncture Modulates the Functional Connectivity of the Default Mode Network in Stroke Patients. Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 765413, 7 pages.
27. Zhang Q., Mao C., Jin J., Niu C., Bai L., Dang J.and Zhang M (2014). Laterality of gray matter loss predicted by side of limb onset in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. BioMed Research International, Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 473250, 11 pages.
28. Chen S, Bai L*, et al (2013) Multivariate Granger Causality Analysis of Acupuncture
Effects in Mild Cognitive Impairment patients: An fMRI study. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 127271
29. You Y, Bai L*, Dai R, Cheng H, Liu Z, Wei W, Tian J* (2013) Altered Hub Configurations within Default Mode Network following Acupuncture at ST36: A Multimodal Investigation Combining fMRI and MEG. PLoS One, 8(5): e64509. (7)
30. Chen H, Bai L*, et al. (2013) Hypothalamus-related resting brain network underlying short-term acupuncture treatment in primary hypertension. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2013, Article ID 808971, 9 pages.
31. Bai L*, Harris R.E., Kong J., Lao L., Napadow V., and Zhao B. (2013) Neurobiological Mechanisms of Acupuncture. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2013, Article ID 652457.
32. Bai L*, and Lao L (2013) Neurobiological foundations of acupuncture: the relevance and future prospect based on neuroimaging evidence. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2013 Article ID 812568, 9 pages.
33. Bai L*, Cui F, Zou Y, and Lao L (2013) Acupuncture De Qi in stable somatosensory stroke patients: relations with effective brain network for motor recovery. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2013, Article ID 197238, 9 pages.
34. Bai L, Zhang M, Chen S*, et al (2013) Characterizing acupuncture De Qi in mild cognitive impairment: relations with small-world efficiency of functional brain networks. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2013, Article ID 304804, 8 pages.
35. Wei W†, Bai L†, et al (2013) A longitudinal study of hand motor recovery after sub-acute stroke: A study combined fMRI with Diffusion Tensor imaging. PLoS One, Volume 8, Issue 5, e64154.
36. Jiang Y, Wang H, Liu Z, Dong Y., Xiang X., Bai L., Tian J, Wu L, Han J., Cui C., (2013). Manipulation of and Sustained Effects on the
Human Brain Induced by Different Modalities of Acupuncture: An fMRI Study. PLoS One, (6):e66815.
37. You Y†, Bai L†, Dai R, Zhong C, Xue T, Wang H, Liu Z, Wei W, Tian J*(2012) Acupuncture Induces Divergent Alterations of Functional Connectivity within Conventional Frequency Bands: Evidence from MEG Recordings. PLoS One, 7(11):e49250.
38. Liu Z†, Zhang Y, Bai L†, et al (2012) Investigation of the effective connectivity of resting state networks in Alzheimer's disease: a functional MRI study combining independent components analysis and multivariate Granger causality analysis. NMR In Biomedicine, 25(12): 1311-1320.
39. Zhong C†, Bai L†, et al (2012) Modulatory effects of acupuncture on resting-state networks: A functional MRI study combining independent component analysis and multivariate granger causality analysis. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 35(3): 572-581.
40. Feng Y†, Bai L† , et al (2012) FMRI connectivity analysis of acupuncture effects on the whole brain network in mild cognitive impairment patients, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 30(5): 672-82.
41. Liu Z, Zhang Y, Yan H, Bai L, Dai R, Wei W, Zhong C, Xue T, Wang H, Feng Y, You Y, Zhang X, Tian J*(2012). Altered topological patterns of brain networks in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease: A resting-state fMRI study, Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging (2012), 202(2): 118-125.
42. Bai L, Qin W, Tian J*, Liu P, Li L, Chen P, Dai J, Craggs J, Deneen KM, Liu Y (2009) Time-varied characteristics of acupuncture effects in fMRI studies.Human Brain Mapping, 30(11): 3445-3460.
43. Bai L, Tian J*, Zhong C, Xue T, You Y, Liu Z, Chen P, Gong Q, Ai L, Qin W, Dai J, Liu Y* (2010) Acupuncture modulates temporal neural responses in wide brain networks: evidence from fMRI study. Molecular Pain, 6(1):73-84.
44. Bai L, Yan H, Li L, Qin W, Chen P, Liu P, Gong Q, Liu Y, Tian J* (2010) Neural specificity of acupuncture stimulation at Pericardium 6: evidence from an fMRI study. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 31:71-77.
45. Bai L, Qin W, Tian J*, Dong M, Pan X, Chen P, Dai J, Yang W, Liu Y* (2009) Acupuncture modulates spontaneous activities in the anticorrelated resting brain networks. Brain Research, 1279: 37-49.
46. Bai L, Qin W, Liang J, Tian J*, Liu Y (2009) Spatiotemporal Modulation of Central Neural Pathway Underlying Acupuncture Action: A Systematic Review. Current Medical Imaging Reviews, 5(3):167-173.
47. Bai L, Qin W, Tian J*, Dai J, Yang W (2009) Detection of dynamic brain networks modulated by acupuncture using a graph theory model. Progress in Natural Science, 19(7): 827-835.
48. Feng Y, Bai L, Zhang W*, Xue T, Ren Y, Zhong C, Wang H, You Y, Liu Z, Dai J, Liu Y, Tian J* (2011). Investigation of AcupoinSpecificity by Multivariate Granger Causality Analysis from fMRI data, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 34(1): 31-42.
49. Wang H, Ren Y*, Bai L, Zhang W, Tian J (2012) Morphometry Based on Effective and Accurate Correspondences of Localized Patterns(MEACOLP). PLoS One, 7(4): e35745.
50. Qin W, Bai L, Dai J, Liu P, Dong M, Liu J, Sun J, Chen P, Zhao B, Gong Q, Tian J*, Liu Y* (2011) The temporal spatial encoding of acupunctureffects in the brain. Molecular Pain, 15: 19.

51. Feng Y, Bai L, Ren Y, Wang H, Liu Z, Zhang* W, Tian J* (2011) Investigation of the large scale functional brain networks modulated by acupuncture.Magnetic Resonance Imaging, (7): 95965.

52. Xue T, Bai L, Chen S, Zhong C, Feng Y, Wang H, Liu Z, You Y, Cui F, Ren Y, Tian J*, Liu Y (2011). Neural specificity of acupuncture stimulation from support vector machine classification analysis. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2(7): 943-950.

53. Cheng H, Zhang X, Yan H, Bai L, Ai L, Wang F, You Y, Chen P, Wang B (2011)Differential temporal neural responses of pain related regions by acupuncture at acupoint ST36: a magnetoencephalography study.Chin Med J, 124(8): 1229-34.
54. Ren Y, Bai L, Feng Y, Tian J*, Li K*, (2010) Investigation of acupoint specificity by functional connectivity analysis based on graph theory,Neuroscience Letters, 482(2): 95-100.
55. Li L, Qin W, Bai L, Tian J* (2010). Exploring vision-related acupuncture point specificity with multi-voxel pattern analysis. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 28(3): 380-387.
56. Qin W, Tian J*, Bai L, Pan X, Yang L, Chen P, Dai J, Ai L, Zhao B, Gong Q, Wang W, Deneen K.M and Liu Y (2008) FMRI connectivity analysis of acupuncture effects on an amygdala-associated brain network. Molecular Pain, 4(55): 1-17.
57. Liu J, Liang J, Qin, Jie Tian*, Yuan K, Bai L, Zhang Y, Wang W, Wang Y, Li Q, Zhao L,Lu L, Deneen K.M., Liu Y, Gold M, (2009) Dysfunctional connectivity patterns in chronic heroin users: An fMRI study. Neuroscience Letters, 460(1): 72-77.
58. Liu P, Qin W, Zhang Y, Tian J*, Bai L, Zhou G, Liu J, Chen P, Dai J. Combining spatial and temporal information to explore function-guide action of acupuncture using fMRI.Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Vol.30, No.1, pp.41-46,2009
59. Zhang Y, Liang J, Qin W, Liu P, Deneen K.M., Chen P, Bai L, Tian J, Liu J. (2009) Comparison of visual cortical activations induced by electro-acupuncture at vision and nonvision-related acupoints, Neuroscience Letters,458: 6-10.

Welcome - 白 丽君基本信息


2016. 01-2017.1:哈佛大学麻省总医院神经科学系,助理教授;放射学系访问副教授
编委及客座主编,Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2012-date
客座主编, Neural Plasticity, 2017
编委,ISRN Radiology, 2012-date
责编,BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2012-date
编委及客座主编,BioMed Research International, 2012-date
编委,Humanitas Traditional Medicine, 2012-date
编委,Dataset Papers in Medicine, 2012-date

祝贺课题组最新研究被中科院1区Human Brain Mapping接收



国际神经认知科学权威专家Mingzhou Ding教授来实验室学术交流




生命学院研究生办公室,王老师 联系电话:

I. 生物医学工程学科(工学硕士,博士,博士后) 返回顶部


II. 医学(硕士,博士,博士后) 返回顶部



课题组在开展实验方面,已与亚洲最大的神经影像基地北京天坛医院(放射科,核医学科以及神经内科),宣武医院(放射科及神经内科),北京东直门医院(神经 内科与影像科),北京中医医院,广安门中医医院,深圳宝安人民医院等国内著名的影像基地及中西医结合基地建立了稳定广泛的合作关系。






近五年在SCI检索的国际期刊发表论文50余篇,第一作者及通讯作者共发表37篇(影响因子大于120),论文总引1627次,H-index: 21,拥有国家发明专利9项,软件著作权8项。研究成果得到瑞典皇家科学院院士、国际疼痛学专业排名第一的Pain杂志副主编等发表在Nat. Neurosci. Reviews等顶尖期刊的正面引用与评价。出版学术专著三部,其中两部获得国家出版基金,一部获得我国新闻出版界的最高奖项“国家出版政府奖”。现为国际SCI检索期刊Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine、BioMed Research International,Neural Plasticity的客座主编,并为领域6种期刊的编委。

2.国家自然科学基金面上项目,资助号:**, 2016/01-2019/12,71万
4.国家自然科学基金面上项目,资助号:**, 2011.1-2013.12,32万
5.国家重点研发计划课题,资助号2016YFC**, 2016/7-2018/12,340万
6.北京市科技新星计划,资助号:Z1116, 2012.1-2014.12, 20万
7.北京市自然科学基金面上项目,资助号:**, 2012.1-2014.12, 11万

1.国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)资助号:2011CB707700, 2011/1-2015/12,2650万
2.中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目,资助号:KGCX2-YW-129 2009.7.1-2013.1.31,500万
3. 国家自然科学基金国家重大科研仪器研制专项,资助号:** 2013.1-2017.12,8500万
4. 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划,资助号:**,2003.1-2006.12,120万; 结题评为优秀,并追加一年经费
5. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,循经取穴治疗偏头痛的中枢响应网络研究,资助号: **, 2010.1-2013.12, 170万.

2015年度: 西安交通大学首届“十大学术新人”奖
2014年度: 陕西省青年科技新星(西安交通大学共入选6名)

2014年度: 北京市科学技术奖二等奖(第四完成人
2014年度: CAA自然科学奖一等奖(第四完成人
2014年度: 中国体视学学会科学技术一等奖(第四完成人
2012年度: 北京市青年科技新星(中国科学院全系统共入选3名)
2011年度: 陕西省科学技术二等奖(第二完成人
2011年度: 陕西高等学校科学技术一等奖(第二完成人


1. Bai L*, Bai G, Wang S, et al.,Yan Z*,(2020) Strategic white matter injury associated with long-term information processing speed deficits in mild traumatic brain injury. Human Brain Mapping, 2020. (中科院I区)
2. Sun Y#,Lijun Bai*#, Xuan Niu, et al., Feng Zhu*, Ming Zhang*, (2019) Elevated Serum Levels of Inflammation-Related Cytokines in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Are Associated With Cognitive Performance.Frontiers in Neurology, 2019, 10: 1120. (中科院III区)

3. Wang Z, Sun C, Wang S, et al,Bai L*.(2019)Single mild TBI deteriorates progressive interhemispheric functional and structural connectivity.Journal of Neurotrauma. 2019. (中科院II区)
4. Bo Yin,Bai L*,Sun C, et al., Zhang M*.(2019)Longitudinal changes in diffusion tensor imaging following mild traumatic brain injury and correlation with outcome.Frontiers in neural circuits.(中科院III区)
5. Bai G,Bai L*, Cao J†, et al., Zhang M*.(2019)Sex Differences in Cerebral Perfusion Changes after Mild Traumatic Brain injury: Longitudinal Investigation and Correlation with Outcome.Brain Research.2019. (中科院III区)
6. Hui Xu, Xiaocui Wang, Zhen Chen, et al Ming Zhang* and Bai L* (2018) Longitudinal Changes of Caudate-Based Resting State Functional Connectivity in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. Frontiers in Neurology, 9, Article 467. (中科院II区)
7. Bai L, Niu X, Liu Z, Chen Z, et al, Jie Tian*, Lixing Lao, and Ming Zhang* (2018) The role of insula-cerebellum connection underlying aversive regulation with acupuncture. Molecular Pain, 14: 1-11. (中科院II区)

8. Bai L, Sun C, Wang S, et al. (2018) Early Fiber-specific white matter reductions associated with 6-12 months outcome following mild traumatic brain injury. Radiology, Major revision. (中科院I区)
9. Wang X, et al., Bai L*. (2018) Reorganized hubs of brain functional networks following very early stage of mild traumatic brain injury. Brain Imaging and Behavior, Major revision. (中科院II区)
10. Niu X, Bai L*, et al., Zhang M*. (2018) Disruption of periaqueductal gray-default mode network functional connectivity predicts persistent post - traumatic headache in mild traumatic brain injury. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2018,90(3):326:332. (中科院I区)
11.Shao M., Bai L, et al.(2018)Preliminary Evidence of Sex Differences in Cortical Thickness Following Acute Mild Traumatic Brain Injury.Frontiers in Neurology. 2018, 9: Article 878. (中科院II区)
12. Niu X, Zhang M, Liu Z, Bai L*, Sun C, Shan Wang, Xiaocui Wang, Zhen Chen, Hongyan Chen, Jie Tian* (2017) Interaction of acupuncture treatment and manipulation laterality modulated by the default mode network, Molecular Pain, 13: 1-14. (中科院II区)
13. Lijun Bai*, Lin Ai, Kevin K. W. Wang, Imaging Neural Plasticity following Brain Injury, Neural Plasticity, 2017, 2017: ID **. (中科院II区)
14. Qin W, Bai L., Liu Z., Liu P., Zhang Y., Liu J., Yuan K., Zhao B., Dai J.*, Liu Y.*, Tian J*. (2015) How the ancient art of acupuncture works: Neuroimaging studies shed light on brain activity in Advances in Computational Psychophysiology (Science/AAAS, Washington, DC, 2015), p. 38-40. This is a sponsored supplement, published together with the 2 October 2015 issue of Science.
15. Gao L†, Bai L†, Zhang Y, Dai X, Netra R, Min Y, Zhou F, Niu C, Dun W, Gong H, Zhang M. (2015) Frequency-Dependent Changes of Local Resting Oscillations in Sleep-Deprived Brain. PLoS One. 10(3): e**.
16. Gao L, Zhang M., Gong H., Bai L*, Dai X., Min Y., Zhou F (2014) Differential Activation Patterns of fMRI in Sleep Deprived Brain: Restoring Effects of Acupuncture. Evidence based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2014, Article ID 465760, 7 pages.
17. Lijun Bai*, Yin Tao, Dan Wang, Jing Wang, Chuanzhu Sun, Nongxiao Hao, Shangjie Chen*, Lixing Lao, (2014) Acupuncture induces time-dependent remodelling brain network on the stable somatosensory first ever stroke patients: combining diffusion tensor and functional MR imaging, Evidence based and Alternative Medicine, 2014, 2014: ID740480.
18. Liu Z., Wei W., Bai L.*, Dai R., You Y., Chen S., Tian J., (2014) Exploring the patterns of acupuncture on mild cognitive impairment patients using regional homogeneity. Plos One, 9(6): e99335.
19.Lijun Bai*, Lin Ai, Mingzhou Ding, Yong He, Lixing Lao, Fanrong Liang, (2014) Imaging Neurodegenerative Diseases: Mechanisms and Interventions, BioMed Research International, 2014: ID419317.
20. Lijun Bai*, Richard E. Harris, Jian Kong, Lixing Lao, Vitaly Napadow, Baixiao Zhao (2014) Neurobiological Mechanisms of Acupuncture 2014, Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2014, 2014: ID765068.
21. Bai L*, Tao Y, Wang D, Wang J, Sun C, Hao N, Chen S, Lao L (2014). Acupuncture induces time dependent remodeling brain network on the stable somatosensory first ever stroke patients: combining diffusion tensor and functional MR imaging. Evidence based and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 740480, 7 pages.
22. Bai L*, Lin Ai, Mingzhou Ding, Yong He, Lixing Lao, Fanrong Liang (2014). Imaging Neurodegenerative Diseases: Mechanisms and Interventions. BioMed Research International, Article ID 419317.
23. Zhu Y, Li Z., Bai L.*, Tao Y., Sun C., Li M., Zheng L., Zhu B., Yao J., Zhou H. and M Zhang. (2014) Loss of Microstructural Integrity in the Limbic Subcortical Networks for Acute Symptomatic Traumatic Brain Injury. BioMed Research International, Volume 2014, Article ID 548392, 7 pages.
24. Shen Y, Bai L*, Gao Y, Cui F, Tan Z, Tao Y, Sun C, Zhou L. (2014) Depressive Symptoms in Multiple Sclerosis from an In Vivo Study with TBSS. BioMed Research International, Volume 2014, Article ID 148465, 8 pages.
25. Xie Z., Cui F., Zou Y., and Bai L*. (2014) Acupuncture Enhances Effective Connectivity between Cerebellum and Primary Sensorimotor Cortex in Patients with Stable Recovery Stroke. Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 603909, 9 pages.
26. Zhang Y, Li K., Ren Y., Cui F., Xie Z., Shin J., Tan Z., Tang L., Bai L.*, and Zou Y. (2014) Acupuncture Modulates the Functional Connectivity of the Default Mode Network in Stroke Patients. Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 765413, 7 pages.
27. Zhang Q., Mao C., Jin J., Niu C., Bai L., Dang J.and Zhang M (2014). Laterality of gray matter loss predicted by side of limb onset in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. BioMed Research International, Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 473250, 11 pages.
28. Chen S, Bai L*, et al (2013) Multivariate Granger Causality Analysis of Acupuncture
Effects in Mild Cognitive Impairment patients: An fMRI study. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 127271
29. You Y, Bai L*, Dai R, Cheng H, Liu Z, Wei W, Tian J* (2013) Altered Hub Configurations within Default Mode Network following Acupuncture at ST36: A Multimodal Investigation Combining fMRI and MEG. PLoS One, 8(5): e64509. (7)
30. Chen H, Bai L*, et al. (2013) Hypothalamus-related resting brain network underlying short-term acupuncture treatment in primary hypertension. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2013, Article ID 808971, 9 pages.
31. Bai L*, Harris R.E., Kong J., Lao L., Napadow V., and Zhao B. (2013) Neurobiological Mechanisms of Acupuncture. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2013, Article ID 652457.
32. Bai L*, and Lao L (2013) Neurobiological foundations of acupuncture: the relevance and future prospect based on neuroimaging evidence. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2013 Article ID 812568, 9 pages.
33. Bai L*, Cui F, Zou Y, and Lao L (2013) Acupuncture De Qi in stable somatosensory stroke patients: relations with effective brain network for motor recovery. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2013, Article ID 197238, 9 pages.
34. Bai L, Zhang M, Chen S*, et al (2013) Characterizing acupuncture De Qi in mild cognitive impairment: relations with small-world efficiency of functional brain networks. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2013, Article ID 304804, 8 pages.
35. Wei W†, Bai L†, et al (2013) A longitudinal study of hand motor recovery after sub-acute stroke: A study combined fMRI with Diffusion Tensor imaging. PLoS One, Volume 8, Issue 5, e64154.
36. Jiang Y, Wang H, Liu Z, Dong Y., Xiang X., Bai L., Tian J, Wu L, Han J., Cui C., (2013). Manipulation of and Sustained Effects on the
Human Brain Induced by Different Modalities of Acupuncture: An fMRI Study. PLoS One, (6):e66815.
37. You Y†, Bai L†, Dai R, Zhong C, Xue T, Wang H, Liu Z, Wei W, Tian J*(2012) Acupuncture Induces Divergent Alterations of Functional Connectivity within Conventional Frequency Bands: Evidence from MEG Recordings. PLoS One, 7(11):e49250.
38. Liu Z†, Zhang Y, Bai L†, et al (2012) Investigation of the effective connectivity of resting state networks in Alzheimer's disease: a functional MRI study combining independent components analysis and multivariate Granger causality analysis. NMR In Biomedicine, 25(12): 1311-1320.
39. Zhong C†, Bai L†, et al (2012) Modulatory effects of acupuncture on resting-state networks: A functional MRI study combining independent component analysis and multivariate granger causality analysis. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 35(3): 572-581.
40. Feng Y†, Bai L† , et al (2012) FMRI connectivity analysis of acupuncture effects on the whole brain network in mild cognitive impairment patients, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 30(5): 672-82.
41. Liu Z, Zhang Y, Yan H, Bai L, Dai R, Wei W, Zhong C, Xue T, Wang H, Feng Y, You Y, Zhang X, Tian J*(2012). Altered topological patterns of brain networks in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease: A resting-state fMRI study, Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging (2012), 202(2): 118-125.
42. Bai L, Qin W, Tian J*, Liu P, Li L, Chen P, Dai J, Craggs J, Deneen KM, Liu Y (2009) Time-varied characteristics of acupuncture effects in fMRI studies.Human Brain Mapping, 30(11): 3445-3460.
43. Bai L, Tian J*, Zhong C, Xue T, You Y, Liu Z, Chen P, Gong Q, Ai L, Qin W, Dai J, Liu Y* (2010) Acupuncture modulates temporal neural responses in wide brain networks: evidence from fMRI study. Molecular Pain, 6(1):73-84.
44. Bai L, Yan H, Li L, Qin W, Chen P, Liu P, Gong Q, Liu Y, Tian J* (2010) Neural specificity of acupuncture stimulation at Pericardium 6: evidence from an fMRI study. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 31:71-77.
45. Bai L, Qin W, Tian J*, Dong M, Pan X, Chen P, Dai J, Yang W, Liu Y* (2009) Acupuncture modulates spontaneous activities in the anticorrelated resting brain networks. Brain Research, 1279: 37-49.
46. Bai L, Qin W, Liang J, Tian J*, Liu Y (2009) Spatiotemporal Modulation of Central Neural Pathway Underlying Acupuncture Action: A Systematic Review. Current Medical Imaging Reviews, 5(3):167-173.
47. Bai L, Qin W, Tian J*, Dai J, Yang W (2009) Detection of dynamic brain networks modulated by acupuncture using a graph theory model. Progress in Natural Science, 19(7): 827-835.
48. Feng Y, Bai L, Zhang W*, Xue T, Ren Y, Zhong C, Wang H, You Y, Liu Z, Dai J, Liu Y, Tian J* (2011). Investigation of AcupoinSpecificity by Multivariate Granger Causality Analysis from fMRI data, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 34(1): 31-42.
49. Wang H, Ren Y*, Bai L, Zhang W, Tian J (2012) Morphometry Based on Effective and Accurate Correspondences of Localized Patterns(MEACOLP). PLoS One, 7(4): e35745.
50. Qin W, Bai L, Dai J, Liu P, Dong M, Liu J, Sun J, Chen P, Zhao B, Gong Q, Tian J*, Liu Y* (2011) The temporal spatial encoding of acupunctureffects in the brain. Molecular Pain, 15: 19.

51. Feng Y, Bai L, Ren Y, Wang H, Liu Z, Zhang* W, Tian J* (2011) Investigation of the large scale functional brain networks modulated by acupuncture.Magnetic Resonance Imaging, (7): 95965.

52. Xue T, Bai L, Chen S, Zhong C, Feng Y, Wang H, Liu Z, You Y, Cui F, Ren Y, Tian J*, Liu Y (2011). Neural specificity of acupuncture stimulation from support vector machine classification analysis. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2(7): 943-950.

53. Cheng H, Zhang X, Yan H, Bai L, Ai L, Wang F, You Y, Chen P, Wang B (2011)Differential temporal neural responses of pain related regions by acupuncture at acupoint ST36: a magnetoencephalography study.Chin Med J, 124(8): 1229-34.
54. Ren Y, Bai L, Feng Y, Tian J*, Li K*, (2010) Investigation of acupoint specificity by functional connectivity analysis based on graph theory,Neuroscience Letters, 482(2): 95-100.
55. Li L, Qin W, Bai L, Tian J* (2010). Exploring vision-related acupuncture point specificity with multi-voxel pattern analysis. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 28(3): 380-387.
56. Qin W, Tian J*, Bai L, Pan X, Yang L, Chen P, Dai J, Ai L, Zhao B, Gong Q, Wang W, Deneen K.M and Liu Y (2008) FMRI connectivity analysis of acupuncture effects on an amygdala-associated brain network. Molecular Pain, 4(55): 1-17.
57. Liu J, Liang J, Qin, Jie Tian*, Yuan K, Bai L, Zhang Y, Wang W, Wang Y, Li Q, Zhao L,Lu L, Deneen K.M., Liu Y, Gold M, (2009) Dysfunctional connectivity patterns in chronic heroin users: An fMRI study. Neuroscience Letters, 460(1): 72-77.
58. Liu P, Qin W, Zhang Y, Tian J*, Bai L, Zhou G, Liu J, Chen P, Dai J. Combining spatial and temporal information to explore function-guide action of acupuncture using fMRI.Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Vol.30, No.1, pp.41-46,2009
59. Zhang Y, Liang J, Qin W, Liu P, Deneen K.M., Chen P, Bai L, Tian J, Liu J. (2009) Comparison of visual cortical activations induced by electro-acupuncture at vision and nonvision-related acupoints, Neuroscience Letters,458: 6-10.

科学研究 - 白 丽君研究领域
主要研究方向为计算神经影像,图像处理与模式识别,信息系统建模。采用多模态神经影像技术(如fMRI, MEG, DTI等)研究人脑结构和功能网络的连接模式及其生理基础,研发基于影像学标记的辅助诊断技术与方法。
美国白宫公布了“推进创新神经技术脑研究计划”(BAM,简称“脑计划”)。这项研究最终可以极大地拓展人们对人类大脑健康和患病状态的认知。“脑计划”预计将在10年内投入30亿美元,堪称又一个“人类基因组计划“(HGP)。美国总统奥巴马在2013年初的国情咨文中表示,这 项计划将让科学达到一个自从太空竞赛以来从未见过的高度。




科研成果 - 白 丽君研究成果
1. Bai L*, Bai G, Wang S, et al.,Yan Z*,(2020) Strategic white matter injury associated with long-term information processing speed deficits in mild traumatic brain injury. Human Brain Mapping, 2020. (中科院I区)
2. Sun Y#,Lijun Bai*#, Xuan Niu, et al., Feng Zhu*, Ming Zhang*, (2019) Elevated Serum Levels of Inflammation-Related Cytokines in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Are Associated With Cognitive Performance.Frontiers in Neurology, 2019, 10: 1120. (中科院III区)

3. Wang Z, Sun C, Wang S, et al,Bai L*.(2019)Single mild TBI deteriorates progressive interhemispheric functional and structural connectivity.Journal of Neurotrauma. 2019. (中科院II区)
4. Bo Yin,Bai L*,Sun C, et al., Zhang M*.(2019)Longitudinal changes in diffusion tensor imaging following mild traumatic brain injury and correlation with outcome.Frontiers in neural circuits.(中科院III区)
5. Bai G,Bai L*, Cao J†, et al., Zhang M*.(2019)Sex Differences in Cerebral Perfusion Changes after Mild Traumatic Brain injury: Longitudinal Investigation and Correlation with Outcome.Brain Research.2019. (中科院III区)
6. Hui Xu, Xiaocui Wang, Zhen Chen, et al Ming Zhang* and Bai L* (2018) Longitudinal Changes of Caudate-Based Resting State Functional Connectivity in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. Frontiers in Neurology, 9, Article 467. (中科院II区)
7. Bai L, Niu X, Liu Z, Chen Z, et al, Jie Tian*, Lixing Lao, and Ming Zhang* (2018) The role of insula-cerebellum connection underlying aversive regulation with acupuncture. Molecular Pain, 14: 1-11. (中科院II区)

8. Bai L, Sun C, Wang S, et al. (2018) Early Fiber-specific white matter reductions associated with 6-12 months outcome following mild traumatic brain injury. Radiology, Major revision. (中科院I区)
9. Wang X, et al., Bai L*. (2018) Reorganized hubs of brain functional networks following very early stage of mild traumatic brain injury. Brain Imaging and Behavior, Major revision. (中科院II区)
10. Niu X, Bai L*, et al., Zhang M*. (2018) Disruption of periaqueductal gray-default mode network functional connectivity predicts persistent post - traumatic headache in mild traumatic brain injury. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2018,90(3):326:332. (中科院I区)
11.Shao M., Bai L, et al.(2018)Preliminary Evidence of Sex Differences in Cortical Thickness Following Acute Mild Traumatic Brain Injury.Frontiers in Neurology. 2018, 9: Article 878. (中科院II区)
12. Niu X, Zhang M, Liu Z, Bai L*, Sun C, Shan Wang, Xiaocui Wang, Zhen Chen, Hongyan Chen, Jie Tian* (2017) Interaction of acupuncture treatment and manipulation laterality modulated by the default mode network, Molecular Pain, 13: 1-14. (中科院II区)
13. Lijun Bai*, Lin Ai, Kevin K. W. Wang, Imaging Neural Plasticity following Brain Injury, Neural Plasticity, 2017, 2017: ID **. (中科院II区)
14. Qin W, Bai L., Liu Z., Liu P., Zhang Y., Liu J., Yuan K., Zhao B., Dai J.*, Liu Y.*, Tian J*. (2015) How the ancient art of acupuncture works: Neuroimaging studies shed light on brain activity in Advances in Computational Psychophysiology (Science/AAAS, Washington, DC, 2015), p. 38-40. This is a sponsored supplement, published together with the 2 October 2015 issue of Science.
15. Gao L†, Bai L†, Zhang Y, Dai X, Netra R, Min Y, Zhou F, Niu C, Dun W, Gong H, Zhang M. (2015) Frequency-Dependent Changes of Local Resting Oscillations in Sleep-Deprived Brain. PLoS One. 10(3): e**.
16. Gao L, Zhang M., Gong H., Bai L*, Dai X., Min Y., Zhou F (2014) Differential Activation Patterns of fMRI in Sleep Deprived Brain: Restoring Effects of Acupuncture. Evidence based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2014, Article ID 465760, 7 pages.
17. Lijun Bai*, Yin Tao, Dan Wang, Jing Wang, Chuanzhu Sun, Nongxiao Hao, Shangjie Chen*, Lixing Lao, (2014) Acupuncture induces time-dependent remodelling brain network on the stable somatosensory first ever stroke patients: combining diffusion tensor and functional MR imaging, Evidence based and Alternative Medicine, 2014, 2014: ID740480.
18. Liu Z., Wei W., Bai L.*, Dai R., You Y., Chen S., Tian J., (2014) Exploring the patterns of acupuncture on mild cognitive impairment patients using regional homogeneity. Plos One, 9(6): e99335.
19.Lijun Bai*, Lin Ai, Mingzhou Ding, Yong He, Lixing Lao, Fanrong Liang, (2014) Imaging Neurodegenerative Diseases: Mechanisms and Interventions, BioMed Research International, 2014: ID419317.
20. Lijun Bai*, Richard E. Harris, Jian Kong, Lixing Lao, Vitaly Napadow, Baixiao Zhao (2014) Neurobiological Mechanisms of Acupuncture 2014, Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2014, 2014: ID765068.
21. Bai L*, Tao Y, Wang D, Wang J, Sun C, Hao N, Chen S, Lao L (2014). Acupuncture induces time dependent remodeling brain network on the stable somatosensory first ever stroke patients: combining diffusion tensor and functional MR imaging. Evidence based and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 740480, 7 pages.
22. Bai L*, Lin Ai, Mingzhou Ding, Yong He, Lixing Lao, Fanrong Liang (2014). Imaging Neurodegenerative Diseases: Mechanisms and Interventions. BioMed Research International, Article ID 419317.
23. Zhu Y, Li Z., Bai L.*, Tao Y., Sun C., Li M., Zheng L., Zhu B., Yao J., Zhou H. and M Zhang. (2014) Loss of Microstructural Integrity in the Limbic Subcortical Networks for Acute Symptomatic Traumatic Brain Injury. BioMed Research International, Volume 2014, Article ID 548392, 7 pages.
24. Shen Y, Bai L*, Gao Y, Cui F, Tan Z, Tao Y, Sun C, Zhou L. (2014) Depressive Symptoms in Multiple Sclerosis from an In Vivo Study with TBSS. BioMed Research International, Volume 2014, Article ID 148465, 8 pages.
25. Xie Z., Cui F., Zou Y., and Bai L*. (2014) Acupuncture Enhances Effective Connectivity between Cerebellum and Primary Sensorimotor Cortex in Patients with Stable Recovery Stroke. Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 603909, 9 pages.
26. Zhang Y, Li K., Ren Y., Cui F., Xie Z., Shin J., Tan Z., Tang L., Bai L.*, and Zou Y. (2014) Acupuncture Modulates the Functional Connectivity of the Default Mode Network in Stroke Patients. Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 765413, 7 pages.
27. Zhang Q., Mao C., Jin J., Niu C., Bai L., Dang J.and Zhang M (2014). Laterality of gray matter loss predicted by side of limb onset in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. BioMed Research International, Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 473250, 11 pages.
28. Chen S, Bai L*, et al (2013) Multivariate Granger Causality Analysis of Acupuncture
Effects in Mild Cognitive Impairment patients: An fMRI study. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 127271
29. You Y, Bai L*, Dai R, Cheng H, Liu Z, Wei W, Tian J* (2013) Altered Hub Configurations within Default Mode Network following Acupuncture at ST36: A Multimodal Investigation Combining fMRI and MEG. PLoS One, 8(5): e64509. (7)
30. Chen H, Bai L*, et al. (2013) Hypothalamus-related resting brain network underlying short-term acupuncture treatment in primary hypertension. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2013, Article ID 808971, 9 pages.
31. Bai L*, Harris R.E., Kong J., Lao L., Napadow V., and Zhao B. (2013) Neurobiological Mechanisms of Acupuncture. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2013, Article ID 652457.
32. Bai L*, and Lao L (2013) Neurobiological foundations of acupuncture: the relevance and future prospect based on neuroimaging evidence. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2013 Article ID 812568, 9 pages.
33. Bai L*, Cui F, Zou Y, and Lao L (2013) Acupuncture De Qi in stable somatosensory stroke patients: relations with effective brain network for motor recovery. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2013, Article ID 197238, 9 pages.
34. Bai L, Zhang M, Chen S*, et al (2013) Characterizing acupuncture De Qi in mild cognitive impairment: relations with small-world efficiency of functional brain networks. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2013, Article ID 304804, 8 pages.
35. Wei W†, Bai L†, et al (2013) A longitudinal study of hand motor recovery after sub-acute stroke: A study combined fMRI with Diffusion Tensor imaging. PLoS One, Volume 8, Issue 5, e64154.
36. Jiang Y, Wang H, Liu Z, Dong Y., Xiang X., Bai L., Tian J, Wu L, Han J., Cui C., (2013). Manipulation of and Sustained Effects on the
Human Brain Induced by Different Modalities of Acupuncture: An fMRI Study. PLoS One, (6):e66815.
37. You Y†, Bai L†, Dai R, Zhong C, Xue T, Wang H, Liu Z, Wei W, Tian J*(2012) Acupuncture Induces Divergent Alterations of Functional Connectivity within Conventional Frequency Bands: Evidence from MEG Recordings. PLoS One, 7(11):e49250.
38. Liu Z†, Zhang Y, Bai L†, et al (2012) Investigation of the effective connectivity of resting state networks in Alzheimer's disease: a functional MRI study combining independent components analysis and multivariate Granger causality analysis. NMR In Biomedicine, 25(12): 1311-1320.
39. Zhong C†, Bai L†, et al (2012) Modulatory effects of acupuncture on resting-state networks: A functional MRI study combining independent component analysis and multivariate granger causality analysis. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 35(3): 572-581.
40. Feng Y†, Bai L† , et al (2012) FMRI connectivity analysis of acupuncture effects on the whole brain network in mild cognitive impairment patients, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 30(5): 672-82.
41. Liu Z, Zhang Y, Yan H, Bai L, Dai R, Wei W, Zhong C, Xue T, Wang H, Feng Y, You Y, Zhang X, Tian J*(2012). Altered topological patterns of brain networks in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease: A resting-state fMRI study, Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging (2012), 202(2): 118-125.
42. Bai L, Qin W, Tian J*, Liu P, Li L, Chen P, Dai J, Craggs J, Deneen KM, Liu Y (2009) Time-varied characteristics of acupuncture effects in fMRI studies.Human Brain Mapping, 30(11): 3445-3460.
43. Bai L, Tian J*, Zhong C, Xue T, You Y, Liu Z, Chen P, Gong Q, Ai L, Qin W, Dai J, Liu Y* (2010) Acupuncture modulates temporal neural responses in wide brain networks: evidence from fMRI study. Molecular Pain, 6(1):73-84.
44. Bai L, Yan H, Li L, Qin W, Chen P, Liu P, Gong Q, Liu Y, Tian J* (2010) Neural specificity of acupuncture stimulation at Pericardium 6: evidence from an fMRI study. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 31:71-77.
45. Bai L, Qin W, Tian J*, Dong M, Pan X, Chen P, Dai J, Yang W, Liu Y* (2009) Acupuncture modulates spontaneous activities in the anticorrelated resting brain networks. Brain Research, 1279: 37-49.
46. Bai L, Qin W, Liang J, Tian J*, Liu Y (2009) Spatiotemporal Modulation of Central Neural Pathway Underlying Acupuncture Action: A Systematic Review. Current Medical Imaging Reviews, 5(3):167-173.
47. Bai L, Qin W, Tian J*, Dai J, Yang W (2009) Detection of dynamic brain networks modulated by acupuncture using a graph theory model. Progress in Natural Science, 19(7): 827-835.
48. Feng Y, Bai L, Zhang W*, Xue T, Ren Y, Zhong C, Wang H, You Y, Liu Z, Dai J, Liu Y, Tian J* (2011). Investigation of AcupoinSpecificity by Multivariate Granger Causality Analysis from fMRI data, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 34(1): 31-42.
49. Wang H, Ren Y*, Bai L, Zhang W, Tian J (2012) Morphometry Based on Effective and Accurate Correspondences of Localized Patterns(MEACOLP). PLoS One, 7(4): e35745.
50. Qin W, Bai L, Dai J, Liu P, Dong M, Liu J, Sun J, Chen P, Zhao B, Gong Q, Tian J*, Liu Y* (2011) The temporal spatial encoding of acupunctureffects in the brain. Molecular Pain, 15: 19.

51. Feng Y, Bai L, Ren Y, Wang H, Liu Z, Zhang* W, Tian J* (2011) Investigation of the large scale functional brain networks modulated by acupuncture.Magnetic Resonance Imaging, (7): 95965.

52. Xue T, Bai L, Chen S, Zhong C, Feng Y, Wang H, Liu Z, You Y, Cui F, Ren Y, Tian J*, Liu Y (2011). Neural specificity of acupuncture stimulation from support vector machine classification analysis. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2(7): 943-950.

53. Cheng H, Zhang X, Yan H, Bai L, Ai L, Wang F, You Y, Chen P, Wang B (2011)Differential temporal neural responses of pain related regions by acupuncture at acupoint ST36: a magnetoencephalography study.Chin Med J, 124(8): 1229-34.
54. Ren Y, Bai L, Feng Y, Tian J*, Li K*, (2010) Investigation of acupoint specificity by functional connectivity analysis based on graph theory,Neuroscience Letters, 482(2): 95-100.
55. Li L, Qin W, Bai L, Tian J* (2010). Exploring vision-related acupuncture point specificity with multi-voxel pattern analysis. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 28(3): 380-387.
56. Qin W, Tian J*, Bai L, Pan X, Yang L, Chen P, Dai J, Ai L, Zhao B, Gong Q, Wang W, Deneen K.M and Liu Y (2008) FMRI connectivity analysis of acupuncture effects on an amygdala-associated brain network. Molecular Pain, 4(55): 1-17.
57. Liu J, Liang J, Qin, Jie Tian*, Yuan K, Bai L, Zhang Y, Wang W, Wang Y, Li Q, Zhao L,Lu L, Deneen K.M., Liu Y, Gold M, (2009) Dysfunctional connectivity patterns in chronic heroin users: An fMRI study. Neuroscience Letters, 460(1): 72-77.
58. Liu P, Qin W, Zhang Y, Tian J*, Bai L, Zhou G, Liu J, Chen P, Dai J. Combining spatial and temporal information to explore function-guide action of acupuncture using fMRI.Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Vol.30, No.1, pp.41-46,2009
59. Zhang Y, Liang J, Qin W, Liu P, Deneen K.M., Chen P, Bai L, Tian J, Liu J. (2009) Comparison of visual cortical activations induced by electro-acupuncture at vision and nonvision-related acupoints, Neuroscience Letters,458: 6-10.

科研团队 - 白 丽君(4.)Honors


荣誉奖励 - 白 丽君Blank5

学术任职 - 白 丽君Blank9


编委 专刊特邀主编








学术交流 - 白 丽君学术交流
参加SPIE medical Imaging国际会议并做口头报告,会间与IEEE Medical Imaging 主编Millan教授进行了学术交流。


课题组在开展实验方面,已与亚洲最大的神经影像基地北京天坛医院(放射科,核医学科以及神经内科),宣武医院(放射科及神经内科),北京东直门医院(神经 内科与影像科),北京中医医院,广安门中医医院,深圳宝安人民医院等国内著名的影像基地及中西医结合基地建立了稳定广泛的合作关系。


招生信息 - 白 丽君招生信息
生命学院研究生办公室,王老师 联系电话:

I. 生物医学工程学科(工学硕士,博士,博士后) 返回顶部


II. 医学(硕士,博士,博士后) 返回顶部


相关话题/西安交通大学 生命科学与技术学院