本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-07
崔明涛 副教授 研究生导师
硕士学科:机械制造及其自动化 (学术学位)、机械工程 (全日制专业学位)
2007年3月毕业于西安电子科技大学机械制造及其自动化专业,获工学博士学位;2015年11月至2016年12月,在加拿大麦吉尔大学(McGill University)仿生结构材料与系统实验室进行访学交流合作;现为西安电子科技大学机械制造及其自动化专业硕士研究生导师(已毕业硕士13名、在读硕士生3名)。目前受邀担任教育部学位中心的学位论文评审专家和International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering、Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies、Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures、Engineering with Computers、Engineering Optimization、EngineeringComputations、IEEE Access、International Journal of Computational Methods和Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures等(SCI检索)国际学术期刊以及工程力学(Engineering Mechannics)、西安电子科技大学学报(Journal of Xidian University)等(EI检索)中文核心学术期刊的审稿人。主持和参与基金项目5项,获得授权发明专利和软件著作权2项,在International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering、Computer-Aided Design和Engineering with Computers等国际学术期刊和国际学术会议上发表的研究论文被SCI/EI检索30余篇。
1. 仿生结构材料拓扑优化设计, 仿生机械设计
3. 增材制造技术
研究内容:增材制造(Additive Manufacturing,AM)技术或称3D打印技术,融合了计算机辅助设计、材料加工与成形技术、以数字模型文件为基础,通过软件与数控系统将专用的金属材料、非金属材料以及医用生物材料,按照挤压、烧结、熔融、光固化、喷射等方式逐层堆积,制造出实体物品的制造技术。与传统的对原材料切削去除和组装的加工模式不同,它是一种“自下而上”通过材料累加的制造方法,从无到有。这使得受到传统制造方式的约束而无法实现的复杂结构件制造变为可能。
崔明涛 副教授 研究生导师
硕士学科:机械制造及其自动化 (学术学位)、机械工程 (全日制专业学位)
2007年3月毕业于西安电子科技大学机械制造及其自动化专业,获工学博士学位;2015年11月至2016年12月,在加拿大麦吉尔大学(McGill University)仿生结构材料与系统实验室进行访学交流合作;现为西安电子科技大学机械制造及其自动化专业硕士研究生导师(已毕业硕士13名、在读硕士生3名)。目前受邀担任教育部学位中心的学位论文评审专家和International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering、Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies、Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures、Engineering with Computers、Engineering Optimization、EngineeringComputations、IEEE Access、International Journal of Computational Methods和Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures等(SCI检索)国际学术期刊以及工程力学(Engineering Mechannics)、西安电子科技大学学报(Journal of Xidian University)等(EI检索)中文核心学术期刊的审稿人。主持和参与基金项目5项,获得授权发明专利和软件著作权2项,在International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering、Computer-Aided Design和Engineering with Computers等国际学术期刊和国际学术会议上发表的研究论文被SCI/EI检索30余篇。
1. 仿生结构材料拓扑优化设计, 仿生机械设计
3. 增材制造技术
研究内容:增材制造(Additive Manufacturing,AM)技术或称3D打印技术,融合了计算机辅助设计、材料加工与成形技术、以数字模型文件为基础,通过软件与数控系统将专用的金属材料、非金属材料以及医用生物材料,按照挤压、烧结、熔融、光固化、喷射等方式逐层堆积,制造出实体物品的制造技术。与传统的对原材料切削去除和组装的加工模式不同,它是一种“自下而上”通过材料累加的制造方法,从无到有。这使得受到传统制造方式的约束而无法实现的复杂结构件制造变为可能。
1.增材制造背景下的连续体结构等几何分析及拓扑优化设计研究- 陕西省自然科学基金项目(本人主持)
2. 整体式柔性机构的多目标可靠性拓扑优化设计- 中央高校基本科研业务费项目 (本人主持)
3.大型星载可展开天线结构系统多状态全过程的可靠性综合分析研究 - 国家863高技术研究发展计划项目(本人参与)
4.有限变形下多晶体非均质材料的三维多尺度随机数值均化研究 -国家自然科学基金面上项目(本人参与)
5. 结构模糊动力学分析与基于广义可靠性的优化设计研究 - 陕西省自然科学基金项目(本人参与)
Journal Papers
J1. CuiMingtao,Luo Chenchun, Li Guang, Pan Min. The parameterized level set method for structural topology optimization with shape sensitivity constraint factor, Engineering with Computers, 2021,37(2): 855-872.(SCI: 005; EI:20**1; DOI: 10.1007/s00366-019-00860-8;JCR:Q1; Impact factor:7.963; 5-Year Impact Factor:6.544;Citedtimes (1))
J2. Cui Mingtao, Yang Xinfeng, Zhang Yifei, Luo Chenchun, Li Guang. An asymptotically concentrated method for structural topology optimization based on the SIMLF interpolation, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2018, 115(10):1175-1216. (SCI: 001; EI:20**3; DOI: 10.1002/nme.5840; JCR:Q1; Impact factor:3.477; 5-Year Impact Factor:3.593;Citedtimes (6))
J3. Cui Mingtao, Zhang Yifei, Yang Xinfeng, Luo Chenchun. Multi-material proportional topology optimization based on the modified interpolation scheme, Engineering with Computers, 2018, 34(2): 287-305. (SCI: 007; EI: 20**8; DOI: 10.1007/s00366-017-0540-z; JCR:Q1; Impact factor:7.963; 5-Year Impact Factor:6.544; Citedtimes (9))
J4. Cui Mingtao, Chen Hongfang, Zhou Jingling, Wang Fanglin. A meshless method for multi-material topology optimization based on the alternating active-phase algorithm, Engineering with Computers, 2017, 33(4): 871-884. (SCI: 011; EI: 20**2; DOI: 10.1007/s00366-017-0503-4; JCR:Q1; IImpact factor:7.963; 5-Year Impact Factor:6.544; Cited times (11))
J5. Cui Mingtao, Chen Hongfang, Zhou Jingling. A level-set based multi-material topology optimization method using a reaction diffusion equation, Computer-Aided Design, 2016, 73: 41-52. (SCI: 005; EI: 20**6; DOI: 10.1016/j.cad.2015.12.002; JCR:Q1; Impact factor:3.027; 5-Year Impact Factor:4.032; Cited times (22))
J6. Tuo Yaofei, Cui Mingtao. Dynamic reliability analysis of elastic linkage mechanis- m with stochastic parameters based on two failure modes. Chinese Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2015, 32(4): 575-580 (in Chinese)
J7. Cui Mingtao, Guo Runqiu, Sheng Ying, Ye Junjie, Duan Xuechao. Exploration and practice of teaching reform on the automatic control principle course. Journal of Electrical & Electronic Education, 2015, 37(3): 24-26+113 (in Chinese)
J8. Tuo Yaofei, Cui Mingtao. Strength reliability analysis of elastic linkage mechanism with stochastic parameter. Journal of Mechanical Transmission, 2014, 38(10): 162 -165 (in Chinese)
J9. Cui Mingtao, Chen Jianjun. Optimal Dynamic Topology Design of Continuum with Random Parameters. Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures, 2005, 1(4): 329-340
J10. Cui Mingtao, Chen Jianjun, Song Zongfeng, Zhang Yaoqiang. Robust topology optimization of uncertainty vibrating structures with specified eigenmode shapes. Journal of Mechanical Strength, 2008, 30(2): 212-218 (in Chinese). (EI: 222; Cited times (4))
J11.Cui Mingtao, Chen Jianjun, Song Zongfeng. Topology optimization of planar continuum structures with interval parameters based on non-probabilistic reliability of eigenfrequency. Journal of Vibration and Shock,2007, 26(8): 55-59+71 (in Chinese). (EI: 161; Cited times (2))
J12.Cui Mingtao, Chen Jianjun, Chen Yongqin, Song Zongfeng. Reliable multi-objective topology optimization design of the monolithic compliant mechanism. Journal of Xidian University, 2007, 34(5):784-788+834 (in Chinese). (EI: 046; Cited times (2))
J13.Cui Mingtao, Chen Jianjun, Tuo Yaofei, Chen Yongqin. Compliant mechanism design with interval parameters using the hybrid cellular automaton method. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2007, 43(7): 39-43 (in Chinese). (EI: 721; Cited times (2))
J14.Cui Mingtao, Chen Jianjun, Ma Xiaosong, Tuo Yaofei. Optimal design of flexure-based compliant mechanisms based on probability. Journal of Xidian University, 2006, 33(5): 725-729 (in Chinese). (EI: 620; Cited times (1))
J15.Cui Mingtao, Chen Jianjun, Jiang Peigang. Optimal dynamic topology design of continuum structure with random parameters. Chinese Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2005, 22(2): 237-243 (in Chinese). (EI: 38)
J16. Chen Jianjun, Du Lei, Cui Mingtao, Wang Xiaobing, Liang Zhentao. Topology optimization of plain elastic continuum based on probability. Chinese Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2006, 23(2): 203-207 (in Chinese). (EI: 565; Cited times (4))
J17. Gao Wei, Chen Jianjun, Cui Mingtao, Cheng Yi. Dynamic response analysis of linear stochastic truss structures under stationary random excitation. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2005, 281(1-2): 311-321. (SCI: 016; EI: 20**6; DOI: 10.1016/j.jsv.2004.01.014; Cited times (25))
J18. Gao Wei, Chen JianJun, Cui MingTao. Non-stationary random response of frame structures with stochastic physical parameters. Engineering Mechanics, 2004, 21(6): 108-112 (in Chinese). (EI: 25)
J19. Gao Wei, Chen Jianjun, Cui Mingtao, Jiang Tao. Optimization in active vibration control of random intelligent truss structure under stationary random excitation. Chinese Journal of Computational Mechanics, 2004, 21(5): 630-635 (in Chinese). (EI: 36)
J20. Gao Wei, Chen Jianjun, Zhou Yabin, Cui Mingtao. Dynamic response analysis of closed-loop control system for random intelligent truss structure under random forces. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2004, 18(4): 947-957. (SCI: 013; EI: 31; DOI: 10.1016/S0888-3270(03)00100-6; Cited times (32)))
J21. Ma Juan, Xu Yalan, Cui Mingtao, Gao Wei. Non-stationary stochastic vibration analysis of fuzzy-random truss system. Engineering Mechanics, 2009, 26(2): 27-32 (in Chinese). (EI: 918)
J22. Ma Juan, Chen Jianjun, Xu Yalan, Cui Mingtao. Analysis of the finite element and the reliability of the structures with fuzzy-random parameters based on the two-factor method. Journal of Xidian University, 2009, 36(1): 69-73+93 (in Chinese). (EI: 377; Cited times (3))
J23. Xu Yalan, Chen Jianjun, Ma Juan, Cui Mingtao. Modes identification for piezoelectric flexible structures by wavelet transform. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2008, 44(6): 231-236 (in Chinese). (EI: 873)
J24. Gao Wei, Chen Jianjun, Zhou Yabin, Ma Hongbo, Ma Xiaosong, Cui Mingtao. Dynamic response analysis of closed loop control system for intelligent truss structures based on probability. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2003, 15(2): 239-248. (SCI: 000**5; EI: 10; DOI: 10.12989/sem.2003.15.2.239; Cited times (20))
J25. Chen Jianjun, Che Jianwen, Sun Huaian, Ma Hongbo, Cui Mingtao. Structural dynamic optimization with probability constraints of frequency and mode. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2002, 13(5): 479-490. (SCI: 000**2; EI: 43; DOI: 10.12989/sem.2002.13.5.479; Cited times (4))
J26. Chen Jianjun, Che Jianwen, Sun Huaian, Ma Hongbo, Cui Mingtao. Probabilistic dynamic analysis of truss structures. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2002, 13(2): 231-239. (SCI: 000**7; EI: 70; DOI: 10.12989/sem.2002.13.2.231; Cited times (58))
Conference Papers
C1. Cui Mingtao, Zhou Jingling, Yang Xinfeng, Zhang Yifei. An improved BESO method for topology optimization design, The 5th International Conference on Advanced Computer Science Applications and Technologies, Beijing, P.R. China, 2017.3.25-3.26. (Paper ID): GACS43 (CPCI: 013; DOI: 10.23977/acsat.2017.1013 )
C2. Cui Ming-tao, Xue Shu, Guo Rui-biao, Su Min, Li Yong-chuan, Qian Ming. Design and fabrication of cylindrical transducer based on 2-2 piezoelectric composite, 2015 Symposium on Piezoelectricity, Acoustic Waves, and Device Applications, Jinan, P.R. China, 2015.10.31-11.02. (EI: 20**9; CPCI: 063;Cited times (5))
C3. Cui Ming-tao, Guo Rui-biao, Xue Shu, Li Yong-chuan, Qian Ming, The finite element simulation and design of a 50MHz spherical ultrasonic transducer, 2015 Symposium on Piezoelectricity, Acoustic Waves, and Device Applications, Jinan, P.R. China, 2015.10.31-11.02. (EI: 20**2; CPCI: 066)
C4. Cui MingTao, Chen Hongfang. The influence of initial structural density value on results of multi-material topology optimization problems. Proceedings of the4th International Conference on Advanced Design and Manufacturing Engineering,(ADME 2014) July 26-27, 2014, Hangzhou, China. (Paper ID): KD6214. (EI: 20**2; DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.635-637. 223)
C5. Cui MingTao, Chen Hongfang. An improved alternating active-phase algorithm for multi-material topology optimization problems. Proceedings of the4th International Conference on Advanced Design and Manufacturing Engineering, (ADME 2014) July 26-27, 2014, Hangzhou, China. (Paper ID): KD6007. (EI: 20**3; DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.635-637.105; Cited times (5))
C6. Cui MingTao, Duan Yuanxing.A Novel Method for Co-simulating 1-3 Piezocomposite Performance. Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Material Engineering and Application, (ICMEA2014) Oct. 18-19, 2014, Hangzhou, China. (Paper ID): ICMEA1039. (EI: 20**5; CPCI: 015; DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.1052.73)
C7. Cui Mingtao, Liu Ming. Simulation and parametric analysis on the forging process of aluminum alloy piston in automobile engines, 4th International Conference on Advanced Design and Manufacturing Engineering, ADME 2014, Hangzhou, P.R. China, 2014.07.26-10.27. (EI: 20**4; DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/ AMM.633-634.865)
C8. Gao Wei, Chen Jianjun, Cui Mingtao, Ma Hongbo. Optimization of active bars' placement and feedback gains in active vibration control for random piezoelectric intelligent truss structures, 3rd China-Japan Symposium on Mechatronics (CJSM), Sep. 09-11, 2002, Univ Elect Sci & Technol China, Chengdu, P.R. China. (CPCI: 000**7 )
ZL 0.8
崔明涛 陈磊
西安电子科技大学(中国 )
1. 陈 磊,男,2010年入学,2013年毕业
Lei Chen, Male,who enrolled in 2010 and graduated in 2013;
2. 刘 铭,男,2011年入学,2014年毕业
Ming Liu, Male, who enrolled in 2011 and graduated in 2014;
3. 段元兴,男,2012年入学,2015年毕业
Xingyuan Duan, Male,who enrolled in 2012 and graduated in 2015;
4. 陈鸿芳,男,2013年入学,2016年毕业
Hongfang Chen, Male, who enrolled in 2013 and graduated in 2016;
5. 薛 术,男,2013年入学,2016年毕业
Shu Xue, Male, who enrolled in 2013 and graduated in 2016;
6. 郭瑞彪,男,2013年入学,2016年毕业
Ruibiao Guo, Male, who enrolled in 2013 and graduated in 2016;
7. 周景陵,女,2014年入学,2017年毕业
Jingling Zhou, Female, who enrolled in 2014 and graduated in 2017;
8. 朱元恒,男,2014年入学,2017年毕业
Yuanheng Zhu, Male, who enrolled in 2014 and graduated in 2017;
9. 杨新凤,女,2015年入学,2018年毕业
Xinfeng Yang, Female, who enrolled in 2015 andgraduated in 2018;
10. 张逸飞,男,2015年入学,2018年毕业
Yifei Zhang, Male, who enrolled in 2015 and graduated in 2018;
11. 罗晨春,男,2016年入学,2019年毕业
Chenchun Luo, Male, who enrolled in 2016 and graduated in 2019;
12. 李 广,男,2017年入学,2020年毕业
Guang Li, Male, who enrolled in 2017 and graduated in 2020;
13.潘 敏,女,2018年入学,2021年毕业
Min Pan, Female, who enrolled in 2018 and graduated in 2021;
14. 李鹏杰,男,2019年入学
Pengjie Li, Male, who enrolled in 2019 and will graduate in 2022;
15.王 杰,男,2019年入学
JieWang, Male, who enrolled in 2019 and will graduate in 2022;
16. 商 晨,女,2020年入学
Chen Shang, Female, who enrolled in 2020and will graduate in 2023;
1、(本科生数学课程)概率论与数理统计 - Probability Theory and Statistics
2、(研究生数学课程)工程中的非线性理论和方法 - Nonlinear Theory and Its Methodsin Engineering
3、(本科生专业基础课程)自动控制原理 -Theory ofAutomatic Control
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Welcome warmly the youthfuldiligent students who are interested inourresearch directions.
Name Title: Mingtao Cui
Association Professor
Master's tutor
Department: Mechano-electronic Engineering
Contact Information
Address: School of Mechano-electronic Engineering, Xidian University, Xi’an, 710071, PR China
Email: cuimt@mail.xidian.edu.cn
Brief Introduction
Mingtao Cui is an associate professor in School of Mechano-electronic Engineering, Xidian University,who graduated from Xi'an University in 2007 with a PhD in engineering from the Department of Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation. From November 2015 to December 2016, he visited exchanged ideas at the Laboratory on Bio-inspired Materials and Systemsin McGill University, Montreal, Canada. Now He is a master's tutor of mechanical manufacturing and automation profession of Xidian University. He has presided over and participated in two fund projects and obtained two authorized invention patents and software copyrights. More than thirty articles on his academic research have been indexed by SCI and EI.
Research Interests
1.Structural topology optimization and compliant mechanism design
2. Optimization and Control ofMechano-electronic structure
Journal Papers
J1. Cui Mingtao, Yang Xinfeng, Zhang Yifei, Luo Chenchun, Li Guang. An asymptotically concentrated method for structural topology optimization based on the SIMLF interpolation, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2018, 115(10):1-42. (DOI: 10.1002/nme.5840)
J2. Cui Mingtao, Zhang Yifei, Yang Xinfeng, Luo Chenchun. Multi-material proportional topology optimization based on the modified interpolation scheme, Engineering with Computers, 2018, 34(2): 287-305. (SCI: 007; EI: 20**8; DOI: 10.1007/s00366-017-0540-z)
J3. Cui Mingtao, Chen Hongfang, Zhou Jingling, Wang Fanglin. A meshless method for multi-material topology optimization based on the alternating active-phase algorithm, Engineering with Computers, 2017, 33(4): 871-884. (SCI: 011; EI: 20**2; DOI: 10.1007/s00366-017-0503-4; Cited by in Scopus (2))
J4. Cui Mingtao, Chen Hongfang, Zhou Jingling. A level-set based multi-material topology optimization method using a reaction diffusion equation, Computer-Aided Design, 2016, 73: 41-52. (SCI: 005; EI: 20**6; DOI: 10.1016/j.cad.2015.12.002; Cited by in Scopus (6))
J5. Tuo Yaofei, Cui Mingtao. Dynamic reliability analysis of elastic linkage mechanis- m with stochastic parameters based on two failure modes. Chinese Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2015, 32(4): 575-580 (in Chinese)
J6. Cui Mingtao, Guo Runqiu, Sheng Ying, Ye Junjie, Duan Xuechao. Exploration and practice of teaching reform on the automatic control principle course. Journal of Electrical & Electronic Education, 2015, 37(3): 24-26+113 (in Chinese)
J7. Tuo Yaofei, Cui Mingtao. Strength reliability analysis of elastic linkage mechanism with stochastic parameter. Journal of Mechanical Transmission, 2014, 38(10): 162 -165 (in Chinese)
J8. Cui Mingtao, Chen Jianjun. Optimal Dynamic Topology Design of Continuum with Random Parameters. Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures, 2005, 1(4): 329-340
J9. Cui Mingtao, Chen Jianjun, Song Zongfeng, Zhang Yaoqiang. Robust topology optimization of uncertainty vibrating structures with specified eigenmode shapes. Journal of Mechanical Strength, 2008, 30(2): 212-218 (in Chinese). (EI: 222; Cited by in Scopus (3))
J10. Cui Mingtao, Chen Jianjun, Song Zongfeng. Topology optimization of planar continuum structures with interval parameters based on non-probabilistic reliability of eigenfrequency. Journal of Vibration and Shock,2007, 26(8): 55-59+71 (in Chinese). (EI: 161; Cited by in Scopus (1))
J11. Cui Mingtao, Chen Jianjun, Chen Yongqin, Song Zongfeng. Reliable multi-objective topology optimization design of the monolithic compliant mechanism. Journal of Xidian University, 2007, 34(5):784-788+834 (in Chinese). (EI: 046; Cited by in Scopus (2))
J12. Cui Mingtao, Chen Jianjun, Tuo Yaofei, Chen Yongqin. Compliant mechanism design with interval parameters using the hybrid cellular automaton method. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2007, 43(7): 39-43 (in Chinese). (EI: 721; Cited by in Scopus (2))
J13. Cui Mingtao, Chen Jianjun, Ma Xiaosong, Tuo Yaofei. Optimal design of flexure-based compliant mechanisms based on probability. Journal of Xidian University, 2006, 33(5): 725-729 (in Chinese). (EI: 620; Cited by in Scopus (1))
J14. Cui Mingtao, Chen Jianjun, Jiang Peigang. Optimal dynamic topology design of continuum structure with random parameters. Chinese Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2005, 22(2): 237-243 (in Chinese). (EI: 38)
J15. Chen Jianjun, Du Lei, Cui Mingtao, Wang Xiaobing, Liang Zhentao. Topology optimization of plain elastic continuum based on probability. Chinese Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2006, 23(2): 203-207 (in Chinese). (EI: 565; Cited by in Scopus (4))
J16. Gao Wei, Chen Jianjun, Cui Mingtao, Cheng Yi. Dynamic response analysis of linear stochastic truss structures under stationary random excitation. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2005, 281(1-2): 311-321. (SCI: 016; EI: 20**6; DOI: 10.1016/j.jsv.2004.01.014; Cited by in Scopus (25))
J17. Gao Wei, Chen JianJun, Cui MingTao. Non-stationary random response of frame structures with stochastic physical parameters. Engineering Mechanics, 2004, 21(6): 108-112 (in Chinese). (EI: 25)
J18. Gao Wei, Chen Jianjun, Cui Mingtao, Jiang Tao. Optimization in active vibration control of random intelligent truss structure under stationary random excitation. Chinese Journal of Computational Mechanics, 2004, 21(5): 630-635 (in Chinese). (EI: 36)
J19. Gao Wei, Chen Jianjun, Zhou Yabin, Cui Mingtao. Dynamic response analysis of closed-loop control system for random intelligent truss structure under random forces. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2004, 18(4): 947-957. (SCI: 013; EI: 31; DOI: 10.1016/S0888-3270(03)00100-6; Cited by in Scopus (25))
J20. Ma Juan, Xu Yalan, Cui Mingtao, Gao Wei. Non-stationary stochastic vibration analysis of fuzzy-random truss system. Engineering Mechanics, 2009, 26(2): 27-32 (in Chinese). (EI: 918)
J21. Ma Juan, Chen Jianjun, Xu Yalan, Cui Mingtao. Analysis of the finite element and the reliability of the structures with fuzzy-random parameters based on the two-factor method. Journal of Xidian University, 2009, 36(1): 69-73+93 (in Chinese). (EI: 377; Cited by in Scopus (3))
J22. Xu Yalan, Chen Jianjun, Ma Juan, Cui Mingtao. Modes identification for piezoelectric flexible structures by wavelet transform. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2008, 44(6): 231-236 (in Chinese). (EI: 873)
J23. Gao Wei, Chen Jianjun, Zhou Yabin, Ma Hongbo, Ma Xiaosong, Cui Mingtao. Dynamic response analysis of closed loop control system for intelligent truss structures based on probability. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2003, 15(2): 239-248. (SCI: 000**5; EI: 10; DOI: 10.12989/sem.2003.15.2.239; Cited by in Scopus (20))
J24. Chen Jianjun, Che Jianwen, Sun Huaian, Ma Hongbo, Cui Mingtao. Structural dynamic optimization with probability constraints of frequency and mode. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2002, 13(5): 479-490. (SCI: 000**2; EI: 43; DOI: 10.12989/sem.2002.13.5.479; Cited by in Scopus (4))
J25. Chen Jianjun, Che Jianwen, Sun Huaian, Ma Hongbo, Cui Mingtao. Probabilistic dynamic analysis of truss structures. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2002, 13(2): 231-239. (SCI: 000**7; EI: 70; DOI: 10.12989/sem.2002.13.2.231; Cited by in Scopus (58))
Conference Papers
C1. Cui Mingtao, Zhou Jingling, Yang Xinfeng, Zhang Yifei. An improved BESO method for topology optimization design, The 5th International Conference on Advanced Computer Science Applications and Technologies, Beijing, P.R. China, 2017.3.25-3.26. (Paper ID): GACS43 (CPCI: 013; DOI: 10.23977/acsat.2017.1013 )
C2. Cui Ming-tao, Xue Shu, Guo Rui-biao, Su Min, Li Yong-chuan, Qian Ming. Design and fabrication of cylindrical transducer based on 2-2 piezoelectric composite, 2015 Symposium on Piezoelectricity, Acoustic Waves, and Device Applications, Jinan, P.R. China, 2015.10.31-11.02. (EI: 20**9; CPCI: 063)
C3. Cui Ming-tao, Guo Rui-biao, Xue Shu, Li Yong-chuan, Qian Ming, The finite element simulation and design of a 50MHz spherical ultrasonic transducer, 2015 Symposium on Piezoelectricity, Acoustic Waves, and Device Applications, Jinan, P.R. China, 2015.10.31-11.02. (EI: 20**2; CPCI: 066)
C4. Cui MingTao, Chen Hongfang. The influence of initial structural density value on results of multi-material topology optimization problems. Proceedings of the4th International Conference on Advanced Design and Manufacturing Engineering,(ADME 2014) July 26-27, 2014, Hangzhou, China. (Paper ID): KD6214. (EI: 20**2; DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.635-637. 223)
C5. Cui MingTao, Chen Hongfang. An improved alternating active-phase algorithm for multi-material topology optimization problems. Proceedings of the4th International Conference on Advanced Design and Manufacturing Engineering, (ADME 2014) July 26-27, 2014, Hangzhou, China. (Paper ID): KD6007. (EI: 20**3; DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.635-637.105; Cited by in Scopus (4))
C6. Cui MingTao, Duan Yuanxing.A Novel Method for Co-simulating 1-3 Piezocomposite Performance. Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Material Engineering and Application, (ICMEA2014) Oct. 18-19, 2014, Hangzhou, China. (Paper ID): ICMEA1039. (EI: 20**5; CPCI: 015; DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.1052.73)
C7. Cui Mingtao, Liu Ming. Simulation and parametric analysis on the forging process of aluminum alloy piston in automobile engines, 4th International Conference on Advanced Design and Manufacturing Engineering, ADME 2014, Hangzhou, P.R. China, 2014.07.26-10.27. (EI: 20**4; DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/ AMM.633-634.865)
C8. Gao Wei, Chen Jianjun, Cui Mingtao, Ma Hongbo. Optimization of active bars' placement and feedback gains in active vibration control for random piezoelectric intelligent truss structures, 3rd China-Japan Symposium on Mechatronics (CJSM), Sep. 09-11, 2002, Univ Elect Sci & Technol China, Chengdu, P.R. China. (CPCI: 000**7 )
1、Theory of Probability& Statistics
2、Nonlinear Theory and Its Methodsin Engineering
3、Theory ofAutomatic Control
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