薛梅 Mei Xue
Associate professor
Global Seismology & Geodynamics
School of Ocean & Earth Science
Tongji University
1239 Siping Rd, Shanghai
China, 200092
研究天然地震、火山引发的地震以及爆炸的震源特征, 并根据震源特征的不同对它们加以区分。
Research interests
Earth interior structures and corresponding processes
Using integrated seismological techniques such as shear-wave splitting, traveltime tomography to explore the seismic structure of the Earth and understand its geological processes.
Seismic source characterization
Exploring different characteristics of earthquakes, volcano-related earthquakes, and explosions.
Coupling mechanisms among Earth’s spheres
Footprints of various atmospheric, and oceanic events on seismic records; multi-scale coupling mechanisms among atmosphere-ocean-solid Earth.
近期发表的文章| Recent publications
1. Xue, M. and R.M. Allen (2010) Mantle Structure Beneath the Western US and its Implications for Convection Processes, J. Geophys. Res., 115, B07303, doi:10.1029/2008JB006079. link 2. Zhao, L. and M. Xue (2010) Mantle flow pattern and geodynamic cause of the North China Craton reactivation: Evidence from seismic anisotropy, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 11, Q07010, doi:10.1029/2010GC003068. link3. Obrebski M., R.M. Allen,M. Xue, and S.H. Hung (2010) Slab-plume interaction beneath the Pacific Northwest, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L14305, doi:10.1029/2010GL043489. link
研究 | Research
地球内部构造/Earth interior structure
中国南海大陆边缘深部结构研究/Deep structure beneath the continental margin of South China Sea
关于南海形成和演化的动力学机制存在争议,以往提出的各种模式主要基于地质和地球化学研究,缺乏地球物理方面尤其是深部地球物理方面的证据。因此,本课题拟通过反演中国南海大陆边缘岩石圈及上地幔的各向异性和速度结构,来研究中国南海大陆边缘的构造演化的深部动力学机制,并拟解决以下关键科学问题: (1)深部地幔对流与南海形成与演化之间的内在联系是什么?(2)深部结构与浅部结构的交互作用及其在南海扩张过程中的作用是什么?
The mechanism of the formation and evolution of South China Sea is under debate. Previously proposed models are mainly based on geology and geochemistry, while lacking the information about the deep structure. Here we are aiming to study South China Sea and derive its corresponding geodynamics processes by investigating its deep anisotropic and seismic structures. The key questions to to investigated here are: (1) the role of mantle convection in the formation and evolution of South China Sea; and (2) the interaction between shallow and deep geologic objects and their roles in the expanding of South China Sea.
震源特征描述以及震源区分/Source Discription & Discrimination
震源机制反演、震源描述以及震源区分:天然地震、火山引发的地震以及爆破的震源特征。 Moment tensor inversion, source discription and discrimination: source characteristics of earthquakes,earthquakes caused by volcanos, and explosions.
地球圈层耦合/Coupling mechanisms among Earth’s spheres
研究大气-海洋-固体地球的耦合机制。Footprints of various atmospheric, and oceanic events on seismic records; multi-scale coupling mechanisms among atmosphere-ocean-solid Earth.
美国西部地下三维速度模型/Western USA 3D velocity structure
美国西部地区是一个构造活跃区,在该区域,太平洋板块、北美板块和Juan de Fuca板块相互作用,地质结构复杂。我们建立这一区域的高分辨率的速度模型和各向异性结构,对地幔的对流过程提供重要的线索,从而系统地理解美国西部的演化过程,例如Juan de Fuca板块俯冲到北美板块之下、黄石地幔柱的上涌过程等等。
Western USA is a tectonically active region involving comlicated interactions among different geologica provinces. We want to understand its evolution as a whole system. We have been building high resolution velocity models beneath this region, which can therefore provide important clues to mantle convection processes, e.g., the subduction of the Juan de Fuca plate, the upwelling of the Yellowstone plume, and the delamination of the Wallowa plutonic roots, etc.
考虑有限频率的影响后的反演结果见/See the results using the finite frequency approach at:http://dna.berkeley.edu
相关文章/Related publications:
Xue, M. and R.M. Allen (2010) Mantle Structure Beneath the Western US and its Implications for Convection Processes, J. Geophys. Res., 115, B07303, doi:10.1029/2008JB006079. link
Obrebski M., R.M. Allen, M. Xue, and S.H. Hung (2010) Slab-plume interaction beneath the Pacific Northwest, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L14305, doi:10.1029/2010GL043489. link
俄勒冈地震台列远震研究/Oregon Array for Teleseismic Study
俄勒冈地处北美板块,在这里我们想研究两个问题: (1) Juan de Fuca板块从西面沿东北方向沉降于北美板块之下,该板块是否沉降延伸到俄勒冈州沉降带火山圈以东的地幔深处?(2)Newberry火山轨迹位于北美板块,该轨迹的走向与北美板块运动的方向成120度角而不平行, Newberry火山轨迹的成因到底是什么?
Oregon is located on the North American Plate and we want to study two targets here: (1) the Juan de Fuca plate is subducting beneath the North American Plate from the west. The question is however, does the Juan de Fuca slab extend down into the mantle east of the Cascade beneath Oregon? (2) the Newberry volcanic track, located on the North American Plate, orients at ~120 degrees to the plate motion. The causal mechanism of the Newberry track remains enigmatic.
相关文章/Related publications:
Xue, M. and R.M. Allen (2007) The Fate of the Juan de Fuca Plate: Implications for a Yellowstone Plume Head, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 264 (1-2) 266-276, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2007.09.04. link
Xue, M. and R.M. Allen (2006) Origin of the Newberry Hotspot Track, Evidence from shear-wave splitting, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 244 (1-2) 315–322, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2006.01.066. link
冰岛地幔柱/Iceland Upwelling
The existence of the Icelandic upwelling and its influence on the Kolbeinsey and Reykjanes ridges have been supported by evidence from geology, geophysics and geochemistry. Rift-parallel flow and radial flow have been suggested as two candidate dispersion patterns of upwelling material when it arrives the base of the lithosphere. Which one is appropriate?
相关文章/Related publications:
Xue, M. and R.M. Allen (2005) Asthenospheric channeling of the Icelandic upwelling: Evidence from seismic anisotropy, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 235, 167-182 doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2005.03.017. link
简历 | Resume
地球内部构造 综合不同的地震学方法例如横波分裂、体波走时层析成像等来研究地球的三维构造,推演与理解相应的地质运动的过程。研究区域包括中国南海、中国东部、美国西部以及冰岛。
震源特征描述以及震源区分 研究天然地震、火山引发的地震以及爆炸(包括炸药和核试验)的震源特征,并对它们加以区分。
地球灾害 地震预警、研究地球灾害及其普及
副教授,同济大学海洋与地球科学学院,2008年2月 ~今
研究/教学助理,加利福尼亚大学 – 伯克利分校(美国)地球与行星科学系,2005年8月~2008年2月
访问学生研究员,加利福尼亚大学 – 伯克利分校(美国)伯克利地震实验室,2005年1月 ~ 2005年6月
研究/教学助理,威斯康星大学 – 麦迪逊分校(美国)地质与地球物理系,2002年8月 ~ 2005年8月
研究助理,中国石油大学(北京)地球科学系,1996年8月 ~ 2002年6月
美国加利福尼亚州San Andreas 大断层地质实习,2004年5月
在山东省新汶地区进行基础地质实习2周,1994年 研讨会
威斯康星大学 – 麦迪逊分校(美国)地质与地球物理系2003-2004 年度 地球物理研究生成就奖,2004
美国科罗拉多州 IET (国际工程技术公司捐款)奖学金,1997
Mei Xue
Associate Professor
Global Seismology and Geodynamics
School of Ocean and Earth Science
Tongji University
1239 Siping Rd, Shanghai, China, 200092
Research interests
Earth interior structure using integrated seismological techniques such as shear-wave splitting, traveltime tomography to explore the seismic structure of the Earth and understand its geological processes. My study region includes eastern China, western USA, and Iceland.
Seismic source characterization and discrimination exploring characteristics of earthquakes, volcano-related earthquakes, and explosions (chemical and nuclear).
Earthquake processes Earthquake nucleation, earthquake prediction, and earthquake early warning.
Natural hazards Earthquake early warning, natural hazards and their popularization.
Education background
Ph.D., Earth and Planetary Science, University of California-Berkeley, 2008
Eng. D., Earth Exploration and Information Technology, China University of Petroleum-Beijing, 2002
M.E., Earth Exploration and Information Technology, China University of Petroleum-Beijing, 1999
B.E., Applied Geophysics, China University of Petroleum-Eastern China, 1996
Relevant Employment
Associate Professor, School of Ocean and Earth Science, Tongji University, Feb. 2008 – present
Graduate Student Researcher/Instructor, Earth & Planetary Science, UC-Berkeley, Sept. 2005 – Jan. 2008
Visiting Student Researcher, Berkeley Seismological Lab, U. of California-Berkeley, Jan. 2005 – Jun. 2005
Research/Teaching Assistant, Geology & Geophysics, U. of Wisconsin-Madison , Aug. 2002- Aug. 2005
Research Assistant, Earth Science, China University of Petroleum-Beijing, Aug. 1996 – Jun. 2002
Field work
The deployment of the Vietnam Array, Nov., 2009
Pullling out stations from the Oregon Array for Teleseismic Studies, Oregon, USA,, May, 2006.
The San Andreas field trip, California, USA, May, 2004.
The deployment of the Oregon Array for Teleseismic Studies, Oregon, USA, May 2003.
The Elementary Geology field trip in Xinwen, China, 1994.
Honors and awards
Received The James J. and Dorothy T. Hanks Geophysics Graduate Student Achievement Award for the 2003-04 academic year, the Dept. of Geology & Geophysics, UW-Madison, 2004
Excellent Graduates, Beijing University of Petroleum, 2002.
Excellent Graduates, Beijing University of Petroleum, 1999.
IET Education Foundation for Chinese Excellent Graduate Student, sponsored by International Engineer & Technology Corporation in Colorado, USA, 1998.
Excellent Undergraduates, U. of Petroleum, East China, 1996.
Professional membership
Chinese Geophysical Society
Chinese Society of Seismology
American Geophysical Union
Seismological Society of America
文章 | Publications
Xue, M. and R.M. Allen (2010) Mantle Structure Beneath the Western US and its Implications for Convection Processes, J. Geophys. Res., 115, B07303, doi:10.1029/2008JB006079. link
Zhao, L. and M. Xue (2010) Mantle flow pattern and geodynamic cause of the North China Craton reactivation: Evidence from seismic anisotropy, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 11, Q07010, doi:10.1029/2010GC003068. link
Obrebski M., R.M. Allen, M. Xue, and S.H. Hung (2010) Slab-plume interaction beneath the Pacific Northwest, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L14305, doi:10.1029/2010GL043489. link
Xue, M. and R.M. Allen (2007) The Fate of the Juan de Fuca Plate: Implications for a Yellowstone Plume Head, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 264 (1-2) 266-276, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2007.09.04. link
Xue, M. and R.M. Allen (2006) Origin of the Newberry Hotspot Track, Evidence from shear-wave splitting, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 244 (1-2) 315–322, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2006.01.066. link
Xue, M. and R.M. Allen (2005) Asthenospheric channeling of the Icelandic upwelling: Evidence from seismic anisotropy, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 235, 167-182 doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2005.03.017. link
Xue, M., ZH Chu, HL Bian, QW Yin, and XY Chai (2002) Remote Exploration Acoustic Reflection Well Logging Device and Its Acoustic Sonde Design, Well Logging Technology, No. 1, 2002 .
薛梅,楚泽涵和姜皓,声波测井仪器评述,石油仪器,No.5, 2000
Xue, M., ZH Chu, YH Li, H Jiang, BC Zhao, and XD Chen (2000) Discussion on Several Problems in Appraising Cement Bonding, Well Logging Technology, No.6, 2000.
Xue, M., ZH Chu, and H Jiang (2000) The Development and Evaluation of Acoustic Well Logging Tools, Petroleum Instruments, No. 5, 2000.
李艳华,薛梅,楚泽涵,李剑浩和任佐斌,用CBL/VDL 资料评价薄层水泥胶结,测井技术,No.3,1999
Li, YH, M. Xue, ZH Chu, JH Li, and ZB Ren (1998) Appraising Cement Bonding of Thin Formations by CBL/VDL data, Well Logging Technology, No. 3, 1999.
会议摘要 | Conference abstracts
Mei Xue*, Li Chen, Le Khanh Phon and Ting Yang (2012) The evolution of South China Sea: implications from seismic anisotropy and velocity structures, Aug. 13-17, Singapore, AOGS-WPGM. poster
M. Xue*, KP Le and T. Yang (2011) Seismic anisotropy beneath South China Sea: using SKS splitting to constrain mantle flow, AGU Fall Meeting. Talk | link
L. Chen*, M. Xue, KP Le and T. Yang (2011) Lithospheric structure of South China Sea from surface wave tomography, AGU Fall Meeting. Poster | link
T. Sun and M. Xue* (2011) Signatures of ocean storms on seismic records in South China Sea, AGU Fall Meeting. Poster | link
Y. Li, M. Xue*, Y. Ren and A. Zhu (2011) Earthquake Early Warning of East China Sea: the study on the experimental relationship between the Predominant Period and the Magnitude, AGU Fall Meeting. Poster | link
薛梅.* (2008) 横波分裂方法研究,中国地球物理第24届年会专题(14):地球介质各向异性, 北京,2008.10.17-21. link
Xue, M.* (2008) Study on Shear-wave Splitting, the 24th Annual of the Chinese Geophysical Society, Special topic 14: Anisotropy of Earth, Beijing, Oct 17 – 21, 2008. link
Xue, M.*, K.Y. Chun, and G. Henderson (2008) The fingerprints of Changbaishan Volcano on Regional Seismic Waveforms, AGU 2008 Fall Meeting. talk | link
Chun, K.Y., Xue, M.*, and Y. Wu (2008) The 9 October 2006 North Korean event: full moment tensor solution and seismic discrimination, AGU 2008 Fall Meeting. link
Allen, R.M.*, Xue, M., and S.H. Hung (2008) Complex geological interactions in the mantle beneath western USA, AGU 2008 Fall Meeting. talk | link
Allen, R.M.*, Xue, M., and S.H. Hung (2008) Using finite-frequency methods to improve regional models, AGU 2008 Fall Meeting. talk | link
Xue, M. and R. M. Allen (2007) Imaging Mantle Convection Processes Beneath the Western USA Using the EarthScope Transportable Array, AGU 2007 Fall Meeting. talk | link
Acevedo-Cabrera, A, M. Xue, and R. M. Allen (2007) Seismic Tomography of western North America, AGU 2007 Fall Meeting. link
R.M. Allen and Xue, M (2007) Convective interactions in the mantle beneath the Pacific Northwest : The fate of the Juan de Fuca plate, Earthscope Meeting, 2007. link
Xue, M. and R.M. Allen (2006) The fate of the Juan de Fuca Plate, AGU 2006 Fall Meeting. talk | link
Xue, M. and R.M. Allen (2005) Seismic imaging of the Newberry hotspot track, AGU 2005 Fall Meeting. talk | link
Xue, M. and R.M. Allen (2005) Identifying the Origin of the Newberry Hotspot Track, Chapman Conferences on the Great Plume Debate, 2005. link
R.M. Allen and Xue, M. (2005) Constraining the Geometry and Flow of the Iceland Mantle Upwelling, Chapman Conferences on the Great Plume Debate, 2005. link
R.M. Allen and Xue, M (2005) The origin of hotspot volcanism in the Pacific Northwest, IRIS/UNAVCO Annual Meeting, 2005. link
Xue, M and R.M. Allen (2004) Upper Mantle Origin of the Newberry Hotspot Track: Evidence From Shear-Wave Splitting, AGU 2004 Fall meeting. talk | link
R.M. Allen and Xue, M (2004) Newberry upwelling and Cascadian subduction: Convective interactions in the mantle beneath Oregon, MYRES Conference, 2004. link
Xue, M. and R.M. Allen (2003) Anisotropy beneath Iceland: Using splitting observations to constrain mantle flow, AGU 2003 Fall meeting. link
Xue, M., ZH Chu, and HL Bian (2002) Study on remote exploration acoustic reflection well logging, Annual Proceedings of The Chinese Geophysical Society, 2002.
Xue, M., ZH Chu, YH Li, H Jiang, BC Zhao, and XD Chen (2000) The discussion on some problems in appraising cement bonding, Annual Proceedings of The Chinese Geophysical Society, 2000.
Xue, M., and ZH Chu (2000) The development and evaluation of acoustic well logging tools, Annual Proceedings of The Chinese Geophysical Society, 2000.
薛梅,楚泽涵和张元中, 根据主频偏移值评估岩石声衰减的实验研究:中国地球物理学会年刊, 1999
Xue, M., ZH Chu, and YZ Zhong (1999) Experimental research of using centered frequency shift to evaluate rock acoustic attenuation, Annual Proceedings of The Chinese Geophysical Society, 1999.
报告 | Reports
Xue, M. and R.M. Allen (2008) Western USA Mantle Structure and its Implications for Mantle Convection Processes, Berk. Seism. Lab. Ann. Rep., 2008. link
Xue, M. and R.M. Allen, The Fate of the Juan de Fuca Plate: Implications for a Yellowstone Plume Head, Berk. Seism. Lab. Ann. Rep., 2007. link
Xue, M. and R.M. Allen, The fate of the Juan de Fuca Plate, Berk. Seism. Lab. Ann. Rep., 2006. link
Xue, M. and R.M. Allen, Seismic imaging of the Newberry hotspot track, Berk. Seism. Lab. Ann. Rep., 2005. link
教学 | Teaching
地球灾害 (即将开课)
内容: 这门课的主要目的是让学生充分了解地球活动所造成的灾害,如地震、海啸、火山活动等。本课程将讲授这些地球活动背后的机理、以及身处灾害发生时应该采取的正确措施。
学生: 大一和大二的本科生,面向所有专业
地震学 (即将开课)
内容: 这门课讲述天然地震学,是对《固体地球物理学》中涉及到的天然地震学的基础上,更进一步的深入讲授天然地震学。
课程网页: 建设中 …
地球物理学 (天然地震学)
已执教学期:2008 秋季 2009 秋季
将执教学期:2010 秋季
已执教学期:2009 春季 2010 春季
执教学期:2011 春季
加州大学伯克利分校及威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校教过的课程 (助教)
EPS20 (Earthquakes in your backyard),加利福尼亚大学 – 伯克利分校(美国)地球与行星科学系,2006年秋季学期
GEO594 (Introduction to Applied Geophysics)和GEO595 (Field Methods in Applied and Engineering Geophysics),威斯康星大学 – 麦迪逊分校(美国)地质与地球物理系,2004年秋季学期
Tongji University Courses
Undergraduate courses
Earth Disasters (to be coming)
Main topics: this course is aiming to give students a full coverage about the disasters caused by Earth activities, such as earthquake, tsunami, volcano eruption, etc. The fundamentals behind these activities, and the proper measures which should be taken during these disasters, etc, are delivered in this course.
Students: the first- or second- year undergraduate students for all majors
Course homepage: under construction …
Seismology (to be coming)
Main topics: this course focuses on global seismology, is an advance of the course solid geophysics in the direction of seismology.
Students: the third- or fourth- year undergraduate students in geophysics who is interested in pursuing a career in earthquake seismology.
Course homepage: under construction …
Graduate courses
Geophysics (Seismology part)
Main topics: this course focuses on global seismology, including basic definitions and concepts related to earthquake seismology, earthquake prediction, seismic wave propagation, seismic source description and discrimination, earthquake kinematics and dynamics, regular seismological techniques for exploring Earth structure, and current seismological topics.
Past term: Fall 2008/2009
Current term: Fall 2010
Enter Course Homepage…
Global Seismology and Plate Tectonics
Main topics: This course focuses on tectonics with an emphasis on the links between global seismology and tectonics, main topics including plate kinematics, spreading centers, subduction zones, mantle plumes, mountain ranges, continental rifts, plate boundary earthquakes, oceanic intraplate earthquakes, and continental earthquake.
Past term: Spring 2009/2010
Enter Course Homepage…
Quantitative Seismology
Main topics: The mathematics and physics of seismology: seismic wave propagation, theory of seismic source, and theory of surface waves.
Term: Spring 2011
Previous courses taught (as a GSI/TA) at UC-Berkeley and UW-Madison
EPS20 (Earthquakes in your backyard), Dept. of Earth and Planetary Science, University ofCalifornia-Berkeley, Fall semester 2006.
GEO594 (Introduction to Applied Geophysics) and GEO595 (Field Methods in Applied and Engineering Geophysics), Dept. of Geology and Geophysics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Fall semester 2004.
L. Chen*, M. Xue, KP Le and T. Yang (2011) Lithospheric structure of South China Sea from surface wave tomography, AGU Fall Meeting. 展板
电子邮件: yuanqiuyi040947@hotmail.com
Chun, KY, QY Yuan, and GA Henderson (2010) Precursory Rise of P-Wave Attenuation before the 2004 Parkfield Earthquake: Implications for Fault Rupture-Zone Processes, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. 100, No. 2.
T. Sun and M. Xue* (2011) Signatures of ocean storms on seismic records in South China Sea, AGU Fall Meeting. 展板
Y. Li, M. Xue*, Y. Ren and A. Zhu (2011) Earthquake Early Warning of East China Sea: the study on the experimental relationship between the Predominant Period and the Magnitude, AGU Fall Meeting. 展板
Ana Luz Acevedo-Cabrera,本科生,UC LEADS项目,2007
Acevedo-Cabrera, A, M. Xue, and R. M. Allen (2007) Seismic Tomography of western North America, AGU 2007 Fall Meeting. link
Recruiting information: I am currently recruiting 1-2 master students who have strong interests in Seismolgy and geodynamics, especially those who are planned to get PhDs in abroad and develop a career in academia. If admitted, students will be provided with competitive RA salary and financial support for international conferences.
Current members
Li Chen, master student, School of Ocean & Earth Science, Tongji University, 2009-2012
Education: Bachelor, Changjiang University, 2009
Research topic: Shear wave splitting, Seismic structure
Email: chen100li@163.com
Chen, L (2012) Research on the velocity structures of the crust and upper mantle in South China Sea and its surrounding regions by surface wave tomography, Master degree thesis.
L. Chen*, M. Xue, KP Le and T. Yang (2011) Lithospheric structure of South China Sea from surface wave tomography, AGU Fall Meeting. Poster
Former members
Qiuyi Yuan, master student, School of Ocean & Earth Science, Tongji University, 2008
Education: Bachelor, Tongji University, 2008
Research topic: Earthquake precursors, source discrimination
Email: yuanqiuyi040947@hotmail.com
Yuan, QY (2011) Regional Verification Research in North Korea: Accurate Explosion Yield Estimation and Seismic Source Discrimination, Master degree thesis.
Chun, KY, QY Yuan, and GA Henderson (2010 )Precursory Rise of P-Wave Attenuation before the 2004 Parkfield Earthquake: Implications for Fault Rupture-Zone Processes, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. 100, No. 2.
Alimujiang Abula, undergraduate student, School of Ocean & Earth Science, Tongji University, graduated in May, 2012
Research topic: Ocean storms on seismic records
Email: alimjan422@126.com
Publications: The characteristics of Typhoon “Muifa” on seismic records and their implications to small-scale ocean-continent coupling, undergraduate thesis, grade A in Geophysics, May, 2012
Haozhe Songtian, undergraduate student, School of Ocean & Earth Science, Tongji University, graduated in May, 2011
Research interests: The ocean-generated noise of South China Sea on seismic records
Email: 2010suntian@tongji.edu.cn
Sun, Tianhaozhe (2011) Seismic characteristics of ocean storms in South China Sea, undergraduate thesis, grade A in Tongji University.
T. Sun and M. Xue* (2011) Signatures of ocean storms on seismic records in South China Sea, AGU Fall Meeting. Poster
Yubing Li, undergraduate student, School of Ocean & Earth Science, Tongji University, 2007
Research interests: The potential for earthquake early warning in eastern China Sea
Email: liyubing38@gmail.com
Li, Yubing (2011) Earthquake Early Warning of East China Sea: the study on the experimental relationship between the Predominant Period and the Magnitude, grade B in Geophysics.
Y. Li, M. Xue*, Y. Ren and A. Zhu (2011) Earthquake Early Warning of East China Sea: the study on the experimental relationship between the Predominant Period and the Magnitude, AGU Fall Meeting. Poster
Xueqi Yang, undergraduate student, School of Ocean & Earth Science, Tongji University, 2009
Research topic: Shear-wave splitting methods
Email: hnhyang@163.com
Publications: Shear-wave splitting methods and their applications in eastern China, undergraduate thesis, grade B in Geophysics, May, 2009
Ana Luz Acevedo-Cabrera, undergraduate student, UC LEADS program 2007
Research topic: Seismic tomography of the western US
Email: analuzac@berkeley.edu
Acevedo-Cabrera, A, M. Xue, and R. M. Allen (2007) Seismic Tomography of western North America, AGU 2007 Fall Meeting. link