1984年7月 毕业于浙江大学地质学系,获理学学士学位;
1989年10月 同济大学获理学博士学位;此后留校任教;
1992-1993年 同济大学海洋地质与地球物理系副教授,副系主任;
1993年3月-1994年3月 英国威尔士大学Royal Society Visiting Fellow;
1994年4月-1997年9月 任同济大学海洋地质与地球物理系教授;
1996年1月起 被聘任博士生导师;
1997年10月-1998年10月 瑞士联邦高等理工学院(ETH)访问教授;
1998年10月 任同济大学理学院党委书记;
2000年1月起 兼任海洋地质与地球物理系主任;
2002年5月-2004年4月 兼任同济大学海洋与地球科学学院院长;
2002年7月起 任同济大学党委副书记;
2004年12月起 兼任同济大学副校长。
2007年7月起, 同济大学党委常务副书记, 副校长
2008年11月起, 同济大学海洋与地球科学学院教授
大陆边缘构造演化大陆边缘地区不仅是人类经济活动频繁、资源聚集的地区,也是变形、流体、沉积、火山等地质活动相互作用的地区,因此其研究具有重要的科学、经济和政治意义。 同济大学于1984年在已故中科院院士朱夏先生的主持下,在国内率先开创了大陆边缘构造演化的研究生培养方向,多年来的实践使本方向形成了古今结合、海陆结合、地质与地球物理/地球化学相结合的特色,共培养了近100名硕士、博士
盆地物源区构造环境判别分析 (从沉积物的矿物、化学、同位素等特征中提取盆地物源区的构造信息)
科技部863重点国际合作项目“ 中国大洋钻探预研究” (2004AA615030)(2005-2006)
973项目“南海新生代大陆边缘的构造演化模式” (2007CB411702)(2007-2011)
国家自然科学基金委员会创新研究群体基金项目“西太平洋暖池与东亚古环境:沉积记录的海陆对比”(40621063)(2006-2008, 参加)
上海市科委学科带头人计划资助项目“西大别造山带俯冲、折返历史重建”(08XD14042) (2008-2010)
太平洋地区地质-地球物理编图学术研讨会,1989.9,Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, USSR.
国际地学教育与训练研讨会,1993.4,Southampton, England.
岩石圈深层构造作用国际研讨会,1993.8,Graz, Austria.
盆地反转国际学术讨论会,1993.10,Oxford, England.
全英构造地质年会,1993.12,Dublin, Ireland.
东南亚构造演化学术研讨会,1994.12,London, England.
第 3 届亚洲海洋地质国际学术研讨会,1995.10,Cheju Island, South Korea.
CONCORD 合作大洋钻探国际学术研讨会,1997.7,Tokyo, Japan.
ETH 、 MIT 、东京大学全球可持续联合体 1998 年年会,1998.1, Zurich, Switzerland.
阿尔卑斯型造山带地质动力学 (古代及现代) 研讨会,1998.2, Bern, Switzerland .
第15届欧洲地球物理学会大会,1998.4, Nice, France.
地中海海岸带综合管理国际会议,1998.6, Genoa, Italy
COMPLEX(多平台非立管大洋钻探会议),1999.5, UBC, Canada
SCICOM(大洋钻探科学委员会会议),1999.8, UCSC, USA
现代地质学悖论国际研讨会,September 1999, Beijing.
国际地质对比计划(IGCP 368/411/440)研讨会,October 1999, Yichang
JOIDES SSEP MEETING(大洋钻探科学指导与评价委员会会议),1999.11, Udine, Italy
第9届国际裂变径迹测年与热年代学大会,Lorne, Australia, February 6-11, 2000
International Symposium on the Assembly and Break up of Rodinia and Gondwana, and Growth of Asia. Oct 26-30, Osaka , Japan
IPACES workshop “Asian Tectonics: From continents to margins to arcs” (co-chair of the organizing committee), 25-28 June, 2002, Shanghai.
Geodynamic processes of Gondwanaland-derived terranes in East and Southeast Asia. 17-25 Nov., 2002, Phitsanulok, Thailand .
10th International fission track dating and thermochronology, 8-13 August, 2004. Amsterdam , Holland.
International Symposium on shallow geology and geophysics,Hanoi, Vietnam, 12-14 April, 2004. (member of the advisory committee)
中生代以来中国大陆板块作用过程学术研讨会, 2005.4. 合肥.
10th International confenrence on Fission Track dating and Thermochronology , Amsterdam, 8-13, August, 2004, Amsterdam.
第231次香山科学会议, 南京, 2004.6. (特邀报告“ODP-IODP与深部生物圈研究”).
中扬子-雪峰地区油气勘探研讨会, 2006.6. 湖南张家界.(作“从川东南构造特征看“雪峰古陆”的构造“大会邀请报告).
海洋地质、矿产资源与环境学术研讨会. 2006年11月13-15日, 广州.(作“IODP 若干进展“邀请报告).
9th International Conference on Paleoceanography. 3-7 Sept., 2007. Shanghai. (co-chair of the organizing committee).
中石化勘探南方分公司首届油气勘探(地质)研讨会. 2007年9月27-28日, 成都(作“低温年代学与盆山耦合”大会邀请报告)
142.常远, 许长海, 周祖翼,2010,(U-Th) /He测年技术:α离子射出效应及其校正,地球科学进展,Vol.25,No.4,418-427。
140.包汉勇,韩广民,杨风丽,朱静昌,周祖翼,2010,下扬子区早三叠世风暴沉积的粘土矿物分析,吉林大学学报( 地球科学版),Vol.40,No.4,947-954
139.许长海,周祖翼,常远,GUILLOT François,2010,大巴山弧形构造带形成与两侧隆起的关系:FT 和(U-Th)/He 低温热年代约束,中国科学: 地球科学 2010 年 第40 卷 第12 期: 1684- 1696
138.常远,周祖翼,2010,利用低温热年代学数据计算剥露速率的基本方法,科技导报,28(21):86-94 。
137.杨蓉,Diane Seward,周祖翼,2010,长江流域现代沉积物碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄物源探讨,海洋地质与第四纪地质,Vol.30,No.6,73-83 。
136.Cheng, H., DuFrane, S.A., Vervoort, J.D., Nakamura, E., Zheng, Y.F., Zhou, Z.Y., 2010. Protracted oceanic subduction prior to continental subduction: new Lu–Hf and Sm–Nd geochronology of oceanic-type high-pressure eclogite in the western Dabie orogen. American Mineralogist. 95, 1214-1223.
135.Cheng, H., DuFrane, S.A., Vervoort, J.D., Nakamura, E., Li, Q.L., Zhou, Z.Y., 2010. The Triassic age for oceanic eclogites in the Dabie orogen: Entrainment of oceanic fragments in the continental subduction. Lithos. 117, 82-98.
134.Li, C.-F., X. Shi, Zhou, Z., Li, J., Geng, J., Chen, B., 2010. Depths to the magnetic layer bottom in the South China Sea area and their tectonic implications. Geophys. J. Int., 182, 1229-1247.
132.李春峰,汪品先,Dieter Franke,李家彪,Randell Stephenson,许树坤,Peter Michael,周祖翼,翦知湣等,2009,南海张裂过程及其对晚中生代以来东南亚构造的启示——IODP建议书735-Full介绍,地球科学进展,24(12):1339-1351
131.Wei Wang, Zuyi ZHOU, 2009. Reconstruction of palaeotopography from low-temperature thermochronological data. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 324: 99-110.
130.Changhai Xu, Jean Louis Mansy, Peter Van den Haute, Francois Guillot, Zuyi ZHOU, Jun Chen & Johan De Grave, 2009. Late- and post- Variscan evolution of the Ardennes in France and Belgium : Constraints from apatite fission-track data. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 324: 167-179.
129.Chun-Feng Li, Bing Chen, Zuyi ZHOU, 2009. Deep crustal structures of eastern China and adjacent seas revealed by magnetic data. Science in China (D-Earth Science), 52(7): 984-993.
128.吴建勋,周祖翼,许长海,郭彤楼,2009. 龙门山构造带中段实测剖面的古应力恢复。华南地质与矿产,第2期(总第98期):52-60.
127.Cheng, H., King, R.L., Nakamura, E., Vervoort, J.D., Zheng, Y.F., Ota, T., Wu, Y.B., Kobayashi., K., Zhou Z., 2009. Transitional time of oceanic to continental subduction in the Dabie orogen: Constraints from U-Pb, Lu-Hf, Sm-Nd and Ar-Ar multichronometric dating. Lithos, 110:327-342.
126.C.-F. Li, Z. Zhou, H. Ge, Y. Mao, 2009. Rifting process of the Xihu Depression, East China Sea Basin. Tectonophysics, 472, 135-147.
125.Chun-Feng Li, Zuyi ZHOU, Jiabiao Li,Bing Chen, Jianhua Geng, 2009.. Magnetic zoning and seismic structure of the South China Sea Ocean Basin. Marine Geophysical Research, 29:223-238.
124.Cheng, H., Nakamura, E., Zhou Z., 2009. Garnet Lu-Hf dating of retrograde fluid activity during ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic eclogites exhumation. Mineralogy and Petrology.95:315-326。
123. 张沛,周祖翼,许长海,张青林, 2008. 川西龙门山彭惯杂岩地球化学特征:岩石成因与构造意义。 大地构造与成矿学, 32(1):105-116.
122. C.-F. Li, Zuyi Zhou, Heping Ge, Yunxin Mao, 2008, Rifting process of the Xihu Depression, East China Sea Basin. Tectonophysics, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2008.04.026.
121. C.-F. Li, Z. Zhou, H. Hao, H. Chen, J. Wang, B. Chen, J. Wu, 2008. Late Mesozoic tectonic structure and evolution along the present-day northeastern South China Sea continental margin. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 31, 546-561.
120. Cheng, H., King, R.L., Nakamura, E., Vervoort, J.D., Zhou Z., 2008. Coupled Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd geochronology constrains garnet growth in ultra-high-pressure eclogites from the Dabie orogen. Journal of Metamorphic Geology. 26, 741-758.
119. Cheng, H., Zhou, Z., Nakamura, E., 2008. Crystal-size distribution and composition of garnets in eclogites from the Dabie orogen, central China, American Mineralogist. 93, 124-133.
118. 周祖翼, 陈振岩等, 2007. 内幕向斜型潜山确定及油气成藏特征. 石油天然气学报, 29(4):1-7.
117. Chun-Feng Li, Zuyi Zhou, Heping Ge, and Yunxin Mao, 2007. Correlations Between Erosions and Relative Uplifts From the Central Inversion Zone of the Xihu Depression, East China Sea Basin. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., Vol. 18, No. 4, 757-776.
116. Hao Cheng, Eizo Nakamura, Katsura Kobayashi, Zuyi Zhou, 2007. Origin of atoll garnets in eclogites and implications for the redistribution of trace elements during slab exhumation in a continental subduction zone. American Mineralogist, Vol.92: 1119-1129.
115. Li Chunfeng, Zhou Zuyi, Li Jiabiao,Chen Huanjiang, Geng Jianhua & Li Hui, 2007. Precollisional tectonics and terrain amalgamation offshore southern Taiwan: characterizations from reflection seismic and potential field data. Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences: 897-908.
114. 李春峰, 周祖翼, 李家彪, 陈焕疆, 耿建华, 李辉, 2007. 台湾岛南部海域的前碰撞构造地球物理特征. 中国科学(D), 37(5): 649-659.
113. 丁汝鑫, 周祖翼, 王纬, 2007. 利用低温年代学数据计算造山带剥露速率. 地球科学进展, 22(5): 447-456.
112. 王利, 周祖翼, 丁汝鑫, 2007. 大别造山带毗邻新生代盆地物质平衡分析. 地质论评, 53(3):301-305.
111. 王利, 周祖翼, 朱毅杰, 2007. 合肥盆地中新生代三维埋藏史分析. 高校地质学报, 13(1):105-111.
110. Chun-Feng Li, Zuyi ZHOU, Jiabiao Li, Hujun Hao, and Jianhua Geng, 2007. Structures of the northeasternmost South China Sea continental margin and ocean margin: geophysical constraints and tectonic implications. Marine Geophysical Research, 28:59-79.
109. 许长海, 周祖翼, P. Van Den Haute, J. L. Mansy, 杨风丽, 2006. 合肥盆地构造演化的磷灰石裂变径迹分析. 石油学报, 27(6):5-13.
108. Jian, Z., Yu, Y., Li, B., Wang, J., Zhang, X., Zhou, Z., 2006. Phased evolution of the south-north hydrographic gradient in the South China Sea since the middle Miocene. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 230: 251-263.
107. 丁汝鑫, 周祖翼, 许长海, 刘玉柱, 程昊, 徐斐.2006. 大别山区域低温剥露作用:基于U-Th/He和裂变径迹年代学数据的模拟. 中国科学D辑, 36(8):689-697.
106. Li, Q., Li, B., Zhong, G., McGowran, B., Zhou Z., Wang, J., Wang, P., 2006.?Late Miocene development of the western Pacific warmpool: planktonic foraminifer and oxygen isotopic evidence. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 237: 465-482.
105. DING Ruxin, ZHOU Zuyi, XU Changhai, LIU Yuzhu, CHENG Hao, XU Fei, 2006. Modelling of low-temperature exhumation rate in Dabie Shan based on (U-Th)/He and fission-track thermochronological data. Science in China (Series D Earth Sciences), 49(10):1009-1019.
104. 鲁法伟, 周祖翼, 2006. 破裂大陆岩石圈科学计划探索. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 26(1): 109-116.
103. 王玮 周祖翼 于鹏, 2005. 镜质体反射率与最高温度及其附近温度变化率的关系……几种镜质体反射率计算模型的比较. 地球物理学报, 48(6):1375-1383.
102. WU Ningfen, ZHOU Zuyi, LAO Qiuyuan and LIU Changsen,2005. GIS-based study on the relationship between earthquakes and active faults in Shanghai and its adjacent offshore region, East China. Geotectonica et Metallogenia, 29(1):34-43.
101. 曹洁冰 周祖翼 吴能友 钟广法 王嘹亮,2005. 曾母盆地西部岩石圈特性与有效弹性厚度:来自构造模拟的约束. 大地构造与成矿学.29(3):377-384.
100. 王利, 周祖翼, 2005.发震带实验(SEIZE).地球科学进展, 20(8):823-832.
99. 周祖翼, 郭彤楼, 许长海, 杨风丽, 2005. 广西十万大山盆地中生代地层的裂变径迹研究及其地质意义. 地质学报, 79(3):395-401.
98. 程昊, 陈道公, 周祖翼, 2005. 黄镇低温榴辉岩中石榴石成分分带的扩散动力学研究. 地球科学进展, 20(4): 421-426.
97. XU Changhai, ZHOU Zuyi, P.Van Den Haute, R.A. Donelick, J.De Grave, MA Changqian & P.W. Reiners, 2005. Apatite fission track geochronology and its tectonic correlation in the Dabieshan orogen, Central China. Science in China (Ser. D earth sciences), 48(4): 506-520.
96. 邬宁芬, 周祖翼, 2004. 应用MapGIS构建上海及邻近海域地震与新构造活动关系数据库. 物探化探计算技术. 26(3): 265-269.
95. 曹洁冰, 郭彤楼, 许长海, 周祖翼, 2004. 十万大山盆地中酸性火山岩、基性侵入岩地球化学研究. 南方油气. NO.9: 8-13.
94. 邬宁芬, 周祖翼. 劳秋元, 刘昌森, 2004. GIS 支持下地震与断裂活动关系研究–以上海及邻近海域为例. 大地构造与成矿学, 28(3):248-253.
93. 许长海, 周祖翼, P Van den Haute, R.A. Donelick, J De Grave, 马昌前, P W Reiners, 2004. 大别造山带磷灰石裂变径迹 (AFT) 年代学研究. 中国科学 D 辑 地球科学, 34(7):622-634.
92. 俞永强, 周祖翼, 张学洪, 2004. 印度尼西亚海道关闭对气候的影响:一个数值模拟研究. 科学通报, 48(增刊2):60-64.
91. YU Yongqiang, ZHOU Zuyi & ZHANG Xuehong, 2004. Impact of the closure of Indonesian seaway on climate: a numerical modeling study. Chinese Science Bulletin. 48(supp.II):88-93.
90. 程昊, 周祖翼, 2004, 石榴石微区化学组成与结构关系及其意义. 地学前缘, 11(2):444.
89. 丁汝鑫, 刘斌, 周祖翼, 2004. 茅山顶宫地区构造流体包裹体迹面研究. 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 32(2): 187-191.
88. 周祖翼, 金性春, 王嘹亮, 翦知缗, 许长海, 2004.印尼海道的两度关闭与西太平洋暖池的形成和兴衰. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 24(1): 7-14.
87. 钟广法, 周祖翼, 耿建华, 2003. 有效厚度拟合定量恢复原始地层超覆点位置. 沉积学报, Vol.21, No.4: 614-618.
86. 刘金水, 廖宗廷, 贾健宜, 周祖翼, 杨娟, 2003. 东海陆架盆地地质结构及构造演化. 上海地质, 3 :1-6.
85. 柴育成, 周祖翼, 2003. 科学大洋钻探:成就与展望. 地球科学进展, 18(5): 666-672.
84. 曹洁冰, 周祖翼, 2003. 被动大陆边缘:从大陆破裂到海底扩张. 地球科学进展, 18(5): 730-736
83. 徐斐, 周祖翼, 2003. 洋底高原:了解地球内部的窗口. 地球科学进展, 18(5): 745-752.
82. 孙连浦, 周祖翼, 2003. 科学大洋钻探中的新技术. 地球科学进展, 18(5): 789-794.
81. 朱毅杰, 于开平, 周祖翼, 2003. 科学大洋钻探与深部生物圈. 海洋地质动态. 250: 13-15.
80. 吴能友, 曾维军, 宋海斌, 周祖翼, 杜德莉, 万玲, 2003.南海区域现代地球动力学状态探讨. 中国边缘海岩石层结构与动力过程(李家彪, 高抒主编), 海洋出版社. 126-133页.
79. ZHONG Guangfa, GENG Jianhua, ZHOU Zuyi, WONG How Kin and WANG Liaoliang, 2003. Late Cenozoic history of sea level changes documented from high-resolution seismic data on the northern Sunda Shelf , South China Sea. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, 46: 439-442.
78. Peter W. Reiners, Zuyi ZHOU, Todd A. Ehlers, Changhai Xu, Mark T. Brandon, Raymond A.Donelick, and Stefan Nicolescu, 2003, Post-orogenic evolution of the Dabie Shan, eastern China, from (U-Th)/He and fission-track thermochronology. American Journal of Science, 303:489-518.
77. ZHOU Zuyi, XU Changhai, P.W.Reiners, YANG Fengli & R.A. Donelick, 2003. Late Cretaceous-Cenozoic exhumation of Tiantangzhai region of Dabieshan orogen: constraints from (U-Th)/He and fission track analysis. Chinese Science Bulletin, 48(11):1151-1156.
76. 周祖翼, 许长海, P.W.Reiners, 杨凤丽, R.A. Donelick, 2003. 大别山天堂寨地区晚白垩世以来剥露历史的U-Th/He和裂变径迹分析证据. 科学通报, 48(6): 598-602.
75. 傅强, 周祖翼, 刘永斗, 2003, 曹台变质岩潜山油气的运移与成藏特征. 同济大学学报, 31(3):304-308.
74. 吴能友, 曾维军, 宋海斌, 周祖翼, 杜德莉, 万玲, 2003, 南海区域构造沉降特征. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 23(1):55-66.
73. 何将启,周祖翼,江兴歌,2002. 优化孔隙度法计算地层剥蚀厚度:原理及实例. 石油实验地质, 24(6): 461-565.
72. 杨凤丽,周祖翼,张善文, 2002, 埕岛复式含油气系统研究及评价. 高校地质学报, 8(2):180-189.
71. 周祖翼,Peter W. Reiners, 许长海,廖宗廷, 杨凤丽, 2002, 大别山造山带白垩纪热窿伸展作用――锆石(U-Th)/He年代学证据.自然科学进展, 12(7): 96-99.
70. ZHOU Z Y, Reiners P W, XU C H, et al. Zircon (U-Th)/He thermochronological constraints on Cretaceous thermal extension of Dabieshan orogen, Progress in Natural Science, 2002, 12(7): 524~527.
69. XU C H, ZHOU Z Y, MA C Q, et al. Geochronological constraints on 140-85 Ma thermal doming extension in the Dabie orogen, Central China. Science in China (series D), 2002, 45(9):801-817.
68. 周祖翼, 贾健谊, 李家彪, 杨凤丽, 2002, 东海西湖凹陷反转构造定量研究:来自裂变径迹分析数据的约束.海洋地质与第四纪地质, 22(1): 63-67.
67. 王嘹亮, 吴能友, 周祖翼, 陈强, 2002, 南海西南部北康盆地新生代沉积演化史.中国地质, 29(1):96-102.
66. 何将启, 周祖翼, 李家彪, 朱德茂, 2002, 南海北部大陆边缘构造研究:现状及展望. 中国边缘海的形成演化(高抒, 李家彪主编), 海洋出版社. 65-74页.
65. 丁式江, 许长海, 龙文国, 周祖翼, 廖宗廷, 2002, 海南屯昌变火山岩构造属性及其年代学研究. 岩石学报, 18(01): 83-90.
64. 周祖翼, 毛凤鸣, 廖宗廷, 钱基, D.Seward,2001. 苏北中新生代沉积物的磷灰石裂变径迹研究. 朱夏油气地质理论应用研讨文集(周玉琦主编), 地质出版社. 351-355.
63. 尚可耘, 周祖翼, 贾健谊, 李家彪, 2001, 利用声波测井求取反转构造剥蚀厚度. 朱夏油气地质理论应用研讨文集(周玉琦主编), 地质出版社. 345-350.
62. 张有江, 周祖翼, 陈焕疆, 2001, 时频岩相分析-对频率信息的进一步思考. 朱夏油气地质理论应用研讨文集(周玉琦主编), 地质出版社. 339-344.
61. ZHOU Zuyi & LIAO Zongting, 2001. Mesozoic tectonics of Fujian, Eastern China. In: Ueli Briegel & Wenjiao XIAO (eds), Paradoxes in Geology, Elsevier: 39-53.
60. 杨凤丽, 周祖翼, 张春荣, 2001. 埕岛油田成烃特征与油气分异作用. 海相油气地质, Vol 6 (3): 48-52.
59. 许长海, 周祖翼, 马昌前, P Reiners, 2001.大别造山带140-85Ma热穹伸展作用—年代学约束. 中国科学(D辑), 2001, 31(11):925-937.
58. 邬宁芬, 周祖翼, 2001. (U-Th/He)年代学及其地质应用. 矿物岩石地球化学通报, 20(4), 454-457.
57. 李金高, 王全海, 周祖翼, 李志, 姚鹏, 杨成玉, 2001. 试论藏中南低速低阻层与成矿作用. 沉积与特提斯地质, 21(3): 27-38.
56. ZHOU Zuyi, JIANG Jianyi, LIAO Zongting, YANG Fengli and SHANG Keyun, 2001. Basin Inversion in Xihu depression, East China Sea. Gondwana Research, 4(4): 844-845.
55. XU Changhai, ZHOU Zuyi, MA Changqian and Reiners, P.A., 2001. Geochronological constraints on the post-collisional (150-75Ma) thermal extension in the Dabieshan orogen, Central China. Gondwana Research, 4(4): 829-831.
54. 周祖翼, 廖宗廷, 杨凤丽, 2001. 裂变径迹分析及其在沉积盆地研究中的应用. 石油实验地质, 23(3):332-337.
53. 许长海, 周祖翼, 马昌前, 2001. 造山进程与高压剥露模型综述. 华南地质与矿产, 第2期, 63-73.
52. 尚可耘, 贾健谊, 周祖翼, 梁连喜, 2001. 利用声波测井数据估算西湖凹陷地层剥蚀量. 海洋石油, 109:12-15.
51. 杨凤丽, 周祖翼, 廖永胜, 2001. 埕岛复杂油气田的油气运聚系统分析. 同济大学学报, 29(7)838-844.
50. 张宏伟, 周祖翼, 2001, 人工合成钻石在现代高技术领域中的应用. 珠宝科技, 13(1):35-39.
49. 周祖翼, 毛凤鸣, 廖宗廷, 郭彤楼, 2001, 裂变径迹年龄多成分分离技术及其在沉积盆地物源分析中的应用. 沉积学报, 19(3):456-458.
48. 李金高, 周祖翼, 彭勇民, 姚鹏, 2001. 三江地区北段江达弧间盆地的沉积演化. 沉积学报, 19(2): 199-206.
47. 董良国, 周祖翼, 2001, 反转构造模型的地震波模拟与成像. 高校地质学报, 7(2):189-195.
46. 李金高, 周祖翼, 王全海, 彭勇民, 姚鹏, 2001. 西藏江孜县沙拉冈锑(金?copy;矿区重力流沉积特征. 成都理工学院学报, 28(2): 187-190.
45. 周祖翼, 廖宗廷, 金性春, 贾健谊, 2001, 冲绳海槽——弧后背景下大陆张裂的最高阶段. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 21(5):51-56.
44. 周祖翼, Donelick, R., 2001. 基于磷灰石裂变径迹分析数据的时间——温度历史的多元动力学模拟. 石油实验地质, 23(1):97-102.
43. 杨凤丽, 周祖翼等, 2000, 埕岛大油田形成机理与油气成藏模式. 勘探家, Vol.5, No.4, 16-18.
42. 杨凤丽, 周祖翼,张善文, 2000, 裂缝性油气储层的地震预测方法研究进展及实例, 海相油气地质, 第5卷, 第3-4期, 103-106.
41. 徐国强, 周祖翼等, 2000, 海底气体水合物. 自然杂志, 第22卷, 第2期, 113-116.
40. 廖宗廷, 周祖翼等, 2000, 产学合作教育与宝石学学科建设. 宝石和宝石学杂志, 第2卷, 第1期:52-55.
39. Z.Y. ZHOU, D. Seward, J.Qian & Q.Lao, 2000. Preliminary apatite fission track analysis on Meso-Cenozoic sedimentary rocks from north Jiangsu Basin China. In W.P. Noble, P.B. O’Sullivan and R.W. Brown eds. 9th International Conference on Fission Track dating and Thermochronology, Lorne, 2000. Geological Society of Australia Abstracts No. 58, 357-359.
38. C.H.XU, Z.Y. ZHOU & C.Q.Ma, 2000. Post-collisional uplift-exhumation of the Dabie massif, East China: Evidence from petrological and thermochronological study on granitoids. In W.P. Noble, P.B. O’Sullivan and R.W. Brown eds. 9th International Conference on Fission Track dating and Thermochronology, Lorne, 2000. Geological Society of Australia Abstracts No. 58, 345-347.
37. ZHOU Zuyi, DING Shijiang, LIAO Zongting, XU Changhai & LAO Qiuyuan, 1999. Metamorphic and basic rocks in Middle Hainan Island: Preliminary geochemical and petrological studies and tectonic significance. Gondwana Research, V.2, No.4, 643-646.
36. XU Changhai, ZHOU Zuyi & MA Changqian, 1999. Petrological and thermochronological study on post-collisional uplift-exhumation history of the Dabie Massif, China. Gondwana Research, V.2, No.4, 519-521.
35. 杨凤丽, 周祖翼, 印兴耀, 吴国枕, 1999. 应用人工神经网络技术预测曲流河砂体分布. 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 27(1): 115-118.
34. 杨凤丽, 周祖翼, 张善文, 欧阳永林, 1999. 利用地震方法预测潜山裂缝性油气储层——以渤海湾南部为例. 高校地质学报, 5(3): 322-327.
33. 傅强, 王家林, 周祖翼, 1999, 利用岩矿记忆信息恢复基岩潜山裂缝储层形成的机制. 地质论评, 第45卷, 第4期, 434-438.
32. 傅强, 王家林, 周祖翼, 1999, 自组织特征映射网络在储层识别中的应用. 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 第27卷, 第3期, 371-374.
31. 石莉颖, 周祖翼等, 1999, 论我国海岸带综合管理. 中国人口、资源与环境, 1999(增刊).
30. 傅强, 王家林, 周祖翼, 1999. 塔北草湖凹陷的油气勘探方向. 石油与天然气地质, 20(3):252-254.
29. 杨凤丽, 周祖翼, 才巨宏, 印兴耀, 1998. 埕岛油田馆陶组上段的定量地震相分析及沙体预测. 石油实验地质, 20(2):143-148.
28. 傅强, 王家林, 周祖翼, 1998, 陕甘宁盆地中部气田奥陶系五马储层的古岩溶作用, 海相油气地质, 第3卷, 第2期: 29-34.
27. 周祖翼, 劳秋元, 1997, 科学大洋钻探与全球气候变化研究, 地学前缘, 第4卷, 第1-2期, 115~121.
26. 周祖翼, 1997, CONCORD—合作大洋主管钻探国际会议介绍, 中国古海洋学与古环境研究通讯, 第16期, 1—8.
25. 1997, Offshore Chinese Sedimentary basins, PGS & Amoco.( 图, 参与编写).
24. 周祖翼, 1997, 我国海岸带资源开发中应注意的几个问题, 为了上海的明天(诸大建主编), 同济大学出版社, 284—291.
23. 周祖翼, 丁晓, 廖宗廷, 金性春, 1997, 边缘海盆地的形成机制及其对中国东南地质研究 的启示, 地球科学进展, Vol. 12, No.1, 7-14.
22. 廖宗廷, 周祖翼, 陈军, 1997, 东秦岭造山带形成过程新探索, 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 25(1):77-81.
21. 廖宗廷, 周祖翼, 陈焕疆, 1997, 广西大厂泥盆系浊积岩和硅质岩的特征, 石油实验地质, 第19卷, 第1期, 87-91.
20. 周祖翼, 1996, 中国近海油气资源, 中国海洋地理(王颖主编〕, 科学出版社, 134-137.
19. Zhou Zuyi, Lao Qiuyuan, Chen Huanjiang and Liao Zongting, 1996, The early Mesozoic orogeny in Fujian, Southeast China, in: R. Hall et al. (eds), Tectonic Evolution of SE Asia, Geological Society Special Publication No. 106, 549-556.
18. Zhou Zuyi, Liao Zongting, Lao Qiuyuan, Wu Jiansheng and Wang Jialin, 1996, Tectonic evolution of the basement of the East China Sea, In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Petroleum Geology in the East China Sea, Tongji University Press, 171-176.
17. Lao Qiuyuan & Zhou Zuyi, 1996, Geological history of the East China Sea, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Asian Marine Geology, Korean Society of Oceanography, 157-167.
16. Zhou Zuyi , 1996 , Geoscience higher education in China: Progress, problems and prospects, In: Dorrik A. Stow et al. (eds), Geoscience Education and Training , A.A. BALKEMA/ROTTERDAM/BROOKFIELD, 455-459.
15. 周祖翼, 丁晓, 廖宗廷, 陈焕疆, 1995, 南盘江早中生代沉积盆地构造背景分析, 同济大学学报(自然科 学版), 第23卷增刊, 189-194.
14. 周祖翼, 1995, 反转构造与造山运动, 上海地质, No. 4:25-32.
13. 周祖翼, 1994, 反转构造, 地质科技情报, Vol. 13, No. 1, 3-11.
12. 廖宗廷, 周祖翼, 1994, 试论中国东南地区大陆边缘构造演化的特征, 石油实验地质, Vol. 16, No. 3, 234-242.
11. 周祖翼, 劳秋元, 陈焕疆, 景学立, 1993, 东南沿海早中生代造山运动, 中国油气田盆地分析…朱夏学术思想研讨文集(孙肇才, 张渝昌主编), 石油工业出版社, 207-213.
10. 周祖翼, 珠江口盆地的形成与南海的构造演化, 海洋科学, 1993, No. 5, 62-66.
9. 周祖翼, 1992, 闽东沿海构造带, 中国海区及邻域地质地球物理特征, (刘光鼎主编), 科学出版社, 320-326.
8. 周祖翼, 1992, 闽西溪口组沉积环境及其构造意义, 石油实验地质, Vol.14, No. 2, 135-141.
7. 周祖翼, 1992, 中国东南沿海及邻近海区一种独特的大陆增生方式--转换断层向俯冲体系的转变, 上海地质, No.1, 5-11.
6. 周祖翼, 丁晓, 1992, 造山运动:追溯地球的历史踪迹, 科学, Vol.44, No.4, 22-24.
5. Zhou Zuyi, 1992, The early Mesozoic orogeny in the northern shelf of the South China Sea and its adjacent lands. In: Kudrass, H.R. et al., (Editors), Marine Geology and Geophysics of the South China Sea, China Ocean Press, Beijing, 119-125.
4. 周祖翼, 1991, 东特提斯造山带研究若干问题, 中国西部特提斯构造演化与成矿作用研讨会论文集, 成都电子科技大学出版社.
3. 周祖翼, 1990, 东特提斯造山带研究述评, 地质科技情报, Vol.9, No.3, 1-8.
2. Zhou Zuyi, 1990, Mesozoic tectonic evolution of Eastern Fujian and its adjacent areas, In: T. J. Wiley et al. (editors),Terrane Analysis of China and Pacific Rim, Circum Pacific Council for Energy and Mineral Resources, Houston, 285-287.
1. 周祖翼, 1989, 中国东南沿海基底研究, 福建地质, Vol. 8, No. 1, 1-8
1. C.-F. Li, Zhou Z, Hao H., Chen H., Wang J., Chen B., 2007, Geophysical constraints on Late Mesozoic tectonics along the present-day northeastern South China Sea continental margin. J. China Univ. Geosci., 18, Special Issue, p. 484, 489.
2. C.-F. Li, Zhou Z, Ge H, Mao Y, 2006, Tectonic subsidence and crustal structure of the Xihu Depression, East China Sea Basin. 12th International Symposium on Deep Seismic Profiling. Hayama, Japan.
3. Zhou Z., Ding R.et al., Modelling of low-temperature exhumation rate in Dabie shan based on U-Th/He and fission track thermochronological data. European Conference on Thermochronology 2006 (abstracts), SDGG (Schruftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Geowissenshaften), 2006, Heft 49: 172-173.
4. 李春峰, 周祖翼, 李家彪, 耿建华, 杨楷, 南海北部陆缘中生代古太平洋残留俯冲带的地球物理证据。中生代以来中国大陆板块作用过程学术研讨会, 2005.4, 合肥.
5. 周祖翼, 大别山造山带白垩纪以来的折返:U-Th/He与FT年代学及模拟. 中生代以来中国大陆板块作用过程学术研讨会. 2005.4, 合肥.
6. ZHOU Zuyi, Yu Yongqiang, WANG Liaoliang, Jin Xinchun, Jian Zhimin and Wu Nengyou, Closure of the Indonesian seaway and its relationship to the formation and evolution of the western Pacific Warm Pool. 5th International Coference on Asian Marine Geology, Bangkok, Thailand, 13-18 Jan., 2004.
7. ZHOU Zuyi, ZHONG Guangfa, WU Nengyou & Wang Liaoliang, Neotectonic events in the southern South China Sea. 5th International Coference on Asian Marine Geology, Bangkok, Thailand, 13-18 Jan., 2004.
8. Z. Zhou, R.X. Ding, C.H. Xu, et al., 2004. Exhumation of the Dabie Shan, East China Since Cretaceous: Evidence from (U-Th)/He & Fission Track Thermochronology and Modeling. Abstracts of the 10th International Conference on Fission Track Dating and Thermochronology, Amsterdam, Holland. 117.
9. Ch. Xu, P. van den Haute, Z.Y. Zhou et al., 2004. Low-temperature Thermochronology in Dabie-Hong’an Areas and Its Tectonic Correlation. Abstracts of the 10th International Conference on Fission Track Dating and Thermochronology, Amsterdam, Holland. 31.
10. Xu Changhai, Zhou Z. and Yang F., 2002. Post-collisional Tectono-magmatic processes of Dabie Shan orogen, Program and Abstract of the International Symposium on “Geodynamic processes of Gondwanaland-derived terranes in East and Southeast Asia”, IGCP Project 411, 75.
11. Peter W. Reiners and Zuyi ZHOU et al., 2001, Exhumation of the Dabie Shan through the mid- and shallow-crust: Evidence from zircon and apatite (U-Th)/He thermochronology, GSA annual meeting, Boston, USA
12. ZHOU,Z., Liao,Z.T. and JIANG,J.Y., 1998. The Okinawa Trough: advanced continental rifting in a backarc setting. Annales Geophysicae, Vol.16, Part I, C84.
13. ZHOU,Z., Liao,Z.T. and Yang,F.,1998. The changing face of East Asia in Cenozoic: Tectonic and enviroment. In: Geological dynamics of Alpine type moutain belts ancient and modern, Alfred Wegner Foundation, 98(1):36-37.
14. YANG, F., & ZHOU, Z. 1998. Integrated studies on the upper Tertiary meandering stream sandstone bodies in the southern part of Bohai basin, East China/ 15rh International Sedimentological Congress, Alicante, Spain. 835.
15. CHEN, H., ZHOU, Z., 1997. A review of Late Cenozoic collision tectonics and interplate deformation in the northern part of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. 1997 GSA Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, A-229.
16. Zhou Zuyi et al., 1995, Formation and evolution of the Pearl River Mouth Basin, In: Abstract of Papers, 3rd International Conference on Asian Marine Geology, Sogwipo, South Korea.
17. Zhou Zuyi et al., 1995, Basement evolution of the East China Sea Basin, Abstracts of the International Symposium of Petroleum Geology of the East China Sea, Shanghai, China.
18. Zhou Zuyi Robert. J. Whittington, 1994, Tectonic evolution of the Pearl River Mouth Basin,1994 AAPG Conference & Exhibition, Kuala Lumpur.
19. Zhou Z.Y., Zongting Liao, Huanjiang Chen and Xiao Din, 1993, Tectonic setting of Mesozoic Nanpanjiang basin, Abstracts of Insternational Conference on basin tectonics and Hydro- carbon accumulation, Nanjing, China, 289.
20. Zhou Z.Y., 1993, Mesozoic continental reconstruction in offshore SE China: A Geophysical approach, TSG Manual Dublin 1993, Trinity College, 44.
21. Zhou Z.Y., 1993, Geometry and kinematics of west Fujian foreland fold and thrust zone, SE China, ERRA NOVA ABSTRACT SUPPLEMENT 1, Blackwell Scientific Publications, 46.
22. Zhou Zuyi, 1991, Western Fujian-Eastern Guangdong Mesozoic foreland basin and its related orogeny, Proceedings of the Symposium on IGCP Project 321, Kunming, 6 pages.
13. 1991年, 开发浦东青年学术研讨会论文集(主编)
23. Zhou Zuyi, 1989, Pre-Mesozoic structure of Southeast China and its tectonic constraints on east China Sea, In: Abstract of Papers, International Symposium on Geological -Geophysical Mapping of the Pacific Region, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, 112-114.
24. 周祖翼, 1989, 利用古地磁资料探讨亚洲东部大陆增生的若干问题, 第四届全国古地磁学术会议论文摘要汇编, 杭州.
2. 廖宗廷, 周祖翼, 2000. 产学合作教育与宝石学学科建设. 宝石与宝石学杂志, Vol.2, No.1, 52-55.
3. 王家林, 周祖翼, 1999. 向一流的海洋地质学科奋进. 教育改革与管理——研究生教育研究. 13-15.
4. 许长海, 周祖翼, 廖宗廷, 1999, 普及生态文化, 促进可持续发展, 同济大学学报(社会科学版), 第10卷, 第3期, 40-44.
5. 周祖翼, 1996, 英国高等地质教育概况与启示, 中国地质教育, No.1, 57-62.
6. Zhou Zuyi , 1996 , Geoscience higher education in China: Progress, problems and prospects, In: Dorrik A. Stow et al. (eds), Geoscience Education and Training , A.A. BALKEMA/ROTTERDAM/BROOKFIELD, 455-459.
7. 周祖翼, 1995, 海洋地质科学:发展趋势与人才培养, 南京大学学报(社会科学版).
8. Zhou Zuyi, 1995, Geoscience education in China: Where now? Geoscience and development, 1, 25- 26.
9. 孟宪来, 周祖翼, 1993, 当代国际地学教育发展动态, 中国地质教育, No.4, 63-65.
10. 王家林, 周祖翼, 1999, 向一流的海洋地质学科奋进, 教育改革与管理-研究生教育研究, 第2期, 13-15.
Selected Publications
Cheng, H., King, R.L., Nakamura, E., Vervoort, J.D., Zheng, Y.F., Ota, T., Wu, Y.B., Kobayashi, K., Zhou, Z.Y., 2009. Transitional time of oceanic to continental subduction in the Dabie orogen: constraints from U–Pb, Lu–Hf, Sm–Nd and Ar–Ar multichronometric dating. Lithos. 110, 327-342.
Wang Wei, Zhou Zuyi, 2009, Reconstruction of palaeotopography from low-temperature thermochronological data,Geological Society, London, Special Publications,V324(1):99-110
Li Chunfeng, Zhou Zuyi, Li Jiabiao,Chen Huanjiang, Geng Jianhua, Li Hui, 2007. Precollisional tectonics and terrain amalgamation offshore southern Taiwan: characterizations from reflection seismic and potential field data. Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences: 897-908.
Chun-Feng Li, Zuyi ZHOU, Jiabiao Li, Hujun Hao, Jianhua Geng, 2007. Structures of the northeasternmost South China Sea continental margin and ocean margin: geophysical constraints and tectonic implications. Marine Geophysical Research, 28:59-79.
Hao Cheng, Eizo Nakamura, Katsura Kobayashi, Zuyi Zhou, 2007. Origin of atoll garnets in eclogites and implications for the redistribution of trace elements during slab exhumation in a continental subduction zone. American Mineralogist, Vol.92: 1119-1129.
Chun-Feng Li, Zuyi Zhou, Heping Ge, Yunxin Mao, 2007. Correlations Between Erosions and Relative Uplifts From the Central Inversion Zone of the Xihu Depression, East China Sea Basin. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., Vol. 18, No. 4, 757-776.
DING Ruxin, ZHOU Zuyi, XU Changhai, LIU Yuzhu, CHENG Hao, XU Fei,2006. Modelling of low-temperature exhumation rate in Dabie Shan based on (U-Th)/He and fission-track thermochronological data. Science in China (Series D Earth Sciences), 49(10):1009-1019.
Li, Q., Li, B., Zhong, G., McGowran, B., Zhou Z., Wang, J., Wang, P., 2006. Late Miocene development of the western Pacific warmpool: planktonic foraminifer and oxygen isotopic evidence. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 237: 465-482.
Jian, Z., Yu, Y., Li, B., Wang, J., Zhang, X., Zhou, Z., 2006. Phased evolution of the south-north hydrographic gradient in the South China Sea since the middle Miocene. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 230: 251-263.
XU Changhai, ZHOU Zuyi, P.Van Den Haute, R.A. Donelick, J.De Grave, MA Changqian & P.W. Reiners, 2005. Apatite fission track geochronology and its tectonic correlation in the Dabieshan orogen, Central China. Science in China (Ser. D earth sciences), 48(4): 506-520
WU Ningfen, ZHOU Zuyi, LAO Qiuyuan and LIU Changsen,2005. GIS-based study on the relationship between earthquakes and active faults in Shanghai and its adjacent offshore region, East China. Geotectonica et Metallogenia, 29(1):34-43.
YU Yongqiang,ZHOU Zuyi & ZHANG Xuehong, 2004. Impact of the closure of Indonesian seaway on climate: a numerical modeling study. Chinese Science Bulletin. 48(supp.II):88-93.
ZHOU Zuyi,JIN Xinchun, WANG Liaoliang, JIAN Zhimin, and XU Changhai,2004. Twice Closure of the Indonesian Seaway and Its Relationship to The Formation and Evolution of the Western Pacific Warm Pool.Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology, 24(1): 7-14(In Chinese with English abstract )
DING Ruxin, LIU Bing & ZHOU Zuyi, 2004. Fluid inclusion study in Dinggong area, Maoshan. Journal of Tongji University, 32(2):187-191.(In Chinese with English abstract )
ZHONG Guangfa, GENG Jianhua, ZHOU Zuyi, WONG How Kin and WANG Liaoliang, 2003. Late Cenozoic history of sea level changes documented from high-resolution seismic data on the northern Sunda Shelf , South China Sea. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, 46: 439-442.
Peter W. Reiners, Zuyi ZHOU, Todd A. Ehlers, Changhai Xu, Mark T. Brandon, Raymond A.Donelick, and Stefan Nicolescu,2003, Post-orogenic evolution of the Dabie Shan, eastern China, from (U-Th)/He and fission-track thermochronology. American Journal of Science, 303:489-518.
ZHOU Zuyi, XU Changhai, P.W.Reiners, YANG Fengli & R.A. Donelick, 2003. Late Cretaceous-Cenozoic exhumation of Tiantangzhai region of Dabieshan orogen: constraints from (U-Th)/He and fission track analysis. Chinese Science Bulletin, 48(11):1151-1156.
ZHONG Guangfa, ZHOU Zuyi & GENG Jianhua, 2003. Extrapolating the original positions of removed onlap-offlap points using a piecewise-constructed model of effective stratal thickness. ACTA Sedimentologica Sinica, 21(4): 614-618( In Chinese with English abstract )
HE, J., ZHOU, Z., JIANG, X., 2002. Optimum estimation of the amount of erosion by porosity data: A case study on Mingshui Formation of Changling Depression, Songliao Basin. Petroleum Geology & Experiment, 24(6):561-565. (In Chinese with English abstract )
ZHOU, Z., Reiners P W, XU C H, et al. 2002, Zircon (U-Th)/He thermochronological constraints on Cretaceous thermal extension of Dabieshan orogen, Progress in Natural Science, 12(7): 524~527.
XU C H, ZHOU Z Y, MA C Q, et al. 2002, Geochronological constraints on 140-85 Ma thermal doming extension in the Dabie orogen, Central China. Science in China (series D), 45(9):801-817.
ZHOU, Z., JIANG, J., LI, J., YANG, F., 2002. Quantitative study on inversion structures of Xihu Depression, East China Sea: Constriants from Fission Track Analysis. Marine & Quaternary Geology, 22(1): 63-67. (In Chinese with English abstract )
WANG, L., WU, N., ZHOU, Z., et al., 2002. Cenozoic sedimentary history of Beikang basin in SW South China Sea. Geology of China, 29(1): 96-102. (In Chinese with English abstract )
HE, J., ZHOU, Z., et al., 2002, Studies on tectonics of the northern margin of South China Sea: Progress and Prospects. In: GAO et al. (eds), Evolution of Chinese Marginal Seas. Ocean Press, Beijing, 65-74. (In Chinese with English abstract )
ZHOU, Z, MAO, F., LIAO, Z. et al., 2001. Apatite fission track analysis on Meso-Cenozoic sedimentary rocks from Northern Jiangsu Basin. In: ZHOU (ed.), Proceedings of the Symposium on Petroleum Geology: Theory and Application. Geology Press, 351-355. (In Chinese with English abstract )
ZHOU Zuyi & LIAO Zongting, 2001. Mesozoic tectonics of Fujian, Eastern China. In: Ueli Briegel & Wenjiao XIAO (eds), Paradoxes in Geology, Elsevier: 39-53.
ZHOU Zuyi, JIANG Jianyi, LIAO Zongting, YANG Fengli and SHANG Keyun, 2001. Basin Inversion in Xihu depression, East China Sea. Gondwana Research, 4(4): 844-845.
XU Changhai, ZHOU Zuyi, MA Changqian and Reiners, P.A., 2001. Geochronological constraints on the post-collisional (150-75Ma) thermal extension in the Dabieshan orogen, Central China. Gondwana Research, 4(4): 829-831.
DONG, L.& ZHOU, Z. , 2001. Seismic wave modeling and Imaging of an inversion structure model. Geological Journal of China Universities, 7(2): 189-195. (In Chinese with English abstract )
ZHOU, Z., LIAO, Z., et al., 2001. Okinawa Trough: the highest stage of continental extension in a back arc setting. Marine & Quaternary Geology, 21(5): 51-56. (In Chinese with English abstract )
Z.Y. ZHOU, D. Seward, J.Qian & Q.Lao, 2000. Preliminary apatite fission track analysis on Meso-Cenozoic sedimentary rocks from north Jiangsu Basin China. In W.P. Noble, P.B. O’Sullivan and R.W. Brown eds. 9th International Conference on Fission Track dating and Thermochronology, Lorne, 2000. Geological Society of Australia Abstracts No. 58, 357-359
ZHOU Zuyi, DING Shijiang, LIAO Zongting, XU Changhai & LAO Qiuyuan, 1999. Metamorphic and basic rocks in Middle Hainan Island: Preliminary geochemical and petrological studies and tectonic significance. Gondwana Research, V.2, No.4, 643-646.
XU Changhai, ZHOU Zuyi & MA Changqian, 1999. Petrological and thermochronological study on post-collisional uplift-exhumation history of the Dabie Massif, China. Gondwana Research, V.2, No.4, 519-521..
Zhou Zuyi,Lao Qiuyuan, Chen Huanjiang and Liao Zongting, 1996, The early Mesozoic orogeny in Fujian, Southeast China, in: R. Hall et al. (eds), Tectonic Evolution of SE Asia, Geological Society Special Publication No. 106, 549-556.
Lao Qiuyuan & Zhou Zuyi, 1996, Geological history of the East China Sea, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Asian Marine Geology, Korean Society of Oceanography, 157-167.
Zhou Zuyi , 1996 , Geoscience higher education in China: Progress, problems and prospects, In: Dorrik A. Stow et al. (eds), Geoscience Education and Training , A.A. BALKEMA/ROTTERDAM/BROOKFIELD, 455-459.
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