钟广法 (教授 博导)
Dr. Prof. Guangfa Zhong
School of Ocean and Earth Science
State Key Laboratory of Marine Geology
Tongji University
Shanghai 200092, China
Tel: +86 21 65982784
Fax: +86 21 65986511
钟广法(教授)/ Dr. Prof. Guangfa Zhong
主要从事 地震地层学、地震地貌学、定量地震解释方法 及其在储层预测、深水沉积学和海平面变化中的应用研究
Mainly engaged in researches of seismic stratigraphy, seismic geomorphology and quantitative methods of seismic interpretation, with particular applications in reservoir prediction, deep-water sedimentology, and sea level changes.
教育背景/ Eduction
Ph.D. degree in reflection seismology at the Department of Marine Geology and Geophysics, Tongji University, Shanghai, China.
Master degree in sedimentology at the Department of Petroleum Exploration, Southwest Petroleum University, Sichuan, China.
B.S. degree in petroleum geology at the Department of Petroleum Exploration, Southwest Petroleum University, Sichuan, China.
工作经历/ Experience
2006.07- :同济大学海洋与地球科学学院地球物理系 教授(同年11月聘为博导)
Professor, School of Ocean and Earth Sciences, Tongji University, China
2003.11-12:德国汉堡大学 访问学者
Visiting Scholar, Hamburg University, Germany
2003.01-2006.06:同济大学海洋与地球科学学院地球物理系 副教授
Associate Professor, School of Ocean and Earth Sciences, Tongji University, China
Visiting scholar in geophysics, Graduate School of China University of Geoscience (Wuhan), China
1989.07-2002.12:江汉石油学院物探系地震教研室 助教、讲师、副教授
Lecturer / Associate Professor, Department of Geophysical Exploration, Jianghan Petroleum University, China
其它/ Others
Co-Chair, Technical Session, 2012 SEG (Society of Exploration Geologists) Annual Meeting, 2012
IAS(International Association of Sedimentologists)会员(2011-)
AAPG(American Association of Petroleum Geologists)会员(2009-)
SEG (The Society of Exploration Geophysicists)会员(2007-)
Research Interests
Research Interests
(1)Seismic Stratigraphy and Seismic Geomorphology
地震地层学和地震地貌学研究 包括地震层序分析、地震相分析、地震地貌分析及其在石油储层评价、天然气水合物分布预测、深水沉积学及海平面变化研究中的应用。提出了“地震超覆层序”的概念、地震“全层位追踪”解释方法及根据区域地震资料估算全球海平面变化幅度的定量模型和方法。研究区域涉及南海、四川盆地、塔里木盆地及下扬子等地区。相关成果已在《Earth and Planetary Science Letters 》、《地球科学》等学术期刊上发表。
(2)Quantitative Interpretation Methods of 3-D Seismic Data
定量三维地震解释方法研究 包括定量地震信息提取、地震目标体自动探测、等时地震地层体或Wheeler数据体构建、地震切片及地震属性分析等,相关成果已在《Geophysics》等学术期刊上发表。
(3)Interpretation of Geophysical Well-Logging Data
测井数据解释及应用研究 包括FMI/FMS、EMI成像测井数据的处理、解释及其在古环境、古气候和储层预测中的应用。提出了“电成像测井相”的概念、分析方法及碳酸盐岩电成像测井相分类体系;发现了砂岩早期核心式碳酸盐胶结作用的成像测井证据;开展了南海ODP184航次深海FMS成像测井数据解释及古环境和古气候应用研究。相关成果已在《Journal of Sedimentary Research 》、《沉积学报》等学术期刊上发表。
Major Research Projects (Since 2000)
Competitive (National) Projects(纵向课题)
国家水合物专项子课题:南海北部陆坡深水沉积形成机制及控矿作用研究 ,2011-2018,负责人
国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)项目:地球层圈相互作用的深海过程和深海记录,2000-2005, 参与
Projects Funded by Industrial Sectors(横向课题)
Selected Publications (Since 2000)
2012 Wu X., Zhong G., A method for generating a seismic Wheeler volume via a relative geologic time volume. SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2012, paper 1177, DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.1190/segam2012-1177.1.
2012 Wu M., Zhong G., Li Y., Yang X., All-reflector-tracking-based 3D seismic sequence analysis for shale gas reservoir prediction: case study from the lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation, southern Sichuan Basin, southwest China. SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2012, paper 1124, DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.1190/segam2012-1124.1.
2012 Kuang Z., Zhong G., Wang L., Guo Y., Channel-related sediment waves on the eastern slope offshore Dongsha Islands, northern South China Sea. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences (in press).
2012 Wu X., Zhong G., Generating a relative geologic time volume by 3D graph-cut phase unwrapping method with horizon and unconformity constraints. Geophysics, Vol. 77, No. 4, P. O21–O34.
2012 高红艳,钟广法,梁金强,郭依群.应用改进的Biot-Gassmann模型估算天然气水合物的饱和度.海洋地质与第四纪地质,32(4):83-89.//Gao H., Zhong G., Liang J., Guo Y., 2012, Estimation of gas hydrate saturation with modified Biot-Gassmann theory: a case from northern South China Sea. Marine Geology and Quaternary Geology, 32(4): 83-89 (in Chinese with English abstracts).
2012 钟广法,游倩.高分辨率FMS成像测井资料在科学大洋钻探中的应用.地球科学进展,27:347-358.//Zhong G., You Q., 2012, Applications of high-resolution Formation Microscanner image logs in scientific ocean drilling. Advances in Earth Science, 27: 347-358 (in Chinese with English abstracts).
2012 汪鹏,钟广法.南海ODP1144站深海沉积牵引体的岩石物理模型研究.地球科学进展,27:359-366.//Wang P., Zhong G., 2012, Applications of rock physics models to the deep-sea sediment drift at ODP Site 1144, northern South China Sea. Advances in Earth Science, 27: 359-366 (in Chinese with English abstracts).
2011 王长势,钟广法,施和生,王嘹亮.南海东沙陆坡1144站沉积牵引体的地震层序框架及沉积演化.海洋地质与第四纪地质,31(6):55-63.//Wang Z., Zhong G., Shi H., Wang L., 2011, Seismic sequence framework and depositional evolution of the sediment drift at ODP Site 1144, Dongsha Slope, northern South China Sea. Marine Geology and Quaternary Geology, 31(6): 55-63 (in Chinese with English abstracts).
2011 Huang Y.-P., Geng J.-H., Zhong G.-F., Guo T.-L., Pu Y., Ding K.-Y., Ma J.-Q., Seismic attribute extraction based on HHT and its application in a marine carbonate area. Applied Geophysics, 18: 125-133.
2011 李一,钟广法,宋继胜,王萍,吴晓华.梯度结构张量分析法在三维地震资料河道砂体预测中的应用.天然气工业,31(3):44-47.//Li Y., Zhong G., Song J., Wang P., Wu X., 2010, Application of the gradient structure tensor analysis method to the prediction of channel sand from 3D seismic data. Natural Gas Industry, 31(3): 44-47 (in Chinese with English abstracts).
2011 林霖,钟广法,殷绍如,王萍,邓瑛.顶帽变换在川北长兴组生物礁分布预测中的应用.天然气工业,31(1):48-51.//Lin L., Zhong G., Yin S., Wang P., Deng Y., 2010, Application of top-hat transformation to the detection of reef distribution in the Changxing Formation,northern Sichuan Basin. Natural Gas Industry, 31(1): 48-51 (in Chinese with English abstracts).
2010 Zhong G., Li Y., Wu F., Xiong Y., Tao Z., Identification of subtle seismic sequence boundaries by all-reflector tracking method. Technical Program of SEG (Society of Exploration Geophysics) Intnational Exposition and 80th Annual Meeting, 1545-1549.
2009 Chapters in Book ‘The South China Sea: Paleoceanography and Sedimentology’ (Wang P. and Li Q., eds.), published by Springer:
•Zhong G., Li Q., Stratigraphy of major shelf and slope basins. In: Wang P. and Li Q. (eds.), The South China Sea: Paleoceanography and Sedimentology. Developments in Paleoenvironmental Research Series, Vol. 13, Springer, Berlin, p. 109-147.
•Zhong G., Li Q., Regional sea level changes. In: Wang P. and Li Q. (eds.), The South China Sea: Paleoceanography and Sedimentology. Developments in Paleoenvironmental Research Series, Vol. 13, Springer, Berlin, p. 147-155.
•Li Q., Zhong G., Lithostratigraphic Overview. In: Wang P. and Li Q. (eds.), The South China Sea: Paleoceanography and Sedimentology. Developments in Paleoenvironmental Research Series, Vol. 13, Springer, Berlin, p. 76-93.
2009 钟广法,惠冠军,杨海军,肖承文,祁兴中,郭秀丽,塔里木盆地轮古东地区奥陶系古溶洞的成像测井预测.天然气工业,29(10):24-27. //Zhong G., Hui G., Yang H., Xiao C., Qi X., Guo X., 2009, Electrical image logs applied to predict the distribution of Ordovician paleocaves in east Lungu area, Tarim Basin. Natural Gas Industry, 29 (10): 24-27 (in Chinese with English abstracts).
2009 李多丽,刘兴礼,钟广法,郭秀丽,塔中Ⅰ号坡折带礁滩型储集层沉积微相成像测井解释.新疆石油地质,30:197-200.//Li D., Liu X., Zhong G., Guo X., 2009, Interpretation of imaging logs for sedimentary microfacies of reef and shoal reservoirs in Tazhong No.1 Slope Break Zone, Tarim Basin. Xinjiang Petroleum Geology, 30: 197-200 (in Chinese with English abstracts).
2008 Liu X., Zhong G., Yin J., He Y., Li X., GIS-based modeling of secondary hydrocarbon migration pathways and its application in the northern Songliao Basin, northeast China. Computer & Geosciences. 34: 1115-1126.
2008 Li Q., Wang P., Zhao Q., Tian J., Cheng X., Jian Z., Zhong G., Chen M., Paleoceanography of the mid-Pleistocene South China Sea. Quaternary Science Reviews, 27: 1217-1233.
2007 Li Q., Zhao Q., Zhong G., Jian Z., Tian J., Cheng X., Wang P., Chen M., Deepwater ventilation and stratification in the Neogene South China Sea. Journal of China University of Geosciences, 18: 95-108.
2007 钟广法,李前裕,郝沪军,王嘹亮,深水沉积物波及在南海研究之现状.地球科学进展,22(9):907-913.//Zhong G., Li Q., Hao H., Wang L., 2007, Current status of deep-water sediment wave studies and the South China Sea perspectives, Advances in Earth Sciences, 22: 907-913 (in Chinese with English abstracts).
2007 赵军,祁兴中,刘瑞林,钟广法,基于图像分割的成像测井资料目标拾取与计算.地球物理学进展,22:1502-1509.//Zhao J., Qi X., Liu R., Zhong G., 2007, Object picking and calculation by image segmentation of image log data. Progress in Geophysics, 22: 1502-1509 (in Chinese with English abstracts).
2006 Xiong Y., Zhong G., Li Q., Wu N., Li X., Ma Z., Stratal carbonate content inversion using seismic data and its applications to the northern South China Sea. Journal of China University of Geosciences, 17: 320-325.
2006 熊艳,钟广法,李前裕,吴能友,李学杰,马在田.2006,利用地震资料反演地层的碳酸盐含量.地球科学-中国地质大学学报,31: 851-856.
2006 Li Q., Li B., Zhong G., McGowran B., Zhou Z., Wang J., Wang P., Late Miocene development of the western Pacific warm pool: Planktonic foraminifer and oxygen isotopic evidence. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 237: 465-482.
2006 钟广法,刘学锋,邓常念,万里皋,塔里木盆地塔东凸起西部中上奥陶统地震层序与海底扇沉积.地球科学-中国地质大学学报,31:366-371.//Zhong G., Liu X., Deng C., Wan L., 2006, Middle-Upper Ordovician seismic sequences and submarine fan deposits in western Tadong Uplift, Tarim Basin, northwest China. Earth Science – Journal of China University of Geosciences, 31: 366-371 (in Chinese with English abstracts).
2006 钟广法,马在田,测井序列变点分析自动识别岩性界面.天然气工业,26(1):46-48.//Zhong G., Ma Z., 2006, New approach to automated identification of rock boundaries: application of change-point analysis to geophysical well log data. Natural Gas Industry, 26 (1): 46-48 (in Chinese with English abstracts).
2006 钟广法,李前裕,陈强,马在田,测井资料反演南海北部陆坡渐新统的矿物组成.同济大学学报(自然科学版),34:1403-1407.//Zhong G., Li Q., Chen Q., Ma Z., 2006, Oligocene mineral component inversion using geophysical well logs from ODP Hole 1148A, South China Sea. Journal of Tongji University (Natural Science), 34: 1403-1407 (in Chinese with English abstracts).
2005 钟广法,祁兴中,马勇,张永忠,柳建华,杜寻社,电成像测井资料在裂缝成因分析中的应用.物探与化探,29(2):116-118.// Zhong G., Qi X., Ma Y., Zhang Y., Liu J., Du X., 2005, The application of borehole micro resistivity image logs to analyzing the origin of fracture structures: a case study from Tarim Basin, northwest China. Geophysical & Geochemical Exploration, 29: 116-118 (in Chinese with English abstracts).
2005 李前裕,钟广法,耿建华,邵磊,应力事件与浊流沉积的时空关系.同济大学学报(自然科学版),33(9):1166-1171.
2005 李前裕,郑洪波,钟广法,汪品先,南海晚渐新世滑塌沉积指示的地质构造事件.地球科学-中国地质大学学报,30: 19-24.// Li Q., Zhong G., Geng J., Shao L., 2005, Temperospatial relationship between stress events and turbidite deposition. Journal of Tongji University (Natural Science), 33: 1166-1171 (in Chinese with English abstracts).
2005 祁兴中,刘兴礼,傅海成,张承森,王焕增,刘瑞林,钟广法,电成像测井资料定量处理方法研究及应用.天然气工业,25(6):32-34.//Qi X., Liu X., Fu H., Zhang C., Wang H., Liu R., Zhong G., 2005, Research and application of the quantitative processing methods of electric imaging log data. Natural Gas Industry, 25(6): 32-34 (in Chinese with English abstracts).
2004 Zhong G., Geng J., Wong H. K., Ma Z., Wu N.,A semi-quantitative method for the reconstruction of eustatic sea level history from seismic profiles and its application to the southern South China Sea. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 223: 443-459.
2004 钟广法,刘瑞林,柳建华,祁兴中,马勇,塔北隆起奥陶系古岩溶的电成像测井识别.天然气工业,24(6):57-60. //Zhong G., Liu R., Liu J., Qi X., Ma Y., 2004, Identifying the paleocaves in the Ordovician in Tabei Uplift by electro-imaging logs. Natural Gas Industry, 24: 57-60 (in Chinese with English abstracts).
2004 刘学锋,钟广法,孟令奎,喻国荣,黄长青,水载荷及其对盆地沉降的影响.沉积学报,22(3):481-486.//Liu X., Zhong G., Meng L., Yu G., Huang C., 2004, Water loads and its effect on basin subsidence. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 22: 481-486 (in Chinese with English abstracts).
2004 耿建华,董良国,钟广法,分离瑞雷面波的非线性滤波方法研究.天然气工业,24(6):47-49.//Geng J., Dong L., Zhong G., 2004, Research on nonlinear filtering method of removing Rayleigh waves. Natural Gas Industry, 24: 47-49 (in Chinese with English abstracts).
2003 Zhong G., Ma Z., Liu R., Wu N., Distribution of Upper Cenozoic carbonate-cemented sandstones, Kuche Depression, northwest China: insights from high-resolution borehole micro-resistivity imaging. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 73 (2): 176-185.
2003 Zhong G., Geng J., Zhou Z., Wong H. K., Wang L., Late Cenonzoic history of sea level changes documented from high-resolution seismic data on the northern Sunda Shelf, South China Sea. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, 46: 439-442.
2003 钟广法,周祖翼,耿建华,有效厚度拟合定量恢复原始地层超覆点位置.沉积学报,21(4):614-618.//Zhong G., Zhou Z., Geng J., 2003, Extrapolating the original positions of removed onlap-offlap points using a piecewise-constructed model of effective stratal thickness. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 21: 614-618 (in Chinese with English abstracts).
2003 钟广法,海平面变化的原因及结果.地球科学进展,18(5):706-712.//Zhong G., 2003, Causes and results of sea-level change, Advances in Earth Sciences, 18: 706-712 (in Chinese with English abstracts).
2001 钟广法,马在田,砂岩早期核心式碳酸盐胶结作用的成像测井证据.沉积学报,19(2):239-244.//Zhong G., Ma Z., 2001, Early-diagenetic carbonate nucleation cementation in Cenozoic sandstones, northern Tarim Basin: evidences from high-resolution electric borehole images. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 19: 239-244 (in Chinese with English abstracts).
2001 钟广法,马在田,利用高分辨率成像测井技术识别沉积构造.同济大学学报(自然科学版),29(5):576-580.//Zhong G., Ma Z., 2001, Sedimentary structures identified from high-resolution borehole micro-resistivity image logs. Journal of Tongji University (Natural Science), 29: 576-580 (in Chinese with English abstracts).
2000 钟广法,马在田,刘瑞林,祁兴中,塔里木盆地奥陶系萤石脉-油气叠合成藏作用——高分辨率成像测井资料提供的证据.高校地质学报,6(4):576-582.//Zhong G., Ma Z., Liu R., Qi X., 2000, Origin of the oil and gas accumulation related to fluorite veins in Lower Ordovician limestones, Tarim Basin, northwest China: Evidences from high-resolution borehole electric image logs. Geological Journal of China Universities, 6: 576-582 (in Chinese with English abstracts).
2000 钟广法,刘瑞林,高分辨率电阻率成像测井资料的地质应用.见:同济大学海洋地质与地球物理系编,反射地震学论文集,上海:同济大学出版社,334-341.//Zhong G., Liu R., 2000, Geological applications of high-resolution electric image logs. In: Department of marine Geology and Geophysics of Tongji University (ed.), Collected papers of reflection seismology. Tongji University Press, Shanghai: 334-341 (in Chinese).
2000 刘瑞林,周云才,钟广法,一维二进小波变换在FMI资料图像分割中的应用.见:同济大学海洋地质与地球物理系编,反射地震学论文集,上海:同济大学出版社,368-375.//Liu R., Zhou Y., Zhong G., 2000, Segmentation of FMI image logs by 1D dyadic wavelet transformation. In: Department of marine Geology and Geophysics of Tongji University (ed.), Collected papers of reflection seismology. Tongji University Press, Shanghai: 368-375 (in Chinese).
2000 祁兴中,赵军,肖承文,刘瑞林,钟广法,FMI成像测井资料定量处理方法研究.见:中国石油天然气集团公司石油经济和信息研究中心主编,2000年中国国际石油天然气会议论文集(上册), SPE 64626.
Oral & Poster Presentations on International Conferences
2012 Wu X., Zhong G., A method for generating a seismic Wheeler volume via a relative geologic time volume. The SEG 2012 Annual Meeting, Nov. 4-9, Las Vegas, USA (Oral presentation).
2012 Wu M., Zhong G., Li Y., Yang X., All-reflector-tracking-based 3D seismic sequence analysis for shale gas reservoir prediction: case study from the lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation, southern Sichuan Basin, southwest China. The SEG 2012 Annual Meeting, Nov. 4-9, Las Vegas, USA (Oral presentation).
2012 Zhong G., Wang L., Kuang Z., Submarine canyons and related sediment waves on the middle-upper slope of eastern Dongsha area, northern South China Sea. The 29th IAS meeting, Sept. 10-13, 2012, Schladming, Austria (Oral presentation).
2012 Zhong G., Li Y., Wu F., et al., Seismic Geomorphology of Carbonate Reservoirs in the Lower Triassic Feixianguan Formation, Northern Sichuan Basin, Southwest China. AAPG 2012 Annual Convention & Exhibition, April 22–25, 2012, Long Beach, California, USA (Oral presentation).
2010 Zhong G., Li Y., Wu F., Xiong Y., Tao Z., Identification of subtle seismic sequence boundaries by all-reflector tracking method. SEG (Society of Exploration Geophysics) Intnational Exposition and 80th Annual Meeting, Oct. 17-22, 2010, Denver, Corolado, USA (Poster presentation).
2009 Zhong G., Yang H., Qi X., Xiao C., Hui G., Guo X., Prediction for Carbonate Reservoirs by High-Resolution Electrical Image Log Facies Analysis: Example from the Ordovician Strata in TZ Area, Tarim Basin, Northwest China. AAPG June 7-11, 2009, Denver, Corolado, USA (Poster presentation).
2002 Zhong G., Late Cenozoic Eustatic sea level changes by seismic sequence stratigraphy on the northern Sunda Shelf, South China Sea. Sino-German Youth Workshop on the Western Pacific Marginal Seas. Sept. 24-28, 2002, Shanghai, China (Oral presentation).
Oral & Poster Presentation on Domestic Conferences(国内会议)
2012 钟广法,王嘹亮,何叶,匡增桂,粒度数据在南海北部陆坡深水沉积物成因分析中的应用.第二届“深海研究与地球系统科学”学术研讨会,2012年7月2-4日,上海光大会展中心(展板).
2012 殷绍如,钟广法,王嘹亮,匡增桂,郭依群,南海北部陆坡东段晚更新世地层分布及其环境意义.第二届“深海研究与地球系统科学”学术研讨会,2012年7月2-4日,上海光大会展中心(展板).
2012 何叶,钟广法,王嘹亮,匡增桂,南海北部陆坡神狐海域浅层滑坡的地震识别及特征.第二届“深海研究与地球系统科学”学术研讨会,2012年7月2-4日,上海光大会展中心(展板).
2012 钟广法,王嘹亮等,南海北部陆坡深水沉积牵引体研究进展.国家自然科学基金重大研究计划“南海深海过程演变”2012年度学术研讨会,2012年1月12-13日,上海(口头报告).
2012 钟广法,王嘹亮等,南海北部陆坡深水沉积物的类型及特征(钟广法等).国家自然科学基金重大研究计划“南海深海过程演变”2012年度学术研讨会,2012年1月12-13日,上海(展板).
2012 汪鹏,钟广法,南海ODP1144站深海沉积牵引体的岩石物理模型研究.国家自然科学基金重大研究计划“南海深海过程演变”2012年度学术研讨会,2012年1月12-13日,上海(展板).
2012 王长势,钟广法,南海东沙陆坡1144站沉积牵引体的地震层序及沉积演化特征.国家自然科学基金重大研究计划“南海深海过程演变”2012年度学术研讨会,2012年1月12-13日,上海(展板).
2012 伍新明,钟广法,年代地层图自动生成方法及在南海北部地震层序分析中的应用.国家自然科学基金重大研究计划“南海深海过程演变”2012年度学术研讨会,2012年1月12-13日,上海(展板).
2011 钟广法,底流沉积作用与底流沉积体.2011年大陆边缘层序地层与深水沉积体系学术研讨会,2011年8月20-23日,中国科学院海洋研究所,山东海阳市(邀请报告).
2011 Zhong G., Li Y., Ding K., Wu F., Lin L., Deng Y., Yin S., Wang P., Wang Z., Carbonate Seismic Geomorphology: Case Study from the Late Permian to Early Triassic Reservoirs, northern Sichuan Basin, southwest China (Invited oral presentation). //2011年石油地震地质学学术研讨会,2011年7月16-17日,中国石油勘探开发研究院西北分院,甘肃兰州市(特邀报告).
2010 钟广法,李前裕,施和生,郝沪军,ODP1144孔区深水沉积物波的特征及成因探讨.第一届深海研究与地球系统科学学术研讨会, 2010年6月28日~7月1日, 上海(展板).
2009 钟广法,李前裕,郝沪军,王嘹亮,南海ODP1144孔深水沉积物波的特征及分布.第四届全国沉积学大会,2009年10月16-19日,青岛(口头报告).
2007 钟广法,李前裕,郝沪军,王嘹亮,南海东沙岸外陆坡区深水沉积物波的初步研究.中国地球物理学会第23届学术年会,2007年10月,青岛(口头报告).
2006 钟广法,How Kin Wong,耿建华,王嘹亮,吴能友,巽他陆架北部晚新生代地震层序格架与环境演化。SEG北京联络部2006年度第一次会议,上海(口头报告).
2003 钟广法,耿建华,How Kin Wong,王嘹亮,吴能友,巽他陆架北部更新统地震地层学与下切河道.中国地球物理学会第19届学术年会,2003年10月,南京(口头报告).
2000 钟广法,耿建华,马在田,H. K. Wong,南海巽他陆架北部晚中新世-第四纪高分辨率地震层序格架.边缘海形成演化、资源与古环境学术研讨会,2000年11月15-16日,海南三亚(口头报告).
Courses for Undergraduate Students(本科生课程)
Seismic Stratigraphy(地震地层学,2007-)
Processing and Interpretation of Seismic Data(地震数据处理与解释,2007-)
Geophysical Well Logging(地球物理测井,2004-2007)
Integrated Interpretation of Seismic Data(地震资料综合解释,2004)
Computer Graphics and its Applications in Geosciences(计算机图形学及地学应用,2007)
Matlab Programing(Matlab程序设计,2003)
Courses for Master Students(硕士生课程)
Integrated Interpretation of Seismic Data(地震数据综合解释,2012-)
Reservoir Geophysics(储层地球物理学,2007-2011)
Principle of Geophysical Image Logging(成像测井原理,2010-2012)
Seismic Stratigraphy(地震地层学,2005-2012)
Seismic Interpretation and Sequence Stratigraphy(地震解释和层序地层学,2004)
Courses for Ph.D Students(博士生课程)
Reflection Seismic Geology(反射地震地质学,2009-)
Sequence Stratigraphy(层序地层学,2007-2008)
Call for Master & PhD Candidates
PhD Students(在读博士生)
惠冠军(HUI Guanjun) 高红艳(GAO Hongyan) 殷绍如(YIN Shaoru)
Master Students(在读硕士生)
2010级:何叶(HE Ye) 伍梦婕(WU Mengjie)
2011级:王晓萌(WANG Xiaomeng) 王学慧(WANG Xuehui)
2012级:汪威(WANG Wei) 王雪峰(WANG Xuefeng) 吴峰(WU Feng)
Students Graduated(已毕业研究生)
汪 鹏 硕士 /MSc. WANG Peng
毕业去向:中国石化 上海分公司
王长势 硕士 /MSc. WANG Zhangshi
王健宇 硕士 /MSc. WANG Jianyu
毕业去向:河北省国土资源厅 地质勘查研究院(石家庄)
伍新明 硕士 /MSc. WU Xinming
毕业去向:获全额奖学金资助赴美国科罗拉多矿业学院(School of Colorado Mines)攻读博士学位
游 倩 硕士 /MSc. YOU Qian
李 一 硕士 /MSc. LI Yi
毕业去向:上海石油天然气有限公司 油藏勘探开发部
林 霖 硕士 /MSc. LIN Lin
毕业去向:国土资源部 广州海洋地质调查局 海洋矿产研究所
丁孔芸 硕士 /MSc. DING Kongyun
毕业去向:中国石油 西南油气田公司 地质勘探开发研究院(成都)
陈小二 硕士 / MSc. CHEN Xiao’er
毕业去向:中国石油 川庆钻探 地球物理勘探公司 技术发展中心(成都)
熊 艳 博士 /Ph D. XIONG Yan
毕业去向:中国石油 川庆钻探 地球物理勘探公司 物探研究中心(成都)