张传伦(Chuanlun Zhang),男,1962生,地质微生物博士,美国佐治亚大学海洋科学系和Savannah 河生态环境实验室,教授,同济大学客座教授。从事以分子DNA、脂类生物标志物、同位素示踪为主要手段的地质微生物学研究。现阶段的研究主要集中在南海、墨西哥湾、珠江、长江、黄河、云南腾冲热泉、青藏高原热泉和高原湖泊等地区。
1980~1984 华东石油学院(中国石油大学)学习, 本科生
1985~1994 美国德州农工大学学习,硕士生、博士生
1994~1998 美国橡树岭国家重点实验室, 博士后
1998~2002 美国密苏里大学地质系,副教授
2002~2010 美国佐治亚大学海洋科学系和Savannah 河生态环境实验室,副教授
2010~ 美国佐治亚大学海洋科学系,教授
2008~ 同济大学海洋与地球科学学院 海洋地质国家重点实验室,讲座教授
2010.10.1~2015.9.30. National Science Foundation, USA. PIRE: Toward a holistic and global understanding of hot spring ecosystems: A US-China based international collaboration.
2010.5.1~2013.4.30. National Natural Science Foundation of China. 腾冲及周边地区热泉古菌脂类标志物研究:环境因素和微生物功能意义.
2006.10.1~2009.9.30 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Energy, and Minerals Management Service-Community structure and methane oxidation in water column above gas hydrates in the Gulf of Mexico.
2005.10.1~2008.9.30 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Energy, and Minerals Management Service-Genomic and lipid-biomarker monitoring of microbial communities affecting the formation and degradation of gas hydrates in the Gulf of Mexico.
2004.8.1~2007.7.31 National Science Foundation-Microbial interactions and processes: Diversity, function, and biogeochemical consequences of chemolithoautotrophic archaea in Nevada hot springs.
2002.8.1~2003.7.3 National Undersea Research Program-National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, AOM in the Gulf of Mexico gas hydrate systems: Implications for biogenic carbonate formation.
2003.8.1~2009.7.31 National Science Foundation-Kamchatka: A geothermal microbial observatory.
2002.9.1~2004.8.31 Biocomplexity program. National Science Foundation-Biogeochemical processes and community dynamics in gas hydrate systems of the Gulf of Mexico.
Song Z., Chen J., Zhou E., Tang S., Zhi X., Zhang L., Zhang C. L., Li W. 2010. Diversity of Crenarchaeota in Terrestrial Hot Springs in Tengchong, China. Extremophiles 14:287–296. (Contributing author; 15%; IF: 2.42).
Jiang H, Huang Q, Dong H, Wang P, Li W, Zhang CL. RNA-Based Investigation of Ammonia-Oxidizing Archaea in Hot Springs of Yunnan Province, China. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. (in press). (co-corresponding author; IF: 4.72).
Ye G., Wang S., Jiang L., Xiao X., Noakes J., Zhang C. L., Wang F. 2009. Distribution and diversity of bacteria and archaea affected by gas hydrates at MC 118 in the Gulf of Mexico. Geomicrobiol. J. 26: 370-381. (Co-corresponding author; IF: 2.52).
Liu B., Ye G., Wang F., Bell R., Short T., Noakes J., Zhang C. L. 2009. Planktonic archaeal community structure of water column in the Gulf of Mexico MC 118. Geomicrobiol. J. 26: 363-369. (Corresponding author; IF: 2.52).
Pi Y., Ye Q., Jiang H., Li S., Wang P., Noakes J., Culp R., Dong H., Zhang C.L. 2009. Lipids and phylogenetic characterization of Archaea associated with gas hydrates in the Gulf of Mexico. Geomicrobiol. J. 26: 227-237. (Corresponding author; IF: 2.52).
Zhang C.L., Ye Q., Huang Z., Li W., Chen J., Song Z., Hedlund B. P., Zhao W., Gao L., Bagwell C., Inskeep B., Wiegel J., Romanek C.S. 2008. Global occurrence of putative archaeal amoA genes from terrestrial hot springs. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 74: 6417-6426. (Corresponding author; IF 4.72).
Pearson A., Pi Y., Zhao W., Li W., Li Y., Inskeep W., Bonch-Osmolavskaya L., Romanek C., Li S., and Zhang C.L. 2008. Factors controlling the distribution of archaeal tetraethers in terrestrial hot springs. Appl. Environ. Microbiol.74: 3523–3532. (Co-corresponding author; IF: 4.72)
Jiang, H., Dong, H., Yu, B., Ye, Q., Ji, S., Liu, Y., Shen, J., and Zhang C.L. 2008. Dominance of putative marine benthic Archaea in Qinghai Lake, north-western China. Environ. Microbiol. doi:10.1111/j.1462-2920.2008.01661.x (Contributing author, 15%; IF: 5.34).
Zhang C.L., Huang Z., Li Y.-L., Romanek C. S., Mills G., Wiegel J., Culp R., Noakes J., and White D. C. 2007. Lipid biomarkers, carbon isotopes, and phylogenetic characterization of bacteria in California and Nevada hot springs. Geomicrobiol. J. 24: 519-534. (Corresponding author; IF: 2.52).
Huang Z., Wiegel J., Zhou J., Hedlund B., Zhang C.L. 2007. Molecular phylogeny of uncultivated Crenarchaeota in Great Basin hot springs of moderately elevated temperature. Geomicrobiol. J. 24: 535-542. (Corresponding author; IF: 2.52).
Zhang C.L., Pearson A., Li Y.-L., Mills G., Wiegel J. 2006. Thermophilic temperature optimum for crenarchaeol synthesis and its implication for archaeal evolution. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 72: 4419-4422. (Role: Leading and corresponding author; IF: 3.81).
Zhang C.L., Huang Z., Cantu J., Pancost R. D, Brigmon, R. L., Lyons T. W., and Sassen R. 2005. Lipid Biomarkers and Carbon-Isotope Signatures of a Microbial (Beggiatoa) Mat Associated with Gas Hydrates in the Gulf of Mexico. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 71: 2106-2112. (Role: Leading and corresponding author; IF: 3.81).
Zhang C.L., Fouke B.W., Bonheyo G., Peacock A., White D.C., Huang Y., Romanek C.S. 2004. Lipid biomarkers and carbon-isotopes of modern travertine deposits (Yellowstone National Park, USA): Implications for biogeochemical dynamics in hot-spring systems. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 68: 3157–3169. (Role: Leading and corresponding author; IF: 3.90).
Zhang C.L., Li Y., Ye Q., Fong J., Peacock A.D., Blunt E., Fang J., Lovley, D.R., and White D.C. 2003. Carbon isotope signatures of fatty acids in Geobacter metallireducens and Shewanella Algae. Chem. Geol. 195: 17-28. (Role: Leading and corresponding author; IF: 2.94).
Zhang C.L., Pancost R.D., Qian Y., Sassen R., Macko S.A. 2003. Archaeal lipid biomarkers and isotopic evidence of anaerobic methane oxidation associated with gas hydrates in the Gulf of Mexico. Org. Geochem. 34: 827-834. (Role: Leading and corresponding author; IF: 2.08).
Zhang C.L., Ye Q., Goetz D., Reysenbach A.-L., Peacock A., White D.C., Horita J., Cole D.R., Fong J., Pratt L., Fang J., Huang Y. 2002. Carbon isotopic fractionations associated with thermophilic bacteria Thermotoga maritima and Persephonella marina. Environ. Microbiol 4: 58-64. (Role: Leading and corresponding author; IF: 4.56).
Zhang C.L. 2002. Stable carbon isotopes of lipid biomarkers: analysis of metabolites and metabolic fates of environmental microorganisms. Curr. Opinion Biotechnol. 13: 25-30. (Role: Leading and corresponding author; IF: 6.90).
Zhang C.L., Li Y., Wall J.D., Larsen L., Sassen R., Huang Y., Wang Y., Peacock A., White D.C., Horita J., Cole D.R. 2002. Lipid and carbon isotopic evidence of methane-oxidizing and sulfate-reducing bacteria in association with gas hydrates from the Gulf of Mexico. Geology 30: 239-242. (Role: Leading and corresponding author; IF: 2.98).
王慧,女, 硕士,工程师,1978年10月生,2000年7月毕业于湖北师范学院化学系,获理学学士学位。2005年3月毕业于同济大学化学系获理学硕士学位。参加过多项国家自然科学基金项目,目前在海洋地质国家重点实验室从事仪器分析工作。负责包括实验室气相色谱,气质联用仪,稳定同位素质谱仪在内的多项仪器的日常使用及技术支持。
郭文婷, 女,1977年10月生,硕士毕业于中国海洋大学海洋生物学专业,现攻读同济大学海洋与地球科学学院海洋生物学博士学位,主要从事深海地质微生物群落的研究。
(1) 郭文婷,李健,王群,刘淇.微生态制剂对牙鲆非特异性免疫因子影响的研究. 海洋科学进展, 2006, 1: 51~58.
(2) 郭文婷, 李健. 中草药制剂对对凡纳滨对虾生长及血淋巴中免疫因子的影响, 饲料工业,2005, 26(6);6~10.
(3) 郭文婷,金黎明,吕海燕. 微生态制剂对凡纳滨对虾血清中非特异性免疫因子影响的研究. 水利渔业,2008, 28 (2);33~34.
(4) 郭文婷,吕海燕. 浅谈新时期班主任在大学生教育中的作用. 中国科教创新导刊, 2009,20;236~237.
葛黄敏, 女,1986年5月生,硕士毕业于同济大学海洋地质学专业,现攻读同济大学海洋与地球科学学院海洋生物博士学位,主要从事海洋微生物的稳定同位素研究。
葛黄敏,李前裕,成鑫荣等. 南海北部晚第四纪高分辨率浮游氧同位素地层学及其古气候信息.中国地质大学学报,2010, 4期.