男, 1971年出生,教授,现任海洋地质国家重点实验室副主任。
2004年荣获上海市青年科技启明星荣誉称号,2006年入选教育部全国新世纪优秀人才计划,2007年荣获全国第四纪研究青年科学家奖。2009年获得“上海市人才发展基金”荣誉, 2010年获得“第十二届青年地质科技银锤奖”和“第十三届侯德封奖矿物岩石地球化学青年科学家奖”;2012年获得“国家杰出青年科学基金”等荣誉。
E-mail: syyang@tongji.edu.cn
Prof. Dr. Shouye YANG
Career Outline
1988 – 1995: Nanjing University, B. Sc., Ms. Sc.
1995 – 1996: Institute of Hangzhou Petroleum Geology, Assistant Researcher
1996 – 1999: Tongji University, Ph. D.
Aug. 1999-Oct. 2002 Tongji University, Lecturer
Nov. 2000-Nov. 2001 Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute (KORDI), Visiting scientist
2003 – 2006.5 Tongji University, Department of Marine Geology, Associate Professor
2006.6 – present Tongji University, Department of Marine Geology, Professor
Oct. 2003-Jan. 2004, May -July 2005,June-July, 2007
The University of Hong Kong, Visiting scientist
Oct. 2006-Jan. 2007, Bremen University, Visiting scientist
July 15 ~Aug. 8, 2010, University of British Columbia, Visiting scientist
Working address
Department of Marine Geology
State Key Laboratory of Marine Geology
Tongji University
Shanghai 200092
P. R. China
E-mail: syyang@ tongji.edu.cn
中英文文章下载请到各自的页面 或 email: syyang@tongji.edu.cn
Quan Wang, Shouye Yang, 2012. Clay mineralogy indicates the Holocene monsoon climate in the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Catchment, China. 10.1016/j.clay.2012.08.011
Jingqing Shao, Shouye Yang, Chao Li, 2012. Chemical indices (CIA and WIP) as proxies for integrated chemical weathering in China: inferences from analysis of fluvial sediments. Sedimentary Geology 265-266: 110-120
Li C., Yang S.Y., Zhang W.G., 2012. Magnetic properties of sediments from major rivers, loess and desert in China, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 45: 190-200
Jingqing Shao, Shouye Yang, Chao Li, 2012. Chemical indices (CIA and WIP) as proxies for integrated chemical weathering in China: inferences from analysis of fluvial sediments. Sedimentary Geology 265-266: 110-120
Yang S.Y., Zhang F., Wang Z. B., 2012. Grain size distribution and age population of detrital zircons from the Changjiang (Yangtze) River system, China. Chemical Geology, 296-297: 26-38
Shao J. Q., Yang S. Y., 2012. Does chemical index of alteration (CIA) reflect silicate weathering and monsoonal climate in the Changjiang drainage basin? Chinese Science Bulletin, 57(10): 1178-1187[邵菁清、杨守业,2012. 化学蚀变指数CIA反映长江流域的硅酸盐岩化学风化与季风气候?科学通报,57(11): 933-942]
曾辰,杨守业,王磊,王皓,刘晓理,2012. 长江干流悬浮物中元素相态组成与环境指示. 海洋地质与第四纪地质,32(1):19-26
杨守业、王权,2011. 冲绳海槽中部热液活动与IODP331航次初步成果. 地球科学进展,26(12):1282-1289
Shouye Yang, Min Tang, Wyss W.-S. Yim, Yongqiang Zong, Guangqing Huang, Adam D. Switzer, Yoshiki Saito, 2011. Burial of organic carbon in Holocene sediments of the Zhujiang (Pearl River) and Changjiang (Yangtze River) estuaries. Marine Chemistry, 123: 1-10 SCI
杨守业、王中波,2011. 长江主要支流与干流的REE组成。矿物岩石地球化学通报,30(1):31-39
Wang Minjie, Zheng Hongbo, Xie Xin, Fan Daidu, Yang Shouye, Zhao Quanhong, Wang Ke, 2011. A 600-year flood history in the Yangtze River drainage: Comparison between a subaqueous delta and historical records. Chinese Science Bulletin, 56(2): 188~195. [王敏杰, 郑洪波, 谢昕, 范代读, 杨守业, 赵泉鸿, 王可, 2010. 长江流域600年来古洪水: 水下三角洲沉积 与历史记录对比. 科学通报,55(34):3320~3327] SCI
许斐,杨守业,展望,李超,钱鹏,2011. 三峡水库建设对长江下游颗粒有机碳通量及碳同位素组成的影响。地球化学,40(2):199~208.
窦衍光, 杨守业, 唐珉, 刘振夏,余华,2011. 冲绳海槽中部28ka以来陆源物质输入和古环境演化的生源组分记录. 第四纪研究, 31(2): 236~243.
Yanguang Dou, Shouye Yang, Zhenxia Liu, Peter D Clift, Xuefa Shi, Hua Yu, Serge Berne, 2010. Provenance discrimination of siliciclastic sediments in the middle Okinawa Trough since 30 ka: Constraints from rare earth element compositions. Marine Geology, 275: 212-220
Chao Li, Shouye Yang, 2010. Is chemical index of alteration (CIA) a reliable proxy for chemical weathering in global drainage basins? American Journal of Science, 310: 111-127
Yanguang Dou, Shouye Yang, Zhenxia Liu, Peter D. Clift, Hua Yu, Serge Berne, Xuefa Shi, 2010. Clay mineral evolution in the central Okinawa Trough since 28 ka: Implications for sediment provenance and paleoenvironmental change. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 288: 108-117
JIA JunTao, ZHENG HongBo, HUANG XiangTong, WU FuYuan, YANG ShouYe, WANG Ke & HE MengYing, 2010. Detrital zircon U-Pb ages of Late Cenozoic sediments from the Yangtze delta: Implication for the evolution of the Yangtze River. Chinese Science Bulletin, 55 (15): 1520-1528 [贾军涛,郑洪波,黄湘通,吴福元,杨守业,王可,何梦颖,2010. 长江三角洲晚新生代沉积物碎屑锆石U-Pb 年龄及其对长江贯通的指示. 科学通报,55(4-5):350~358] SCI
ZHAN Wang, YANG ShouYe, LIU XiaoLi, LI JianWei & Choi ManSik, 2010. Reconstruction of flood events over the last 150 years in the lower Changjiang valley. Chinese Science Bulletin, 55(21): 2268–2274 [展望,杨守业,刘晓理,李健伟,Choi Man–Sik, 2010. 长江下游近代洪水事件重建的新证据. 科学通报,55: 1908-1913]
贾军涛,郑洪波,杨守业,2010. 长江流域岩体的时空分布与碎屑锆石物源示踪。同济大学学报(自然科学版),38(9):1375-1380
王中波,杨守业,李日辉,张志珣,李军,白凤龙,李超,2010. 黄河水系沉积物碎屑矿物组成及沉积动力环境约束. 海洋地质与第四纪地质,30(4): 73~86
Shouye Yang, Zhongbo Wang, Yun Guo, Congxian Li, Jinggong Cai, 2009. Heavy mineral compositions of the Changjiang (Yangtze River) sediments and their provenance-tracing implication. Journal of Asian Earth Science 35: 56-65.
Zhaokai Xu, Dhongil Lim, Jinyong Choi, Shouye Yang, Hoisoo Jung, 2009. Rare earth elements in bottom sediments of major rivers around the Yellow Sea: implications for sediment provenance. Geo-Marine Letters, DOI 10.1007/s00367-009-0142-x
束振华,杨守业,窦衍光,刘振夏,余华,Serge Berne,2009. 冲绳海槽DGKS9604孔酸不溶相中常量元素组成及环境指示意义。热带地理,29(3): 236-240
Shouye Yang, Wyss W.-S. Yim, Min Tang, Guangqing Huang,2008. Burial of organic carbon and carbonate on the inner shelf of the northern South China Sea during the postglacial period. Frontiers of Earth Science in China 2(4):427-433
Shouye Yang, Wyss W.-S Yim, Guangqing Huang, 2008. Geochemical composition of inner shelf Quaternary sediments in the northern South China Sea with implications for provenance discrimination and paleoenvironmental reconstruction. Global and Planetary Change, 60/3-4: 207-221.
7. 王中波,杨守业,王红霞,张志珣,2008. 南黄海表层沉积物石榴石化学组成及其物源示踪. 金翔龙、秦蕴珊、朱日祥、李家彪主编,中国地质地球物理研究进展,576-586.
郑洪波,汪品先,刘志飞,杨守业,王家林,李前裕,周祖翼,贾军涛,李上卿,贾健宜,John Chappell,Yoshiki Saito,Takahiro Inoue, 2008. 东亚东倾地形格局的形成与季风系统演化历史寻踪—综合大洋钻探计划683号航次建议书简介。地球科学进展,23(11):1151-1160
李从先,范代读,杨守业,蔡进功,2008. 中国河口三角洲地区晚第四纪下切河谷层序特征和形成。古地理学报,10(1):87-97
Shouye Yang, Jeung-Su Youn, 2007. Geochemical compositions and provenance discrimination of the central south Yellow Sea sediments. Marine Geology, 243/1-4, 229-241.
YANG ShouYe, JIANGShaoYong, LING HongFei, XIA XiaoPing, SUN Min & WANG DeJie,2007. Sr-Nd isotopic compositions of the Changjiang sediments: Implications for tracing sediment sources. Science in China (Series D), 50(10): 1556-1565.
Man-Sik Choi, Hi-Il Yi, Shou-Ye Yang, Chang-Bok Lee, Hyun-Ju Cha, 2007. Identification of Pb sources in Yellow Sea sediments using stable Pb isotope ratios. Marine Chemistry 107, 255-274.
Jeungsu Youn, Shouye Yang, Young Ahn Park, 2007. Clay minerals and geochemistry of the bottom sediments in the northwestern East China Sea. Chinese J. of Oceanology and Limnology, 25(3): 235-246.
CAI JinGong, BAO YuJin, YANG ShouYe, WANG XingXin, FAN DaiDu, XU JinLi, WANG AiPing, 2007. Research on preservation and enrichment mechanisms of organic matter in muddy sediment and mudstone. Science in China (Series D) 50(5), 765-775.
杨守业,蒋少涌,凌洪飞,夏小平,孙敏,王德杰,2007。长江水系沉积物Sr-Nd 同位素组成与源汇示踪意义,中国科学,37(5):682-690
王中波,杨守业,张志殉,2007. 两种碎屑沉积物分类方法的比较. 海洋地质动态,23(3):36-40.
李徐生,韩志勇,杨守业,陈英勇,王永波,杨达源. 镇江下蜀土剖面的化学风化强度与元素迁移特征. 地理学报,62(11):1174-1184.
Shouye Yang, Congxian Li, Kazumi Yokoyama, 2006. Elemental compositions and monazite age patterns of core sediments in the Changjiang Delta: Implications for sediment provenance and development history of the Changjiang River. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 245(3-4), 762-776
Shouye Yang, Congxian Li, Jingong Cai, 2006. Geochemical compositions of core sediments in eastern China: Implication for Late Cenozoic palaeoenvironmental changes. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 229, 287-302
Hoi-Soo Jung, Dhong-il Lim, Shouye Yang, Hai-Soo Yoo, 2006. Constraints of REE distribution patterns in Core sediments and their provenance, Northern East China Sea. Econ. Environ. Geol. 39(1): 39-51.
D. I. Lim, H. S. Jung, J. Y. Choi, S. Y. Yang, K. S. Ahn., 2006. Geochemical compositions of river and shelf sediments in the Yellow Sea: Grain-size normalization and sediment provenance. Continental Shelf Research 26, 15–24
杨守业,2006. 亚洲主要河流的沉积地球化学示踪研究进展. 地球科学进展,21(6), 35-41
杨守业,李从先,2006. 长江三角洲晚新生代沉积物有机碳、氮和碳酸盐组成及古环境意义。地球化学,35(3):249-256
王中波,杨守业,李萍,李从先,蔡进功,2006. 长江水系沉积物碎屑矿物组成及其示踪意义. 沉积学报,24(4):570-578
Shouye Yang, Congxian Li, Quanhong Zhao, Yoshiki Saito, 2005. Geochemical compositions of Holocene sediments in the Changjiang River and Huanghe River Deltas and paleoenvironmental changes. In: Chen Z Y, Saito, Y, Goodbred S L (ed.), Mega-deltas of Asia-Geological evolution and human impact. Beijing: China Ocean Press. Pp48-57
S. Y. Yang, D. I. Lim, H. S. Jung, B. C. Oh, 2004. Geochemical composition and provenance discrimination of coastal sediments around Cheju Island in the southeastern Yellow Sea. Mar. Geol., Vol 206/1-4,41-53
S. Y. Yang, C. X. Li, D. Y. Yang, X. S. Li., 2004. Chemical weathering of the loess deposits in the lower Changjiang Valley, China, and paleoclimatic implications. Quaternary International. Vol 117(1), 27-34.
35. S. Y. Yang, H. S. Jung, C. X. Li., 2004. Two unique weathering regimes in the Changjiang and Huanghe drainage basins: geochemical evidence from river sediments. Sedi Geol., 164(1-2), 19-34.
杨守业,Jung, Hoi Soo, 李从先,Lim, Dong Il.,2004。黄河、长江与韩国Keum, Yeongsan江沉积物常量元素地球化学特征。地球化学,33(1):99-105
D. I. Lim, H. S. Jung, S. Y. Yang, H. S. Yoo, 2004. Sequential growth of early diagenetic freshwater siderites in the Holocene coastal deposits, Korea. Sedi. Geol., 169, 107-120.
C. X. Li, V. Ivanov, D. D. Fan, V. Korotaev, S. Y. Yang, R. Chalov, S. G. Liu, 2004. Development of the Volga Delta in response to Caspian sea-level fluctuation during last 100 years. J. Coastal Research 20(2): 401-414
S. Y. Yang, H. S. Jung, D. I. Lim, C. X. Li., 2003. A review on the provenance discrimination of the Yellow Sea sediments. Earth Science Reviews, 63 (1-2), 93-120.
Yang Shouye, Li Congxian, Lee C. B., Na, T. K., 2003. REE geochemistry of suspended sediments from the rivers around the Yellow Sea and provenance indicators. Chinese Science Bulletin, 48 (11): 1135-1139.
杨守业,李从先,Lee, C. B., Na, T. K.,2003,黄海周边河流的REE地球化学及沉积物物源示踪,科学通报,48(11): 1233-1236.
杨守业,李从先,Jung, H. S., Choi, M. S. 2003,黄河沉积物中REE制约与示踪意义再认识,自然科学进展,13(4):365-371
杨守业,李从先,Jung, H. S., Lim, D. I.,2003,中韩河流沉积物微量元素地球化学研究,海洋地质与第四纪地质,23(2): 19-24
Yang, S. Y., Li, C. X., Jung, H. S., Lee, H. J., 2002. Discrimination of elemental compositions between the Changjiang and Huanghe sediments and identification of sediment source in northern Jiangsu coast plain, China. Mar. Geol. 186, 229-241.
47. Yang, S. Y., Jung, H. S., Choi, M. S., Li, C. X., 2002. The rare earth element compositions of the Changjiang (Yangtze) and Huanghe (Yellow) river sediments. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 201, 407-419.
Lim, D. I., Jung, H. S., Chu, Y. S., Park, K. S., Kang, S. W., Yang, S. Y., 2002. A study on shoreline change in Hampyung Bay, southwestern coast of Korea I. Sea-cliff erosion and retreat. J. of the Korean Society of Oceanography, 7(3): 148-156.
Research interests
— 亚洲主要河流和边缘海沉积地球化学
Sedimentary geochemistry of major rivers and marginal seas in Asia
— 中国东部三角洲及边缘海古环境变化的沉积地球化学记录
Sedimentary geochemical study of paleo-environmental changes in East China
— 人地关系及全球变化研究中的沉积地球化学方法
Using sedimentological and geochemical methods to study huamn-nature interaction and global change
Conference abstracts
S.Y. YANG, F. XU, C. LI, W. ZHAN AND Q. WANG, 2010. Geochemistry of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River: natural versus anthropogenic impacts? Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, 73(13): A1176- A1176 Suppl. S Jun 2010; 20th Annual Goldschmidt Conference, June 13-21, 2010, Knoxville, USA. Oral presentation
Fei XU, Shouye Yang, Chao Li, Wang Zhan, 2010. Did the Three Gorges Reservoir influence the influx of particulate organic carbon from the Changjiang (Yangtze) River to the sea? EOS Trans. AGU 91(26) West. Pac. Geophys. Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS54A-06 Oral presentation
Shouye Yang, Yanguang Dou, Chao Li, Zhenxia Liu, Hua Yu, Xuefa Shi, Serge Berne, 2009. Distribution and dispersal patterns of the Changjiang (Yangtze River) sediments in the East Asian Marginal seas. In abstract of “The 1st China-Russia Symposium on Marine Science: Marine Environmental and Resources in 21st Century”. Qingdao, 2009.10.22-24
Shouye Yang, Zhenhua Shu, Xiaoping Xia, Zhongbo Wang, 2009. Detrital zircons as tracers of sediment provenances of the Changjiang River. In abstract of “The 5th International Symposium on Tibetan Plateau, the 24th Himalaya- Karakorum-Tibet Workshop”, August 11-14, 2009, Beijing, China. Oral presentation
S.Y. YANG, Z. H. SHU, X. T. HUANG AND H. B. ZHENG, 2009. Crustal weathering in the Changjiang drainage basin and the evolution history of the river. In abstract of “19th Annual Goldschmidt Conference”, June 21-27, 2009, Davos, Switzerland. Oral presentation
Shouye Yang, Yanguang Dou, Chao Li, Zhenxia Liu, Hua Yu, 2009. Tracing the source to sink patterns of river sediments in East Asian marginal seas by using geochemical methods. In abstract of “International Symposium on Sediment Transport and Sedimentation on Asian Continental Margins Registration Information”, Taiwan, March 23-27, 2009 Oral presentation
S. Yang, Z. Liu, Y. Dou, H. Yu, M. Tang, 2008. Reconstructing the sediment source-to-sink patterns in the Changjiang Delta and surrounding sea during the past 30ka. In abstract of “2008 AGU Fall Meeting”, San Francisco, December 15-19, 2008 Poster presentation
S. Y. Yang, W. W. –S. Yim, M. Tang, G. Huang, 2008. Burial of carbon on the inner shelf of the northern South China Sea during the postglacial period. In abstract of “WESTPAC: First International Workshop on the Fluvial Sediment Supply to the South China Sea”, Shanghai, November 27-28, 2008 Oral presentation
Shouye YANG, Wang ZHAN, Xiaoli LIU & Jianwei LI, 2008. Paleoflood investigations in the lower Changjiang valley using sedimentological and geochemical methods. In abstract of “International Conference on Deltas (Shanghai & Qingdao venue”), October 26 to November 2, 2008 Oral presentation
Shouye Yang, Hoisoo Jung, Congxian Li, Mansik Choi, 2008. Reconstructing source-to-sink patterns of fluvial sediments in East Asian marginal seas by using geochemical approaches. In abstract of “6th International Conference of Asia Marine Geology”, Kochi, Japan, Aug. 29- Sep. 2, 2008 Oral presentation
Yanguang Dou, Shouye Yang, Zhenxia Liu, Hua Yu, Serge Berne, 2008. Abrupt sediment provenance change at 8.0~7.0 ka BP in the middle Okinawa Trough: Rare earth element geochemical constraints. In abstract of “6th International Conference of Asia Marine Geology”, Kochi, Japan, Aug. 29- Sep. 2, 2008 Poster presentation
S.Y. YANG, S.Y. JIANG, X.P. XIA AND M. SUN, 2008. Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic systematics and the sediment source–to-sink pattern of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River. In abstract of “18th Annual Goldschmidt Conference”, July 13-18, 2008, Vancouver, Canada. Poster presentation
Shouye Yang, Zhenxia Liu, Yanguang Dou, Hua Yu, Min Tang, Serge Berne, 2008. The sediment source-to-sink pattern in the Changjiang Delta and surrounding sea during the past 30 ka. In abstract of “5th Annual Meeting of Asia Oceania Geoscience Society”, Busan, South Korea, June 16-20, 2008 Oral presentation
Shouye Yang, 2008. Geochemical fluxes of East Asian Rivers and monsoon-anthropogenic impacts. In abstract of “International Workshop on Anthropogenic Impacts on Asian Monsoon”, Nanjing, April 21-23, 2008 Oral presentation
Shouye Yang, 2008. Sr-Nd isotopic compositions and the Sediment Source–to-Sink pattern of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River. In abstract of “An International Conference on DELTAS (Bangladesh venue): Deltaic Gateways – Linking Source to Sink”, Bangladesh, 6-13, January, 2008,Oral presentation
S. Y. Yang, M. Tang, Z. X. Liu, H. Yu, 2007. Late Quaternary paleoenvironmental reconstruction in the East China Sea: organic geochemical constraints. In abstract of “9th International Congress on Paleoceanography”, Shanghai, China, 3-7, September, 2007. Poster presentation
S. Y. Yang, W. W. –S. Yim, G. Huang, 2007. Quaternary palaeoenvironmental change and sediment source-to-sink pattern on the continental shelf of Hong Kong in northern South China. In abstract of “3rd Alexander von Humboldt International Conference on The East Asian Monsoon, past, present and future”, Beijing, China, 27-31, August, 2007. Oral presentation
S. Y. Yang, W. W. –S. Yim, G. Huang, 2007. Quaternary sediment source-to-sink history on inner shelf of the northern South China Sea: Geochemical constraints. In abstract of “the XVIIth INQUA (International Union for Quaternary Research) Congress”, Cairns, Australia, 28 July-3 August, 2007. Oral presentation
S. Y. Yang, 2006. The Sediment Source-to-Sink History in the Southern Yellow Sea: REE Geochemical Constraints. In abstract of “2006 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting”, Beijing, China, 24-27 July 2006. Oral presentation
19. S. Y. Yang, W. W. –S. Yim, G. Huang, 2006. Geochemical compositions in the northern Southern China Sea continental shelf: implication for postglacial paleoenvironmental changes. In abstract of “International field meeting on Sub-aerially Exposed Continental Shelves since the Middle Pleistocene Climatic Transition”, Perth, Australia, Aug 13-18, 2006. Oral presentation
S. Y. Yang, C. X. Li, 2005. Evolution of the Changjiang in relation to the Tibetan Plateau uplift: geochemical constraints of Quaternary sediments in the Changjiang Delta. In abstract of “PAGES 2nd Open Science Meeting”, Beijing, China, 10-12 August 2006. Oral presentation
S. Y. Yang, W. W. –S. Yim, G. Huang, 2005. Environmental changes since the Middle Pleistocene climatic transition in the continental shelf of Hong Kong : evidence from grain size and geochemistry. In abstract of “International Workshop on Sub-aerially Exposed Continental Shelves since the Middle Pleistocene Climatic Transition”, Hong Kong, May 9-13, 2005. Oral presentation
Shouye Yang, Congxian Li, Quanhong Zhao, Yoshiki, Saito, 2005. Geochemical compositions of postglacial sediments in the Changjiang and Huanghe Deltas and paleoenvironmental changes. In abstract of “International Conference on Deltas (Mekong venue): Geological Modeling and Management”, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Jan. 10-16, 2005. Oral presentation
Yang Shouye, Li Congxian, Lee Chang-Bok and Na Tae-Kyong. 2004. REE geochemistry of suspended sediments from the rivers around the Yellow Sea and provenance indicators. In abstract of “The Fifth International Conference on Marine Geology”. Bangkok, Thailand, Jan. 13-18, 2004. Oral presentation
Shouye Yang, Congxian Li, and Daidu Fan. 2004. Late Cenozoic paleoenvironmental changes of the Changjiang and Huanghe delta areas: geochemical constraints. In abstract of “1st Meeting of IGCP475 DeltaMAP & APN Mega-Delta”. Bangkok, Thailand, Jan. 16-19, 2004. Oral presentation
Shouye Yang, Congxian Li, Daidu Fan, 2004. Geochemical compositions of late Cenozoic sediments in the Changjiang Delta: Implication for paleoenvironmental changes. In abstract of “IAG Yangtze Fluvial Conference”. Shanghai, China, June 24-27, 2004. p75 Oral presentation
Shouye Yang, Congxian Li, Daidu Fan, 2004. Late Cenozoic paleoenvironmental changes in eastern China: geochemical constraints. In abstract of “Second Annual Symposium of IGCP-476: Tectonics, Landform Evolution and Climate Change in East Asia”. Shanghai, China, June 25-July 1, 2004. p51 Poster presentation
Shouye Yang, Congxian Li, Daidu Fan, Shuguang Liu, Guozhong, Wang, Dejie Wang, Baohua Li, 2004. Impacts of climate changes on Chinese coastal zones and the adaptation strategy. In abstract of “Climate Change: Building the Adaptive Capacity: an international conference on adaptation science, management and policy options”. Yunnan Province, China, May 17-19, 2004. p33 Oral presentation
Shouye Yang, Jingong Cai, Congxian Li, Daidu Fan, 2004. Rare earth elemental compositions of the Changjiang and Huanghe sediments and its applications for tracing the river origins and uplift of the Tibetan Plateau. In abstract of “Proceedings of the workshop: Climate variability and human activities in relation to northeast Asian land-ocean interactions and their implications for coastal zone management (APN Project 2004-18-NMY)”. Nanjing, China. Dec. 4-8, 2004. p137 Oral presentation
S Y Yang, C X Li, H S Jung, D I Lim, 2002. Provenance study of the Yellow Sea sediment: Geochemical evidence from Chinese and Korean rivers. In abstract of “An AGU Chapman Meeting: Continent-ocean interactions within the East Asian Marginal Seas.”, Nov. 10-14, 2002, USA.
Yang Shouye, Li Cong-Xian, 2001. Late Quaternary paleoclimatic record in the Xiashu Loess of the lower Changjiang valley. In abstract of “Fifth International Conference on the Cenozoic Evolution of the Asia-Pacific Environment”, Oct. 29- Nov. 1, 2001, Hongkong Oral presentation
Yang Shouye, Li Cong-Xian, Jung Hoi-Soi, Lee Hee-Jun, 2001. Holocene evolution of the Subei coastal plain and the contribution of Changjiang and Huanghe rivers, Jiangsu, China. In abstract of “First Conference of IGBP 464- Continental Shelves During the Last Glacial Cycle”, Oct. 25-28, 2001, Hongkong Oral presentation
Yang Shouye, Jung Hoi-Soo, Lee Hee-Jun, Chu Yong-Shik, 2001. Geochemical Indicators of Chinese and Korean River Sedimetns and Provenance Discrimination of the Yellow Sea Sediment. In abstract of “Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on the Marine Science of the Yellow Sea (ISMY-V)”, Sept. 20-23, 2001, Inchon, Korea. Oral presentation
Yang Shouye, Jung, H. S., Chu, Y. S. and Oh, B. C., 2001. A geochemical approach on the provenance discrimination of coastal sediments around Cheju Island, South Korea. In abstract of Fall meeting of Korean Society of Oceanography, KORDI Oral presentation
Yang Shouye, Li Congxian, 1998, What time did the Huanghe River enter sea?—–Tracing application of the Huanghe River sedimentary geochemistry. In abstract of “Fourth international conference on Asian marine geology”,1998.10.14-18,Qingdao Oral presentation
Yang Shouye, Li Congxian, 1999, Element compositional evolution of postglacial sediment in the Changjiang Estuary. In abstract of “The international symposium of sedimentological and dynamic processes in estuaries and on coasts”, 11.10-11.15, 1999, Shanghai Oral presentation
Papers in English
Quan Wang, Shouye Yang, 2012. Clay mineralogy indicates the Holocene monsoon climate in the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Catchment, China. 10.1016/j.clay.2012.08.011
Jingqing Shao, Shouye Yang, Chao Li, 2012. Chemical indices (CIA and WIP) as proxies for integrated chemical weathering in China: inferences from analysis of fluvial sediments. Sedimentary Geology 265-266: 110-120Sedi Geol-2012-Shao
Jingqing Shao, Shouye Yang, 2012. Does chemical index of alteration (CIA) reflect silicate weathering and monsoonal climate in the Changjiang drainage basin? Chinese Science Bulletin, 57(10): 1178-1187Chinese Sci Bull2012
Yang S.Y., Zhang F., Wang Z. B., 2012. Grain size distribution and age population of detrital zircons from the Changjiang (Yangtze) River system, China. Chemical Geology, 296-297: 26-38Chem Geol2012
Jingqing Shao, Shouye Yang, Chao Li, 2012. Chemical indices (CIA and WIP) as proxies for integrated chemical weathering in China: inferences from analysis of fluvial sediments. Sedimentary Geology 265-266: 110-120Sedi Geol-2012-Shao
Li C., Yang S.Y., Zhang W.G., 2012. Magnetic properties of sediments from major rivers, loess and desert in China, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 45: 190-200JAES2012-Li Chao
Shouye Yang, Min Tang, Wyss W.-S. Yim, Yongqiang Zong, Guangqing Huang, Adam D. Switzer, Yoshiki Saito, 2011. Burial of organic carbon in Holocene sediments of the Zhujiang (Pearl River) and Changjiang (Yangtze River) estuaries. Marine Chemistry, 123: 1-10Mar Chem-2011
Yanguang Dou, Shouye Yang, Zhenxia Liu, Peter D Clift, Xuefa Shi, Hua Yu, Serge Berne, 2010. Provenance discrimination of siliciclastic sediments in the middle Okinawa Trough since 30 ka: Constraints from rare earth element compositions. Marine Geology, 275: 212-220Mar Geo2010
Chao Li, Shouye Yang, 2010. Is chemical index of alteration (CIA) a reliable proxy for chemical weathering in global drainage basins? American Journal of Science, 310: 111-127AJS 2010
Yanguang Dou, Shouye Yang, Zhenxia Liu, Peter D. Clift, Hua Yu, Serge Berne, Xuefa Shi, 2010. Clay mineral evolution in the central Okinawa Trough since 28 ka: Implications for sediment provenance and paleoenvironmental change. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 288: 108-117Palaeo-2010
ZHAN Wang, YANG ShouYe, LIU XiaoLi, LI JianWei & Choi ManSik, 2010. Reconstruction of flood events over the last 150 years in the lower Changjiang valley. Chinese Science Bulletin, 55: 2268–2274Chinese Science Bulletin-2010
Shouye Yang, Zhongbo Wang, Yun Guo, Congxian Li, Jinggong Cai, 2009. Heavy mineral compositions of the Changjiang (Yangtze River) sediments and their provenance-tracing implication. Journal of Asian Earth Science 35: 56-65JAES_2009
Shouye Yang, Wyss W.-S Yim, Guangqing Huang,2008. Geochemical composition of inner shelf Quaternary sediments in the northern South China Sea with implications for provenance discrimination and paleoenvironmental reconstruction. Global and Planetary Change, 60/3-4: 207-221GPC2008
Shouye Yang, Wyss W.-S. Yim, Min Tang, Guangqing Huang,2008. Burial of organic carbon and carbonate on the inner shelf of the northern South China Sea during the postglacial period. Frontiers of Earth Science in China 2(4): 427-433
Shouye Yang, Jeung-Su Youn, 2007. Geochemical compositions and provenance discrimination of the central south Yellow Sea sediments. Marine Geology, 243/1-4, 229-241Mar Geo2007
Shouye Yang, Congxian Li, Jingong Cai, 2006. Geochemical compositions of core sediments in eastern China: Implication for Late Cenozoic palaeoenvironmental changes. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 229, 287-302Palaeo3-2006
Shouye Yang, Congxian Li, Kazumi Yokoyama, 2006. Elemental compositions and monazite age patterns of core sediments in the Changjiang Delta: Implications for sediment provenance and development history of the Changjiang River. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 245(3-4), 762-776EPSL2006
Shouye Yang, Congxian Li, Quanhong Zhao, Yoshiki Saito, 2005. Geochemical compositions of Holocene sediments in the Changjiang River and Huanghe River Deltas and paleoenvironmental changes. In: Chen Z Y, Saito, Y, Goodbred S L (ed.), Mega-deltas of Asia-Geological evolution and human impact. Beijing: China Ocean Press. Pp48-57
YANG ShouYe, JIANGShaoYong, LING HongFei, XIA XiaoPing, SUN Min & WANG DeJie,2007. Sr-Nd isotopic compositions of the Changjiang sediments: Implications for tracing sediment sources. Science in China (Series D), 50(10):1556-1565Sci in China2007
S. Y. Yang, C. X. Li, D. Y. Yang, X. S. Li., 2004. Chemical weathering of the loess deposits in the lower Changjiang Valley, China, and paleoclimatic implications. Quaternary International. Vol 117(1), 27-34Quat Int2004
S. Y. Yang, D. I. Lim, H. S. Jung, B. C. Oh. 2004. Geochemical composition and provenance discrimination of coastal sediments around Cheju Island in the southeastern Yellow Sea. Mar. Geol., Vol 206/1-4,41-53Mar Geo2004
S. Y. Yang, H. S. Jung, C. X. Li., 2004. Two unique weathering regimes in the Changjiang and Huanghe drainage basins: geochemical evidence from river sediments. Sedi Geol., 164(1-2), 19-34Sedi Geol2004
S. Y. Yang, H. S. Jung, D. I. Lim, C. X. Li., 2003. A review on the provenance discrimination of the Yellow Sea sediments. Earth Science Reviews, 63 (1-2), 93-120Earth-Science Reviews2003
Yang Shouye, Li Congxian, Lee C. B., Na, T. K., 2003. REE geochemistry of suspended sediments from the rivers around the Yellow Sea and provenance indicators. Chinese Science Bulletin, 48 (11): 1135-1139Chinese science Bulletin2003
Yang, S. Y., Jung, H. S., Choi, M. S., Li, C. X., 2002. The rare earth element compositions of the Changjiang (Yangtze) and Huanghe (Yellow) river sediments. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 201, 407-419EPSL2002
Yang, S. Y., Li, C. X., Jung, H. S., Lee, H. J., 2002. Discrimination of elemental compositions between the Changjiang and Huanghe sediments and identification of sediment source in northern Jiangsu coast plain, China. Mar. Geol. 186, 229-241Mar Geo2002
Yang Shouye, Li Congxian, Liu Shuguang, 2001, Chemical fluxes of Asian rivers into ocean and their controlling factors. Marine Science Bulletin, 3(2): 30-37
Yang Shouye, Li Congxian, Zhao Quanhong, Saito Yoshiki, Hori Kazuaki, 2001. Element geochemistry of Holocene sediment and paleoenvironmental change in the Changjiang Estuary. Science in China (Series B), 40-46
Yang Shouye, Li Congxian, 2000, Elemental composition in the sediments of the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers and their tracing application. Nature Science progress, 10(8):612-618
Yang Shouye, Li Congxian, 1999, Characteristic elemental compositions of the Yangtze River and Yellow River surface sediments and their geological background. Chinese J. of Geochemistry, 18(3): 258-265
Man-Sik Choi, Hi-Il Yi, Shou-Ye Yang, Chang-Bok Lee, Hyun-Ju Cha, 2007. Identification of Pb sources in Yellow Sea sediments using stable Pb isotope ratios. Marine Chemistry 107, 255-274.mar chem2007
D. I. Lim, H. S. Jung, J. Y. Choi, S. Y. Yang, K. S. Ahn., 2006. Geochemical compositions of river and shelf sediments in the Yellow Sea: Grain-size normalization and sediment provenance. Continental Shelf Research 26, 15–24CSR2006-Lim
D. I. Lim, H. S. Jung, S. Y. Yang, H. S. Yoo, 2004. Sequential growth of early diagenetic freshwater siderites in the Holocene coastal deposits, Korea. Sedi. Geol., 169, 107-120.Sed Geo2004-Lim
杨守业、王权,2011. 冲绳海槽中部热液活动与IODP331航次初步成果. 地球科学进展,26(12):1282-1289
杨守业、王中波,2011. 长江主要支流与干流的REE组成。矿物岩石地球化学通报,30(1):31-39
杨守业,蒋少涌,凌洪飞,夏小平,孙敏,王德杰,2007。长江水系沉积物Sr-Nd 同位素组成与源汇示踪意义。中国科学(D辑),37(5):682-690
杨守业,2006. 亚洲主要河流的沉积地球化学示踪研究进展。地球科学进展,21(6), 35-41
杨守业,李从先,2006. 长江三角洲晚新生代沉积物有机碳、氮和碳酸盐组成及古环境意义。地球化学,35(3):249-256
杨守业,Jung, Hoi Soo, 李从先,Lim, Dong Il.,2004。黄河、长江与韩国Keum, Yeongsan江沉积物常量元素地球化学特征。地球化学,33(1):99-105
杨守业,李从先,Lee, C. B., Na, T. K.,2003,黄海周边河流的REE地球化学及沉积物物源示踪。科学通报,48(11): 1233-1236.
杨守业,李从先,Jung, H. S., Choi, M. S. 2003,黄河沉积物中REE制约与示踪意义再认识。自然科学进展,13(4):365-371
杨守业,李从先,Jung, H. S., Lim, D. I.,2003,中韩河流沉积物微量元素地球化学研究。海洋地质与第四纪地质,23(2): 19-24.
邵菁清、杨守业,2012. 化学蚀变指数CIA反映长江流域的硅酸盐岩化学风化与季风气候?科学通报,,57(11): 933-942
曾辰,杨守业,王磊,王皓,刘晓理,2012. 长江干流悬浮物中元素相态组成与环境指示. 海洋地质与第四纪地质,32(1):19-26
展望,杨守业,刘晓理,李健伟,Choi Man–Sik, 2010. 长江下游近代洪水事件重建的新证据. 科学通报,55: 1908-1913
窦衍光, 杨守业, 唐珉, 刘振夏 余华. 冲绳海槽中部28ka以来陆源物质输入和古环境演化的生源组分记录. 第四纪研究, 已接受, doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-7410.2011.01.0, 2011第1期
贾军涛,郑洪波,黄湘通,吴福元,杨守业,王可,何梦颖,2010. 长江三角洲晚新生代沉积物碎屑锆石U-Pb 年龄及其对长江贯通的指示. 科学通报,55(4-5):350~358
束振华,杨守业,窦衍光,刘振夏,余华,Serge Berne,2009. 冲绳海槽DGKS9604孔酸不溶相中常量元素组成及环境指示意义。热带地理,29(3): 236-240
郑洪波,汪品先,刘志飞,杨守业,王家林,李前裕,周祖翼,贾军涛,李上卿,贾健宜,John Chappell,Yoshiki Saito,Takahiro Inoue, 2008. 东亚东倾地形格局的形成与季风系统演化历史寻踪—综合大洋钻探计划683号航次建议书简介。地球科学进展,23(11):1151-1160
李从先,范代读,杨守业,蔡进功,2008. 中国河口三角洲地区晚第四纪下切河谷层序特征和形成。古地理学报,10(1):87-97
王中波,杨守业,张志殉,2007. 两种碎屑沉积物分类方法的比较. 海洋地质动态,23(3):36-40.
李徐生,韩志勇,杨守业,陈英勇,王永波,杨达源. 镇江下蜀土剖面的化学风化强度与元素迁移特征. 地理学报,62(11):1174-1184.
王中波,杨守业,李萍,李从先,蔡进功,2006. 长江水系沉积物碎屑矿物组成及其示踪意义. 沉积学报,24(4):570-578
卢龙 飞,蔡进功,包于进,李从先,杨守业,范代读,2006. 粘土矿物保存海洋沉积有机质研究进展及其碳循环意义. 地球科学进展,21(9), 931-937
范代读,李从先,K Yokoyama,李保华,周保春,王强,邓兵,吴国渲,杨守业,2004。长江三角洲晚新生代地层独居石年龄谱与长江贯通时间研究。中国科学,34(11):1015-1022。
方国庆,王中波,李保华,杨守业,2003. 一种简易的晚第四纪地层连续取心方法. 海洋地质动态,19(12)28-29
李从先,V 伊万诺夫,范代读,V 科诺达也夫,刘曙光,R 恰诺夫,杨守业,2002,近百年里海海平面的升降与伏尔加三角洲的发育,海洋地质与第四纪地质,22(3):1-9
王爱萍,杨守业,李从先,2001, 南京地区下蜀土元素地球化学特征及物源判别,同济大学学报(自然科学版),29(6):657-661
黄志诚, 陈智娜, 杨守业, 刘燕,1999,中国南方灯影峡期海洋碳酸盐岩原始d13C和d18O组成及海水温度,古地理学报,1(3):1-5
李从先, 陈庆强, 范代读, 张家强, 杨守业,1999,末次盛冰期以来长江三角洲地区的沉积相和古地理,古地理学报,1(4):12-25
李从先, 张家强, 杨守业, 范代读,1998,苏北陆上潮成砂体的特征和古环境演化,中国科学(D辑),28(5):418-424