

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-12

上海交通大学 电子信息与电气工程学院, 上海 200240

作者简介:李达伟(1993-),男,湖南省长沙市人,硕士生,主要研究方向为肠道机器人无线能量传输. E-mail:lidawei_david@sjtu.edu.cn.

Optimal Design of Wireless Power Transfer System for Gastrointestinal Robots

LI Dawei,JIANG Pingping,KE Quan,YAN Guozheng
School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University,


摘要: 为了提高肠道机器人无线能量发射系统性能,对能量发射系统进行了理论建模及优化设计.基于UCC3895芯片移相控制的全桥串联谐振电路设计了适用于大尺寸发射线圈、大驱动电流条件的无线能量发射电路,以达到工作稳定及频率和功率可调节的目的;建立了发射线圈交流电阻、自感及寄生电容参数的数值计算模型;使用单股利兹线绕制直径为69cm的单层发射线圈,并根据线圈解析模型,通过线圈匝数的可行域分析确定了发射线圈结构参数.结果表明,在工作频率为218kHz时,所设计的能量发射系统的传输功率最大可达650mW,传输效率为 3.60%,能够满足肠道机器人的功率需求,从而提高了系统的适用性.
关键词: 肠道机器人, 无线能量传输, 发射线圈, 全桥逆变电路
Abstract: This paper proposed an analytical model and optimal design for wireless power transmitting system used for gastrointestinal robots. Based on the phase-shift PWM controller UCC3895, a wireless power transmitting circuit which is suitable for large-sized coils and large driving current conditions was designed. The system has the characteristics of stable operation, adjustable frequency and power. We optimized the number of turns of a single-layer transmitting coil with a diameter of 69cm according to the analytical model and the feasible region analysis of the coil. The results show that at the operating frequency of 218kHz, the power transmitting system can provide up to 650mW for endoscopic robots with a transmission efficiency of 3.60%.
Key words: gastrointestinal robot, wireless power transfer, transmitting coil, full bridge inverter


相关话题/系统 电路 工作 计算 仪器