浙江大学 流体动力与机电系统国家重点实验室, 杭州 310027
李德骏,男,副教授,博士生导师,E-mail: li_dejun@zju.edu.cn.基金资助:
国家“863”高科技研究发展计划项目(2013AA09A414),国家自然科学基金资助项目(41676089) Design and Realization of Non-Contact Underwater Docking System on Ocean Observatory Network
ZHANG Tao,LI Dejun,LIN Mingwei,ZHANG Menghui,YANG CanjunState Key Laboratory of Fluid Power and Mechatronic Systems, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
摘要: 为充分利用海底观测网与自主水下航行器各自优势,构建海洋立体观测网络,设计并实现了海底观测网非接触式水下接驳系统. 考虑水下接驳需求和海水环境特殊性,设计接驳系统机械结构,包括导引结构、耐压腔体. 利用高频电磁波通信技术,并结合水下实际环境,实现水下高速非接触信号传输. 基于电磁耦合方式,并考虑电路拓扑和耦合线圈的设计,利用胶封线圈实现水下大功率、高效率的非接触电能传输. 基于WinCC组态软件设计系统上位机,并结合嵌入式PC控制器,建立系统中央控制系统. 在实验室环境下对耐压腔体的深水工作能力进行了压力试验验证,湖上试验对系统进行了非接触信号传输、非接触电能传输和中央控制系统测试.测试结果验证了各功能模块间的兼容性和系统整体方案的可靠性,并为后续海试提供了试验方案的验证.
关键词: 海底观测网, 水下接驳系统, 自主水下航行器, 非接触信号传输, 非接触电能传输
Abstract: A non-contact underwater docking system on ocean observatory network was designed and realized in order to make full use of the advantage of ocean observatory and autonomous underwater vehicle and to construct the ocean three-dimensional observatory system. Based on underwater docking requirement and the characteristic in ocean, the mechanical structures of docking system including guiding structure and cavity were designed. Making use of high frequency electromagnetic wave communication technology and connecting with the practical situation in ocean, the underwater non-contact signal transmission with high speed was realized. Based on electromagnetic coupling technology and considering the design of circuit topology and coupling coil, the non-contact power transfer with high power and great efficiency was realized by using sealing coils. A system upper computer software was developed based on WinCC. Combining with embedded PC, a central control system was built. Pressure test for cavity was conducted in laboratory. Overall tests including non-contact signal transmission, non-contact power transfer and central control system were completed in lake trial. The experimental results verified the compatibility among various modules and the reliability of the whole system scheme and provided basis for successive tests.
Key words: ocean observatory network, underwater docking system, autonomous underwater vehicle(AUV), non-contact signal transmission, non-contact power transfer