1. 国网上海市电力公司电力科学研究院, 上海 200437; 2. 上海交通大学 电气工程系, 上海 200240;3. 上海毅昊自动化有限公司, 上海 201204
宋杰(1984-),男,山西省晋城市人,高级工程师,主要从事电力系统继电保护和智能变电站工程技术等研究.电话(Tel.):021-25650258;E-mail: songjie_456@163.com.基金资助:
上海市科技英才扬帆计划(17YF1410200)Expansible Modeling and Applied Strategies Based on Semantic Web for Expert System of AC-DC Intelligent Substation
SONG Jie,ZHOU Jian,BAO Wei,HUANG Wentao,GAO Xiang1. State Grid Shanghai Electric Power Research Institute, Shanghai 200437, China;2. Department of Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China;3. Shanghai Yihao Automation Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201204, China
摘要: 为实现基于语义网的面向交-直流智能变电站运维专家系统的可扩展建模,介绍了语义网的基本概念与功能,基于C语言集成产生式系统(CLIPS)平台建立了智能变电站运维专家系统模型,以及包括专家系统交-直流稳控层、开关智能与电压合并单元层、电压合并单元层和开关智能单元层的多层规则及隔离策略,实现了从交流变电站内监控到系统稳控的立体化辅助决策.同时,以某500 kV智能变电站为例,对所建变电站运维专家系统模型及其可扩展性进行说明,并验证所提运维专家系统规则与隔离策略的有效性.结果表明:基于语义网的变电站运维专家系统知识库结构更加紧凑,从而提高了知识库中不同概念之间的逻辑性和统一性;所建规则与故障隔离策略提高了运维专家系统知识库的可扩展性和实用性.
关键词: 智能变电站, 运维专家系统, 规则, 隔离策略, 语义网
Abstract: In order to realize the modeling of the C language integrated production system (CLIPS) expert system, this paper analyzes the basic conception and function of semantic web. The strategies and rules of the expert system for smart breaker unit and voltage unit, voltage unit, smart breaker unit and hybrid AC-DC stability control unit are devised. By adding the semantic web conception to the structure, the expert system knowledge-base is more systematic and it does help to improve the logic and uniformity among different concepts of the knowledge-base. The final goal is to improve the expansibility of the expert system knowledge-base and improve the reuse rate of the rules in expert system rule-base.
Key words: intelligent substation, operating and maintain expert system, rules, isolation schemes, semantic web