

上海交通大学 免费考研网/2013-01-08


预修课程HDL硬件描述语言(VHDL、VerilogHDL、SystemC) VLSI 设计导论
课程讨论时数0 (小时)课程实验数0 (小时)

学位课程 面向微电子、电子工程、计算机等专业 课程性质是以功能IP核为基础的系统模块和电路综合的技术的研究。 其任务是以IP核为基础,以硬件描述语言为系统功能的主要描述手段,借 助以计算机为平台的EDA工具来进行,用HDPLD或ASIC为物理载体来实现系统芯片级的设计。


With VLSI technology as the base, computer science and technology as the core and HDL (VHDL, Verilog HDL, SystemC) and EDA as the tools, this course studies the principle and technology of IP core design and systematic design of IS (Integrated System). IP core plays an essential role in the research and application of SOC (System on Chip), while the research of IS includes system module based on functional IP core and circuit synthesis.The ideology of IS designing is quite different from that of traditional IC, which tends to implement functions of the whole system on one or several chips which integrate the processor, algorithmes, architectures, circuits of different levels and components, even MEMS . The design of IS (Integrated System) is executed on the basis of IP core, with HDL as the main method of systematic function description and by virtue of EDA tools on the computer platform. The design of traditional electrical system emphasize on the rational connection of various apparatus on PCB . However, IS (Integrated System) mainly refers to the design of system chips, using HDPLD or ASIC as its physical carrieres. The products come into being after verification of the steps mentioned above are called ‘firm core’ or ‘hard core’, which can be delivered in the form of software. The content of this course includes: description and modeling in the Behaeviodomain and Architeture domain of IS (Integrated System), Ssystematic Co-disgin and Synthesis, Systematic mensurablity disgin .


本课程以大规模集成电路技术为基础,以计算机科学技术为核心的,采用HDL硬件描述语言(VHDL、VerilogHDL、SystemC)及EDA为工具,研究IP核设计与集成系统(IS)的系统设计的原理与技术。 IP核是SOC研究与应用的基础。集成系统(IS)就是以功能IP核为基础的系统模块和电路综合的技术的研究。 集成系统(IS)是把系统的处理机制、模型算法、芯片结构、各层次电路直到器件,甚至微机械部件集成在一个或若干个芯片上实现整个系统的功能。其设计理念不同于传统的IC。集成系统(IS)设计以IP核为基础,以硬件描述语言为系统功能的主要描述手段,借助于以计算机为平台的EDA工具来进行。传统的电子系统的设计主要是在PCB层次上将各种元器件的合理连接,集成系统(IS)主要是以HDPLD或ASIC为物理载体的系统芯片的设计。经过上述步骤的验证后形成产品称为‘固核’或‘硬核’。它们能以软件(文本)的形式递交。 课程主要内容包括:集成系统的行为域与结构域的描述、建模,系统的协同设计与综合,系统的可测试结构设计等。





参 考 文 献
  • 1. 1.数字集成系统芯片(SOC)设计,北京希望电子出版社 罗胜钦 编著 2002年9月2. 2.VHDL设计表示与综合,VHDL Design Representation and Systhesis (second Edition)(美) James R.Armstrong F.Gail Gray 著,机械工业出版社 李宗伯 王蓉晖 等译 2002年5月3. 3.EDA工程的理论与实践――SOC系统芯派片设计, 电子工业出版社 曾繁泰 王强 盛娜 等编著 2004年2月