

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-03

郇昌鹏 副教授 部门:马丁适用语言学研究中心

主要经历 2019.01-至今 上海交通大学外国语学院 副教授
2015.10-2018.12 上海交通大学外国语学院 讲师
2011.09-2015.03 澳大利亚Macquarie University语言学博士,获国家留学基金委全额奖学金资助
入选“上海市浦江人才”资助计划(2017)。主持国家级、省部级和校级等各级课题8项,获资助逾百万元。其中,主持国家社科基金青年项目一项(2019),主持教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目一项(2018),主持中国外文局对外话语体系建设研究机制2019年度课题,主持上海市教委 上海高校智库内涵建设计划项目一项(2020),主持校级项目三项。参与国家社科重大基金项目一项(2018),参与上海交通大学本科课程教学改革研究项目一项(2016-2018)。获上海交通大学教书育人奖(集体奖)二等奖(2019.9.10),上海交通大学教学烛光奖二等奖(2018),上海交通大学教学成果奖。教授语言学专业研究生课程《话语分析》,上海交通大学通识课《学术英语交际:写作与发言》,英语系本科生课程《英语语法》,大学英语《综合英语》,体育明星班《大学英语》等。

教学科研 主持人才项目:
上海交通大学2019年度“SMC-晨星优秀青年****奖励计划” 副教授奖励计划B类计划支持 (2019-2021)
上海市浦江人才项目(2017)“从百年普利策奖看美国新闻标准霸权的演变路径与维持机制” (项目号:17PJC058)

上海市教委 上海高校智库内涵建设计划项目(2020)“澳大利亚主流媒体及智库对华舆情风险评估与对策”
上海交通大学人文社科文化专项(2016)“一带一路”背景下印尼媒体对印尼华人的态度嬗变研究” (项目号:16JCWH13)


Huan, C.& Deng, M. (forthcoming)Partners or predators? A corpus-based study of China’s image in South African media.African Journalism Studies
Huan, C.,Deng, M. & Napak-on Sritrakarn.(forthcoming). The Bangkok Blast as a finger-pointing blame game: How attitudinal positioning construes a divided polity.Journal of Language and Politics
M. Bednarek, Caple, H., &Huan, C.(forthcoming). Computer-based analysis of news values: A case study on national day reporting.Journalism Studies
Huan, C., & Guan, X. (2021)Sketching landscapes in discourse analysis (1978-2018): A bibliometric study.Discourse Studies, 23(1).
Caple, H.,Huan, C.,& M. Bednarek. (2020)Multimodal News Analysis Across Cultures. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.
Deng, M., &Huan, C.(2019)Review ofWar and its ideologies: a social-semiotic theory and description.Critical Discourse Studies, DOI: 10.1080/**.2019.**.
Huan, C.(2019)Review ofThe Language of Brexit: How Britain Talked Its Way Out of the European Union. Discourse & Communication, 13(5):583-586.
Huan, C. (2018)Journalistic Stance in Chinese and Australian Hard News. Singapore: Springer.
Huan, C. (2018) News production and attribution construction in Chinese local press: A progression analysis. In Marcel Burger (Ed.) Investigating Journalism Practices,pp. 75-94. Lausanne: Université de Lausanne.
Huan, C. (2018) Review of The Discourse of News Values: How News Organizations CreateNewsworthiness. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly,95(1): 312-314.
Huan, C. (2018)Evaluating news actors in Chinese hard news reporting: Language patterns and social values. Text & Talk,38(1): 23-45.
Huan, C. (2017)The Strategic Ritual of Emotionality in Chinese and Australian Hard News: A Corpus-based Study. Critical Discourse Studies, 14(5): 461-479.
Bednarek, M. & Huan, C.(2017)评价系统研究中的关键原则. 《外语研究》第一期,39-45.
Huan, C. (2016) 新闻价值研究的话语分析视角 [Introducing a Discursive Approach to News Values]. 《当代外语研究》, 9(5): 26-32.
Huan, C. (2016) Leaders or Readers, Whom to Please? News values in the transition of the Chinese press. Discourse, Context and Media,13: 114-121.
Huan, C. (2016) Journalistic Engagement Patterns and Power Relations: Corpus Evidence from Chinese and Australian Hard News Reporting. Discourse & Communication, 10(2): 137-156.
Huan. C. (2016) Review ofLinguistic Ethnography: Interdisciplinary Explorations. Applied Linguistics,37: 587-590.
Huan, C. (2016) Negotiating risk in Chinese and Australian print media hard news reporting on food safety: A corpus-based study. In Crichton, J. & Candlin, C.N. (Eds.) Communicating Risk. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 245-266.
Huan, C. (2015) Review of The Linguistics of Newswriting. Discourse & Communication, 9(1): 135-138.
Huan, C. & Wu, C. (2015) Appraisal Framework: Its history, status quo, and future development. Contemporary Foreign Languages Studies, 4:15-22,42.《当代外语研究》
Huan, C. (2014) Review ofStance and Voices in Academic Writing. Discourse & Society, 25(6): 814-816.
Huan, C. (2013) Review of News Discours. Journal of Pragmatics, (5): 103-104.
Huan, C. (2013) Conference Report: The First Appraisal Symposium. Journal of Contemporary Linguistics, (3). 《当代语言学》

社会兼职 审稿人
SSCI/A&HCI检索期刊: Chinese Journal of Communication; Discourse & Communication; Discourse, Context & Media; Health, Risk & Society; Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies; Journalism Studies; Journal of Language and Politics; Journal of International Development; Perspectives
CSSCI/其他检索期刊/出版社: 《语言学研究》,《当代外语研究》,《北京第二外国语学院学报》,Journal of Second Language Studies, 上海交通大学出版社,John Benjamins


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