

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-01

王石刚 教授

教育背景 1990年-1993年华中科技大学博士

工作经历 2000.12-至今,上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院,教授
1995.08-2000.12, 上海交通大学机械学院,副教授

研究方向 仿生设计与机器人

科研项目 国家自然科学基金面上项目“球壳型磁流体三轴调姿多场耦合动力学及其调姿机理”

代表性论文专著 近年来发表代表性论文
[1] Q. Deng, S. Wang, Q. Liang and J. Mo, The effect of body pitching on leg-spring behavior in quadruped running, Journal of Bionic Engineering, 2010, 7(3), 219-227.
[2] Jiayong Cao, Shigang Wang, Yu Zhu, and Wensheng Yin,“Modeling the Static Vertical Force of the Core-Type Permanent-Magnet Planar Motor ”, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol.44, No.12, 2008
[3] Shigang Wang, Enhui Yang*, Xinhong WANG, Qi Deng, Qinghua Liang, Jinqiu Mo. Development of a novel live-line inspection robot system for post insulators at 220 kV substations. Advanced Robotics, 2010, 24(4)
[4] Enhui Yang, Xinhong Wang, Jinqiu Mo, Jiayong Cao, Shigang Wang*. Model of streamline upwinding and meshless method for electromagnetic filed involving moving conductor. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 2009(31), DOI: 10.3233/JAE-2009-1055.
[5] Yang Enhui, Deng Qi, Mo Jinqiu, Liang Qinghua, Wang Shigang*. An ultrasonic on-line test method for detecting remotely and automatically energised porcelain post insulators in high-voltage substations. Insight: Non-Destructive Testing and Condition Monitoring, 50(4), 2008.
[6] 王石刚*,关柏青,李倩,Estimation of motion or vibration from motion blurred images, invited one chapter in Pattern Recognition Research Horizons (ed. Frank Columbus), Nova Science publishers.2007
[7] Guobao Wang and Shigang Wang ,Parallel recursive computation of the inverse Legendre moment transforms for signal and image reconstruction, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 11(12): 929-932, 2004(SCI 收录, SCI872LM;EI 光盘收录, EI)
[8] Guobao Wang and Shigang Wang ,Recursive computation of Tchebichef moment and its inverse transform, Pattern Recognition, 39(1): 47-56, **(SCI 收录, SCI983HS;EI 光盘收录, EI)
[9] Baiqing Guan, Shigang Wang, and Guobao Wang ,A biologically inspired method for estimating 2D high-speed translational Motion, Pattern Recognition Letters, 26(15): 2450-2462, 2005 (SCI 收录,SCI 976AB; EI 光盘收录:E I).
[10] Shigang Wang, Baiqing Guan, Guobao Wang and Qian Li ,Measurement of Sinusoidal Vibration from Motion Blurred Images, Pattern Recognition Letters, accepted.(SCI源,EI源)
[11] Li Qian, Wang Shi-gang ,A machine Vision Method for the measurement of Vibration Amplitude,Measurement Science and Technology, Vol.18, 2007, (SCI源,EI源)
[12] Guobao Wang and Shigang Wang, and Wei Xu ,On using flexure-hinge five-bar linkages to develop novel walking mechanisms and small-scale grippers for microrobots, Journal of Robotic Systems, 21(10):531-538, 2004(SCI 收录, SCI853OS;EI 光盘收录, EI)
[13] Luo Lei, Wang Shigang, Mo Jinqiu and Cai Jianguo ,On the dynamic modeling and control of 2-DOF planar parallel mechanism with flexible links, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, ,18(1):112-117, 2005 (EI 光盘收录, EI )
[14] YU Xin-rui, XU Wei, WANG Shi-gang, and LI Qian ,A New Edge-directed Subpixel Edge Localization Method, Journal of Donghua University ( Eng. Ed. ), 2004,21(4): 73-77 (EI 光盘收录, EI)
[15] 于新瑞, 王石刚, 关柏青,一种快速检测圆的抗干扰变形模板方法, 光学学报, 2004,24(8):1115-1119.(EI 光盘收录, EI )
[16] 于新瑞, 汪国宝, 王石刚,基于边缘导向的直边图像亚像素定位方法, 上海交通大学学报,2004,38(6): 866-873(EI 光盘收录, EI)
[17] Baiqing Guan, Shigang Wang and Qian Li ,Measurement of angular vibration amplitude by actively blurred images, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (in English), 2007,Vol.20,No1. (EI源)
[18] Li, Q., Wang, S.-G ,Estimation of rotation parameters from blurred image, ACIVS2006(SCI/EI收录号:SCI BFE67, EI)
[19] E. H. Yang, S. G. Wang*, J. Q. Mo, Q. H. Liang, W. Xu. Analysis of Harmonic electromagnetic field using Element-free Galerkin Method. Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2009, DOI: 10.1022/cnm.1335. (SCI & EI indexed)
[20] Enhui Yang, Xinhong Wang, Jinqiu Mo, Jiayong Cao, Shigang Wang*. Model of streamline upwinding and meshless method for electromagnetic filed involving moving conductor. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 2009(31), DOI: 10.3233/JAE-2009-1055. (SCI & EI indexed)
[21] Enhui Yang, Jinqiu Mo, Handan Liu, Wei Xu, Shigang Wang*. Modification of the weak form to enforce electromagnetic field interface conditions in element-free Galerkin method. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 2009(30), DOI 10.3233/JAE-2009-1051. (SCI & EI indexed)
[22] Liu Handan, WANG Shigang, XU Wei. Process Modeling of Ferrofluids Flow for Magnetic Targeting Drug Delivery. CHINESE JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. 22(3): 440-445, (2009).(SCI Indexed Number: ISI:019; EI indexed. Accession number: 811).
[23] Shigang Wang, Handan Liu* (Correspongding author), Wei Xu. Hydrodynamic modelling and CFD simulation of ferrofluids flow in magnetic targeting drug delivery. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS, 22(10): 659-667, 2008.(SCI Indexed Number: ISI: 002).
[24] Liu Handan, Xu Wei, Wang Shigang*, Ke Zunji. Hydrodynamic modeling of ferrofluid flow in magnetic targeting drug delivery. APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS, 29(10): 1341-1349, 2008.(SCI Indexed Number: ISI:009; EI indexed. Accession number: ).
[25]Tang, C. L., Wang, S. G., and Chen, Y. P. Clustering of the steel strip sectional profiles based on the robust adaptive fuzzy clustering algorithm [J]. Computing and Informatics, 2011, 30(2), 357-380. (SCI-indexed)
[26]Tang, C. L., Wang, S. G., Xu, W. A kind of generalized fuzzy C-means clustering model and its applications in mining steel strip flatness signals [J]. WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, 2009, 6(12), 1913-1929. (EI-indexed)
[31]Jiang, R. Y., Klette, R., and Vaudrey, T. Corridor detection for vision-based driver assistance system [J]. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 2011, 25(2), 253-272. (SCI-indexed)
[32]Jiang, R. Y., Klette, R., Vaudrey, T., and Wang, S. G. Lane detection and tracking using a new lane model and distance transform [J]. Machine Vision and Application, 2011, 22(4), 721-737. (SCI-indexed)
[33]Xin Dai, Qinghua Liang, Jiayong Cao, Yongjun Long, Jinqiu Mo, and Shigang Wang. Analytical Modeling of Axial-Flux Permanent Magnet Eddy Current Couplings with a Slotted Conductor Topology[J]. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2015. doi: 10.1109/TMAG. 2015.**. (SCI)
[34]Xin Dai, Jiayong Cao, Yongjun Long, Qinghua Liang, Jinqiu Mo, and Shigang Wang. Analytical Modeling of an Eddy-current Adjustable-speed Coupling System with a Three-segment Halbach Magnet Array[J]. Electric Power Components and Systems, 2015, 43(17): 1891-1901. (SCI)
[35]Xin Dai, Qinghua Liang, Chao Ren, Jiayong Cao, Jinqiu Mo, and Shigang Wang. Analytical Solution of Magnetic Field in Permanent-Magnet Eddy-Current Couplings by Considering the Effects of Slots and Iron-Core Protrusions[J]. cJournal of Magnetics, 2015, 20(3): 273-283. (SCI)
[36]Bo Yin, Zhenning Liang, Xin Dai, Jinqiu Mo and Shigang Wang. Task-oriented configuration optimization of a lattice distortable reconfigurable robot. Journal of Proc IMechE Part C: J Mechanical EngineeringScience.March 18, 2015 online. (SCI)
[37]Z. Liang, B. Yin, H. Liu, J. Mo, S. Wang, Displacement measurement of specimen surfaces with damaged areas by digital image correlation[J], Measurement, 2015, 76: 183-188. (SCI)
[38]Z. Liang, B. Yin, J. Mo, S. Wang, A new method to deal with the effect of subset size for digital image correlation[J], Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2015, 126: 4940-4945. (SCI)
[39]Chunlei Wang, Ting Zhang, Xiaohui Wei, Yongjun Long, and Shigang Wang, Dynamic Imbalance Analysis and Stability Control of Galloping Gait for a Passive Quadruped Robot[J],Applied Bionics and Biomechanics, vol. 2015, Article ID 479615, 17 pages, 2015. doi:10.1155/2015/479615 (SCI)
[40]Yongjun Long, Jinqiu Mo, Xinshu Chen, Qinghua Liang, Yaguang Shang, and Shigang Wang, Design of a Rotary Electromagnetic Actuator with Linear Torque Output for Fast Steering Mirror[J], Journal of Magnetics, 2015, 20(1): 69-78. (SCI)
[41]Yongjun Long,XinshuChen, Chunlei Wang, Xiaohui Wei, Jinqiu Mo, and Shigang Wang, Pull-in modeling and analysis of electromagnetic actuator with permanent magnet through system stiffness analysis[J], International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 2015, 48(1): 85-100. (SCI)
[42] X. Wei, C. Wang, Y. Long, and S. Wang, The effect of spine on the bounding dynamic performance of legged system[J], Advanced Robotics, 2015, 1-15,. (SCI)
[43] X. Wei, Y. Long, C. Wang, and S. Wang, "A Critical Characteristic in the Transverse Galloping Pattern[J], Applied Bionics and Biomechanics, 2015,. (SCI)
[44] Chunlei Wang, Ting Zhang, Xiaohui Wei, Yongjun Long and Shigang Wang, "Bio-inspired control strategy study for the quadruped robot with a segmented spine" Industrial Robot, 2017, Vol. 44 Issue 1 pp. 85 - 93
[45] Mingdong Tang , Youlin Gu , Yunjian Zhang , Shigang Wang, "Dual manipulator system of the field hot-line working robot in 110-kV substations", Industrial Robot, 2017, Volume 44 Issue 4 pp. 479 - 490Robotics And Autonomous Systems
[46] Mingdong Tang , qinhua Liang , Shigang Wang , DCBot: An autonomous hot-line working robot for 110 kV substation, Robotics And Autonomous Systems, 2019, 9

教学工作 机械优化设计,授课对象:本科生及研究生,54学时

学术兼职 中国机械工程学会机械设计分会智能机械专业委员会副主任,国际期刊JECT机械电子Topic主编。

荣誉奖励 曾获国家科技进步三等奖,教育部科技进步二等奖,上海市科技进步三等奖,上海市育才奖

相关话题/机械 上海交通大学