本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-01
陈根良 副教授
教育背景 ※ 2008/09 ~ 2014/12,上海交通大学,机械与动力工程学院,博士
※ 2006/09 ~ 2008/06,上海交通大学,机械与动力工程学院,硕士(硕博连读)
※ 2002/09 ~ 2006/06,上海交通大学,机械与动力工程学院,学士
工作经历 ※ 2018/03 ~ 至今,上海交通大学,机械与动力工程学院,副教授
※ 2016/02 ~ 2018/02,美国斯坦福大学,机械工程系仿生与灵巧操作实验室,访问****,合作教授: Mark R. Cutkosky教授
※ 2014/11 ~ 2017/07,上海交通大学,机械与动力工程学院,博士后
研究方向 ※ 机器人机构学;
※ 装配自动化技术;
※ 操作装备精度分析与设计
科研项目 一、主持项目
1. 国家自然科学基金优青项目:机器人与机构学,2021/01--2023/12;
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:大变形柔性连杆并联机构变形协调运动分析与设计方法研究,2019/01--2022/12;
3. 国家自然科学基金青年基金:并联机构运动学标定的参数可辨识特性研究,2016/01--2018/12;
4. 上海市临港地区智能制造专项:高柔性智能制造与装配系统开发,2018/01--2020/12;
5. 机械系统与振动国家重点实验室自主课题:基于气动-绳索耦合驱动的折展机器人设计与控制方法研究,2019/01--2020/12;
6. 数字制造装备与技术国家重点实验室开放课题:并联机器人几何尺寸与刚度参数同步辨识方法研究,2019/01--2020/12;
7. 中国博士后科学基金特别资助:串联机器人尺寸与刚度参数的同步辨识方法研究,2016/09--2017/09;
8. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目:并联操作装备的几何误差建模与精度标定方法研究,2015/10--2017/03;
9. 航天先进技术联合研究中心技术创新项目:工业机器人和力反馈交互集成的智能装配技术研究,2017/03--2018/12.
1. 国家重点研发计划变革性技术专项:重型运载火箭薄壁结构立式装配原理及形性综 合控制,2020/01--2024/12;
2. 国家重点研发计划国际合作重点专项:基于混联机器人航空复材加工关键技术研究,2018/04--2021/03;
3. 江南造船(集团)有限公司课题:船舶总段智能对接装配平台,2019/06--2020/12;
4. 国家自然科学基金青年基金:薄壁构件镜像加工刚度补偿支撑机构设计方法研究,2014/01--2016/12;
5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于势能分配的操作机构刚度分布评价与静刚度综合,2011/01--2013/12;
6. 上海市科委重点科技攻关专项:大型客机总装对接协调控制技术研究,2010/06--2012/06;
7. 国家973计划课题:巨型重载操作装备的性能仿真与优化,2006/09--2010/08.
代表性论文专著 【专著章节】
[1] Hao Wang, Genliang Chen, Yong Zhao, General Method for Forward Dynamics of Parallel Manipulators Based on Newton-Euler Formulation with Generalized Coordinates: Parallel Robotics: Recent Advances in Research and Application, Jinsong Wang, Xinjun Liu, Nova Science Publisher, 2008.
[1] Genliang Chen, Zhuang Zhang, Hao Wang, Analysis and validation of a flexible planar two degree-of-freedom parallel manipulator with structural passive compliance, ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 12(1): 011011 (10 pages), 2020.
[2] Genliang Chen, Jue Wang, Hao Wang, Chao Chen, Vincenzo Parenti-Castelli, Jorge Angeles, Synthesis of a spatial two-limb 3R1T parallel manipulator with remote center-of-motion, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 149, 103807 (18 pages), 2020.
[3] Hao Pan, Genliang Chen, Yezheng Kang, Hao Wang, Design and kinematic analysis of a flexible-link parallel mechanism with a spatially translational end-effector, ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 2020.
[4] Zhuang Zhang, Genliang Chen, Haiyu Wu, Hao Wang, A pneumatic/cable-driven hybrid linear actuator with combined structure of origami chambers and deployable mechanism, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 5(2): 3564-3571, 2020.
[5] Zhuang Zhang; Genliang Chen; Weicheng Fan; Wei Yan; Lingyu Kong; Hao Wang, A pneumatic actuated variable stiffness device with reconfigurable elastic inner skeleton and origami shell, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2020.
[6] Genliang Chen, Jiepeng Wang, Hao Wang, A new type of planar 2-DOF remote center-of-motion mechanisms inspired by the Peaucellier-Lipkin straight-line linkage, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 141(1): 015001, 2019.
[7] Genliang Chen, Lingyu Kong, Qinchuan Li, Hao Wang, A simple two-step geometric ap-proach for the kinematic calibration of the 3-PRS parallel manipulator, Robotica, 37(5): 837-850, 2019.
[8] Genliang Chen, Weidong Yu, Hao Wang, Jiepeng Wang, Design and kinematic analysis of a spherical parallel manipulator using concurrent planar parallelogram linkages, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 233(7): 2491-2501, 2019.
[9] Jue Yu, Yong Zhao, Genliang Chen, et al., Realizing controllable physical interaction based on an electromagnetic variable stiffness joint, ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 11(5): 054501 (8 pages), 2019.
[10] Liming Xu, Genliang Chen, Wei Ye, Qinchuan Li, Design, analysis and optimization of Hex4, a new 2R1T overconstrained parallel manipulator with actuation redundancy, Robotica, 37(2): 358-377, 2019.
[11] Genliang Chen, Zhuang Zhang, Hao Wang, A general approach to the large deflection problems of spatial flexible rods using principal axes decomposition of compliance matrices, ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 10(3): 031012, 2018.
[12] Genliang Chen, Hao Wang, Zhongqin Lin, Xinmin Lai, Identi?cation of canonical basis of screw systems using general-special decomposition, ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 10(3): 034501 (8 pages), 2018.
[13] Genliang Chen, Lingyu Kong, Qinchuan Li, Hao Wang, Zhongqin Lin, Complete, minimal and continuous error models for the kinematic calibration of parallel manipulators based on POE formula, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 121: 844-856, 2018.
[14] Lingyu Kong, Genliang Chen, Zhuang Zhang, Hao Wang, Kinematic calibration and investigation of the influence of universal joint errors on accuracy improvement for a 3-DOF parallel manipulator, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 49: 388-397, 2018.
[15] Weidong Yu, Hao Wang, Genliang Chen, Longhai Zhao, Design of a spatial translational mechanism by optimizing spatial ground structures and its kinematic analysis, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 140(8): 082304, 2018.
[16] Weidong Yu, Hao Wang, Genliang Chen, Design and kinematic analysis of a 3-translational-DOF spatial parallel mechanism based on polyhedral, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 121: 92-115, 2018.
[17] Longhai Zhao, Hao Wang, Genliang Chen, Shunzhou Huang, Sequentially assembled reconfigurable extended joints: a self-lockable deployable structure, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 31(6): **, 2018.
[18] Genliang Chen, Weidong Yu, Qinchuan Li, Hao Wang, Dynamic modeling and performance analysis of the 3-PRRU 1T2R parallel manipulator without parasitic motion, Nonlinear Dynamics, 90(1): 339-353, 2017.
[19] Genliang Chen, Weidong Yu, Chao Chen, Hao Wang, Zhongqin Lin, A new approach for the identi?cation of reciprocal screw systems and its application to the kinematics analysis of limited-DOF parallel manipulators, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 118: 194-218, 2017.
[20] Hao Wang, Weidong Yu, Genliang Chen, An approach of topology optimization of multi-rigid-body mechanism, Computer-Aided Design, 84: 39-55, 2017.
[21] Hao Wang, Linsong Zhang, Genliang Chen, et al., Parameter optimization of heavy-load parallel manipulator by introducing stiffness distribution evaluation index, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 108: 244-259, 2017.
[22] Jue Yu, Yong Zhao, Genliang Chen, et al., The best-approximate realization of a spatial stiffness matrix with simple springs connected in parallel, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 103: 236-249, 2017.
[23] Yong Zhao, Jue Yu, Genliang Chen, et al., Design of an electromagnetic prismatic joint with variable stiffness, Industrial Robot: An International Journal, 44(2): 222-230, 2017.
[24] Genliang Chen, Hao Wang, Zhongqin Lin, Xinmin Lai, The Principal axes decomposition of spatial stiffness matrices, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 31(1): 191-207, 2015.
[25] Hao Wang, Lingyu Kong, Genliang Chen, Yong Zhao, Design of an actuation device with the capability of automatically distributing external load based on stability theorems, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 137: 085001, 2015.
[26] Genliang Chen, Hao Wang, Zhongqin Lin, Determination of the identifiable parameters in robot calibration based on the POE formula, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 30(5): 1066-1077, 2014.
[27] Genliang Chen, Hao Wang, Zhongqin Lin, A unified approach to the accuracy analysis of planar parallel manipulators both with input uncertainties and joint clearance, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 64: 1-17, 2013.
[28] Genliang Chen, Hao Wang, Zhongqin Lin, Generalized kinematic mapping of constrained plane motions and its application to the accuracy analysis of general planar parallel robots, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 50: 29-47, 2012.
[29] Genliang Chen, Hao Wang, Zhongqin Lin, Forward dynamics of the 6-PUS parallel manipulator based on the force coupling and geometry constraint of the passive joints, Journal of System Design and Dynamics, 5(3): 416-428, 2011.
[30] Genliang Chen, Hao Wang, Kai Zhao, Zhongqin Lin, Modular calculation of the Jacobian matrix and its application to the performance analysis of a forging robot, Advanced Robotics, 23(10): 1261-1279, 2009.
[31] Lingyu Kong, Hao Wang, Genliang Chen, et al., Stability analysis for a planar parallel manipulator with the capability of self-coordinating the load distribution, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 28(4): 821-828, 2015.
[32] Yong Zhao, Genliang Chen, Hao Wang, et al., Optimum selection of mechanism type for heavy manipulators based on particle swarm optimization method, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 26(4): 763-770, 2013.
[33] Hao Wang, Kai Zhao, Genliang Chen, et al., Energy distribution index for robot manipulators and its application to buffering capability evaluation, Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences, 54(2): 457-470, 2011.
[34] Hao Wang, Genliang Chen, Yong Zhao, et al., Output error bound prediction of parallel manipulators based on the level set method, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 45(8): 1153-1170, 2010.
[35] Hao Wang, Genliang Chen, Zhongqin Lin, Forward dynamics analysis of the 6-PUS platform based on platform-legs composite simulation, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 22(4): 496-504, 2009.
[36] 陈根良, 王皓, 来新民, 林忠钦, 基于广义坐标形式牛顿-欧拉方法的并联机构动力学正问题分析, 机械工程学报, 45(7): 41-48, 2009.
[37] 段旭洋, 王皓, 赵勇, 陈根良, 基于嵌套粒子群算法的平面机构尺度综合与构型优选, 机械工程学报, 49(13): 32-39, 2013.
[1] Genliang Chen, Yezheng Kang, Hao, Pan, Hao Wang, Kinetostatics modeling and analysis of parallel continuum manipulators, The 4th International Workshop on Fundamental Issues, Applications and Future Research Directions for Parallel Mecha-nisms/Manipulators/Machines (Parallel 2020), 2020, Belfast, UK.
[2] Lingyu Kong, Genliang Chen, Zhuang Zhang, et al., Complete, minimal and continuous kinematic error models for parallel manipulators under perfect multi-Dof joints, ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (ASME DETC2020), August 16-19, 2020, St. Louis, US.
[3] Jue Wang, Genliang Chen, Hao Wang, Wireless power and SIMO control based on magnetic coupling resonance using in Delta robot, ASME 2019 International Design Engineering Tech-nical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. Anaheim, California, USA. August 18-21, 2019.
[4] Genliang Chen, Zhuang Zhang, Zhengtao Chen, and Hao Wang, A general discretization-based approach for the kinetostatic analysis of closed-loop rigid/flexible hybrid mechanisms, Advances in Robot Kinematics, SPAR 8, pp. 269-276, 2019.
[5] Zhuang Zhang, Genliang Chen, Lingyu Kong, Hao Wang, Design and analysis of a cross trapezoid spatial compliant device with variable stiffness, ASME IDETC/CIE 2018, Oct. 25-29, Quebec City, QC, Canada.
[6] Samuel Frishman, Genliang Chen, Alexander Gruebele, and Mark Cutkosky, Towards haptic transparency in real-time MRI-guided needle biopsies: a 3-DOF manipulator, IEEE Haptics Symposium 2018, March 25-28, San Francisco, CA, US.
[7] Genliang Chen, Hao Wang, Weidong Yu, Optimal synthesis of the slider-crank mechanism for path generation based on the generalized kinematic mapping of constrained plane motions, the 14th IFToMM World Congress, Taipei, Taiwan, Oct. 25-30, 2015.
[8] Longhai Zhao, Hao Wang, Genliang Chen, Lingyu Kong, Conceptual design and kinematic analysis of the Diamobot: a homogeneous modular robot, Advances in Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots II, 693-70.
[9] Lingyu Kong, Genliang Chen, Hao Wang, An experimental comparison for the accuracy improvement of a 6-PSS parallel manipulator by choosing different sets of measurement data, the Eighth International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications, Ports-mouth, UK, Aug 24-27, 2015.
[10] Lingyu Kong, Hao Wang, Genliang Chen, et al., Stability analysis for a planar PKM with the capability of self-coordinating the driving forces, the third IFToMM Asian Conference on Mechanism and Machine Science, July 9-10, 2014, Tianjin, China.
[11] Genliang Chen, Hao Wang, Zhongqin Lin, Reformulation of the local POE formula for robot kinematic calibration, the third IFToMM International Symposium on Robotics and Mechatronics, Oct. 2-4, 2013, Singapore.
[12] Genliang Chen, Hao Wang, Zhongqin Lin, Optimal kinematic calibration of the 6-UPS parallel manipulator, the Sixth International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Application, Sep. 25-28, 2013, Busan, Korea.
[13] Genliang Chen, Hao Wang, Yong Zhao, Forward dynamics of the 6-PUS parallel manipulator based on the force coupling and geometry constraint of the passive joints, the 5th Asian Conference on Multibody Dynamics, Aug. 23-26, 2010, Kyoto, Japan.
[14] Genliang Chen, Hao Wang, Yong Zhao, Zhongqin Lin, A kind of kinematically redundant planar parallel manipulator for optimal output accuracy, 2009 ASME-IDETC/CIE, Aug. 30 - Sep. 2, 2009, San Diego, CA, US.
[15] Kai Zhao, Genliang Chen, Hao Wang, Kineto-static stiffness mapping based on finite element analysis for robot manipulators, 2009 ASME-IDETC/CIE, Aug. 30 - Sep. 2, 2009, San Diego, CA, US.
[16] Genliang Chen, Hao Wang, Zhongqin Lin, Guimin Liu, Performance analysis of a forging manipulator based on the composite modeling method, 1st International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Application, Oct. 15-17, 2008, Wuhan, China.
[17] Hao Wang, Genliang Chen, Zhongqin Lin, Forward dynamics analysis of 6-PUS platform based on composite simulation method, the 8th international conference on Frontiers of Design and Manufacturing, Sept. 23-26, 2008, Tianjin, China.
教学工作 1、课程名称:《机械动力学》
软件版权登记及专利 1. 王皓、于卫东、陈根良等,具有顺应结构的高压转子卧式智能化装配装备,专利号:ZL20**,授权日期:2016.10.05;
2. 王皓、于卫东、陈根良等,具有顺应结构的高压转子立式智能化装配装备,专利号: ZL20**,授权日期:2016. 08.17;
3. 王皓、赵龙海、赵勇、陈根良等,具有三种自由度模式的变自由度机构,专利号: ZL20**,授权日期:2016.05.25;
4. 王皓、赵勇、黄顺舟、陈根良等,用于大型筒状薄壁构件自动装配的六自由度定位调姿装备,专利号:ZL20**,授权日期:2016.05. 25;
5. 王皓、赵勇、陈根良等,用于大型薄壁构件铣削的并联转动-平动解耦加工装备,专利号:ZL20**,授权日期:2016.04.27;
6. 王皓、赵勇、陈根良、来新民等,用于镜像加工设备的多点柔性滚动支撑头,专利号: ZL20**,授权日期:2016.04.27;
7. 王皓、孔令雨、陈根良、赵勇等,具有偏载自协调能力的冗余子驱动单元,专利号: ZL20**,授权日期:2016.03.16;
8. 王皓、孔令雨、陈根良等, 用于大直径薄壁件筒体立式装配的立式调姿机构,专利号: ZL20**,授权日期:2016.03.16;
9. 王皓、来新民、陈根良等,大型薄壁筒形构件自动对接装配的协同定位装置,专利号:ZL20**,授权日期:2016.01.13;
10. 王皓、赵勇、陈根良、林忠钦等,用于大型筒体内壁加工的自推进式机构,专利号:ZL2.9,授权日期:2013.03.13。
学术兼职 ※ ASME会员
※ IEEE会员
※ 中国机械工程师协会高级会员
※ 国家自然科学基金委通讯评议专家
※ 《机器人技术与应用》编委
※ 期刊审稿人,包括:
IEEE Transactions on Robotics, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, ASME Journal of Mechanism and Robotics, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, Mechanism and Machine Theory, Nonlinear Dynamics, Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences, IMech Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Robotica, Advanced Robotics;等
荣誉奖励 ※ 国家优秀青年基金(2020年)
※ 第一届熊有伦智湖优秀青年****奖(2018年)
※ 第五届上银优秀机械博士论文奖—“佳作奖” (2015年)
※ 国家留学基金委"未来科学家计划"(2015年)
※ 2013年度上海市普通高等学校“优秀毕业生”(2013年)
※ 2012年度教育部“博士研究生国家奖学金”(2012年)
※ 2011年度教育部“博士研究生学术新人奖”(2011年)
※ 第四届国际并联机构/机器人学术会议(Parallel 2020) “大会最佳论文奖”(2020年)
※ 第八届海内外青年设计与制造科学会议(ICFDM2008) “大会最佳论文奖”(2008年)
※ 第一届智能机器人与应用国际会议大会(ICIRA2008) “大会最佳论文奖” (2008年)
※ 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院“本科生毕业设计优秀指导教师” (2020年)
※ 上海交通大学博士后奖励基金一等奖 (2018年)
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李永兵教授??所在系所薄板结构制造研究所办公电话通讯地址上海交大机械与动力工程学院A楼619室电子邮件yongbinglee@sjtu.edu.cn个人主页https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yongbing_Li2教育背景2001―2005上海交通大学,车辆工 ...上海交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-01上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-邱殿凯
邱殿凯助理教授所在系所薄板结构制造研究所办公电话通讯地址上海市东川路800号上海交通大学机动学院A629室电子邮件diankaiqiu@sjtu.edu.cn个人主页https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Qiu_Diankai教育背景2009-2016上海交通大学 ...上海交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-01上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-彭林法
彭林法研究员所在系所薄板结构制造研究所办公电话通讯地址上海交大机械与动力工程学院A楼638室电子邮件penglinfa@sjtu.edu.cn个人主页me.sjtu.edu.cn教育背景2003-2008上海交通大学博士2000-2003吉林大学硕士1996-2000吉林大学学士工作经历2006-2 ...上海交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-01上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-王华
王华副教授所在系所薄板结构制造研究所办公电话通讯地址机械大楼A楼635室电子邮件huawang@sjtu.edu.cn个人主页暂无教育背景2000-2003上海交通大学博士1997-2000吉林工业大学硕士1993-1997吉林工业大学学士工作经历2013至今上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院博士生导师 ...上海交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-01上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-王皓
王皓教授所在系所薄板结构制造研究所办公电话通讯地址上海交大机械与动力工程学院A楼611、D楼312-1电子邮件wanghao@sjtu.edu.cn个人主页暂无教育背景1999.3~2002.3天津大学机械设计及理论专业博士1996.9~1999.3天津大学机械设计及理论专业硕士1992.9~199 ...上海交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-01