

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-01

彭林法 研究员
电子邮件 penglinfa@sjtu.edu.cn

教育背景 2003-2008上海交通大学博士

工作经历 2006-2007 美国密西根大学 访问****
2008-2010 上海交通大学 博士后
2010-2011 上海交通大学 机械与动力工程学院 车身所 助研
2012-2016 上海交通大学 机械与动力工程学院 车身所 副研
2013- 上海交通大学 机械与动力工程学院 车身所 博士生导师
2017- 上海交通大学 机械与动力工程学院 车身所 研究员

研究方向 微/介观尺度建模;

科研项目 2020-2024,国家自然科学基金面上项目,负责人
2009-2011,国家自然科学基金青年基金 “燃料电池金属双极板内高压微细成形与连接的复合制造方法及实验研究”,负责人;
2018-2020, 军委创新项目,负责人
2013-2015, 国家863项目子课题“燃料电池低成本膜电极组件/双极板及电堆制备技术研究”,负责人;
2009-2011, 国家863项目子课题“薄型不锈钢双极板质子交换膜燃料电池堆技术”,负责人
2012-2015, 上海市青年科技启明星计划“聚合物薄膜微细功能结构热辊压成形介观尺度效应机理与工艺研究”,负责人;
2010-2011, 上海汽车工业(集团)总公司,“燃料电池金属极板制造技术开发”,负责人;
2009-2012, 国家自然科学基金重大国际合作研究项目,“质子交换膜燃料电池极板制造与电堆装配的理论与技术基础研究”,参与;
2010-2013, 国家自然科学基金重点项目,“面向醇类制氢的多尺度微通道反应器设计与制造基础研究”,参与;

代表性论文专著 1. Peng L, Yi P, Hu P, Lai X, Ni J. Analysis of Micro/Mesoscale Sheet Forming Process by Strain Gradient Plasticity and Its Characterization of Tool Feature Size Effects. ASME-Journal of Micro and Nano-Manufacturing. 2015;3(1):011006-.
2. Peng L, Yi P, Lai X. Design and manufacturing of stainless steel bipolar plates for proton exchange membrane fuel cells. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2014;39(36):21127-53.
3. Peng L, Xu Z, Lai X. An investigation of electrical-assisted solid-state welding/bonding process for thin metallic sheets: Experiments and modeling. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture. 2014;228(4):582-94.
4. Peng L, Mai J, Jiang T, Lai X, Lin Z. Experimental Investigation of Tensile Properties of SS316L and Fabrication of Micro/Mesochannel Features by Electrical-Assisted Embossing Process. ASME-Journal of Micro and Nano-Manufacturing. 2014;2(2):021002-.
5. Peng L, Deng Y, Yi P, Lai X. Micro hot embossing of thermoplastic polymers: a review. J Micromech Microeng. 2014;24(1):013001.
6. Peng LF, Mai JM, Hu P, Lai XM, Lin ZQ. Optimum design of the slotted-interdigitated channels flow field for proton exchange membrane fuel cells with consideration of the gas diffusion layer intrusion. Renew Energ. 2011;36(5):1413-20.
7. Peng LF, Lai XM, Yi PY, Mai JM, Ni J. Design, Optimization, and Fabrication of Slotted-Interdigitated Thin Metallic Bipolar Plates for PEM Fuel Cells. ASME-J Fuel Cell Sci Tech. 2011;8(1):011002.
8. Peng LF, Liu DA, Hu P, Lai XM, Ni J. Fabrication of Metallic Bipolar Plates for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell by Flexible Forming Process-Numerical Simulations and Experiments. ASME-J Fuel Cell Sci Tech. 2010;7(3):-.
9. Peng LF, Lai XM, Lee HJ, Song JH, Ni J. Friction behavior modeling and analysis in micro/meso scale metal forming process. Mater Design. 2010;31(4):1953-61.
10. Peng LF, Lai XM, Lee HJ, Song JH, Ni J. Analysis of micro/mesoscale sheet forming process with uniform size dependent material constitutive model. Mat Sci Eng a-Struct. 2009;526(1-2):93-9.
11. Peng LF, Hu P, Lai XM, Mei DQ, Ni J. Investigation of micro/meso sheet soft punch stamping process - simulation and experiments. Mater Design. 2009;30(3):783-90.
12. Peng LF, Lai XM, Liu DA, Hu P, Ni J. Flow channel shape optimum design for hydroformed metal bipolar plate in PEM fuel cell. J Power Sources. 2008;178(1):223-30.
13. Peng LF, Liu F, Ni J, Lai XM. Size effects in thin sheet metal forming and its elastic-plastic constitutive model. Mater Design. 2007;28(5):1731-6.
14. Peng LF, Lai XM, Li MZ. Transition surface design for blank holder in multi-point forming. Int J Mach Tool Manu. 2006;46(12-13):1336-42.
15. Xu ZT, Peng LF, Fu MW, Lai XM. Size effect affected formability of sheet metals in micro/meso scale plastic deformation: Experiment and modeling. International Journal of Plasticity. 2015;68(0):34-54.
16. Qiu D, Yi P, Peng L, Lai X. Channel Dimensional Error Effect of Stamped Bipolar Plates on the Characteristics of Gas Diffusion Layer Contact Pressure for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Stacks. ASME- J Fuel Cell Sci Tech. 2015;12(4):041002-.
17. Gao Z, Peng L, Yi P, Lai X. Grain and geometry size effects on plastic deformation in roll-to-plate micro/meso-imprinting process. J Mater Process Tech. 2015;219(0):28-41.
18. Deng Y, Yi P, Peng L, Lai X, Lin Z. Flow behavior of polymers during the roll-to-roll hot embossing process. J Micromech Microeng. 2015;25(6):065004.
19. Bi F, Yi P, Zhou T, Peng L, Lai X. Effects of Al incorporation on the interfacial conductivity and corrosion resistance of CrN film on SS316L as bipolar plates for proton exchange membrane fuel cells. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2015;40(31):9790-802.
20. Xu ZT, Peng LF, Lai XM, Fu MW. Geometry and grain size effects on the forming limit of sheet metals in micro-scaled plastic deformation. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 2014;611(0):345-53.
21. Xu Z, Peng L, Lai X. Electrically assisted solid-state pressure welding process of SS 316 sheet metals. J Mater Process Tech. 2014;214(11):2212-9.
22. Deng Y, Yi P, Peng L, Lai X, Lin Z. Experimental investigation on the large-area fabrication of micro-pyramid arrays by roll-to-roll hot embossing on PVC film. J Micromech Microeng. 2014;24(4):045023.
23. Yi P, Peng L, Zhou T, Wu H, Lai X. Development and characterization of multilayered Cr–C/a-C:Cr film on 316L stainless steel as bipolar plates for proton exchange membrane fuel cells. J Power Sources. 2013;230(0):25-31.
24. Yi P, Peng L, Zhou T, Wu H, Lai X. Cr–N–C multilayer film on 316L stainless steel as bipolar plates for proton exchange membrane fuel cells using closed field unbalanced magnetron sputter ion plating. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2013;38(3):1535-43.
25. Yi P, Peng L, Zhou T, Huang J, Lai X. Composition optimization of multilayered chromium-nitride–carbon film on 316L stainless steel as bipolar plates for proton exchange membrane fuel cells. J Power Sources. 2013;236(0):47-53.
26. Yi P, Peng L, Liu N, Lai X, Ni J. A micromechanics elastic–plastic constitutive model for sintered stainless steel fiber felt. Mater Design. 2013;51(0):876-85.
27. Qiu D, Yi P, Peng L, Lai X. Study on shape error effect of metallic bipolar plate on the GDL contact pressure distribution in proton exchange membrane fuel cell. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2013;38(16):6762-72.
28. Mai J, Peng L, Lai X, Lin Z. Electrical-assisted embossing process for fabrication of micro-channels on 316L stainless steel plate. J Mater Process Tech. 2013;213(2):314-21.
29. Gao Z, Peng L, Yi P, Lai X. An Experimental Investigation on the Fabrication of Micro/Meso Surface Features by Metallic Roll-to-Plate Imprinting Process. ASME-Journal of Micro and Nano-Manufacturing. 2013;1(3):031004-.
30. Yi PY, Peng LF, Lai XM, Lin ZQ, Ni J. Performance Improvement of Wave-Like PEMFC Stack with Compound Membrane Electrode Assembly. Fuel Cells. 2012;12(6):1019-26.
31. Yi P, Peng L, Lai X, Li M, Ni J. Investigation of sintered stainless steel fiber felt as gas diffusion layer in proton exchange membrane fuel cells. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2012;37(15):11334-44.
32. Xu Z, Peng L, Yi P, Lai X. Modeling of Microchannel Hydroforming Process With Thin Metallic Sheets. ASME-Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology. 2012;134(2):021017.
33. Yi PY, Peng LF, Lai XM, Ni J. A Numerical Model for Predicting Gas Diffusion Layer Failure in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells. ASME-J Fuel Cell Sci Tech. 2011;8(1):-.
34. Mai JM, Peng LF, Lin ZQ, Lai XM. Experimental study of electrical resistivity and flow stress of stainless steel 316L in electroplastic deformation. Mat Sci Eng a-Struct. 2011;528(10-11):3539-44.
35. Yi PY, Peng LF, Lai XM, Liu DA, Ni J. A Novel Design of Wave-Like PEMFC Stack with Undulate MEAs and Perforated Bipolar Plates. Fuel Cells. 2010;10(1):111-7.
36. Yi PY, Peng LF, Feng LZ, Gan P, Lai XM. Performance of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack using conductive amorphous carbon-coated 304 stainless steel bipolar plates. J Power Sources. 2010;195(20):7061-6.
37. Liu DA, Peng LF, Lai XM. Effect of assembly error of bipolar plate on the contact pressure distribution and stress failure of membrane electrode assembly in proton exchange membrane fuel cell. J Power Sources. 2010;195(13):4213-21.
38. Zhang WG, Hu P, Lai XM, Peng LF. Analysis and optimization of flow distribution in parallel-channel configurations for proton exchange membrane fuel cells. J Power Sources. 2009;194(2):931-40.
39. Liu DA, Peny LF, Lai XM. Effect of dimensional error of metallic bipolar plate on the GDL pressure distribution in the PEM fuel cell. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2009;34(2):990-7.
40. Hu P, Peng LF, Zhang WG, Lai XM. Optimization design of slotted-interdigitated channel for stamped thin metal bipolar plate in proton exchange membrane fuel cell. J Power Sources. 2009;187(2):407-14.
41. Lai XM, Peng LF, Hu P, Lan SH, Ni J. Material behavior modelling in micro/meso-scale forming process with considering size/scale effects. Comp Mater Sci. 2008;43(4):1003-9.
42. Lai XM, Liu DA, Peng LF, Ni J. A mechanical-electrical finite element method model for predicting contact resistance between bipolar plate and gas diffusion layer in PEM fuel cells. J Power Sources. 2008;182(1):153-9.
43. Liu D, Lai XM, Ni J, Peng LF, Lan SH, Lin ZQ. Robust design of assembly parameters on membrane electrode assembly pressure distribution. J Power Sources. 2007;172(2):760-7.

教学工作 汽车制造工艺(ME430) 本科 36学时 2 学分
工程材料(ME345) 本科 54学时 3学分
机械制造基础(ME362)本科 32学时 2 学分
制造工艺I (ME373)本科 64学时 4学分
微细制造(ME6013) 研究生 48学时 3学分

软件版权登记及专利 1.质子交换膜燃料电池双极板与膜电极组件复合制造方法 , ZL. 5.2
2.质子交换膜燃料电池双极板多道蛇行流场结构 , ZL. 0.7
3.金属薄板成形的质子交换膜燃料电池双极板 , ZL.8.3
4.用于质子交换膜燃料电池的组合式整体双极板 , ZL. 2.X
5.基于辊压成形的质子交换膜燃料电池金属双极板制造方法 , ZL. 9.2
6.质子交换膜燃料电池电堆的制造方法 , ZL. 5.4
7.基于薄板冲压成形的质子交换膜燃料电池双极板 , ZL. 9.9

荣誉奖励 2017年,中国汽车工业发明一等奖(排2),上海市曙光****

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