

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-01

易培云 副教授
电子邮件 yipeiyun@sjtu.edu.cn
个人主页 http://scholar.google.com.cn/citations?user=H3SlHDYAAAAJ&hl=en

教育背景 2006-2012上海交通大学机械制造与自动化专业博士

工作经历 2016- 至今 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院车身所 副教授(博导)
2014-2015 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院车身所 讲师
2012-2014 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院 博士后

出访及挂职经历 2013-2013 密西根大学吴贤铭制造研究中心 访问****
2007-2008 密西根大学工学院 交流访问学生

研究方向 薄板微细成形与燃料电池极板制造;

科研项目 2017-2020 国家自然科学基金面上项目“柔性透明电极卷对卷压印成形的尺度效应与工艺规律研究”,负责人
2018-2022 国防基础加强计划重点基础研究项目(原国防973)“xxx关键技术基础研究”,课题负责人
2018-2021 国家自然科学基金委-中国航天科技集团公司航天先进制造技术研究联合基金重点项目“航天火工分离用固体润滑涂层减摩机理与溅射工艺”,课题负责人
2017-2021 国家重点研究计划“高性能长寿命燃料电池发动机系统的开发研制”,交大负责人
2017-2019 装备预研-航天科技联合基金“xxx蝶形膜片多步成形与精密冲裁复合加工技术”,负责人
2014-2016 国家自然科学基金青年项目“燃料电池金属气体扩散层结构的力学行为建模及成形成性工艺”,负责人
2013-2015 国家“863”计划项目子课题“低铂高性能车用燃料电池电堆技术-金属双极板的精密冲压成形”,负责人
2015-2016 CALT航天基金,负责人;
2015-2016 上汽基金“燃料电池动态加减载过程的水气传输特性研究”,负责人
2014-2016 上海市“晨光计划”项目“燃料电池介观尺度接触机理与层叠式装配建模”,负责人
2014-2016 上海交通大学“SMC晨星青年****奖励计划”B类,负责人
2014-2017 上海交通大学新进青年教师科研启动基金,负责人
2014-2015 武汉理工新能源公司横向课题“燃料电池金属极板开发”,负责人
2014-2015 上海新源动力有限公司课题“燃料电池电堆”,负责人
2013-2014 中国博士后科学基金第六批博士后特别资助项目,负责人
2012-2014 中国博士后科学基金第五十二批面上资助项目,负责人
2013-2014 上海市博士后科研资助计划面上项目(A类),负责人
2013-2017 国家自然科学基金重点项目“薄膜表面微细结构直接热辊连续成形的介观尺度效应及控形控性新方法”,参与
2009-2012 国家自然科学基金重大国际合作研究项目“质子交换膜燃料电池极板制造与电堆装配的理论与技术基础研究”,参与
2013-2014 上海汽车工业(集团)总公司,“燃料电池金属极板制造技术开发”,参与

代表性论文专著 2020年
[81] Zhang Di, Peng Linfa, Li Xiaobo, Yi Peiyun*, Lai Xinmin*. Controlling the Nucleation and Growth Orientation of Nanocrystalline Carbon Films during Plasma-Assisted Deposition: A Reactive Molecular Dynamics/Monte Carlo Study. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2020.
[80] Li Huanming, Yi Peiyun*, Zhang Di, Peng Linfa, Zhang Zhifeng, Pu Jibin. Integration of MoST and Graphit-iC coatings for the enhancement of tribological and corrosive properties. Applied Surface Science. 2020;506:144961.
[79] Peng Linfa, Shao Heng, Qiu Diankai, Yi Peiyun, Lai Xinmin. Investigation of the non-uniform distribution of current density in commercial-size proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Journal of Power Sources. 2020;453:227836.
[78] Huang Fuxiang, Qiu Diankai, Lan Shuhuai, Yi Peiyun, Peng Linfa. Performance evaluation of commercial-size proton exchange membrane fuel cell stacks considering air flow distribution in the manifold. Energy Conversion and Management. 2020;203:112256.
[77] Yi Peiyun, Li Xiaobo, Yao Li, Fan Fan, Peng Linfa, Lai Xinmin. A lifetime prediction model for coated metallic bipolar plates in proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Energy Conversion and Management. 2019;183:65-72.
[76] Yi Peiyun, Zhang Weixin, Bi Feifei, Peng Linfa, Lai Xinmin. Microstructure and properties of a-C films deposited under different argon flow rate on stainless steel bipolar plates for proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Journal of Power Sources. 2019;410-411:188-95.
[75] Yi Peiyun, Zhang Di, Qiu Diankai, Peng Linfa, Lai Xinmin. Carbon-based coatings for metallic bipolar plates used in proton exchange membrane fuel cells. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2019;44:6813-43.
[74] Zhang Di, Yi Peiyun*, Peng Linfa, Lai Xinmin, Pu Jibin. Amorphous carbon films doped with silver and chromium to achieve ultra-low interfacial electrical resistance and long-term durability in the application of proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Carbon. 2019;145:333-44.
[73] Xu Weitian, Yi Peiyun*, Gao Jie, Deng Yujun, Peng Linfa, Lai Xinmin. Large-area Stable Superhydrophobic Polydimethylsiloxane Films Fabricated by Thermal Curing via a Chemically Etched Template. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2019.
[72] Hou Kun, Yi Peiyun*, Peng Linfa, Lai Xinmin. Niobium doped amorphous carbon film on metallic bipolar plates for PEMFCs: First principle calculation, microstructure and performance. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2019;44:3144-56.
[71] Li Huanming, Yi Peiyun*, Zhang Di, Peng Linfa, Zhang Zhifeng, Pu Jibin. Integration of MoST and Graphit-iC coatings for the enhancement of tribological and corrosive properties. Applied Surface Science. 2019:144961.
[70] Zhu Yuwen, Deng Yujun, Yi Peiyun, Peng Linfa, Lai Xinmin, Lin Zhongqin. Flexible Transparent Electrodes Based on Silver Nanowires: Material Synthesis, Fabrication, Performance, and Applications. Advanced Materials Technologies. 2019;**.
[69] Xu Zhutian, Peng Linfa, Yi Peiyun, Lai Xinmin. An investigation on the formability of sheet metals in the micro/meso scale hydroforming process. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2019;150:265-76.
[68] Xu Yifan, Qiu Diankai, Yi Peiyun, Lan Shuhuai, Peng Linfa. An integrated model of the water transport in nonuniform compressed gas diffusion layers for PEMFC. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2019;44:13777-85.
[67] Xu Yifan, Peng Linfa, Yi Peiyun, Lai Xinmin. Numerical investigation of liquid water dynamics in wave‐like gas channels of PEMFCs. International Journal of Energy Research. 2019;43:1191-202.
[66] Shao Heng, Qiu Diankai, Peng Linfa, Yi Peiyun, Lai Xinmin. Modeling and analysis of water droplet dynamics in the dead-ended anode gas channel for proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Renewable Energy. 2019;138:842-51.
[65] Shao Heng, Qiu Diankai, Peng Linfa, Yi Peiyun, Lai Xinmin. In-situ measurement of temperature and humidity distribution in gas channels for commercial-size proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Journal of Power Sources. 2019;412:717-24.
[63] Qiu Diankai, Liang Peng, Peng Linfa, Yi Peiyun, Lai Xinmin, Ni Jun. Material behavior of rubber sealing for proton exchange membrane fuel cells. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2019.
[63] Huang Jihui, Deng Yujun, Yi Peiyun, Peng Linfa. Experimental and numerical investigation on thin sheet metal roll forming process of micro channels with high aspect ratio. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2019;100:117-29.
[62] Deng Yujun, Wang Jin, Yi Peiyun, Peng Linfa, Lai Xinmin, Lin Zhongqin. Numerical Studies on Size Effect Behaviors of Glassy Polymers Based on Strain Gradient Elastoviscoplastic Model. Journal of Applied Mechanics. 2019;86:021001-11.
[61] Yi Peiyun, Zhang Di, Peng Linfa, Lai Xinmin. Impact of Film Thickness on Defects and the Graphitization of Nanothin Carbon Coatings Used for Metallic Bipolar Plates in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2018.
[60] Yi Peiyun, Zhang Weixin, Bi Feifei, Peng Linfa, Lai Xinmin. Enhanced Corrosion Resistance and Interfacial Conductivity of TiCx/a-C Nanolayered Coatings via Synergy of Substrate Bias Voltage for Bipolar Plates Applications in PEMFCs. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2018;10:19087–96.
[59] Yi Peiyun, Deng Yujun, Shu Yunyi, Peng Linfa. Experimental studies on a novel roll-to-roll powder hot embossing for large-area fabrication of micropyramid arrays on polymers. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2018;28:085007.
[58] Weixin Zhang, Peiyun Yi, Linfa Peng, Xinmin Lai. Strategy of alternating bias voltage on corrosion resistance and interfacial conductivity enhancement of TiCx/a-C coatings on metallic bipolar plates in PEMFCs. Energy. 2018;162:933-43.
[57] Diankai Qiu, Linfa Peng, Peiyun Yi, Xinmin Lai, Werner Lehnert. Flow channel design for metallic bipolar plates in proton exchange membrane fuel cells: Experiments. Energy Conversion and Management. 2018;174:814-23.
[56] Qiu Diankai, Peng Linfa, Liang Peng, Yi Peiyun, Lai Xinmin. Mechanical degradation of proton exchange membrane along the MEA frame in proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Energy. 2018.
[55] Liang Peng, Qiu Diankai, Peng Linfa, Yi Peiyun, Lai Xinmin, Ni Jun. Contact resistance prediction of proton exchange membrane fuel cell considering fabrication characteristics of metallic bipolar plates. Energy Conversion and Management 2018, 169:334-44.
[54] Huang Jihui, Deng Yujun, Yi Peiyun, Peng Linfa. Experimental and numerical investigation on thin sheet metal roll forming process of micro channels with high aspect ratio. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2018.
[53] Yi Peiyun, Zhang Chengpeng, Peng Linfa, Lai Xinmin, Flexible silver-mesh electrodes with moth-eye nanostructures for transmittance enhancement by double-sided roll-to-roll nanoimprint lithography. RSC Advances 2017, 7 (77), 48835-48840.
[52] Zhang Chengpeng, Yi Peiyun*, Peng Linfa, Lai Xinmin, Chen Jie, Huang Meizhen, Ni Jun. Continuous fabrication of nanostructure arrays for flexible surface enhanced Raman scattering substrate. Scientific Reports 2017;7:39814.
[51] Zhang Chengpeng, Yi Peiyun*, Peng Linfa, Ni Jun. Optimization and continuous fabrication of moth-eye nanostructure array on flexible polyethylene terephthalate substrate towards broadband antireflection. Applied Optics 2017;56:2901-2907.
[50] Wang Zhaozhao, Yi Peiyun*, Peng Linfa, Lai Xinmin, Ni Jun. Continuous Fabrication of Highly Conductive and Transparent Ag Mesh Electrodes for Flexible Electronics. IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology 2017.
[49] Wang Jin, Yi Peiyun*, Deng Yujun, Peng Linfa, Lai Xinmin, Ni Jun. Recovery behavior of thermoplastic polymers in micro hot embossing process. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 2017;243:205-216.
[48] Qiu Diankai, Peng Linfa, Yi Peiyun, Lai Xinmin. A micro contact model for electrical contact resistance prediction between roughness surface and carbon fiber paper. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 2017;124:37-47.
[47] Liang Peng, Qiu Diankai, Peng Linfa, Yi Peiyun, Lai Xinmin, Ni Jun. Structure failure of the sealing in the assembly process for proton exchange membrane fuel cells. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2017;42:10217-10227.
[46] Li Wenjun, Song Shiqiang, Zhai Yinghao, Zhang Yong, Yi Peiyun, Lai Xinmin. Rheological behavior of ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer and fabrication of micropyramid arrays by roll-to-roll hot embossing on its thin films. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2017;134.
[45] Jiang Tianhao, Peng Linfa, Yi Peiyun, Lai Xinmin. Investigation of Deformation Behavior of SS304 and Pure Copper Subjected to Electrically Assisted Forming Process. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 2017;139:011004.
[44] Chengpeng Zhang, Yuwen Zhu, Peiyun* Yi, Linfa Peng, Xinmin Lai. Fabrication of flexible silver nanowire conductive films and transmittance improvement based on moth-eye nanostructure array. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 2017;27:075010.
[43] Bi Feifei, Li Xiaobo, Yi Peiyun*, Hou Kun, Peng Linfa, Lai Xinmin. Characteristics of amorphous carbon films to resist high potential impact in PEMFCs bipolar plates for automotive application. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2017;42:14279-14289.
[42] Bi Feifei, Hou Kun, Yi Peiyun, Peng Linfa, Lai Xinmin. Mechanisms of growth, properties and degradation of amorphous carbon films by closed field unbalanced magnetron sputtering on stainless steel bipolar plates for PEMFCs. Applied Surface Science 2017.
[41] Yi Peiyun, Peng Linfa, Huang Jiaqiang. Multilayered TiAlN films on Ti6Al4V alloy for biomedical applications by closed field unbalanced magnetron sputter ion plating process. Materials Science and Engineering: C 2016;59:669-676.
[40] Wu Hao, Yi Peiyun, Peng Linfa, Lai Xinmin. Study on bubble defects in roll-to-roll UV imprinting process for micropyramid arrays. I. Experiments. Journal Of Vacuum Science & Technology B 2016;34:021201.
[39] Zhao Yong, Wei Lin, Yi Peiyun, Peng Linfa. Influence of Cr-C film composition on electrical and corrosion properties of 316L stainless steel as bipolar plates for PEMFCs. International Journal Of Hydrogen Energy 2016;41:1142-1150.
[38] Xu Yifan, Peng Linfa, Yi Peiyun, Lai Xinmin. Analysis of the flow distribution for thin stamped bipolar plates with tapered channel shape. International Journal Of Hydrogen Energy 2016;41:5084-5095.
[37] Mao Mengyun, Peng Linfa, Yi Peiyun, Lai Xinmin. Modeling of the Friction Behavior in Metal Forming Process Considering Material Hardening and Junction Growth. Journal Of Tribology-transactions Of The Asme 2016;138:012202-012202.
[36] Jiang Tianhao, Peng Linfa, Yi Peiyun, Lai Xinmin. Analysis of the Electric and Thermal Effects on Mechanical Behavior of SS304 Subjected to Electrically Assisted Forming Process. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 2016;138:061004-061004.
[35] Bi Feifei, Peng Linfa, Yi Peiyun, Lai Xinmin. Multilayered Zr–C/a-C film on stainless steel 316L as bipolar plates for proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Journal Of Power Sources 2016;314:58-65.
[34] 易培云, 彭林法, 来新民. 光学薄膜微细结构制造方法新进展. 科学通报 2015;60:2707-2718.
[33] Yi Peiyun, Wu Hao, Zhang Chengpeng, Peng Linfa, Lai Xinmin. Roll-to-roll UV imprinting lithography for micro/nanostructures. AIP-Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 2015;33:060801.
[32] Yi Peiyun , Shu Yunyi , Deng Yujun , Peng Linfa , Lai Xinmin Mechanism of forming defects in roll-to-roll hot embossing of micro-pyramid arrays I: experiments. IOP-Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 2015;25:105017.
[31] Yi Peiyun, Du Xiangyong, Kan Yuyan, Peng Linfa, Lai Xinmin. Modeling and experimental study of laser welding distortion of thin metallic bipolar plates for PEM fuel cells. International Journal Of Hydrogen Energy 2015;40:4850-4860.
[30] Zhang C., Yi P., Peng L., Lai X., Ni J. Fabrication of Moth-eye Nanostructure Arrays using roll-to-roll UV-Nanoimprint Lithography with an Anodic Aluminum Oxide mold. Nanotechnology-IEEE Transactions 2015;PP:1127-1137.
[29] Wang Jin, Yi Peiyun, Deng Yujun, Peng Linfa, Lai Xinmin, Ni Jun. Mechanism of forming defects in roll-to-roll hot embossing of micro-pyramid arrays: II. Numerical study. Journal Of Micromechanics And Microengineering 2015;25:115030.
[28] Qiu Diankai, Yi Peiyun, Peng Linfa, Lai Xinmin. Channel Dimensional Error Effect of Stamped Bipolar Plates on the Characteristics of Gas Diffusion Layer Contact Pressure for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Stacks. Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology-Transactions of the ASME 2015;12:041002-041002.
[27] Qiu Diankai, Yi Peiyun, Peng Linfa, Lai Xinmin. Assembly design of proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack with stamped metallic bipolar plates. International Journal Of Hydrogen Energy 2015;283:429-442.
[26] Peng Linfa, Yi Peiyun, Hu Peng, Lai Xinmin, Ni Jun. Analysis of Micro/Mesoscale Sheet Forming Process by Strain Gradient Plasticity and Its Characterization of Tool Feature Size Effects. Journal of Micro and Nano-Manufacturing 2015;3:011006-011006.
[25] Gao Zhaoyang, Peng Linfa, Yi Peiyun, Lai Xinmin. Grain and geometry size effects on plastic deformation in roll-to-plate micro/meso-imprinting process. Journal Of Materials Processing Technology 2015;219:28-41.
[24] Deng Yujun, Peiyun Yi, Linfa Peng, Xinmin Lai, Zhongqin Lin. Flow behavior of polymers during the roll-to-roll hot embossing process. Journal Of Micromechanics And Microengineering 2015;25:065004.
[23] Bi Feifei, Yi Peiyun, Zhou Tao, Peng Linfa, Lai Xinmin. Effects of Al incorporation on the interfacial conductivity and corrosion resistance of CrN film on SS316L as bipolar plates for proton exchange membrane fuel cells. International Journal Of Hydrogen Energy 2015;40:9790-9802.
[22] Steven Peters, Gisela Lanza, Ni Jun, Jin Xiaoning, Yi PeiYun, Marcello Colledani. Automotive manufacturing technologies-an international viewpoint. Manufacturing Review 2014;1:1-12.
[21] Peng Linfa, Yi Peiyun, Lai Xinmin. Design and manufacturing of stainless steel bipolar plates for proton exchange membrane fuel cells. International Journal Of Hydrogen Energy 2014;39:21127-21153.
[20] Peng Linfa, Yi Peiyun, Hu Peng, Lai Xinmin, Ni Jun. Analysis of the Micro/Meso Scale Sheet Forming by Strain Gradient Plasticity and its Characterization of Tool Feature Size Effects. ASME 2014 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference collocated with the JSME 2014 International Conference on Materials and Processing and the 42nd North American Manufacturing Research Conference: American Society of Mechanical Engineers; 2014. p. V001T003A006-V001T003A006.
[19] Peng Linfa, Deng Yujun, Yi Peiyun, Lai Xinmin. Micro hot embossing of thermoplastic polymers: a review. Journal Of Micromechanics And Microengineering 2014;24:013001.
[18] Deng Yujun, Yi Peiyun, Peng Linfa, Lai Xinmin, Lin Zhongqin. Experimental investigation on the large-area fabrication of micro-pyramid arrays by roll-to-roll hot embossing on PVC film. Journal Of Micromechanics And Microengineering 2014;24:045023.
[17] Yi Peiyun, Peng Lin Fa, Zhou Tao, Wu Hao, Lai Xin Min. Cr–N–C multilayer film on 316L stainless steel as bipolar plates for proton exchange membrane fuel cells using closed field unbalanced magnetron sputter ion plating. International Journal Of Hydrogen Energy 2013;38:1535-1543.
[16] Yi Peiyun, Peng Linfa, Zhou Tao, Wu Hao, Lai Xinmin. Development and characterization of multilayered Cr–C/a-C:Cr film on 316L stainless steel as bipolar plates for proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Journal Of Power Sources 2013;230:25-31.
[15] Yi Peiyun, Peng Linfa, Zhou Tao, Huang Jiaqiang, Lai Xinmin. Composition optimization of multilayered chromium-nitride–carbon film on 316L stainless steel as bipolar plates for proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Journal Of Power Sources 2013;236:47-53.
[14] Yi Peiyun, Peng Linfa, Liu Ning, Lai Xinmin, Ni Jun. A micromechanics elastic–plastic constitutive model for sintered stainless steel fiber felt. Materials & Design 2013;51:876-885.
[13] Qiu Diankai, Yi Peiyun, Peng Linfa, Lai Xinmin. Study on shape error effect of metallic bipolar plate on the GDL contact pressure distribution in proton exchange membrane fuel cell. International Journal Of Hydrogen Energy 2013;38:6762-6772.
[12] Gao Zhao Yang, Peng Lin Fa, Yi Pei Yun, Lai Xin Min. Micro/Meso Roll-to-Plate (R2P) Imprinting Process to Fabricate Micro Channel/Riblet Features. Applied Mechanics and Materials2013. p. 611-616.
[11] Gao Zhaoyang, Peng Linfa, Yi Peiyun, Lai Xinmin. Modeling and size effect analysis of micro/meso roll-to-plate imprinting process. Jixie Gongcheng Xuebao(Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering) 2013;49:179-186.
[10] Gao Zhaoyang, Peng Linfa, Yi Peiyun, Lai Xinmin. An Experimental Investigation on the Fabrication of Micro/Meso Surface Features by Metallic Roll-to-Plate Imprinting Process. Journal of Micro and Nano-Manufacturing-Transactions of the ASME 2013;1:031004-031004.
[9] Yi Peiyun, Peng Linfa, Lai Xinmin, Lin Zhongqin, Ni Jun. Performance Improvement of Wave-Like PEMFC Stack with Compound Membrane Electrode Assembly. Fuel Cells 2012;12:1019-1026.
[834] Yi PeiYun , Peng LinFa, Lai XinMin, Li MuTian, Ni Jun. Investigation of sintered stainless steel fiber felt as gas diffusion layer in proton exchange membrane fuel cells. International Journal Of Hydrogen Energy 2012;37:11334-11344.
[7] Xu Zhutian, Peng Linfa, Yi Peiyun, Lai Xinmin. Study on a Novel Electrical-Assisted Pressure Welding Process of Thin Metallic Foils. Applied Mechanics and Materials 2012;271-272:147-151.
[6] Xu Zhutian, Peng Linfa, Yi Peiyun, Lai Xinmin. Modeling of Microchannel Hydroforming Process With Thin Metallic Sheets. Journal Of Engineering Materials And Technology-transactions Of The Asme 2012;134:021017-021013.
[5] Peng Lin Fa, Qiu Dian Kai, Yi Pei Yun, Lai Xin Min. Investigation of Thermal Influence on the Assembly of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell Stacks. Advanced Materials Research2012. p. 1509-1514.
[4] Yi Peiyun, Peng Linfa, Lai Xinmin, Ni Jun. A Numerical Model for Predicting Gas Diffusion Layer Failure in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells. Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology-Transactions of the ASME 2011;8:011011-011010.
[3] Peng Lin Fa, Lai Xin Min, Yi Pei Yun, Mai Jian Ming. Design, Optimization, and Fabrication of Slotted-Interdigitated Thin Metallic Bipolar Plates for PEM Fuel Cells. Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology-Transactions of the ASME 2011;8:011002.
[2] Yi Peiyun, Peng Linfa, Lai Xinmin, Liu Dongan, Ni Jun. A Novel Design of Wave-Like PEMFC Stack with Undulate MEAs and Perforated Bipolar Plates. Fuel Cells 2010;10:111-117.
[1] Yi Peiyun, Peng Linfa, Feng Lizhong, Gan Pin, Lai Xinmin. Performance of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack using conductive amorphous carbon-coated 304 stainless steel bipolar plates. Journal Of Power Sources 2010;195:7061-7066.

教学工作 制造工艺I (ME373)本科 64学时 4学分
工程材料 (ME345)本科 48学时 3学分

软件版权登记及专利 [1].质子交换膜燃料电池电堆的制造方法,授权专利号:ZL 5.4
[2].基于薄板冲压成形的质子交换膜燃料电池双极板,授权专利号:ZL 9.9
[3].质子交换膜燃料电池双极板与膜电极组件复合制造方法,授权专利号:ZL 5.2
[4].用于燃料电池的金属气体扩散层及其制备方法,授权专利号:ZL 7.8
[5].燃料电池电堆的自动化装配装置,授权专利号:ZL 8.2
[6].一种全液压驱动辊型微细压印装置,授权专利号:ZL 5.9
[7].聚合物薄膜类产品微细结构卷对卷热辊压成形装置,授权专利号:ZL 2.4
[8].带有导电耐腐蚀镀层的燃料电池金属双极板及其制备方法,授权专利号:ZL 9.7
[9].基于卷对卷热辊压聚合物薄膜表面微结构加工装置及方法,授权专利号:ZL 0.8
[10].一种车用燃料电池的大面积金属双极板,授权专利号:ZL 7.1
[11].一种燃料电池大面积金属双极板连续冲压成形模具,授权专利号:ZL 5.7
[15]. 基于带状模具的薄膜双面微结构卷对卷UV固化成型装置,授权专利号:ZL7.8
[16].质子交换膜燃料电池电堆自动化装配系统 ,授权专利号:ZL1.9

学术兼职 机械系统与振动国家重点实验室 固定成员

荣誉奖励 2019 上海市技术发明特等奖(排名第5)
2017 中国汽车工业技术发明奖一等奖(排名第5)
2015 教育部自然奖一等奖(排名第4)
2020 全国****岗位能手
2019 上海市青年科技启明星
2019 上海市青年拔尖人才
2015 上海交通大学优异学士学位论文(TOP1%)指导教师
2014 上海市“晨光计划”
2014 上海交通大学“SMC晨星青年****奖励计划”B类
2014 全国首批大学生“小平科技创新团队”负责人
2014 上海市优秀博士学位论文
2013 上银优秀机械博士论文奖铜奖
2010 教育部博士研究生学术新人奖
2012 上海市优秀毕业生
2016 上海交通大学优秀教师
2015 上海交通大学优秀班主任
2011 上海市教卫党委系统优秀共产党员
2010 上海交通大学十大“三好学生标兵”
2010 “感动交大”校园新闻人物
2008 上海市社会实践优秀个人

相关话题/机械 上海交通大学