
Research Status and Development Trend of PIE Imaging Method_上海光学精密机械研究所

上海光学精密机械研究所 免费考研网/2018-05-06

中文题目: PIE成像方法技术现状及发展趋势
外文题目: Research Status and Development Trend of PIE Imaging Method
作者: 姚玉东; 刘诚; 潘兴臣; 陶华; 王海燕; 朱健强
刊名: 中国激光
年: 2016 卷: 43 期: 6 页: 609001
成像系统; 相干衍射成像; 迭代算法; 相位恢复

PIE; imaging systems; PIE; coherent diffraction imaging; iterative algorithm; phase retrieval
作为一种新近发展的无透镜成像技术,PIE(ptychographical iterative engine)不但保持了传统相干衍射成像方法装置简单、使用方便等优点,克服了视场受限和收敛速度慢等缺点,还具有成像范围可扩展、收敛速度快、抗噪声能力强等优势,在光学、X射线和电子束等领域得到了广泛关注并开展了大量研究,是一种有可能在大范围内替代现有相位成像技术的新方法。主要介绍了PIE方法的技术背景、技术现状、相关应用及面临的问题和可能的发展方向。

As a newly developed lensless imaging technique,PIE(ptychographical iterative engine)does not only maintain the simplicity and convenience of the equipment of traditional coherent diffraction imaging (CDI)methods,but also overcomes the drawbacks such as restricted field of view and slow convergence.With the extensible imaging field,better convergence speed and higher immunization capability to noise,PIE is widely researched and used in optical,X-ray and electron beam imaging fields.PIE is a new method which is possible to replace the current phase imaging methods.The background,development,applications,problems and developing trend of the PIE method are introduced.

文献类型: 期刊论文
正文语种: Chinese
收录类别: CSCDEI
DOI: 10.3788/CJL201643.0609001

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