
Brillouin Optical Time Domain Reflectometry with Sub-Meter Spatial Resolution Based on Double-Pulse

上海光学精密机械研究所 免费考研网/2018-05-06

中文题目: 基于双脉冲探测的亚米级空间分辨率布里渊时域反射技术
外文题目: Brillouin Optical Time Domain Reflectometry with Sub-Meter Spatial Resolution Based on Double-Pulse Detection
作者: 盛志轩; 潘政清; 蔡海文; 曹玉龙; 王照勇; 庞拂飞
刊名: 中国激光
年: 2016 卷: 43 期: 9 页: 910004
传感器; 光时域反射技术; 布里渊散射; 超短脉冲对

sensors; optical time domain reflectometry; Brillouin scattering; double ultra-short pulses
在传统的布里渊光时域反射(BOTDR)技术中,空间分辨率和自发布里渊散射谱宽相互制约。针对这一问题,将探测光改进为超短双脉冲,并利用检测频谱包络的方法得到BOTDR系统的空间分辨率。该方法提高了 BOTDR系统的空间分辨率,同时可避免压窄脉冲引起的布里渊增益谱展宽对测量精度的影响。实验表明,该方案能实现0.5 m空间分辨率的温度测量,避免自发布里渊散射谱发生较大展宽。

In conventional Brillouin optical time domain reflectometry (BOTDR),mutual restraint between the spatial resolution and the width of spontaneous Brillouin scattering spectrum can not be avoided. To solve this problem, we ameliorated the approach using double ultra-short pulses as probe light. By detecting spectral envelope, the spatial resolution of BOTDR can be extracted. This method improves the spatial resolution of the BOTDR system and meanwhile avoids the influence of Brillouin gain spectrum broadening caused by narrowing pulse on measurement accuracy. The experimental results show that with this novel BOTDR system, the temperature measurement can be realized at a 0.5 m spatial resolution, and the large broadening of the spontaneous Brillouin scattering spectrum can be avoided.

文献类型: 期刊论文
正文语种: Chinese
收录类别: CSCDEI
DOI: 10.3788/CJL201643.0910004

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