关键词: 透明对电极, 双面进光太阳能电池, 染料敏化太阳能电池, 量子点太阳能电池, 钙钛矿太阳能电池
In recent years, solar cells (including dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs), quantum dots sensitized solar cells (QDSCs), and perovskite solar cells (PSCs)) have attracted wide attention due to their low cost, light weight, and high efficiency. Compared with traditional solar cells with opaque counter electrodes where the sunlight can only pass from the photoanode, bifacial solar cells, which are composed of photoanode, electrolyte, transparent counter electrode, hole transport layer can realize the purpose that sunlight can pass through the photoanode and the transparent counter electrode (CE) at the same time, which can reduce the loss of sunlight and greatly broad the light utilization of device to achieve improved opto-electronic performance. In the entire electrochemical cycle, the transparent counter electrode is regarded as reducing agent in reducing the oxidation state I3- in the electrolyte to the reduced state I- so the electrocatalytic activity, chemical stability, electrical conductivity of the transparent counter electrode directly influences the rear side photo-to-electricity efficiency of device and the preparation of transparent counter electrodes is significantly important for the device. Therefore, it is necessary to study the effect of the counter electrode on the photoelectric conversion efficiency of the bifacial solar cells. In view of the problems of low transmittance, high cost, and low light utilization of traditional CE, the transparent CE of bifacial solar cells with high power conversion efficiency and low cost are preferred. The transparent CE of bifacial DSSCs, QDSCs and PSCs are comprehensively discussed in this paper. The influence of materials choosing and interfacial modification methods of transparent counter electrode on the photovoltaic performances of bifacial devices are analyzed. The transparent counter electrodes materials mainly include metals and alloys, sulfides, selenides, conductive polymers, and so on. In conclusion, bifacial solar cells mainly have the following problems:high reflectivity of metal electrodes, corrosion of the sulfide on the electrodes and the stability of the conductive polymers. The further application prospects of these kinds of bifacial solar cells is proposed.
Key words: transparent electrode, bifacial solar cells, dye-sensitized solar cells, quantum dots sensitized solar cells, perovskite solar cells