
近年来, 过渡金属催化反应已经成为有机化学中构建碳碳键和碳杂原子键的最有效方法之一, 并引起了化学家的极大研究兴趣. 杯芳烃是继冠醚和环糊精之后的第三代超分子主体化合物, 其配位性能一直是超分子化学研究的热点. 通过对其下缘的酚羟基、上缘的苯环对位以及连接苯环单元的亚甲基进行设计改造, 杯芳烃可以有效地作为过渡金属催化剂的配体, 或者与过渡金属正离子组装成为新的过渡金属催化剂, 从而高效地促进反应的进行. 主要介绍了近十年来, 杯芳烃作为不同过渡金属催化剂的配体并用于各种过渡金属催化反应的研究进展.
关键词: 杯芳烃, 过渡金属催化, 配体, 有机合成
In recent years, transition metal catalyzed reactions have become one of the most effective methods to construct carbon-carbon bonds and carbon-heteroatom bonds in organic chemistry, and have attracted great research interest among chemists. Calixarene is the third-generation supramolecular host compound after crown ether and cyclodextrin, and its coordination properties have always been a hot spot in supramolecular chemistry. By designing and modifying its phenolic hydroxyl group at the lower edge, the para-position of the benzene ring at the upper edge, and the methylene group connecting the benzene ring unit, calixarene can be used as a transition metal catalyst ligand or assembled with transition metal to form a novel catalyst, both of which can be effectively used to promote the transition metal catalyzed reaction. The research progress of calixarene as a ligand for different transition-metal catalysts and their application in various transition metal catalytic reactions in the past ten years is introduced.
Key words: calixarene, transition-metal catalysis, ligand, organic synthesis