Dendralenes作为一种含有支链骨架的交叉共轭聚烯烃, 是多种天然产物和光电材料的基本骨架, 也是快速构建手性多环结构的重要中间体, 在功能材料、天然产物化学、聚合物化学和合成化学等诸多领域占据重要地位. Dendralenes的合成与衍生化应用是一个曾经被忽视但正在兴起的领域. 近年来, dendralenes的合成得到了较快发展, 按dendralenes共轭单元数的不同概述了其合成领域的最新成果, 重点介绍反应设计与机理, 并展望了dendralenes的后续合成与应用研究发展.
关键词: Dendralenes, 共轭低聚烯烃, 累积烯烃, 偶联, 环化, 衍生化
Dendralenes, also known as acyclic, branched and cross-conjugated polyenes, represent an important class of hydrocarbons. Serving as basic motifs for a number of natural products and photolectric materials as well as key intermediates in the rapid synthesis of polycyclic compounds, dendralenes have recently played a prominent part in the area of material chemistry, polymer chemistry, synthetic chemistry and so on. The study on dendralenes has long been neglected but received renewed attention and witnessed rapid development in recent years. The advanced syntheses of dendralenes in the last decade are summarized and organized in order of the number of conjugated units. The synthetic design and mechanism are highlighted in this review with their future development on synthesis and application proposed as well.
Key words: dendralenes, conjugated polyenes, cumulenes, coupling, cyclization, derivate