
大豆胞囊线虫病作为影响大豆产量的主要病害之一, 非常难以防治, 给全世界大豆主产地带来了严重的经济损失. Glycinoeclepin A是一个从四季豆根系的干粉中提取纯化得到的化学信息素, 能够特异性地促进大豆胞囊线虫孵化, 其生物活性可达10–12 g/mL (25 ℃, 水溶液), 具有成为新型杀线虫绿色生物农药的巨大潜质. 概述了大豆胞囊线虫的繁殖与传统防治方法、glycinoeclepin A的分离与生物活性以及自其发现以来全世界有机合成化学家对该天然产物的全合成和构效关系研究进展.
关键词: 大豆胞囊线虫, 化学感受作用, glycinoeclepin A, 全合成, 构效关系
Soybean cyst nematode disease, one of the main diseases impacting the production of soybean, is very difficult to control and brings serious economic losses all over the world. Glycinoeclepin A is a chemical pheromone extracted and purified from the dry powder of string bean roots. It can specifically stimulate the hatching of soybean cyst nematodes, with biological activity of 10–12 g/mL (25 ℃, aqueous solution). Potentially, glycinoeclepin A can serve as a new type of green biological pesticide for controlling soybean cyst nematode disease. A comprehensive overview on soybean cyst nematode disease, current methods in fighting it, the bioactivity studies on glycinoeclepin A, as well as the progress in the total synthesis and structure-activity relationship of this natural product since its discovery is provided.
Key words: soybean cyst nematode, chemoreception, glycinoeclepin A, total synthesis, structure-activity relationship