关键词: 三氟甲基, 三氮唑, 四氮唑, 含氟杂环, 环加成反应
Trifluoromethylated triazoles and tetrazoles have emerged as increasingly important heterocycles in pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, catalysis, and materials. As a consequence, great attention has been paid to the efficient synthesis of these valuable CF3-containing molecules. Herein, the advances in the past decade towards the synthesis of CF3-substituted triazoles and tetrazoles are summarized. The remarkable progress in the utilization of versatile CF3-functionalized building blocks including CF3-containing alkynes, CF3-containing carbonyl compounds, CF3-containing pyrones and trifluorodiazoethane (CF3CHN2) is demonstrated accordingly.
Key words: trifluoromethyl group, triazole, tetrazole, fluorine-containing heterocycle, cycloaddition