
多杀菌素(Spinosyns)是一类由放线菌刺糖多孢菌发酵产生的新型生物杀虫剂,因其具有广谱高效、对环境和非靶标动物毒性小等优点,已经被广泛应用于农业的虫害防治中.为了寻找更高效的杀虫剂,合成了一系列多杀菌素A C-17位不同取代基的衍生物,并测定了对小菜蛾的杀虫活性.所合成的衍生物均对小菜蛾表现出不错的杀虫活性.
关键词: 天然产物, 多杀菌素A, 半合成衍生物, 杀虫活性
Spinosyns are a novel kind of biopesticide produced by Saccharopolyspora spinosa. Spinosyns have been widely applied in pest control because of their broad insecticidal spectrum, high insecticidal activity, low environmental impact, and low toxicity. To identify spinosyn compounds with improved insecticidal activity, a series of D-forosamine replacement derivatives of spinosyn A were synthesized. The insecticidal activities of the synthetic derivatives were evaluated against 3rd-instar larvae of Plutella xylostella. All derivatives exhibited good insecticidal activity to P. xylostella.
Key words: natural product, spinosyn A, semi-synthetic derivative, insecticidal activity