grjj: 杨伟波博士现任中国科学院上海药物研究所研究员、课题组组长。其主要从事活性小分子库导向的新方法学研究。阶段性成果在Chem. Soc. Rev., JACS, Nat. Commun., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Chem. Eur. J., Chem Commun., Org. Lett.等核心期刊上发表论文23篇,申请中国专利并授权1项,发表论文总影响因子达到200,在SCI中他引次数为1000余次,多篇被评为亮点文章,多个建立的合成新方法因原料来源广且底物普适性好等特点被制药公司采用并用于新药研发。入选2017上海市青年拔尖人才、2019上海市启明星。同时获得2017年国际学术Thieme Chemistry Journal Award。
dblz: (1) Bichao Song, Peipei Xie, Yingzi Li, Jiping Hao, Lu Wang, Xiangyang Chen, Zhongliang Xu, Haitian, Quan, Liguang, Lou, Yuanzhi Xia,* K. N. Houk,* and Weibo Yang*, Pd-Catalyzed Decarboxylative Olefination: Stereoselective Synthesis of Polysubstituted Butadienes and Bioactive Macrocyclic Inhibitors.J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 9982-9992(2) Lu Chen, Haitian Quan, Zhongliang Xu, Hao Wang, Yuanzhi Xia, Liguang Lou,* Weibo Yang,* A modular biomimetic strategy for the synthesis of macrolide P-glycoprotein inhibitors via Rh-catalyzed C-H activation.Nat. Commun. 2020, 11, 2151.(3) Yi Xu, Lu Chen, Yu-wen Yang, Zhiqiang Zhang, Weibo Yang*, Vinylethylene Carbonates as α,β-Unsaturated Aldehyde Surrogates for Regioselective [3 + 3] Cycloaddition.Org. Lett., 2019, 21, 6674-6678(4) Jiping Hao, Yi Xu, Zhongliang Xu, Zhiqiang Zhang, Weibo Yang*, Pd-Catalyzed Three-Component Domino Reaction of Vinyl Benzoxazinanones for Regioselective and Stereoselective Synthesis of Allylic Sulfone-Containing Amino Acid Derivatives. Org. Lett., 2018, 20, 7888-7892(5) Yuwen Yang, Weibo Yang*, Divergent synthesis of N-heterocycles by Pd-catalyzed controllable cyclization of vinylethylene carbonates.Chem. Commun., 2018, 24, 12182-12185(6) Lei Deng, Arjan W. Kleij,* Weibo Yang*, Diversity‐Orientated Stereoselective Synthesis through Pd‐Catalyzed Switchable Decarboxylative C-N/C-S Bond Formation in Allylic Surrogates. Chem. Eur. J., 2018, 24, 19156-19161(7) Weibo Yang, Shengqing Ye, YvonneSchmidt, Dean Stamos,* Jin-QuanYu*: Ligand-Promoted C(sp3)-H Olefination en Route to Multi-functionalized Pyrazoles.Chem. Eur. J. 2016, 22, 7059-7062.(8) Shengqing Ye, Weibo Yang, Timothy Coon, Dewey Fanning, Tim Neubert, Dean Stamos, Jin-Quan Yu*: Heterocyclic Carbene Ligand-Enabled C(sp3 )-H Arylation of Piperidine and Tetrahydropyran Derivatives.Chem. Eur. J. 2016, 22, 4748-4752.(9) Weibo Yang, Shengqing Ye, Dewey Fanning, Timothy Coon, Yvonne Schmidt, Paul Krenitsky, Dean Stamos* and Jin-Quan Yu*: Orchestrated Triple C–H Activation Reactions Using Two Directing Groups: Rapid Assembly of Complex Pyrazoles. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2015, 54, 2501-2504.(10) Weibo Yang, A. Stephen K. Hashmi*: Mechanistic insights of the gold chemistry of allenes. Chem. Soc. Rev. 2014, 43, 2941–2955(11) Yang Yu+, Weibo Yang+, Daniel Pfl?sterer, A. Stephen K. Hashmi*: Dehydrogenative Meyer-Schuster-like Rearrangement: A Gold-Catalyzed Reaction Generating an Alkyne. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 1144-1147. (Y. Yu and W. Yang contributed equally to this work)(12) Yang Yu+, Weibo Yang+, Frank Rominger, A. Stephen K. Hashmi*: In Situ Generation of Nucleophilic Allenes by the Gold-Catalyzed Rearrangement of Propargylic Esters for the Highly Diastereoselective Formation of Intermolecular C(sp3)-C(sp2) Bonds.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 7586-7589. (Y. Yu and W. Yang contributed equally to this work)(13) A. Stephen K. Hashmi*, Weibo Yang, Yang Yu, M. Hansmann, Matthias Rudolph, Frank Rominger: Gold-Catalyzed Formal 1,6-Acyloxy Migration Leading to 3,4-Disubstituted Pyrrolidin-2-ones. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 1329-1332. (Highlighted in Synfacts)(14) A. Stephen K. Hashmi*, Weibo Yang, Frank Rominger: Gold(I)-Catalyzed Formation of Benzo[b]furans from 3-Silyloxy-1,5-enynes. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 5762-5765.(15) Weibo Yang, Long Huang, Yang Yu, Daniel Pfl?sterer, Frank Rominger, A. Stephen K. Hashmi*:Highly Diasteroselective and Regioselective Copper-Catalyzed Acylnitroso Dearomatization Reaction under Aerobic Oxidation Conditions. Chem. Eur. J. 2014, 20, 3927-3931(16) Weibo Yang, Tao Wang, Yang Yu, Shuai Shi, Tuo Zhang, A. Stephen K. Hashmi*: Nitrones as Trapping Reagents of α,β-Unsaturated Carbene Intermediates – [1,2]Oxazino[5,4-b]indoles by a Platinum-Catalyzed Intermolecular [3+3] Cycloaddition. Adv. Synth. Catal. 2013, 355, 1523-1528. (Highlighted in Synfacts)(17) Weibo Yang, Yang Yu, Tuo Zhang, Max M. Hansmann, Daniel Pfl?sterer, A. Stephen K. Hashmi*: Gold-Catalyzed Highly Diastereoselective Synthesis of Functionalized 3,4-Disubstituted Butyrolactams via Phosphatyloxy or Carbonate Double Migrations. Adv. Synth. Catal. 2013, 355, 2037-2043. (Highlighted in Synfacts)(18) A. Stephen K. Hashmi*, Weibo Yang, Frank Rominger: Gold-Catalysis: Highly Efficient and Regio-Selective Carbonyl Migration in Alkynyl-Substituted Indole-3-Carboxamides Leading to Azepino[3,4-b]indol-1-ones. Adv, Synth, Catal. 2012, 354, 1273-1279. (Highlighted in Synfacts)(19) A. Stephen K. Hashmi*, Weibo Yang, Frank Rominger: Gold-Catalysis: Gold(I)-Catalyzed Rearrangement of 3-Silyloxy-1,5-enynes: An Efficient Synthesis of Benzo[b]thiophenes, Dibenzothiophenes, Dibenzofurans, and Indole Derivatives. Chem. Eur. J. 2012, 18, 6576-6580.(20) Weibo Yang, Liu Chun*, Jieshan Qiu: In Situ Formation of N,O-Bidentate Ligand via the Hydrogen Bond for Highly Efficient Suzuki Reaction of Aryl Chlorides. Chem. Commun. 2010, 2659-2661. (Highlighted in Synfacts)(21) Liu Chun*, Weibo Yang: A fast and oxygen-promoted protocol for the ligand-free Suzuki reaction of 2-halogenated pyridines in aqueous media.Chem. Commun. 2009, 6267-6269.(22) A. Stephen K. Hashmi*, Tobias H?ffner, Weibo Yang, Sreekumar Pankajakshan, Sascha Sch?fer, Lara Schultes, Frank Rominger, Wolfgang Frey: Gold Catalysis: Non-Spirocyclic Intermediates in the Conversion of Furanynes by the Formal Insertion of an Alkyne into an Aryl–Alkyl C–C Single Bond. Chem. Eur. J. 2012, 18, 10480-10486.(23) Shuai Shi, Tao Wang, Weibo Yang, Matthias Rudolph, A. Stephen K. Hashmi*: Gold Catalyzed Synthesis of Glyoxals via Oxidation of Terminal Alkynes; One-Pot Synthesis of Quinoxalines. Chem. Eur. J. 2013, 19, 6576-6580.
jyjl:美国Scripps研究所,研究助理,导师:Peter G. Schultz