grjj: 郑杰,课题组长,研究员。课题组主要研究方向是基于生物大分子氢氘交换质谱(蛋白质动力学)、交联质谱、组学技术的开发以及应用;并结合分子生物学、生物化学、生物物理学手段交叉解决由蛋白质(酶)的动力学异常变化所导致的重大疾病的发生机制,包括天然免疫病原相关模式识别受体的信号识别机制,由临床检测基因突变导致的自身免疫疾病发生机制等生物学热点问题,为抗感染药物和治疗性抗体的设计,以及自身免疫病、炎性疾病以及肿瘤的防治和治疗提供临床参考。近五年共发表和接收SCI研究论文16篇,其中6篇以第一作者发表于Nature Communications(2篇)、Nucleic Acids Research、Structure、Virology、Current opinions of structure biology等杂志。文章引用次数230次,H指数7。
dblz:1.Zheng J, Strutzenberg ST, Bruce Pascal BD, and Griffin PR. Protein dynamics and conformational changes explored by Hydrogen/deuterium exchange Mass spectrometry (In press). Current Opinion of Structure Biology.
2.Zheng J*#, Wang C#, Chang MR, Devarkar SC, Schweibenz B, Crynen GC, Garcia-Ordonez RD, Pascal BD, Novick SJ, Patel SS, Marcotrigiano J*, Griffin PR*. HDX-MS reveals dysregulated checkpoints that compromise discrimination against self RNA during RIG-I mediated autoimmunity. Nature communications. 2018; 9(1):5366.
3.Zheng J#, Corzo C#, Chang MR, Shang J, Lam VQ, Brust R, Blayo AL, Bruning JB, Kamenecka TM, Kojetin DJ, Griffin PR. Chemical Crosslinking Mass Spectrometry Reveals the Conformational Landscape of the Activation Helix of PPARγ; a Model for Ligand-Dependent Antagonism. Structure. 2018; 26(11):1431-1439.e6.
4.Zheng J#, Yamada Y#, Fung TS#, Huang M, Chia R, Liu DX. Identification of N-linked glycosylation sites in the spike protein and their functional impact on the replication and infectivity of coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus in cell culture. Virology. 2018; 513:65-74.
5.Zheng J#, Chang MR, Stites RE, Wang Y, Bruning JB, Pascal BD, Novick SJ, Garcia-Ordonez RD, Stayrook KR, Chalmers MJ, Dodge JA, Griffin PR. HDX reveals the conformational dynamics of DNA sequence specific VDR co-activator interactions. Nature communications. 2017; 8(1): 923.
6.Zheng J#, Yong HY, Panutdaporn N, Liu C, Tang K, Luo D*. High-resolution HDX-MS reveals distinct mechanisms of RNA recognition and activation by RIG-I and MDA5. Nucleic acids research. 2015; 43(2):1216-30.
7.Zheng J#, Tan BH, Sugrue R, Tang K*. Current approaches on viral infection: proteomics and functional validations. Frontiers in microbiology. 2012; 3:393.
8.Zheng J#, Sugrue RJ, Tang K*. Mass spectrometry based proteomic studies on viruses and hosts--a review. Analytica chimica acta. 2011; 702(2):149-59.
jyjl:南洋理工大学 博士