陈志俊 教授
主要研究方向 领导力与员工前瞻主动行为、同事间影响与员工业绩、跨层次理论与研究
联系电话 +86-21-6590-7442
电子邮箱 chen.zhijun@mail.shufe.edu.cn
教育背景 2005年8月 –2011年8月香港科技大学商学院,博士生
学术经历 工作经历
2013年6月 – 2014年7月副教授
2011年6月 – 2013年6月助理教授
2014年8月 – 2017年9月 助理教授
2013年4月 – 2014年7月院长助理(国际化)
2013年1月 –2014年7月人力资源管理系主任
2012年4月 – 2012年12月人力资源管理系副主任
1.Human Relations (入选金融时报经管类50本期刊),2019年7月至今
2.Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 2014年4月至今
3.Human Relations, 2016年3月至今
4.Journal of Business Research, 2016年8月至今
5.Academy of Management Journal (入选UT-Dallas 经管类24本期刊)
6.Journal of Applied Psychology (入选金融时报经管类50本期刊)
7.Organization Science (入选UT-Dallas 经管类24本期刊)
8.Journal of Management (入选金融时报经管类50本期刊)
9.Journal of Management Studies (入选金融时报经管类50本期刊)
10.Journal of Organizational Behavior (入选金融时报经管类50本期刊)
11.Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
12.Management and Organization Review
1.Academy of Management Conference (OB & IM Divisions)
2.International Association of Chinese Management Research (IACMR) Conference
3.Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference
4.2018 上海财经大学第二十四届中振科研基金优秀成果奖
6.2017年Human Relations年度审稿人特别赞赏奖
7.2016 年西澳大学青年****校长奖
8.2016 年西澳大学商学院青年****最佳论文奖
10.2015年西澳大学商学院BHP Billiton 杰出研究奖
11.2015 Ahern 青年****研究奖
1.AcademyofManagement (AOM)
2.Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP)
3.International Association of Chinese Management Research (IACMR)
4.Society for Organisational Behaviour Australia (SOBA)(邀请制)
研究成果 学术论文发表
1.Li, R., Chen, Z., Zhang, H., & Luo, J. How do authoritarian leadership and abusive supervision jointly thwart follower proactivity? A social control perspective. In press. Journal of Management
2.Cai, Z., Parker, S., Chen, Z., & Lam, W. 2019. How does the social context fuel the proactive fire? A multi-level review and theoretical synthesis. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 40: 209-230.
3.Farh, C. I. C., & Chen, Z. 2014. Beyond the individual victim: Multilevel consequences of abusive supervision in teams. Journal of Applied Psychology, 99: 1074-1095.
4.Takeuchi, R., Chen, Z., & Cheung, S. Y. 2012. Applying uncertainty management theory to employee voice behavior: An integrative investigation. Personnel Psychology, 65: 283-323.
5.Peng, Z., Chen, Z., Zhang, I., & Li, J., Unwilling to leave the good Samaritans: How peer interpersonal-oriented citizenship behavior retains “me”. In press. Asian Pacific Journal of Management
6.Chen, Z., Takeuchi, R., & Shum, C. 2013. A social information processing perspective of coworker influence on the focal employee. Organization Science, 24: 1618-1639.
7.Hackett, R. D., Wang, A. C., Chen, Z., Cheng, B. S., & Farh, J. L. 2018. Transformational leadership and organizational citizenship behavior: A moderated mediation model of leader-member-exchange and subordinates’ gender. Applied Psychology: An International Review.
8.Chen, Z., Zhu, J., & Zhou, M. J. 2015. How does a servant leader fuel the service fire? A multilevel model of servant leadership, individual group identity, group competition climate, and customer service performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100: 511-521.
9.Lee, C., Farh, J. L., & Chen, Z. 2011. Promoting group potency in project teams: The importance of group identification. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 32: 1147-1162.
10.Song, J., Huang, G., Peng, Z., Law, K. S., Wong, C. S., & Chen, Z. 2010. Differential effects of general mental ability and emotional intelligence on academic performance and social interactions intelligence. Intelligence, 38: 137-143.
11.Chen, Z., & Xie, Z. T. 2011. Riding the integrative wave of justice research: Power distance orientation as a moderator. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceeding, San Antonio, USA.
12.Hackett, R. D., Farh, J. L., Chen, Z., Wang, A. C., & Cheng, B. S. 2008. Transformational leadership and OCB: A test of a moderated mediated model. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceeding, Anaheim, USA.
13.Farh, J. L., Hackett, R. D., & Chen, Z. 2008. Organizational citizenship behavior in the global world. In Smith, P. & Mark Peterson (Eds.) Handbook of Cross-cultural Management: 165-184. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publication.
14.Farh, J. L., Liang, J., & Chen, Z. 2008. Research design and evaluation in empirical research. In X.P. Chen, A.S., Tsui, & J.L., Farh (Eds.), Empirical Methods in Organization and Management Research: 107-127. Beijing: Peking University Press (In Chinese).
15.Chen, Z., Peng, K., & Zhang, I. D. Unwilling to leave the Good Samaritans: A social identity perspective. The Annual National Meeting of Academy of Management, Chicago, August 9-15 2018.
16.Wang,Y., Chen.Z., Zhou, M., & Rong, Y. Servant leader but aggressive patient: The joint effect on nurses’ work performance. The Annual National Meeting of Academy of Management, Chicago, August 9-15 2018.
17.Lam, W., Tang, E., Chen, Z., & Chen, Z. A latent profile analysis of employee voice behavior. The Annual National Meeting of Academy of Management, Chicago, August 9-15 2018.
18.Chen, Z., & Peng, K. Unwilling to leave the good Smaritans: A social identity perspective. AAOM/APJM PDW, Lanzhou, Dec 15-16, 2017.
19.Chen, Z. Zhu, J., & Zhou, M. Disagree in disagreement: How does conflict asymmetry affect team outcomes. The Annual National Meeting of Academy of Management, Atlanta, August 4-8 2017.
20.Chen, Z., Chao, M. & Zhang, P. Change It or Lump It? A Model Linking Work Ostracism with Employee Proactive and Deviant Behavior. The Annual National Meeting of Academy of Management, Atlanta, August 4-8 2017.
21.Chen, Z. & Qian, J. How Does Coworker Political Behavior Thwart Individual Taking Charge? The Annual National Meeting of Academy of Management, Atlanta, August 4-8 2017.
22.Cai, Z., Parker, S., & Chen, Z. When you bite off more than your team can chew: The misfit effect of individual and team proactivity on core task performance. European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology Congress (EAWOP), Dublin, May 17-20 2017.
23.Cheung, S. Y. & Chen, Z. Linking team voice behavior with team innovation: A motivated information-processing in groups model. The Seventh Biennial International Association for Chinese Management Research Conference, Hang Zhou, June 15-19 2016.
24.Yang, Y., Chen, Z., Chen, Z. X., & Chu, X. “How to voice effectively? Voice behavior and voice tactics on supervisor’s perception and response”. The Annual National Meeting of Academy of Management, Vancouver, August 7-11 2015.
25.Liao, H., Liang, J., & Chen, Z. "Self-sacrificial leadership and employee proactivity: A follower-centric motivational analysis". The Annual National Meeting of Academy of Management, Vancouver, August 7-11 2015.
26.Takeuchi, R., Yu, N. Y., Chen, Z., & Shapiro, D. L. "Team as innovation system revisited: A cross-level model of proactivity, knowledge sharing and TMS". The Annual National Meeting of Academy of Management, Vancouver, August 7-11 2015.
27.Shum, C., Takeuchi, R., & Chen, Z. “A non-linear relationship between abusive supervision and subordinates’ job performance”. The Annual National Meeting of Academy of Management, Philadelphia, August 1-5 2014.
28.Yu, N. Y., Takeuchi, R., & Chen, Z. “Proactive Team Innovation: An Integrative View of Information Exchange and Supervisor Support”. The Annual National Meeting of Academy of Management, Philadelphia, August 1-5 2014.
29.Yuan, X. & Chen, Z. “How does leader ostracism influence employees’ political behavior and creativity?: A social identity perspective”. The 8th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Emotions in Worklife, Melbourne Business School, Melbourne, November 29 2013.
30.Farh, C. I. C., & Chen, Z. “A multilevel model of how and when team-level abusive supervision diminishes team member voice”. The Annual National Meeting of Academy of Management, Orlando, August 9-13 2013.
31.Chen, Z. & Takeuchi, R. “How does leader ostracism thwart employee proactive behavior? A social identity framework”. The 13th I-O Psychology Conference, Hangzhou, June 28-29 2013.
32.Chen, Z., & Farh, J. L. “Dual pathways to silencing the abused: A multilevel model of abusive supervision on team member voice”. The Annual National Meeting of Academy of Management, Boston, August 3-7 2012.
33.Chen, Z., Zhu, J., & Zhou, M. J. “When does a servant leader fuel the service fire? Team competition climate as a moderator”. The Fifth Biennial International Association for Chinese Management Research Conference, Hong Kong, June 20-24 2012
34.Chen, Z., & Xie, Z. T. “Riding the integrative wave of justice research: Power distance orientation as a moderator”. The Annual National Meeting of Academy of Management, San Antonio, August 12-16 2011.
35.Wang, A. C., Hackett, R. D., Cheng, B. S., Chen, Z., & Farh, J. L. “The role of power distance orientation and self-efficacy in understanding the motivational underpinnings of the transformational leadership–job performance relationship”. The Annual National Meeting of Academy of Management, Montreal, August 6-10 2010.
36.Chen, Z. & Takeuchi, R. “Unpack the coworker influence: A moderated mediation model of coworker exchange quality and coworker organizational citizenship behavior”. The 23rd Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference, December 2-4, 2009.
37.Takeuchi, R., Cheung, S. Y., & Chen, Z. “Voice behavior as social dilemma: Roles of interactional, procedural, and distributive justice facets”. The Annual National Meeting of Academy of Management, Chicago, August 7-11 2009.
38.Hackett, R. D., Farh, J. L., Chen, Z., Wang, A. C., & Cheng, B. S. "Transformational leadership and OCB: A test of a moderated mediated model". The Annual National Meeting of Academy of Management, Anaheim, August 8-13 2008.
39.Chen, Z., Farh, J. L., & Wang, H. "How culture matters to perceived organizational support - employee outcome relationships: Dual effects of traditionality and organizational structure". Asia Academy of Management Meeting, Taipei, December 14-16 2008.
40.Song, J. Wong, C. S., Law, K. S., Huang, E. G., & Chen, Z. “Effects of general mental ability and emotional intelligence on self-assessed career-related abilities”. XXIX International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, July 20-25 2008.
41.Farh, J. L., Hackett, R. D., & Chen, Z. "Organizational citizenship in a global context: A literature review". The Annual National Meeting of Academy of Management, Philadelphia, August 3-8 2007.
42.Huang, G. H., Law, K. S., Song, L., & Chen, Z. "Differential effects of emotional intelligence and cognitive ability on performance and peer liking". The Annual National Meeting of Academy of Management, Philadelphia, August 3-8 2007.
Presented at the management departments and organizational behavior groups of the following universities in chronological order: Shanghai Jiao Tong University (2010); Harbin Institute of Technology Shenzhen Graduate School (2011, 2012, 2014, 2018); Tsinghua University (2012); University of Melbourne (2012); Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2013); Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (2013); Beijing Normal University (2013); Hong Kong Baptist University (2014); Tsinghua University (2014); Australia National University (2015); Nanjing University (2017); Jiangnan University (2018); RMIT (2018); Deakin University (2018)
媒体报道 1.One toxic boss can poison the whole workplace” Pacific Standard
2.“Bosses who bully one employee ruin work for everyone” Human Resources Online (http://www.humanresourcesonline.net/bosses-bully-employee-ruin-work-everyone/)
3.“Study shows how toxic bosses wreck teamwork” Forbes
4.“Abusive leadership infects entire team” MSUToday (http://msutoday.msu.edu/news/2014/abusive-leadership-infects-entire-team/)
教学经历 教学经历
组织行为学, 2014 Trimester 3, 29 MBAs (co-teach with Steve McShane)
组织行为学, 2015 Semester 1, 735 undergraduates
招聘与选拔, 2015 Semester 1, 134 undergraduates
组织行为学, 2016 Semester 1, 780 undergraduates
招聘与选拔, 2016 Semester 1, 95 undergraduates
组织行为学, 2017 Semester 1, 745 undergraduates
社会心理学, 2011秋,硕士
战略人力资源管理, 2012春,硕士
创新管理, 2012春,EMBA (co-teach with Sara Beckman)
战略人力资源管理, 2012春,MBA
社会心理学, 2012秋,本科
社会心理学, 2013春,本科
战略人力资源管理, 2013春,硕士
战略人力资源管理, 2012春,MBA
社会心理学, 2014春,本科
战略人力资源管理, 2014春,硕士
高级社会心理学, 2014春,博士
组织行为学研讨课, 2018春,博士
社会心理学, 2018秋,本科
组织行为学, 2018秋,本科
高级社会心理学, 2018秋,博士
组织行为学, 2018冬,DBA
员工主动行为深度研究, 2019春,博士
管理学导论, 2009夏,本科
1.Alexandra Miller, 2015 (Upper 2nd Class)
2.Kate Davis, 2016 (Upper 2nd Class)
3.Annoushka Puvimanasinghe, 2016 (Lower 2nd Class)
1.Dina Sartika, 2014 - 2016 (Principle Supervisor)
2.Darja Miscenko, 2014 - 2016 (Co-Supervisor)
3.Rusyda Mohd, 2015 - 2017 (Co-Supervisor)
4.Zijun Cai, 2015 - 2018 (Co-Supervisor)
5.Fangfang Zhang, 2016 - (Co-Supervisor)
Committee, Board of Undergraduate Studies
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-16
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