

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-16

舒睿 副教授

主要研究方向 员工主动性,创造力和创新,情绪,社会网络

联系电话 **

电子邮箱 shu.rui@sufe.edu.cn

学历 2013-2018:上海交通大学 安泰经济与管理学院 博士
2010-2013:中南大学 商学院 硕士
2006-2010:中南大学 数学与统计学院 学士

经历 2018 至今:上海财经大学 商学院 助理教授
2015-2016:美国马里兰大学 罗伯特史密斯商学院(国家公派留学项目)联合培养博士

研究成果 Journal articles
[1] Hussain, I., Shu, R.*, Tangirala, S. Ekkirala, S. (2019). The voice bystander effect: How diffusion of responsibility inhibits employee voice. Academy of Management Journal,62(3), 828-849. (*corresponding author)
- Summarized in Harvard Business Review (May-June 2019), https://hbr.org/2019/01/why-open-secrets-exist-in-organizations
- Featured in Academy of Management Insight (2019),

[2] Liang, J., Shu, R., Farh, C. (2019). Differential implications of team promotive and prohibitive voice on innovation performance in R&D project teams: A dialectic perspective. Journal of Organizational Behavior,40(1), 91-104.
[3] Ma, X., Shu, R.*, Zhong, G. (In-press). How customer-oriented companies breed HR flexibility and improved performance: Evidence from business-to-customer companies in China. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resource. (*corresponding author)
[3]Shu, R., Ren, S., Zheng, Y. (2018). Building networks into discovery: The link between entrepreneur network capability and entrepreneurial opportunity discovery. Journal of Business Research, 85(5), 197-208.
[4] Ren, S., Shu, R.*, Bao, Y., & Chen, X. (2016). Linking network ties to entrepreneurial opportunity discovery and exploitation: the role of affective and cognitive trust. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 12 (2), 465-485. (* corresponding author)
[5]舒睿, 梁建. (2015). 基于自我概念的伦理领导与员工工作结果研究. 管理学报, 12(7), 1012-1020.
[6] 任胜钢, 舒睿. (2014). 创业者网络能力与创业机会: 网络位置和网络跨度的作用机制. 南开管理评论, (1), 123-133.

Academic conference
[1]Shu, R., Liang, J. (2018). How should I speak up in facilitating voice? Examining a dual-path model. Present at the 7th Conference of the International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR), Wuhan, China
[2] Liang, J., Shu, R. (2017). Employee voice and team innovation: Examining the role of team Voice intensity in R&D teams. Presented at the 77th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Atlanta, GA, USA
[3] Hussain, I., Shu, R., Tangirala, S. Ekkirala, S. (2017). The voice bystander effect: How diffusion of responsibility inhibits employee voice. Presented at the 77th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Atlanta, GA, USA
[4]Shu, R., Ren, S., Zheng, Y. (2017). Building networks into discovery: The link between entrepreneur network capability and entrepreneurial opportunity discovery. Presented at the 77th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Atlanta, GA, USA
[5]Shu, R., Wang, X.. Zhao., S. (2017). Catch one and forget others: Effects of achievement value and task performance on unethical pro-organizational behavior. Presented at the 77th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Atlanta, GA, USA
[6] Liang, J., Shu, R., (2014). Unpacking the motivational process of ethical leadership: A self-concept perspective. Presented at the 5th Conference of the International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR), Beijing, China

奖励 第二届“梁觉博士论文资助纪念基金”获得者(中国管理研究国际学会IACMR) (2018)
上海交通大学校级“三好学生” (2015)

教授课程 《管理学》(本科生,3学分),2019春


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