姓名: 胡梦红 导师类别: 硕导
所在专业: 水产养殖 研究方向: 水生动物资源利用;水生生物对环境胁迫的生理生态响应和适应性;胁迫因子调控机制;濒危海洋动物(亚洲鲎)保育
学院/单位: 水产与生命学院
专业所属学院: 水产与生命学院
专业技术职务: 副教授 行政职务: 水产养殖技术与工程系副系主任
性别: 女 E-Mail: mhhu@shou.edu.cn
最高学位: 博士
通讯地址: 上海市临港新城沪城环路999号上海海洋大学水产与生命学院
胡梦红, 女,1982年5月出生,江西省九江市人,香港城市大学海洋生物学博士, 副教授,上海海洋大学国家重点学科和双一流水产养殖学硕士生导师。先后主持国家自然科学基金,上海市教委创新项目,美国国家地理空气与水保育基金,香港海洋公园保育基金等多项科研课题。目前主要从事水生动物的生理生态学研究,聚焦复合环境胁迫下水生动物的生理应答和适应性,濒危海洋动物(亚洲鲎)保育和资源可持续利用等相关研究。在水产,海洋生物和环境学主流杂志如《Fish & Shellfish Immunology》、《Aquaculture》、《Marine Biology》、《Journal of Hazardous Materials》、《Chemosphere》、《Science of the Total Environment》已发表SCI论文70余篇,累积影响因子超200,以第一作者或通讯作者发表40余篇,其中JCR一区SCI论文近30篇,总被引次数超1000次(Google Scholar Citations), H指数19,i10指数32,RG分数33(ResearchGate)。
(1)SCI期刊Frontiers in Physiology (IF=3.201)副主编
(2)Frontiers in Marine Science(IF=3.086)副主编
(3)SCI期刊Scientific Reports (IF=4.011)编委 (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology)
(4)世界自然保护联盟鲎工作组IUCN Horseshoe Crab Specialist Group的亚洲区专家组成员
2008.09–2011.08 香港城市大学生物及化学系,海洋生物学,博士
2005.09–2008.06 华中农业大学水产学院,水产养殖学,硕士
2001.09–2005.06 华中农业大学水产学院,水产养殖学,学士
2015.09–至今 上海海洋大学 水产与生命学院,副教授
2015.07–2016.07 Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI),德国,访问****
2011.08–2015.08 上海海洋大学 水产与生命学院,讲师
Hu, M.H., Kwan, B.K.Y., Wang, Y.J., Cheung, S.G., Shin, P.K.S. (2015) Population structure and growth of juvenile horseshoe crabs Tachypleus tridentatus and Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda (Xiphosura) in southern China. In: Carmichael, R.H., Botton, M.L., Shin, P.K.S., Cheung, S.G. (eds) Changing global perspectives on horseshoe crab biology, conservation and management. Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp 167–180.
以第一或通讯作者发表的SCI论文(括号内影响因子为5-year Impact factor,括号外的影响因子为2-year Impact factor,#共同第一作者,*通讯作者)
[34] Luo, Z., Miao, F.Z., Hu, M.H.*, Wang, Y.J. *(2020) Research development on horseshoe crab: A 30-year bibliometric analysis. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7:41. doi:10.3389/fmars.2020.00041(IF=3.086)3.086,中科院生物3区
[33] Xu, Z., Wang, Y.J., Gul, Y., Li, Q.Z., Song, J., Hu, M.H.* (2020). Effects of copper supplement on the immune function and blood-chemistry in adult Chinese horseshoe crab Tachypleus tridentatus. Aquaculture, 515, 734576. (IF=3.022) 3.256,中科院农林科学1区,Top
[32] Kong, H.#, Hu, M.H.#, Lan, Y.W., Wang, T., Wu, F.L., Huang, X.Z., Shang, Y.Y., Sui, Y.M., Liu, L.P., Lu, W.Q., Dupont, S., Huang, W., Wang, Y.J.* (2019) Seawater acidification and temperature modulate anti-predation defenses in two co-existing Mytilus species. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 145,118-125(IF=3.78) 3.146,中科院环境科学与生态学3区
[31] Wu, F.L.#, Xie, Z.#, Yan, M.Y., Liu, Z.K., Li, Q.Z., Zhang, X.Y., Liu, L.P., Huang, W., Hu, M.H.*, Wang, Y.J.* (2019) Classification and characterization of hemocytes from two Asian horseshoe crab species Tachypleus tridentatus and Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda. Scientific Reports 9: 7095 (IF=4.011)4.525,中科院综合性期刊3区
[30] Yan, M.Y., Miao, F.Z., Zhang, X.Z., Guo, H.S., Gul, Y., Li, Q.Z., Song, J., Wang, Y.J., and Hu, M.H.* (2019). ‘Delayed’ interference effects of air exposure on adult Chinese horseshoe crab Tachypleus tridentatus. Aquaculture Research 50, 3633-3642.(IF=1.502) 1.626,中科院农林科学3区
[29] Kwan, B.K.Y.#, Hu, M.H.#, Wang, Y.J., Cheung, S.G., Shin, P.K.S.* (2019) Fatty acids from controlled feeding as dietary markers of juvenile Chinese horseshoe crab, Tachypleus tridentatus. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 99(2): 421–428 (IF=1.038)1.038,中科院生物4区
[28] Hu, M.H., O, S.Y., Cheung, S.G., Shin, P.K.S., Yan, M.Y., Wang, Y.J.* (2018) Growth performance and feed utilization of low-cost artificial feeds for juvenile Asian horseshoe crab culture. Journal of Shellfish Research3: 581–589 (IF=1.092) 0.721,中科院生物4区
[27] Qu, X.C.#, Hu, M.H.#, Shang, Y.Y., Pan, L.S., Jia, P.X., Fu, C.X., Liu, Q.G.*, Wang, Y.J.* (2018) Liver transcriptome and miRNA analysis of silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) intraperitoneally injected with microcystin-LR. Frontiers in Physiology 9:381. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2018.00381 (IF=4.187)4.134,中科院医学2区
[26] Wu, F.L#, Xie, Z.#, Lan, Y.W., Dupont, S., Sun, M., Cui, S.K., Huang, X.Z., Huang, W., Liu, L.P., Hu, M.H.*, Lu, W.Q., Wang, Y.J.* (2018) Short-term exposure of Mytilus coruscus to decreased pH and salinity change impacts immune parameters of their haemocytes. Frontiers in Physiology 9:166. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2018.00166 (IF=4.187)4.134,中科院医学2区
[25] Hu, M.H.#,Liu, Q.G.#, Zhang,J.D., Xiao, R., Wang, YJ. Seasonal niche segregation of two sympatric xenocyprinid fishes. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 33, 423-428. (IF=1.006)0.845,中科院生物4区
[24] Hu, M.H.#, Qu, X.C.#, Pan, L.S., Fu, C.X., Jia, P.X., Liu, Q.G.*, Wang, Y.J.* (2017) Effects of toxic Microcystis aeruginosa on the silver carp Hypophthalmichtys molitrix revealed by hepatic RNA-seq and miRNA-seq. Scientific Reports 7, DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-10335-9 (IF=4.847) 4.259,中科院综合性期刊3区
[23] Sui, Y.M.#, Hu, M.H.#, Shang, Y.Y., Wu, F.L., Huang, X.Z., Sam Dupont, S., Daniela Storch, D., Pörtner, H.O., Li, J.L., Lu, W.Q.*, Wang, Y.J.* (2017). Antioxidant response of the hard shelled mussel Mytilus coruscus exposed to reduced pH and oxygen concentration. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 137, 218–224. (IF=3.577) 3.743,中科院环境科学与生态学2区
[22] Hu, M.H.#, Lin, D.H.#, Shang, Y.Y., Hu, Y., Lu, W.Q., Huang, X.Z., Ning, K., Chen, Y.M., Wang, Y.J.* (2017). CO2-induced pH reduction increases physiological toxicity of nano-TiO2 in the mussel Mytilus coruscus. Scientific Reports 6, 40015 DOI 10.1038/SREP40015. (IF=4.847)4.259,中科院综合性期刊3区
[21] Wu, F.L.#, Kong, H.#, Shang, Y.Y., Zhou, Z.Q., Gul, Y., Liu, Q.G., Hu, M.H*. (2017). Histopathological alterations in triangle sail mussel (Hyriopsis cumingii) exposed to toxic cyanobacteria (Microcystis aeruginosa) under hypoxia. Aquaculture 467, 182-189 (IF=2.773) 2.570,中科院农林科学2区,Top
[20] Hu, M.H., Wu, F.L., Yuan, M.Z., Gu, Y.D., Liu, Q.G., Wang, Y.J.* (2016). Combined effects of toxic cyanobacteria Microcystis aeruginosa and hypoxia on the physiological responses of triangle sail mussel Hyriopsis cumingii. Journal of Hazardous Materials 306, 24-33 (IF=6.393) 6.065,中科院工程技术1区,Top
[19] Hu, M.H., Wu, F.L., Yuan, M.Z., Li, Q.Z., Gu, Y.D., Wang, Y.J.*, Liu, Q.G.* (2015). Antioxidant responses of triangle sail mussel Hyriopsis cumingii exposed to harmful algae Microcystis aeruginosa and hypoxia. Chemosphere 139, 541-549 (IF=4.506) 4.208,中科院环境科学与生态学2区,Top
[18] Hu, M.H.#, Li, L.S.#, Sui, Y.M., Li, J.L., Wang, Y.J.*, Lu, W.Q.*, Dupont, S. (2015). Effect of pH and temperature on antioxidant responses of the thick shell mussel Mytilus coruscus. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 46, 573-583 (IF=3.282) 3.148,中科院农林科学1区Top
[17] Sui, Y.M.#, Hu, M.H.#, Huang, X.Z., Wang, Y.J.*, Lu, W.Q.* (2015). Anti-predatory responses of the thick shell mussel Mytilus coruscus exposed to seawater acidification and hypoxia. Marine Environmental Research 109, 159-167. (IF=3.344) 3.101,中科院环境科学与生态学3区
[16] Wang, Y.J.#, Li, L.S.#, Hu, M.H.*, Lu, W.Q*. (2015). Physiological energetics of the thick shell mussel Mytilus coruscus exposed to seawater acidification and thermal stress. Science of the Total Environment 514, 261–272. (IF=5.102) 4.900,中科院环境科学与生态学2区,Top
[15] Liu, Q.G.#, Hu, M.H.#*, Wu, Z. (2015). Can mussels change phytoplankton community structure and enhance prawn production in semi-enclosed prawn ponds? Aquaculture Research, 46, 2559–2564. (IF=1.635) 1.461,中科院农林科学3区
[14] Wang, Y.J.*#, Hu, M.H.#, Li, Q.Z., Li, J.L., Lin, D.H., Lu, W.Q.* (2014). Immune toxicity of TiO2 under hypoxia in the green-lipped mussel Perna viridis based on flow cytometric analysis of hemocyte parameters. Science of the Total Environment 470–471, 791–799. (IF=5.102)4.900,中科院环境科学与生态学2区,Top
[13] Hu, M.H., Wang, Y.J., Cheung, S.G., Shin, P.K.S.* (2014). Digestible dietary protein and energy requirements of juvenile Asian horseshoe crabs, Tachypleus tridentatus and Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda. Aquaculture Research 45, 1621– 1633 (IF=1.635) 1.461,中科院农林科学3区
[12] Hu, M.H., Yang, L.L., Liu, Q.G.* (2014). Do physicochemical variables regulate the distribution of zooplankton communities in reservoirs dominated by filter feeding carp? Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 32, 266-277 (IF=0.734) 0.688,中科院地学4区
[11] Hu, M.H., Wang, Y.J., Cheung, S.G., Shin, P.K.S.* (2013) Comparison of different frozen natural foods on survival and growth of juvenile Chinese horseshoe crab Tachypleus tridentatus: Implications on laboratory culture. Aquaculture Research 44, 567–573 (IF=1.635) 1.461,中科院农林科学3区
[10] Wang, Y.J.*, Hu, M.H.*, Cheung, S.G., Shin, P.K.S., Lu, W.Q., Li, J.L. (2013). Anti-predatory responses of the green-lipped mussel Perna viridis (linnaeus) under acute hypoxia and low salinity. Journal of Molluscan Studies 79, 42–50. (IF=1.272)1.250,中科院生物4区
[9] Wang, Y.J.*, Hu, M.H.*, Shin, P.K.S., Cheung, S.G., Lu, W.Q., Li, J.L. (2012). Immune parameter changes of hemocytes in green-lipped mussel Perna viridis exposure to hypoxia and hyposalinity. Aquaculture 356–357, 22–29. (IF=2.773) 2.570,中科院农林科学2区,Top
[8] Wang, Y.J.*, Hu, M.H.*, Cheung, S.G., Shin, P.K.S., Lu, W.Q., Li, J.L. (2012). Chronic hypoxia and low salinity impair anti-predatory responses of the green-lipped mussel Perna viridis. Marine Environmental Research 77, 84–89. (IF=3.344)3.101,中科院环境科学与生态学3区
[7] Hu, M.H.,Wang, Y.J., Tsang, S.T., Cheung, S.G., Shin, P.K.S.* (2011). Effect of starvation on the energy budget of two Asian horseshoe crab species:Tachypleus tridentatusandCarcinoscorpius rotundicauda(Chelicerata: Xiphosura).Marine Biology158, 1591–1600. (IF=2.498)2.136,中科院生物3区
[6] Hu, M.H.,Wang, Y.J., Tsang, S.T., Shin, P.K.S.*, Cheung, S.G. (2010). Effect of prolonged starvation on body weight and blood–chemistry in two horseshoe crab species:Tachypleus tridentatusandCarcinoscorpius rotundicauda(Chelicerata: Xiphosura, Limulidae).Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology395, 112–119. (IF=2.31)1.937,中科院生物4区
[5] Hu, M.H.,Wang, Y.J.,Chen, Y.,Shin, P.K.S.,Cheung, S.G.,Li, Q.Z. (2009). Summer distribution and abundance of juvenile Chinese horseshoe crabs Tachypleus tridentatus along anintertidal zonein Southern China.Aquatic Biology7, 107–112. (IF=1.645)1.600,中科院生物4区
[4] Hu, M.H.,Wang, Y.J., Shin, P.K.S.*,Cheung, S.G.,Xie, Y. (2009). Threatened fishes of the world:Aphyocypris liniWeitzman and Chan, 1966 (Cyprinidae).Environmental Biology of Fishes86, 525–526. (IF=1.429)1.307,中科院环境科学与生态学4区
[3] Hu, M.H.,Wang, Y.J., Zhao, M., Xiong, B.X.*, Qian, X.Q., Zhao, Y.J. (2008). Evaluation of rendered animal protein ingredients for replacement of fish meal in practical diets for gibel carp,Carassius auratus gibelio(Bloch).Aquaculture Research39, 1475–1482. (IF=1.635) 1.461,中科院农林科学3区
[2] Hu, M.H.,Wang, Y.J., Wang, Q., Zhao, M., Xiong, B.X.*, Qian, X.Q., Zhao, Y.J. (2008). Replacement of fish meal by rendered animal protein ingredients with lysine and methionine supplementation to practical diets for gibel carp,Carassius auratus gibelio.Aquaculture 275, 260–265. (IF=2.773)2.570,中科院农林科学2区,Top
[1] Hu, M.H.,Wang, Y.J., Cao, L., Xiong, B.X.* (2008). Threatened fishes of the world:Hucho bleekeriKimura, 1934 (Salmonidae).Environmental Biology of Fishes82, 385–386. (IF=1.429)1.307,中科院环境科学与生态学4区
[30] Wang, X.H., Huang, W., Wei, S.S., Shang, Y.Y., Gu, H.X., Wu, F.Z., Lan, Z.H., Hu, M.H., Shi, H.H., Wang, Y.J. * (2019) Microplastics impair digestive performance but show little effects on antioxidant activity in mussels under low pH conditions. Environmental Pollution,113691(IF=5.714) 6.152,中科院环境科学1区, Top
[29] Shang, Y.Y., Wu, F.L., Wei, S.S., Guo, W., Chen, J.F., Huang, W. *, Hu, M.H. & Wang, Y.J.* (2019) Specific dynamic action of mussels exposed to TiO2 nanoparticles and seawater acidification. Chemosphere (IF=5.089) 5.108,中科院环境科学与生态学2区,Top
[28] Gu, H.X., Shang, Y.Y., Clements, J., Dupont, S., Wang, T., Wei, S.S., Wang, X.H., Chen, J.F., Huang, W., Hu, M.H., Wang, Y.J.* (2019) Hypoxia aggravates the effects of ocean acidification on the physiological energetics of the blue mussel Mytilus edulis. Marine Pollution Bulletin 149, 110538 ( IF=4.349) 3.782,中科院环境科学与生态学3区
[27] Kong, H., Wu, F., Jiang, X., Wang, T., Hu, M., Chen, J., Huang, W., Bao, Y. & Wang, Y.J.* (2019) Nano-TiO2 impairs digestive enzyme activities of marine mussels under ocean acidification. Chemosphere 237, 124561. (IF=5.089) 5.108,中科院环境科学与生态学2区,Top
[26] Gu, H.X., Hu, M.H., Wang, T., Kong, H., Huang, X.Z., Bao, Y.B., Wang, Y.J.* (2019) Combined effects of toxic Microcystis aeruginosa and hypoxia on the digestive enzyme activities of the triangle sail mussel Hyriopsis cumingii.Aquatic Toxicology 212, 241-246. (IF=4.167) 3.794,中科院海洋与淡水生物学1区, Top
[25] Wang, T., Huang, X.Z., Jiang, X.Y., Hu, M.H., Huang, W., Wang, Y.J.* (2019) Differential in vivo hemocyte responses to nano titanium dioxide in mussels: effects of particle size.Aquatic Toxicology 212, 28-36. (IF=4.167) 3.794,中科院环境海洋与淡水生物学1区, Top
[24] Shang, Y.Y.#, Lan, Y.W.#, Liu, Z.K., Kong, H., Huang, X.Z., Wu, F.L., Liu, L.P., Hu, M.H., Huang, W.*, Wang, Y.J.* (2018) Synergistic effects of nano-ZnO and low pH of sea water on the physiological energetics of the thick shell mussel Mytilus coruscus Frontiers in Physiology doi:10.3389/fphys.2018.00757 (IF=4.187) 4.134,中科院医学2区
[23] Huang, X.Z.#, Lan, Y.W.#, Liu, Z.K., Huang, W., Guo, Q.D., Liu, L.P., Hu, M.H., Sui, Y.M., Wu, F.L., Lu, W.Q., Wang, Y.J.* (2018) Salinity mediates the toxic effect of nano-TiO2 on the juvenile olive flounder Paralichthys olivaceus. Science of the Total Environment 640-641, 726-735 (IF=5.102) 4.900,中科院环境科学与生态学2区,Top
[22] Huang, X.Z.#, Liu, Z.K.#, Xie, Z., Dupont, S., Huang, W., Wu, F.L., Kong, H., Liu, L.P., Sui, Y.M., Lin, D.H., Lu, W.Q., Hu, M.H., Wang, Y.J.* (2018) Oxidative stress induced by titanium dioxide nanoparticles increases under seawater acidification in the thick shell mussel Mytilus coruscus. Marine Environmental Research 137,49-59 (IF=3.344) 3.101,中科院环境科学与生态学3区
[21] Huang, X.Z.#, Liu, Y.M.#, Liu, Z.K., Zhao, Z.H., Dupont, S., Wu, F.L., Huang, W.*, Chen, J.F., Hu, M.H., Lu, W.Q., Wang, Y.J.* (2018) Impact of zinc oxide nanoparticles and ocean acidification on antioxidant responses of Mytilus coruscus. Chemosphere 196, 182-195 (IF=4.506) 4.208,中科院环境科学与生态学2区,Top
[20] Wu, F.L.#, Cui, S.K.#, Sun, M., Xie, Z., Huang, W., Huang, X.Z., Liu, L.P., Hu, M.H., Lu, W.Q., Wang, Y.J.* (2018) Combined effects of ZnO NPs and seawater acidification on the haemocyte parameters of thick shell mussel Mytilus coruscus. Science of the Total Environment 624, 820-830 (IF=5.102) 4.900,中科院环境科学与生态学2区,Top
[19] Wu, F.L.#, Wang, T.#, Cui, S.K., Xie, Z., Dupont, S., Zeng, J.N., Gu, H.X., Kong, H., Hu, M.H., Lu, W.Q.*, Wang, Y.J.* (2017) Effects of seawater pH and temperature on foraging behavior of the Japanese stone crab Charybdis japonica. Marine Pollution Bulletin 120, 99-108 (IF=3.78) 3.146,中科院环境科学与生态学3区
[18] Sui, Y.M.#, Liu, Y.M.#, Zhao, X., Dupont, S., Hu, M.H., Wu, F.L., Huang, X.Z., Li, J.L., Lu, W.Q.*, Wang, Y.J.*, 2017. Defense responses of the thick shell mussel Mytilus coruscus exposed to short-term hypoxia and seawater acidification. Frontiers in Physiology 8,145. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2017.00145 (IF=4.187) 4.134,中科院医学2区
[17] Huang, X.Z.#, Lin, D.H.#, Ning, K., Sui, Y.M., Hu, M.H., Lu, W.Q., Wang, Y.J.* (2016) Hemocyte responses of the thick shell mussel Mytilus coruscus exposed to nano-TiOB2B and seawater acidification. Aquatic Toxicology 180, 1–10. (IF=4.425). 4.129,中科院环境科学与生态学2区,Top
[16] Wu, F.L.#, Lu, W.Q.#, Shang, Y.Y., Kong, H., Li, L.S., Sui, Y.M., Hu, M.H., Wang, Y.J.* (2016) Combined effects of seawater acidification and high temperature on hemocyte parameters in the thick shell mussel Mytilus coruscus. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 56, 554–562. (IF=3.282) 3.148,中科院农林科学1区Top
[15] Sui, Y.M.#, Kong, H.#, Shang, Y.Y., Huang, X.Z., Wu, F.L., Hu, M.H., Lin, D.H., Lu, W.Q.*, Wang, Y.J.* (2016). Effects of short-term hypoxia and seawater acidification on hemocyte responses of the mussel Mytilus coruscus. Marine Pollution Bulletin 108, 46–52. (IF=3.78) 3.146,中科院环境科学与生态学3区
[14] Sui, Y.M.#, Kong, H.#, Huang, X.Z., Dupont, S., Hu, M.H., Storch, D., Pörtner, H.O., Lu, W.Q.*, Wang, Y.J.* (2016). Combined effects of short-term exposure to elevated COB2B and decreased OB2B on the physiology and energy budget of the thick shell mussel Mytilus coruscus. Chemosphere 155, 207–216. (IF=4.506) 4.208,中科院环境科学与生态学2区,Top
[13]Wang, Y.J., Hu, M.H., Cheung, S.G., Shin, P.K.S.* (2011). Combined effects of dissolved oxygen and salinity on growth and body composition of juvenile green-lipped musselPerna viridis.Journal of Shellfish Research30, 851–857. (IF=1.092) 0.721,中科院生物4区
[12]Wang, Y.J., Hu, M.H., Shin, P.K.S., Cheung, S.G.* (2011). Immune responses to combined effect of hypoxia and high temperature in the green-lipped musselPerna viridis.Marine Pollution Bulletin63, 201–208. (IF=3.78) 3.146,中科院环境科学与生态学3区
[11] Wang, Y.J., Hu, M.H.,Wong, W.H.,Cheung, S.G.*, Shin, P.K.S. (2011). The combined effects of oxygen availability and salinity on physiological responses and scope for growth in the green-lipped musselPerna viridis.Marine Pollution Bulletin63, 255–261. (IF=3.78) 3.146,中科院环境科学与生态学3区
[10]Wang, Y.J., Hu, M.H., Cheung, S.G., Shin, P.K.S.,Song, L.M., Wang, W.M.* (2010). Induced ovulation of yellow catfish (Pelteobagrus fulvidraco) using a combination of a gonadotrop-releasing hormone analogue and domperidone.Aquaculture Research41, 1243–1249. (IF=1.635) 1.461,中科院农林科学3区
[9]Wang, Y.J., Hu, M.H., Shin, P.K.S., Cheung, S.G.*(2010). Induction of anti-predatory responses in the green-lipped musselPerna viridis under hypoxia.Marine Biology157, 747–754. (IF=2.498) 2.136,中科院生物3区
[8]Wang, Y.J., Hu, M.H.,Wang, W.M.*,Cheung, S.G., Shin, P.K.S.,Cao, L. (2010). Effects of the timing of initial feeding on growth and survival of loach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus) larvae.Aquaculture International18, 135–148. (IF=1.289) 1.095,中科院农林科学3区
[7] Zhang, L.,Wang, Y.J., Hu, M.H., Fan, Q.X.*, Cheung, S.G., Shin, P.K.S.,Li, H., Cao, L. (2009). Effects of the timing of initial feeding on growth and survival of spotted mandarin fishSiniperca scherzerilarvae.Journal of Fish Biology75, 1158–1172. (IF=1.804) 1.519,中科院生物4区
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