

研究生院 免费考研网/2006-09-27

姚 泰 (Tai YAO)
Tai YAO, male, Han nationality, was born on January 31, 1938, in Zhejiang Province, China. Dr. Yao is Professor of Physiology at the Department of Physiology and Pathophysiology, Fudan University Shanghai Medical College. He is also a member of the Committee for University Affairs (Fudan University), member of the Discipline Accreditation Group of the State Council Academic Degree Commission, member of the Academic Degree Commission of the Shanghai Municipality, President of the Chinese Association for Physiological Sciences, and Editor-in-Chief of Acta Physiologica Sinica.
Tai Yao studied medicine at Shanghai First Medical College and graduated in 1959. He continued his postgraduate training at the Department of Physiology of the same Medical College and completed his thesis defence in 1962. He was then assigned to work at the Department of Physiology, Shanghai First Medical College. From 1975 to 1977, he was the Deputy Head of the Shanghai Medical Team working at Tibet, making investigation of physiological conditions in native Tibetans and lowland sojourners. From 1979 through 1981, he worked as a visiting scholar in the Department of Physiology, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, majoring in circulation physiology. On returning China in 1981, Dr. Yao was appointed Deputy-Chair and promoted Associate Professorship (1982), and was then Chairman (1984) and Professor (1986) of the Department of Physiology, Deputy Dean (1984-1987) and Dean (1988) of the School of Basic Medical Sciences, Dean of the School of Graduate Studies (1988-1997), Vice President (1988-1993) and President (1994-2000) of Shanghai Medical University. Since the merger of the Shanghai Medical University and Fudan University in April 2000, he resumed working at the Department of Physiology and Pathophysiology of Fudan University.
For years, Dr. Yao has been engaged in teaching and research. He was a contributor of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th editions and the Editor of the 5th and 6th editions of the textbook "Physiology" endorsed by the Ministry of Health. He participated in the compilation of the 2nd edition and was the Editor of the 3rd edition of "Human Physiology" (published in 2001 by the People"s Health Publishing House). Dr. Yao"s research interest is the physiology of autonomic nervous system, the neural and humoral regulation of cardiovascular and renal activities, and the mechanism of acupuncture therapy. With his research achievements, Dr. Yao was awarded several times the Science and Technology Progress Prize sponsored by the State Education Commission (Grade A Award in 1986, Grade B Award in 1995) and by the Ministry of Health (Grade B Award in 1989 and 1993), Grade A Award of Guang-Hua Science and Technology Prize (1995), and Chinese Universities" Science and Technology Prize (Grade B Award in 2000).
When Dr. Yao chaired the Department of Physiology, he led the faculty to strive for the improvement of teaching and research and the Department of Physiology was awarded the titles of Model Unit of Shanghai (1985) and National Advanced Unit in Education (1986), he himself was awarded the title of Model Worker by the Shanghai Municipal Government (1987) and May Day Medal by the All-China Federation of Trade Unions. In October 1997, Professor Tai Yao was conferred Honorary Doctorate by the University of Gothenburg at Gothenburg, Sweden.

Cao Yin Xiang, Male, Han nationality, born in January 1950, native of Shanghai, a member of Chinese Association for Physiology Sciences, was a senior technician. He was graduated from Shanghai First Medical College in Feb. 1982,majored in the specialty of basic medical technology. In 1985 he went to Japan Kohden Corporation to learn the electrical technology. From Aug. 1993 to Apr.1994 he visited the Chinese University of Hong Kong as a research scientist to do study on the image processing. He worked for the application of computer in the physiological field over a long period of time . Since 1982 he has designed some special machines and three kinds of bioelectric signals processing system. He has also written a number of software for assisted teaching and animal or human body experiments in physiology. He was one of the winners of Third-Rate Prize of Science and Technology awarded by the City Government of Shanghai in 1993. He also got a Chinese patent in 1995 and wined a Second-Rate Prize of Shanghai Science Invention in 1997. By now He has published more than 20 papers.


金惠铭(Jin Huiming, Hui-ming Jin)
   金惠铭,男,1938年7月24日生,上海市人。1955年到1957年在北京外语学院留苏预备部学习,1962年毕业于上海第一医学院医疗系,1962年至1965年为上海第一医学院病理生理学研究生,1965年毕业后留校在病理生理学教研室任教。1987-1989年在美国、加拿大访问工作。1993年在日本做访问学者,1998年赴澳大利亚、新西兰短期工作。1989年至今担任博士生导师,病理生理学教研室主任,中国病理生理学会副理事长,中国微循环学会副会长,卫生部教材评审委员会委员,中国微循环杂志副主编,中国病理生理杂志副主编,亚洲微循环联盟(AMU)执行理事,美国微血管研究(MVR)杂志编委,美国休克学会及国际休克联盟会员。近年来主要从事微循环、休克、纤维连接蛋白、肿瘤坏死因子、微血管内皮细胞、减肥及缺血性心血管疾病时的血管新生等课题的研究,在国内外杂志上发表中英文论文200余篇。主编专著"微循环与休克"、"细胞分子病理生理学"、"临床病理生理学"、"人体病理生理学"、卫生部规划教材"病理生理学"(第四、五、六版)及教育部十五国家重点规划教材"病理生理学"等。历年来共获国家部委级科研奖励4次,上海市级科研奖励3次。共培养硕士研究生12名,博士研究生5名。1992年获中国国务院"表彰为发展我国医疗卫生事业作出特殊贡献"而颁发的特殊津贴和证书。2000年在印度尼西亚万隆市因微循环研究上作出显著成绩而被授予亚洲微循环奖(Award of Asian Microcirculation)。2001年获上海市育才奖。
Jin Huimin (July 4, 1938-), male, was born in Shanghai. He attended the preparatory course for study in Russian during 1955 -1957 held in Beijing. He graduated from the Shanghai First Medical College (SFMC), Department of Medicine in 1962, received an M.D. certificate, studied for Ph.D.in the Department of Pathophysiology during 1962-1965 and began teaching in the same department thereafter. He worked as a visiting scholar in USA and Canada during 1987-1989, visited Japan in 1993 and worked in Australia and New Zealand in 1998. Since 1989 he has been appointed as Ph.D. tutor, Chairman and Professor of the Pathophysiolody Department in SFMC, vice president of the Chinese Pathophysiology Society, vice Chairman of the Chinese Microcirculation Society, member of the Textbook Evaluation Committee of the National Health Ministry, co-editor of the Chinese Microcirculation Journal, co-editor of the Chinese Journal of Pathophysiology, executive director of the Asian Microcirculation Union, co-editor of the international journal “Microvascular Research”, member of American Shock Society and International Shock Federation. His research work mainly concerns microcirculation, shock, fibronectin, tumor necrosis factor, microvascular endothelial cells , weight-reducing and angiogenesis in ischemic cadiovascular diseases. More than 200 papers were published in domestic or international medical journals. He edited the books “Microcirculation and Shock”, “Cellular and Molecular Pathophysiology”, “Clinical Pathophysiology”, “ Human Pathophysiology and is editor-in-chief of the 4th ,5th and 6th national textbook “Pathophysiology”. He directed 12 master degree students and 5 Ph.D. students. He received 4 national scientific awards and 3 municipal medical awards, received award and certificate from central government for extraordinary contribution to national medicine and health in 1992, award of Asian Microcirculation on February, 2000 in Bandung, Indonesia and award of “extraordinary tutor” in 2001.
殷莲华(Yin lianhua)
Head of Dept. of Physiology & Pathophysiology
138 Yi Xue Yuan Road, Shanghai 200032,P.R.China
1952年9月生于上海市,1977年毕业后留校在病理生理学教研室从事教学和研究,1992年获硕士学位,1995年12月-1998年1月期间在美国耶鲁大学医学院癌症中心做访问学者(Medical School of Yale University, Cancer Center)。2002年3月生理与病理生理学教研室合并建系后任该系主任。