

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-03

E-MAIL: zhyuan@shmu.edu.cn

慢性乙型肝炎治愈相关的基础和应用基础研究,重点研究内容包括乙型肝炎病毒与机体天然免疫系统的相互作用及机制,乙肝病毒ccc DNA的形成及调控机制,抑制或清除乙肝病毒表面抗原及ccc DNA的新策略等。
多年来以乙肝病毒与机体天然免疫(干扰素)相互作用及机制为重点,进行系列开创性研究,揭示乙肝表面抗原新的生物学功能;阐明病毒复制酶在病毒致病中的作用;提出IFN-α新的抑制HBV复制机制;找到与干扰素初期疗效相关mi RNA分子,为选择合适患者进行干扰素个体化治疗、提高疗效和研制新型抗病毒药物提供了实验依据;同时从事新发传染病病原监测的研究, 与有关部门联手,确定新型重配H7N9病毒,为疫情防控提供了重要依据。2010年以来在Nat Immunol, Hepatology、JV,JI等国际刊物发表50余篇SCI收录论文。
2017 国家科学技术进步特等奖
2016 中华预防医学会科学技术奖一等奖
2015 教育部自然科学奖一等奖
2015 中华医学科技奖一等奖
2013 中华预防医学会科学技术奖一等奖 
2012 教育部自然科学奖一等奖
2010 上海市医学科技奖三等奖
2009 教育部自然科学奖二等奖
2005 上海市科学技术进步奖三等奖
2005 上海医学科技奖SARS医学研究专题奖
2004 中华医学科技奖一等奖
2004 上海医学科技奖三等奖
2001 教育部中国高校技术发明奖一等奖
2012-2017 科技部高等级病原微生物实验室生物安全审查委员会委员
2014-2016 中华医学会医学病毒学分会第八届委员会主任委员
2006-2011 中国微生物学会病毒学分会副主任委员
2001-今 中国微生物学会理事
2000-今 上海市医学会理事
2015-2018 编委,临床肝胆病杂志
2011-2014 副主编,Eerging Microbes Infections
2017-今 副主编,中华实验和临床病毒学杂志
受邀学术报告 (近5年国内大会报告、国际重要会议专题报告以上)
年份 报告题目 大会名称 地点
2013 HBV and Innate Immunity 23rd Conference of the Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver(APASL) 新加坡
2013 慢性HBV感染与天然免疫 上海感染病高峰论坛暨第二届华山感染论坛 上海
2014 HBV感染与天然免疫的研究现状 中华医学会2014年全国病毒感染与器官功能衰竭学术会议 北京
2014 Drug resistance and pathogenesis of H7N9 virus 国际临床和转化医学论坛 上海
2014 流感病毒变异及致病机理 华东肺部感染学术会议 上海
2014 New insights into the interaction between HBV and interferon 第十七届中国—诺华小型高层学术研讨会 成都
2014 Innate Immune response: more important in Chronic Hepatitis B? The Second Central China International Forum on Liver Disease and Infection 武汉
2014 慢性乙肝病毒感染的免疫致病机理的新进展 广州 APASL Single Topic Conference:4th HBV conference 广州
2015 Control of emerging infectious diseases. Sino-Germany Workshop on Infectious Diseases 德国柏林
2015 天然免疫在慢性乙肝发病机制中的作用 乙肝治疗基础与临床国际研讨会暨首届感染病与肝病论坛 上海
2015 Control of emerging infectious diseases. Sino-Germany Workshop on Infectious Diseases 德国柏林
2015 Novel mechanism of chronic infections of HBV: role of HBsAg The 11th Annual Meeting of Chinese Socety for Virology and the 6th Wuhan International Symposium on Modern Virology 武汉
2016 Mapping the intra-hepatic dutibution of Hepatitis B Virus in Chronic Hepatitis B Virus infection 26th Annual Meeting of the Society Virology 德国耶拿
2016 外泌体与病毒 2016外泌体与病毒研讨会:从实验室到临床 上海
2016 干扰素与乙肝病毒的关系 Science of HBV cure 新加坡
2016 乙肝病毒cccDNA研究进展 全国重大传染病防控高峰论坛 北京
2016 乙肝病毒cccDNA研究进展 全国重大传染病防控高峰论坛 北京
2016 外泌体与乙肝病毒感染 中华医学会第十四次全国感染病学学术会议 青岛
2016 天然免疫在 HBV感染持续中的作用 2016年首届京沪病毒学论坛 上海
2016 外泌体与病毒感染 第四届全国病毒感染与器官功能衰竭学术会议 重庆
2017 Interferon and HBV cure,old soldier,but new develoopment Singapore Hepatology Conference and the Best of EASL (SHC-EASL) 2017 新加坡
2017 Anti-HBV Toward to a Function Cure 第六届中国小核酸技术与应用学术会议(RNAi China 2017) 昆山
2018 慢性乙肝临床治愈研究进展 2018感染病与肝病卓越研究年度论坛(LIFILD) 上海
2018 Management of HBV cccDNA: New Cell Model, Detection, Epigenetic Regulation and Implications for Development of Novel Antiviral Strategies 2018 Forum on Advancements in Immunology Research (FAIR) 上海
2018 乙肝病毒cccDNA及控制清除策略 第五届全国病毒感染与器官功能衰竭学术会议 杭州

1.陈捷亮 李建华 张小楠 邬敏 施碧胜 方钟 袁正宏,乙型肝炎病毒与Ⅰ型干扰素系统相互作用。复旦学报(医学版)2017, Vol. 44 Issue (06): 793-798
2.Jin Li, Xiaonan Zhang, Liang Chen, Zhanqing Zhang, Jiming Zhang, Weixia Wang, Min Wu, Bisheng Shi, Xinxin Zhang, Maya Kozlowski, Yunwen Hu & Zhenghong Yuan*. Circulating miR-210 and miR-22 combined with ALT predict the virological response to interferonalpha therapy of CHB patients. Scientific Reports 2017
3.Shen F, Li Y, Yang Wang, Sozzi V, Revill PA, Liu J, Gao L, Yang G, Lu M, Sutter K, Dittmer U, Chen J*, Yuan Z*. Hepatitis B Virus Sensitivity to Interferon-α in Hepatocytes is More Associated with Cellular Interferon Response than with Viral Genotype Hepatology. 2017 Oct 23. doi: 10.1002/hep.29609
4.Yi Z, Yuan Z*. Hepatitis C Virus-Associated Cancers. Adv Exp Med Biol, 2017, 1018:129-146. Review paper.
5.Jia X, Chen J, Megger DA, Zhang X, Kozlowski M, Zhang L, Fang Z, Li J, Chu Q, Wu M, Li Y, Sitek B, Yuan Z*. Label-free Proteomic Analysis of Exosomes Derived from Inducible Hepatitis B Virus-Replicating HepAD38 Cell Line.Mol Cell Proteomics. 2017 Feb 27. pii: mcp.M116.063503. doi: 10.1074/mcp.M116.063503.
6.Zhang W, Chen J, Wu M, Zhang X, Zhang M, Yue L, Li Y, Liu J, Li B, Shen F, Wang Y, Bai L, Protzer U, Levrero M, Yuan Z*. PRMT5 Restricts Hepatitis B Virus Replication via Epigenetic Repression of cccDNA Transcription and Interference with pgRNA Encapsidation.Hepatology. 2017 Feb 25. doi: 10.1002/hep.29133
7.Cuncun Chen, Min Wu, Wen Zhang, Wei Lu, Min Zhang, Zhanqing Zhang, Xiaonan Zhang & Zhenghong Yuan* MicroRNA-939 restricts Hepatitis B virus by targeting Jmjd3-mediated and C/EBPα-coordinated chromatin remodeling. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2016 Oct 25;6:35974. doi: 10.1038/srep35974.
8.Zhigang Yi,a Caiyun Fang,b Jingyi Zou,a Jun Xu,a Wuhui Song,a Xiaoting Du,a Tingting Pan,a Haojie Lu,b Zhenghong Yuan* Affinity Purification of the Hepatitis C Virus Replicase Identifies Valosin-Containing Protein, a Member of the ATPases Associated with Diverse Cellular Activities Family, as an Active Virus Replication Modulator. Journal of Virology.2016 Oct 14;90(21): 9953-9966.
9.Xiaoting Du, Tingting Pan, Jun Xu, Yang Zhang,Wuhui Song,Zhigang Yi* and Zhenghong Yuan*. Hepatitis C virus replicative double-stranded RNA is a potent interferon inducer that triggers interferon production through MDA5 Journal of General Virology (2016), 97(11):2868-2882
10.In-situ analysis of intrahepatic virological events in chronic HBV infection. Xiaonan Zhang, Wei Lu, Ye Zheng, Weixia Wang, Lu Bai, Liang Chen, Yanling Feng, Zhanqing Zhang, Zhenghong Yuan*. J Clin Invest, 2016 Mar 1;126(3):1079-92. doi: 10.1172/JCI83339.
11.A Pilot Study of MicroRNAs Expression Profile in Serum and HBsAg Particles: Predictors of Therapeutic Vaccine Efficacy in Chronic Hepatitis B Patients. Wang W, Li J, Zhang X, Wen Y, Wang XY, Yuan Z*. Medicine (Baltimore). 2016 Jan;95(2):e2511. doi: 10.1097/MD.2511.
12.Chen J, Wu M, Wang F, Zhang W, Wang W, Zhang X, Zhang J, Liu Y, Liu Y, Feng Y, Zheng Y, Hu Y, Yuan Z*. Hepatitis B virus spliced variants are associated with an impaired response to interferon therapy. Sci Rep (2015). 2015 Nov 20;5:16459. doi: 10.1038/srep16459.
13.Fang, Z., Li, J., Yu, X., Zhang, D., Ren, G., Shi, B., Wang, C., Kosinska, A. D., Wang, S., Zhou, X., Kozlowski, M., Hu, Y.,Yuan, Z. *. Polarization of Monocytic Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells by Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Is Mediated via ERK/IL-6/STAT3 Signaling Feedback and Restrains the Activation of T Cells in Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection. J Immunol, doi:10.4049/jimmunol.** (2015).
14.Zhigang Yi, Jieliang Chen, Maya Kozlowski and Zhenghong Yuan*. Innate detection of hepatitis B and C virus and viral inhibition of the response. Cellular Microbiology doi:10.1111/ cmi .12489.
15.Jieliang Chen, MinWu, Kuancheng Liu, Wen Zhang, Yaming Li,Xiaohui Zhou, Lu Bai and Zhenghong Yuan∗ New insights into hepatitis B virus biology and implications for novel antiviral strategies National Science Review 2: 296–313, 2015 doi: 10.1093 /nsr/ nwv044.
16.Yinghui Liu, Jianhua Li, Jieliang Chen, Yaming Li, Weixia Wang, Xiaoting Du, Wuhui Song, Wen Zhang, Li Lin and Zhenghong Yuan*. Hepatitis B virus polymerase disrupts K63-linked ubiquitination of STING to block innate cytosolic DNA-sensing pathways. Journal of Virology. 2015 Feb 15;89(4):2287-300. doi: 10.1128/JVI.02760-14.
17.Yu X, Zhang D, Shi B, Ren G, Peng X, Fang Z, Kozlowski M, Zhou X, Zhang X, Wu M, Wang C, Yuan Z*. Oral administered particulate yeast-derived glucan promotes hepatitis B virus clearance in a hydrodynamic injection mouse model.. PLoS One. 2015 Apr 9;10(4):e**. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.**. eCollection 2015.
18.Zhang X, Zhang Z, Dai F, Shi B, Chen L, Zhang X, Zang G, Zhang J, Chen X, Qian F, Hu Y, Yuan Z*.Comparison of circulating, hepatocyte specific messenger RNA and microRNA as biomarkers for chronic hepatitis B and C.PLoS One. 2014 Mar 18;9(3):e92112. doi: 10.1371.
19.Chen J, Yuan Z*.Interplay between hepatitis B virus and the innate immune responses: implications for new therapeutic strategies..Virol Sin. 2014 Feb;29(1):17-24. doi: 10.1007/s12250-014-3412-3.
20.Chen, J., W. Zhang, J. Lin, F. Wang, M. Wu, C. Chen, Y. Zheng, X. Peng, J. Li, and Z. Yuan*. An efficient antiviral strategy for targeting hepatitis B virus genome using Transcription Activator-Like Effector Nucleases. Mol Ther. 2014 Feb;22(2):303-11. doi: 10.1038/mt.2013.212.
21.Song, W. H., M. M. Liu, D. W. Zhong, Y. L. Zhu, M. Bosscher, L. Zhou, D. Y. Ye*, and Z. H. Yuan*. 2013. Tetrazole and triazole as bioisosteres of carboxylic acid: discovery of diketo tetrazoles and diketo triazoles as anti-HCV agents. Bioorg Med Chem Lett 23:4528-31.
22.Li, J., K. Liu, Y. Liu, Y. Xu, F. Zhang, H. Yang, J. Liu, T. Pan, J. Chen, M. Wu, X. Zhou, and Z. Yuan*. 2013. Exosomes mediate the cell-to-cell transmission of IFN-alpha-induced antiviral activity. Nat Immunol 14:793-803.
23.Hu, Y., S. Lu, Z. Song, W. Wang, P. Hao, J. Li, X. Zhang, H. L. Yen, B. Shi, T. Li, W. Guan, L. Xu, Y. Liu, S. Wang, D. Tian, Z. Zhu, J. He, K. Huang, H. Chen, L. Zheng, X. Li, J. Ping, B. Kang, X. Xi, L. Zha, Y. Li, Z. Zhang, M. Peiris*, and Z. Yuan*. 2013. Association between adverse clinical outcome in human disease caused by novel influenza A H7N9 virus and sustained viral shedding and emergence of antiviral resistance. Lancet 381:2273-9.
24.Gao, R., B. Cao, Y. Hu, Z. Feng, D. Wang, W. Hu, J. Chen, Z. Jie, H. Qiu, K. Xu, X. Xu, H. Lu, W. Zhu, Z. Gao, N. Xiang, Y. Shen, Z. He, Y. Gu, Z. Zhang, Y. Yang, X. Zhao, L. Zhou, X. Li, S. Zou, Y. Zhang, L. Yang, J. Guo, J. Dong, Q. Li, L. Dong, Y. Zhu, T. Bai, S. Wang, P. Hao, W. Yang, J. Han, H. Yu, D. Li, G. F. Gao, G. Wu, Y. Wang, Z. Yuan*, and Y. Shu*. 2013. Human infection with a novel avian-origin influenza A (H7N9) virus. N Engl J Med 368:1888-97.
25.Wang, S., Z. Chen, C. Hu, F. Qian, Y. Cheng, M. Wu, B. Shi, J. Chen, Y. Hu, and Z. Yuan*. 2013. Hepatitis B virus surface antigen selectively inhibits TLR2 ligand-induced IL-12 production in monocytes/macrophages by interfering with JNK activation. J Immunol 190:5142-51.
26.Zhang, X., Z. Song, B. Qin, L. Chen, Y. Hu*, and Z. Yuan*. 2013. Rupintrivir is a promising candidate for treating severe cases of enterovirus-71 infection: evaluation of antiviral efficacy in a murine infection model. Antiviral Res 97:264-9.
27.Revill, P.*, and Z. Yuan*. 2013. New insights into how HBV manipulates the innate immune response to establish acute and persistent infection. Antivir Ther 18:1-15.
28.Chen, J., M. Wu, X. Zhang, W. Zhang, Z. Zhang, L. Chen, J. He, Y. Zheng, C. Chen, F. Wang, Y. Hu, X. Zhou, C. Wang, Y. Xu, M. Lu, and Z. Yuan*. 2013. Hepatitis B virus polymerase impairs interferon-alpha-induced STA T activation through inhibition of importin-alpha5 and protein kinase C-delta. Hepatology 57:470-82.
29.Bisheng Shi, Guangxu Ren, Yunwen Hu, Sen Wang, Zhanqing Zhang, Zhenghong Yuan*HBsAg Inhibits IFN-a Production in PlasmacytoidDendritic Cells through TNF-a and IL-10 Induction inMonocytes. PLOS ONE. September 2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 9 | e44900
30.Qi-Ying Chen , Ying-Hui Liu ,Jian-Hua Li , Ze-Kun Wang , Jiang-Xia Liu , Zhenghong Yuan* DNA-dependent activator of Interferon-regulatory factors inhibits Hepatitis B virus replication. World J Gastroenterol. 2012 June 14; 18(22): 2850-2858
31.Xiaonan Zhang, Cuncun Chen, Min Wu, Liang Chen, Jiming Zhang, Xinxin Zhang ,Zhanqin Zhang, Jingdi Wu, Jiefei Wang, Xiaorong Chen, Tao Huang,Lixiang Chen, Zhenghong Yuan*Plasma microRNA profile as a predictor of early virological response to interferon treatment in chronic hepatitis B patients. Antiviral Therapy.2012.;17(7):1243-53
32.Shanshan Wang, Xianfang Wu,Tingting Pan, Wuhui Song, YaohuiWang, Fei Zhang, Zhenghong Yuan*.Viperin inhibits Hepatitis C Virus replication 3 by interfering with thebinding of NS5A to host protein h VAP-33. Journal of General Virology Virology(2012), 93, 83–92.
33. Zekun Wang, Jinjing Ni, Jianhua Li, Bisheng Shi, Yang Xu, and Zhenghong Yuan*. Inhibition of hepatitis B virus replication by cIAP2 involves accelerating the ubiquitin-proteasome-mediated destruction of polymerase. J. Virol. published 24 August 2011, 10.1128/JVI.00879-11
34.Yaohui Wang, Yuchan Wang, Yan Xu, Wenyan Tong, TingTing Pan, Jianhua Li, Shuhui Sun, Junjie Shao, Huanping Ding, Zhenghong Yuan*Hepatitis C virus NS5B delays S-phase progression in humanhepatocyte-derived cells by relocalizing the cyclin-dependent kinase2-interacting protein (CINP), JBC.2011 286: 26603-26615.
35.Zhigang Yi, Tingting Pan, Xianfang Wu, Wuhui Song Shanshan Wang, Yan Xu,Charles M. Rice, Margaret R. MacDonald,* and Zhenghong Yuan1* Hepatitis C Virus Co-Opts Ras-GTPase-Activating Protein-Binding Protein 1 for Its enomeReplication JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY.July 2011, p. 6996–7004
36.Jianhua Li, Yinghui Liu, Zekun Wang, Kuancheng Liu, Yaohui Wang,Jiangxia Liu,Huanping Ding, and Zhenghong Yuan*Subversion of Cellular Autophagy Machinery by Hepatitis B Virus for Viral Envelopment JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY, July 2011, p. 6319–6333
37.Jianhua Li, Shanshan Lin, Qiying Chen, Lu Peng, Jianwei Zhai Yinghui Liu Zhenghong Yuan * Inhibition of hepatitis Bvirus replication by MyD88 involves accelerated degradation of pregenomic RNA and nuclear retention of preS/S RNAs. Journal of Virology, July 2010, p.6387–6399
38.Lu Peng, Dongyu Liang, Wenyan Tong, Jianhua Li, and Zhenghong Yuan*HCV NS5A Activates the Mammalian Target of Rapamycin (mTOR) Pathway and Contributes to Cell Survival by Disrupting the Interaction between FK506-binding Protein 38 (FKBP38) and mTOR. THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY.July2,2010.285,NO.27,pp. 20870–20881
39.Shiyan Yu,Jieliang Chen, Min Wu, Hui Chenand Yuan Z*Hepatitis B virus polymerase inhibits RIG-I- andToll-like receptor 3-mediated interferon-b inductionin human hepatocytes through interference withinterferon regulatory factor 3 activation anddampening of the interaction between TBK1/IKKeand DDX3. Journal of General Virology (2010), 91, 2080-2090
40.Zhang L, Peng X, Zhang Z, Feng Y, Jia X, Shi Y, Yang H, Zhang Z, Zhang X, Liu L, Yin L, Yuan Z*Subcellular proteome analysis unraveled annexin A2 related to immune liver fibrosis.JCell Biochem. 2010 Mar 11. 110:219–228
41.Bian G, Cheng Y, Wang Z, Hu Y, Zhang X, Wu M, Chen Z, Shi B, Sun S, Shen Y, Chen EJ, Yao X, Wen Y, Yuan Z*Whole recombinant Hansenula polymorpha expressing hepatitis B virus surface antigen (yeast-HBsAg) induces potent HBsAg-specific Th1 and Th2 immune responses..Vaccine. 2010 Dec 10;28(1):187-94
42.Xiao-Nan Zhang, Zhi-Gang Song, Ting Jiang, Bi-Sheng Shi, Yun-Wen Hu, Zheng-Hong Yuan*.Rupintrivir is a promising candidate for treating severe cases of Enterovirus-71 infection. World J Gastroenterol 2010 January 14; 16(2): 201-209
43.Yongfen Xu, Yunwen Hu, Bisheng Shi, Xiaonan Zhang, JiefeiWang, Zhanqing Zhang,Fang Shen, Qin Zhang, Shuhui Sun, Zhenghong Yuan*HBsAg inhibits TLR9-mediated activation and IFN-α production in plasmacytoid dendritic cells..Molecular Immunology 46 (2009) 2640–2646
44.Xuelian Yu, Bisheng Shi, Yan Gong, Xiaonan Zhang, Silan Shen, Fangxing Qi, Shimin Gu, Yunwen Hu, Zhenghong Yuan*A random PCR screening system for the identification of type 1 human herpessimplex virus Journal of Virological Methods 161 (2009) 91–97
45.Yu XL, Cheng YM, Shi BS, Qian FX, Wang FB, Liu XN, Yang HY, Xu QN, Qi TK, Zha LJ, Yuan ZH*, Ghildyal R.Measles virus infection in adults induces production of IL-10 and is associated with increased CD4+ CD25+ regulatory T cells. J Immunology, 2008,181:7356-7366.
46.Zhiao Chen, Yuming Cheng, Yongfen Xu, Jing Liao, Xiaonan Zhang, Yunwen Hu, Qin Zhang, JiefeiWang,FangShen,ZhenghongYuan*Expression profiles and function of Toll-like receptors 2 and 4 in peripheral blood mononuclearcells of chronic hepatitis B patients..Clinical Immunology,2008.128(3):400-8
47.Zhang X, Hu Y, Yuan Z*Computational analyses of JAK1 kinase domain: subtle changes in the catalytic cleft influence inhibitor specificity. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2008 May 23;370(1):72-6.
48.Shanshan Lin, Min Wu, Yang Xu, Wei Xiong, Zhigang Yi , Xiaonan Zhang, Yuan Zhenghong*Inhibition of Hepatitis B virus replication by MyD88 is mediated by nuclear factor-kappaB activation. BBA-Molecular Basis of Disease. 1772 (2007) 1150–1157
49.Min Wu, Yang Xu, Shanshan Lin, Xiaonan Zhang, Li Xiang, and Zhenghong Yuan*HBV polymerase inhibits the interferon-inducible MyD88 promoter by blocking nuclear translocation of Stat1.Journal of General Virology 2007 Dec;88(Pt 12):3260-9.
50.X. Yu, F. Qian, Y. Sheng, Q. Huang, Y. Zhang, Z. Yuan*, R. Ghildyal. Clinical and genetic characterization of measles viruses isolated from adult patients in Shanghai in 2006. J Clin Virol. 2007 Oct;40(2):146-151.
51.Zhigang Yi, Caiyun Fang, Tingting Pan, Pengyuan Yang, Zhenghong Yuan*. Subproteomic study of hepatitisCvirus replicon reveals Ras-GTPase-activating protein binding protein 1 as potential HCV RC component. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications,2006: 350: 174–178
52.Xiao-Nan Zhang, Jiang-Xia Liu, Yun-Wen Hu, Hui Chen, Zheng-Hong Yuan*Hyper-activated IRF-1 and STAT1 contribute to enhanced Interferon stimulated gene (ISG) expression by Interferon α and γ co-treatment in human hepatoma cells..Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1759 (2006) 417–425
53.Wang J, Tong W, Zhang X, Chen L, Yi Z, Pan T, Hu Y, Xiang L, Yuan Z*.Hepatitis C virus non-structural protein NS5A interacts with FKBP38 and inhibits apoptosis in Huh7 hepatoma cells. FEBS Lett. 2006 Aug 7;580(18):4392-400
54.Tingting P, Caiyun F, Zhigang Y, Pengyuan Y, Zhenghong Y*.Subproteomic analysis of the cellular proteins associated with the 3' untranslated region of the hepatitis C Virus genome in human liver cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2006; 347(3): 683-91.
55.Caiyun Fang, Zhigang Yi, Feng Liu, Shuiyun Lan, Jiadong Wang, Haojie Lu, Pengyuan Yang and Zhenghong Yuan*. Proteome analysis of human liver carcinoma Huh7 cells harboring hepatitis C virus subgenomic replicon. Proteomics.2006, 6(2):519-27
56.Wang Z, Xiang L, Shao J, Yuan Z*.The 3' CCACCA sequence of tRNAAla(UGC) is the motif that is important in inducing Th1-like immune response, and this motif can be recognized by Toll-like receptor 3. Clin Vaccine Immunol. 2006 Jul;13(7):733-9.
57.Liu X, Shao J, Xiong W, Yu S, Hu Y, Liu J, Wang X, Xiang L, Yuan Z*.Cellular cIAP2 gene expression associated with anti-HBV activity of TNF-alpha in hepatoblastoma cells. J Interferon Cytokine Res. 2005 Oct;25(10):617-26
58.Liu L, Zhou X, Liu H, Xiang L, Yuan Z*. CpG motif acts as a 'danger signal' and provides a T helper type 1-biased microenvironment for DNA vaccination. Immunology. 2005 Jun;115(2):223-30.
59.Wang H, Shen XT, Ye R, Lan SY, Xiang L, Yuan ZH*Roles of the polypyrimidine tract and 3' noncoding region of hepatitis C virus RNA in the internal ribosome entry site-mediated translation. Arch Virol. 2005 Jun;150(6):1085-99.
60.Gene expression profiles in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of SARS patients. Yu SY, Hu YW, Liu XY, Xiong W, Zhou ZT, Yuan ZH*. World J Gastroenterol. 2005 Aug 28;11(32):5037-43.
61.Zhang XN, Xiong W, Wang JD, Hu YW, Xiang L, Yuan ZH*.siRNA-mediated inhibition of HBV replication and expression. World J Gastroenterol. 2004;10(20):2967-71
62.Wang X, Yuan ZH*, Zheng LJ, Yu F, Xiong W, Liu JX, Hu GX, Li Y Gene expression profiles in an hepatitis B virus transfected hepatoblastoma cell line and differentially regulated gene expression by interferon-alpha.. World J Gastroenterol. 2004 Jun 15;10(12):1740-5.
63.Wei Xiong, Xun Wang, Xiaoying Liu, Li Xiang, Lingjie Zheng, Zhenghong Yuan*. Interferon-inducible MyD88 Protein Inhibits Hepatitis B Virus Replication. Virology 2004, 319:2 :306-314.
64.Xiong W, Wang X, Liu XY, Xiang L, Zheng LJ, Liu JX, Yuan ZH. *Analysis of Gene Expression in Hepatitis B Virus Transfected Cell Line Induced by Interferon. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin. 2003, 35 :12:1053-1060.
65.Ling Liu, Xiaohui Zhou, Zhengong Yuan* Toll-like receptor-9 induced by physical trauma mediates release of cytokines following exposure to CpG motif in mouse skin. Immunology. 2003:110:341-347
66.Shuiyun Lan, Hua Wang, Hong Jiang, Hongxia Mao, Xiaoying Liu, Xiaonan Zhang,Yunwen Hu, Li Xiang, Zhenghong Yuan*.Direct interaction between a-actinin and Hepatitis C virus NS5B. FEBS Letters. 2003,554:3:289-294
67.Zhou X, Zheng L, Liu L, Xiang L, Yuan Z*.Th2 immunity to HBsAg primed by gene gun DNA vaccination can be shifted towards Th1 immunity by co-delivery of CpG motifs-containing ODN. Scandinavian Journal of Immunology. 2003, 58:350-357
68.Hong-Xia Mao, Shui-Yun Lan, Yun-Wen Hu, Li Xiang, Zheng-Hong Yuan*.Establishment of a cell-based assay system for hepatitis C virus serine protease and its primary applications. World Gastroenterol.2003, 9:11:2474-2479
1.乙肝表面抗原-抗体复合物在制备对乙肝疫苗无应答或低应答预防制品中的用途。 专利号:4.9
2.一种控制乙肝型肝炎病毒持续性感染的疫苗。 专利号:ZL3.X
3.NADH脱氢酶黄素蛋白2在制备检测药物中的应用。 专利号:2.1
4.一种预测干扰素治疗慢性乙型肝炎疗效的miRNA谱及检测试剂盒。 专利号:5.8

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