

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-09-26

职务: 院长
所在单位: 交通运输与物流学院
学历: 博士研究生毕业
办公地点: 成都市高新西区西南交通大学交通运输与物流学院
联系方式: 通信地址:成都市高新西区西南交通大学交通运输与物流学院电子邮箱:xiaobo.liu@swjtu.cn
职称: 教授
电子邮箱: xiaobo.liu@swjtu.cn
主要任职: 西南交通大学交通运输与物流学院院长
毕业院校: 新泽西理工学院

刘晓波博士, 现任西南交通大学交通运输与物流学院院长。1996年和1999年获得西南交通大学交通运输专业学士与硕士学位,2004年获得新泽西理工学院交通博士学位。2004至2014年在JACOBS ENGINEERING GROUP(世界500 强企业)从事科研工作,2015年在西南交通大学交通运输和物流学院工作。
2003年被授予美国George Krambles交通基金奖;2004年获得Institute of Transportation Engineers美国交通工程师协会the Most Outstanding Student Paper award(ITE Metropolitan Section of NY&NJ);2006年作为主研获得美国新泽西工程企业理事会颁发的 “Award for Engineering Excellence”;2018年获得美国科学院交通研究委员会 “Stella Dafermos Best Paper Award”;2019年获得中国交通运输协会“优秀智慧物流信息平台应用案例”奖。


 新泽西理工学院 | 交通运输工程 |  博士学位 | 博士研究生毕业 
 西南交通大学 | 交通运输规划与管理  硕士研究生毕业 
 西南交通大学 | 铁道运输  大学本科毕业 

 西南交通大学  2015年归国在西南交通大学交通运输和物流学院工作 


一: 智能网联自动驾驶交通系统协同管控技术主持项目:刘晓波 面上基金 (混合交通环境下无人驾驶车最优换道策略和路径规划问题研究)郑芳芳 面上基金 (考虑通行能力可靠度和系统稳定性的分散式和路网边界混合控制模型与方法)郑芳芳 青年基金 (考虑行程时间可靠度的城市干道信号控制优化方法研究)曹鹏 青年基金 (基于智能汽车环境感知的交通流全车微观轨迹重构研究)杨鸿泰 青年基金 (考虑成本与效益的需求响应式接驳公交服务设计方法研究)二:智慧物流资源共享与优化配置技术主持项目:刘晓波 国家重点研发计划(智慧物流管理与智能服务关键技术)课题2刘晓波 海外联合基金(基于O2O平台的公路货运资源优化配置的策略研究)刘晓波 美国能源基金会项目(中国货运能源消耗特性分析及政策建议)何娟 面上基金(基于金融新科技的供应链金融机制设计与风险管理)何娟 面上基金(考虑物流企业金融属性的供应链金融风险监管研究)何娟 青年基金(基于多方交易行为分析的供应链金融集成风险管理研究)甘蜜 青年基金(考虑交通拥堵与低碳经济均衡的内陆港物流网络设计问题研究)胡路 青年基金 (动态随机环境下电动汽车共享系统配置与运营联合决策优化)三:新型交通网络建模技术与方法主持项目:蒋阳升 面上基金(考虑火灾动态影响的地铁车站疏散设施系统配置优化理论与方法)蒋阳升 青年基金(考虑稳定性的城市轨道交通车站乘客服务设施系统配置优化理论与方法—基于排队网络视角)马剑 面上基金(有限理性人群拥挤致灾机制与管控方法研究)谢军 面上基金 (考虑多种方式衔接的公交分配模型与算法研究)谢军 青年基金 (基于特定拓扑结构的交通分配算法分析与设计方法)傅志坚 青年基金 (中高密度区间集群效应对行人流基本图的影响研究)孙湛博 青年基金 (混合均衡行为下考虑空气污染暴露的交通诱导理论与方法研究)刘涛 青年基金 (求响应式公交系统车辆调度问题的交互式优化方法研究)


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职务: 院长
所在单位: 交通运输与物流学院
学历: 博士研究生毕业
办公地点: 成都市高新西区西南交通大学交通运输与物流学院
联系方式: 通信地址:成都市高新西区西南交通大学交通运输与物流学院电子邮箱:xiaobo.liu@swjtu.cn
职称: 教授
电子邮箱: xiaobo.liu@swjtu.cn
主要任职: 西南交通大学交通运输与物流学院院长
毕业院校: 新泽西理工学院

当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究

科研项目 <1、智慧物流资源配置优化关键技术研究>

刘晓波博士主持的项目包括:国家重点研发计划“智慧物流管理与智能服务关键技术”课题2(移动互联环境下物流供需能力辨识、预测与匹配规划);国家自然基金委海外****合作项目:基于O2O平台的公路货运资源优化配置的策略研究;美国能源基金会项目: Preliminary investigation and Research on freight industry-中国货运产业油耗特征分析; 和沙特国王阿普杜拉石油研究中心与中国可持续交通中心项目: Estimation of China Roadway freight by big data-大数据分析中国道路货车特征。
团队基于货运O2O大数据基础平台搭建(1)短期货运供需及价格的深度学习预测,(2)大规模货运超路径优化系统,和(3)实时多模式分担联运系统相关模型的开发。研究目标是促进干线物流数据驱动的完整生态圈, 保障司机货主以及相应的物流服务实现无缝衔接、选择最有效率的货物运输路线、大幅降低空驶及寻货时间,提升整体物流效率。刘晓波博士受邀前往世界银行总部(华盛顿)、沙特国王能源研究中心(利雅得)等论坛做了相关成果的汇报。

团队将基于货运O2O大数据基础平台搭建(1)短期货运供需及价格的深度学习预测,(2)大规模货运超路径优化系统,和(3)实时多模式分担联运系统相关模型的开发。该研究将产生一系列原创性、前瞻性、应用性的高级别学术成果,又能够为货运平台数据化的服务提供支撑,建立起全方位的智能物流系统,使干线物流形成一个数据驱动的完整生态圈, 保障司机货主以及相应的物流服务实现无缝衔接、选择最有效率的货物运输路线、大幅降低空驶及寻货时间,从而将传统的物流行业运营模式彻底颠覆,极大地提升我国的整体物流效率。据测算,智能物流系统仅需为物流行业提升10%的运行效率,一年便可为全社会降低万亿以上的经济成本,带来不可估量的经济与社会价值。





传统的交通控制和优化依赖固定的检测器数据来源,其时空离散与低可靠性低的属性影响了交通状态估计与控制优化的准确性和可靠性。基于车联网技术提供的连续时空的车辆轨迹信息,刘晓波博士团队建立了交通状态估计及交通控制优化的一系列理论,包括:(1)基于车辆轨迹的随机拉格朗日交通流建模分析;(2)基于车联网数据的实时交通状态估计;(3)虑可靠性的交通信号控制优化等3个方面,都提出了原创性的模型和方法。团队成员主持了国家自然科学基金青目《考虑行程时间可靠度的城市干道信号控制优化方法研究》和面上项目《考虑通行能力可靠度和系统稳定性的分散式和路网边界混合控制模型与方法》, 成功地建立了随机拉格朗日交通流模型,并将该模型与数据融合和机器学习算法相结合;建立了考虑可靠性和准确性的实时交通状态估计方法和模型;提出了考虑行程时间可靠性的这一系列成果可以为当前包括滴滴出行在内的浮动车数据开展交通控制,提供可靠的理论支撑与巨大的商机。

为了保证海量交通大数据对交通管理的决策依据,团队提出通过研究大型交通网络的拓扑结构作为切入点来设计高效的交通网络分配算法, 解决大规模交通网络高效分配问题的算法方法。团队成员主持了国家自然科学基金青年项目《基于特定拓扑结构的交通分配算法分析与设计方法》,国家博士后国际交流计划派出项目《基于自动驾驶汽车的需求响应公交系统》等,解决了几个关键技术:(1)从挖掘和研究构成交通分配算法的特定拓扑结构入手,建立分配问题与拓扑结构之间的等价关系;(2)分析特定拓扑结构在交通分配算法设计过程中承担的作用,总结优秀算法设计过程中存在的规律性特点;(3)解析不同拓扑结构,或者同一拓扑结构的不同运用方法对交通分配算法收敛特性的影响机理;(4)通过对特定拓扑结构的合理运用为切入点探索现有算法的改进方法和新算法的设计方法;(5)总结基于特定拓扑结构的交通分配算法分析与设计方法体系。这一系列成果将提高现有交通分配算法的计算精度,速度和可靠性,为大规模交通网络的规划、设计和管理提供快速准确的解决方案。该解决方案应用到网约车出行管理,即可把运输网络公司(Transportation Network Companies, TNC)预约接驳服务,与公共交通(Public Transit, PT)网络构建为一体化的多模式需求响应公交系统。对于实现二者优势互补的一体化发展,构建新型高效的多模式出行方式提供理论与应用的工具。

<Research Projects>

1. PI,Key technology for Intelligent Logistics Management and Smart Service – Ministry of Science and Technology (2018YFB**)(国家重点研发计划“智慧物流管理与智能服务关键技术”课题2(2018YFB**):移动互联环境下物流供需能力辨识、预测与匹配规划)
2. PI, 四川省青年科技创新研究团队项目(智慧交通与智慧物流大数据理论方法与应用技术),2019JDTD0002
3. PI, Preliminary investigation and Research on freight industry——Energy Foundation, 2017 (中国货运产业油耗特征分析-美国能源基金会,2017)
4. PI, Estimation of China Roadway freight by big data--------- King Abdullah petroleum studies and Research center(Kapsarc) and China Sustainable Transportation Center (大数据分析中国道路货车特征,沙特国王阿普杜拉石油研究中心与中国可持续交通中心,2017)
5. Co-PI, O2O-based Freight Transportation Platform: Strategies for Optimal Resource Allocation (基于O2O平台的公路货运资源优化配置的策略研究,NSFC 2017, project number **)
6. PI, Rail Signal Control Simulation System, China Electronics Technology Group Corporation,(中国电子科技集团公司第十研究所项目:专用信号控制系统测试仿真系统,2017)
7. PI, Optimal Dispatching Technology for Intelligent Logistics System (智能物流匹配关键技术开发, 贵阳货车帮科技有限公司,2017)
8. PI, Investigation of optimal lane-changing and route planning for autonomous vehicles under mixed traffic environment (混合交通环境下无人驾驶车最优换道策略和路径规划问题研究,NSFC 2016, project number **)
9. PI, Urban Tram Design Manual for Sichuan Province, (四川省城市有轨电车建设技术导则,四川省住房建设厅2016)
10. PI, Next generation of rail transit system signal control system based on connected vehicle technology, Sichuan Province Department of Technology,(基于车联网技术的下一代智能交通服务系统的开发,四川省科技厅project number: 2015GFW0041)
11. PI, Development of shared right of way for mixed BRT and regular traffic,Central government university research fund, **ZD09(混合路权轨道系统开发)

<Consulting Projects>

1. New York City Truck Route Management and Community Impact Reduction Study
2. Freight Terminal Operations
3. Transit Ridership Forecasting in Central Florida
4. Land Development and Transportation System Planning for Harrison

论文成果 <学术期刊论文(*通讯作者)>

刘晓波, 鲁工圆, 郑芳芳等. 自动驾驶交通系统的协同管控技术. 科学通报, 2019, 64: 1–1
You Kong, S. Levine, X. Liu* (2019) Optimal storage and loading zones within surface parking facilities for privately owned automated vehicle, IET Intelligent Transport Systems.
Mi Gan, Y. Nie*, X. Liu (2019) Whereabouts of truckers: An empirical study of predictability, Transportation Research Part C Emerging Technologies
Fangfang Zheng, L. Lu, X. Liu*(2019), Traffic oscillation using a stochastic lagrangian dynamics: Simulation and mitigation via control of autonomous vehicles, Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board.
Yue Su, X. Liu, W. Fan*(2019), Optimal design of bus routes for different vehicle types considering various driving regimes and environmental factors, Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board.
Gongyuan Lu, Y. Nie*, X. Liu, D. Li(2019), Trajectory-based traffic management inside an autonomous vehicle zone, Transportation Research Part B Methodological.
Xiaoqiang Zhang, L. Li, S. Levine, X. Liu (2018) An Integrated Pricing/Planning Strategy to Optimize Passenger Rail Service with Uncertain Demand, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems.
Cao Peng, Z. Xu, Q. Fan, X.Liu* (2018) Analysing Driving Efficiency of Mandatory Lane Change Decision for Autonomous Vehicles, IET Intelligent Transport Systems.
Xiaobo Liu, M. Huang, S. Chien, and H. Qu*(2018), Minimizing Metro Transfer Waiting Time with AFCS Data Using Simulated Annealing with Parallel Computing, Journal of Advanced Transportation.
Cao Peng, Q. Fan, X.Liu* (2018) Real-Time Detection of End-of-Queue Shockwaves on Freeways Using Probe Vehicles with Spacing Equipment, IET Intelligent Transport Systems.
Ruijie Li, X. Liu, Y. Nie* (2018) Managing partially automated network traffic flow Efficiency vs. stability, Transportation Research Part B Methodological.
You Kong, S. Levine, X.Liu* (2018) Capacity Impacts and Optimal Geometry of Automated Cars’ Surface Parking Facilities, Journal of Advanced Transportation.
Mi Gan, X.Liu*, S. Chen, Y Yan, D Li (2018) The identification of truck-related greenhouse gas emissions and critical impact factors in an urban logistics network, Journal of Cleaner Production.
Jun Xie, Y. Nie, X.Liu (2018) A Greedy Path-based Algorithm for Traffic Assignment. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board.
Xiaobo Liu, J. Lai, Y. Kong, S. Levine(2017), Protected turning-movements of non-cooperative automated vehicles:Geometrics, Trajectories, and Saturation Flow, Journal of Advanced Transportation.
Fangfang Zheng, J. Li, H.V. Zuylen, X Liu, H. Yang (2017), Urban travel time reliability at different traffic conditions, Journal of Intelligent transportation system.
Scott Levine, Y. Kong, X Liu, J Polak (2017), Vehicleautomation and freeway ‘pipeline’ capacity in the context of legal standards of care, Transportation.
Peitong Zhang, Z. Sun, X Liu* (2017), Optimized skip-stop metro line operation using smart card data, Journal of Advanced Transportation.
Fangfang Zheng, X Liu*, H.V. Zuylen, J. Li, and C. Lu (2017), Travel Time Reliability for Urban Networks: Modelling and Empirics, Journal of Advanced Transportation.
Jun Xie, Y. Nie*, X Liu (2017), Testing the proportionality condition with taxi trajectory data, Transportation Research Part B Methodological.
Fangfang Zheng*, HV. Zuylen, X. Liu (2017), A Methodological Framework of Travel Time Distribution Estimation for Urban Signalized Arterial Roads, Transportation Science.
Peng Cao, Y. Hu, T. Miwa,Y. Wakita,T. Morikawa, and X. Liu* (2017), An Optimal Mandatory Lane Change Decision Model for Autonomous Vehicles in Urban Arterials,Journal of Intelligent transportation system, page 1-14.
Hongtai Yang, CR. Cherry, R. Zaretzki, MS Ryerson, X. Liu*, Z. Fu, (2016) A GIS-based method to identify cost-effective routes for rural deviated fixed route transit, Journal of Advanced Transportation.
Fangfang Zheng, HV. Zuylen, X. Liu*, SL Vine, (2016) Reliability-Based Traffic Signal Control for Urban Arterial Roads, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Volume: 18 Issue: 3, page 1-13.
Hezhou Qu, S. Chien, X. Liu*, P. Zhang, (2016) Optimizing bus services with variable directional and temporal demand using genetic algorithm, Journal of Central South University, VOL. 23, NO. 7, 1786-1798.
Xiaobo Liu*, Y. Deng, SL Vine, (2016) Residential relocation in response to light rail transit investment: case study of the Hudson-Bergen Light Rail system, Journal of Modern Transportation, VOL.24, NO. 2, 139-144.
Scott Le Vine,X. Liu*, F. Zheng, J. Polak, (2016) Automated cars:Queue discharge at signalized intersections with Assured-Clear-Distance-Ahead’ driving strategies, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies,Volume 62, 35–54.
Xiaozheng He, H. Liu*,X. Liu, (2015) Optimal vehicle speed trajectory on a signalized arterial with consideration of queue,Transportation Research Part C:Emerging Technologies, Volume 61, 106–120.
Liuhui Zhao, S. Chien, J. Meegoda,X. Liu*, (2015) Cost-Benefit Analysis and Microclimate-Based Optimization of a RWIS Network, Journal of Infrastructure Systems, VOL. 22, NO. 2.
Liuhui Zhao, SI. Chien, X. Liu*, W Liu, (2015) Planning a road weather information system with GIS, Journal of Modern Transportation, VOL. 23, NO. 3, 176-188.
Jincheng Zhu, F Xiao*, X Liu, (2015) Taxis in road pricing zone: should they pay the congestion charge, Journal of Advanced Transportation, Vol. 49, NO. 1, 96-113.
Xiaobo Liu, SI. Chien, M Chen, (2014) An adaptive model for highway travel time prediction, Journal of Advanced Transportation, Vol. 48, NO. 6, 642-654.
Xiaobo Liu, S. Chien, J. Kim, (2012) Evaluation of Floating Car Technologies for Travel Time Estimation, Journal of Modern Transportation, VOL. 21, NO. 1, 49-56.
S Chien and X. Liu, (2012)An Investigation of Measurement for Travel Time Variability, Intelligent Transportation Systems, VOL. 35, NO. 19, 2236-2238.
M Chen, J. Yaw, S. Chien, X. Liu, (2007) Using Automatic Passenger Counter Data in Bus Arrival Time Prediction, Journal of Advanced Transportation,Vol.41, No.3, 267-283.
M Chen, X. Liu and J. Xia, (2005) Dynamic Prediction Method with Schedule Recovery Impact for Bus Arrival Time, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No.1923, 208-217.
M Chen and X. Liu, (2005) Using Neural Network to Analyze Passenger Activity and Its Impact on Bus Dwell Time and Travel Time, Journal of Transportation Research Forum, Vol. 44, No. 3, 131-141.
M Chen, X. Liu, J. Xia and S. Chien, (2004) A Dynamic Bus Arrival Time Prediction Model Based on APC Data, Journal of Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, VOL.19, NO.5, 364-376.
S Chien, X. Liu and K. Ozbay, (2003) Predicting Travel Times for the South Jersey Real-Time Motorist Information System, Journal of Transportation Research Board, VOL.1885, NO.1, 32-40.

研究领域 研究方向包括

专利 暂无内容
著作成果 More>> S Chien, X. Liu and K. Ozbay, (2003) Predicting Travel Times for the South Jersey Real-Time Motorist Information System, Journal of Transportation Research Board, VOL.1885, NO.1, 32-40.
M Chen, X. Liu, J. Xia and S. Chien, (2004) A Dynamic Bus Arrival Time Prediction Model Based on APC Data, Journal of Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, VOL.19, NO.5, 364-376.
M Chen and X. Liu, (2005) Using Neural Network to Analyze Passenger Activity and Its Impact on Bus Dwell Time and Travel Time, Journal of Transportation Research Forum, Vol. 44, No. 3, 131-141.
M Chen, X. Liu and J. Xia, (2005) Dynamic Prediction Method with Schedule Recovery Impact for Bus Arrival Time, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No.1923, 208-217.
M Chen, J. Yaw, S. Chien, X. Liu, (2007) Using Automatic Passenger Counter Data in Bus Arrival Time Prediction, Journal of Advanced Transportation,Vol.41, No.3, 267-283.
S Chien and X. Liu, (2012) An Investigation of Measurement for Travel Time Variability, Intelligent Transportation Systems, VOL. 35, NO. 19, 2236-2238.
Xiaobo Liu, S. Chien, J. Kim, (2012) Evaluation of Floating Car Technologies for Travel Time Estimation, Journal of Modern Transportation, VOL. 21, NO. 1, 49-56.
Xiaobo Liu, SI. Chien, M Chen, (2014) An adaptive model for highway travel time prediction, Journal of Advanced Transportation, Vol. 48, NO. 6, 642-654.
Jincheng Zhu, F Xiao*, X Liu, (2015) Taxis in road pricing zone: should they pay the congestion charge, Journal of Advanced Transportation, Vol. 49, NO. 1, 96-113.
Liuhui Zhao, SI. Chien, X. Liu*, W Liu, (2015) Planning a road weather information system with GIS, Journal of Modern Transportation, VOL. 23, NO. 3, 176-188.
Liuhui Zhao, S. Chien, J. Meegoda,X. Liu*, (2015) Cost-Benefit Analysis and Microclimate-Based Optimization of a RWIS Network, Journal of Infrastructure Systems, VOL. 22, NO. 2.
Xiaozheng He, H. Liu*, X. Liu, (2015) Optimal vehicle speed trajectory on a signalized arterial with consideration of queue, Transportation Research Part C:Emerging Technologies, Volume 61, 106–120.
Scott Le Vine, X. Liu*, F. Zheng, J. Polak, (2016) Automated cars:Queue discharge at signalized intersections with Assured-Clear-Distance-Ahead’ driving strategies, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies,Volume 62, 35–54.
Xiaobo Liu*, Y. Deng, SL Vine, (2016) Residential relocation in response to light rail transit investment: case study of the Hudson-Bergen Light Rail system, Journal of Modern Transportation, VOL.24, NO. 2, 139-144.
Hezhou Qu, S. Chien, X. Liu*, P. Zhang, (2016) Optimizing bus services with variable directional and temporal demand using genetic algorithm, Journal of Central South University, VOL. 23, NO. 7, 1786-1798.
Fangfang Zheng, HV. Zuylen, X. Liu*, SL Vine, (2016) Reliability-Based Traffic Signal Control for Urban Arterial Roads, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Volume: 18 Issue: 3, page 1-13.
Hongtai Yang, CR. Cherry, R. Zaretzki, MS Ryerson, X. Liu*, Z. Fu, (2016) A GIS-based method to identify cost-effective routes for rural deviated fixed route transit, Journal of Advanced Transportation.
Peng Cao, Y. Hu, T. Miwa,Y. Wakita,T. Morikawa, and X. Liu* (2017), An Optimal Mandatory Lane Change Decision Model for Autonomous Vehicles in Urban Arterials,Journal of Intelligent transportation system, page 1-14.
Fangfang Zheng*, HV. Zuylen, X. Liu (2017), A Methodological Framework of Travel Time Distribution Estimation for Urban Signalized Arterial Roads, Transportation Science.
Jun Xie, Y. Nie*, X Liu (2017), Testing the proportionality condition with taxi trajectory data, Transportation Research Part B Methodological.

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技术支持:信息化与网络管理处 您是第位访客

职务: 院长
所在单位: 交通运输与物流学院
学历: 博士研究生毕业
办公地点: 成都市高新西区西南交通大学交通运输与物流学院
联系方式: 通信地址:成都市高新西区西南交通大学交通运输与物流学院电子邮箱:xiaobo.liu@swjtu.cn
职称: 教授
电子邮箱: xiaobo.liu@swjtu.cn
主要任职: 西南交通大学交通运输与物流学院院长
毕业院校: 新泽西理工学院

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刘晓波博士主持的项目包括:国家重点研发计划“智慧物流管理与智能服务关键技术”课题2(移动互联环境下物流供需能力辨识、预测与匹配规划);国家自然基金委海外****合作项目:基于O2O平台的公路货运资源优化配置的策略研究;美国能源基金会项目: Preliminary investigation and Research on freight industry-中国货运产业油耗特征分析; 和沙特国王阿普杜拉石油研究中心与中国可持续交通中心项目: Estimation of China Roadway freight by big data-大数据分析中国道路货车特征。
团队基于货运O2O大数据基础平台搭建(1)短期货运供需及价格的深度学习预测,(2)大规模货运超路径优化系统,和(3)实时多模式分担联运系统相关模型的开发。研究目标是促进干线物流数据驱动的完整生态圈, 保障司机货主以及相应的物流服务实现无缝衔接、选择最有效率的货物运输路线、大幅降低空驶及寻货时间,提升整体物流效率。刘晓波博士受邀前往世界银行总部(华盛顿)、沙特国王能源研究中心(利雅得)等论坛做了相关成果的汇报。

团队将基于货运O2O大数据基础平台搭建(1)短期货运供需及价格的深度学习预测,(2)大规模货运超路径优化系统,和(3)实时多模式分担联运系统相关模型的开发。该研究将产生一系列原创性、前瞻性、应用性的高级别学术成果,又能够为货运平台数据化的服务提供支撑,建立起全方位的智能物流系统,使干线物流形成一个数据驱动的完整生态圈, 保障司机货主以及相应的物流服务实现无缝衔接、选择最有效率的货物运输路线、大幅降低空驶及寻货时间,从而将传统的物流行业运营模式彻底颠覆,极大地提升我国的整体物流效率。据测算,智能物流系统仅需为物流行业提升10%的运行效率,一年便可为全社会降低万亿以上的经济成本,带来不可估量的经济与社会价值。





传统的交通控制和优化依赖固定的检测器数据来源,其时空离散与低可靠性低的属性影响了交通状态估计与控制优化的准确性和可靠性。基于车联网技术提供的连续时空的车辆轨迹信息,刘晓波博士团队建立了交通状态估计及交通控制优化的一系列理论,包括:(1)基于车辆轨迹的随机拉格朗日交通流建模分析;(2)基于车联网数据的实时交通状态估计;(3)虑可靠性的交通信号控制优化等3个方面,都提出了原创性的模型和方法。团队成员主持了国家自然科学基金青目《考虑行程时间可靠度的城市干道信号控制优化方法研究》和面上项目《考虑通行能力可靠度和系统稳定性的分散式和路网边界混合控制模型与方法》, 成功地建立了随机拉格朗日交通流模型,并将该模型与数据融合和机器学习算法相结合;建立了考虑可靠性和准确性的实时交通状态估计方法和模型;提出了考虑行程时间可靠性的这一系列成果可以为当前包括滴滴出行在内的浮动车数据开展交通控制,提供可靠的理论支撑与巨大的商机。

为了保证海量交通大数据对交通管理的决策依据,团队提出通过研究大型交通网络的拓扑结构作为切入点来设计高效的交通网络分配算法, 解决大规模交通网络高效分配问题的算法方法。团队成员主持了国家自然科学基金青年项目《基于特定拓扑结构的交通分配算法分析与设计方法》,国家博士后国际交流计划派出项目《基于自动驾驶汽车的需求响应公交系统》等,解决了几个关键技术:(1)从挖掘和研究构成交通分配算法的特定拓扑结构入手,建立分配问题与拓扑结构之间的等价关系;(2)分析特定拓扑结构在交通分配算法设计过程中承担的作用,总结优秀算法设计过程中存在的规律性特点;(3)解析不同拓扑结构,或者同一拓扑结构的不同运用方法对交通分配算法收敛特性的影响机理;(4)通过对特定拓扑结构的合理运用为切入点探索现有算法的改进方法和新算法的设计方法;(5)总结基于特定拓扑结构的交通分配算法分析与设计方法体系。这一系列成果将提高现有交通分配算法的计算精度,速度和可靠性,为大规模交通网络的规划、设计和管理提供快速准确的解决方案。该解决方案应用到网约车出行管理,即可把运输网络公司(Transportation Network Companies, TNC)预约接驳服务,与公共交通(Public Transit, PT)网络构建为一体化的多模式需求响应公交系统。对于实现二者优势互补的一体化发展,构建新型高效的多模式出行方式提供理论与应用的工具。

<Research Projects>

1. PI,Key technology for Intelligent Logistics Management and Smart Service – Ministry of Science and Technology (2018YFB**)(国家重点研发计划“智慧物流管理与智能服务关键技术”课题2(2018YFB**):移动互联环境下物流供需能力辨识、预测与匹配规划)
2. PI, 四川省青年科技创新研究团队项目(智慧交通与智慧物流大数据理论方法与应用技术),2019JDTD0002
3. PI, Preliminary investigation and Research on freight industry——Energy Foundation, 2017 (中国货运产业油耗特征分析-美国能源基金会,2017)
4. PI, Estimation of China Roadway freight by big data--------- King Abdullah petroleum studies and Research center(Kapsarc) and China Sustainable Transportation Center (大数据分析中国道路货车特征,沙特国王阿普杜拉石油研究中心与中国可持续交通中心,2017)
5. Co-PI, O2O-based Freight Transportation Platform: Strategies for Optimal Resource Allocation (基于O2O平台的公路货运资源优化配置的策略研究,NSFC 2017, project number **)
6. PI, Rail Signal Control Simulation System, China Electronics Technology Group Corporation,(中国电子科技集团公司第十研究所项目:专用信号控制系统测试仿真系统,2017)
7. PI, Optimal Dispatching Technology for Intelligent Logistics System (智能物流匹配关键技术开发, 贵阳货车帮科技有限公司,2017)
8. PI, Investigation of optimal lane-changing and route planning for autonomous vehicles under mixed traffic environment (混合交通环境下无人驾驶车最优换道策略和路径规划问题研究,NSFC 2016, project number **)
9. PI, Urban Tram Design Manual for Sichuan Province, (四川省城市有轨电车建设技术导则,四川省住房建设厅2016)
10. PI, Next generation of rail transit system signal control system based on connected vehicle technology, Sichuan Province Department of Technology,(基于车联网技术的下一代智能交通服务系统的开发,四川省科技厅project number: 2015GFW0041)
11. PI, Development of shared right of way for mixed BRT and regular traffic,Central government university research fund, **ZD09(混合路权轨道系统开发)

<Consulting Projects>

1. New York City Truck Route Management and Community Impact Reduction Study
2. Freight Terminal Operations
3. Transit Ridership Forecasting in Central Florida
4. Land Development and Transportation System Planning for Harrison

Copyright ? 2019 西南交通大学. All Rights Reserved.蜀ICP备**号
技术支持:信息化与网络管理处 您是第位访客

职务: 院长
所在单位: 交通运输与物流学院
学历: 博士研究生毕业
办公地点: 成都市高新西区西南交通大学交通运输与物流学院
联系方式: 通信地址:成都市高新西区西南交通大学交通运输与物流学院电子邮箱:xiaobo.liu@swjtu.cn
职称: 教授
电子邮箱: xiaobo.liu@swjtu.cn
主要任职: 西南交通大学交通运输与物流学院院长
毕业院校: 新泽西理工学院

当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究 >> 论文成果


刘晓波, 鲁工圆, 郑芳芳等. 自动驾驶交通系统的协同管控技术. 科学通报, 2019, 64: 1–1
You Kong, S. Levine, X. Liu* (2019) Optimal storage and loading zones within surface parking facilities for privately owned automated vehicle, IET Intelligent Transport Systems.
Mi Gan, Y. Nie*, X. Liu (2019) Whereabouts of truckers: An empirical study of predictability, Transportation Research Part C Emerging Technologies
Fangfang Zheng, L. Lu, X. Liu*(2019), Traffic oscillation using a stochastic lagrangian dynamics: Simulation and mitigation via control of autonomous vehicles, Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board.
Yue Su, X. Liu, W. Fan*(2019), Optimal design of bus routes for different vehicle types considering various driving regimes and environmental factors, Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board.
Gongyuan Lu, Y. Nie*, X. Liu, D. Li(2019), Trajectory-based traffic management inside an autonomous vehicle zone, Transportation Research Part B Methodological.
Xiaoqiang Zhang, L. Li, S. Levine, X. Liu (2018) An Integrated Pricing/Planning Strategy to Optimize Passenger Rail Service with Uncertain Demand, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems.
Cao Peng, Z. Xu, Q. Fan, X.Liu* (2018) Analysing Driving Efficiency of Mandatory Lane Change Decision for Autonomous Vehicles, IET Intelligent Transport Systems.
Xiaobo Liu, M. Huang, S. Chien, and H. Qu*(2018), Minimizing Metro Transfer Waiting Time with AFCS Data Using Simulated Annealing with Parallel Computing, Journal of Advanced Transportation.
Cao Peng, Q. Fan, X.Liu* (2018) Real-Time Detection of End-of-Queue Shockwaves on Freeways Using Probe Vehicles with Spacing Equipment, IET Intelligent Transport Systems.
Ruijie Li, X. Liu, Y. Nie* (2018) Managing partially automated network traffic flow Efficiency vs. stability, Transportation Research Part B Methodological.
You Kong, S. Levine, X.Liu* (2018) Capacity Impacts and Optimal Geometry of Automated Cars’ Surface Parking Facilities, Journal of Advanced Transportation.
Mi Gan, X.Liu*, S. Chen, Y Yan, D Li (2018) The identification of truck-related greenhouse gas emissions and critical impact factors in an urban logistics network, Journal of Cleaner Production.
Jun Xie, Y. Nie, X.Liu (2018) A Greedy Path-based Algorithm for Traffic Assignment. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board.
Xiaobo Liu, J. Lai, Y. Kong, S. Levine(2017), Protected turning-movements of non-cooperative automated vehicles:Geometrics, Trajectories, and Saturation Flow, Journal of Advanced Transportation.
Fangfang Zheng, J. Li, H.V. Zuylen, X Liu, H. Yang (2017), Urban travel time reliability at different traffic conditions, Journal of Intelligent transportation system.
Scott Levine, Y. Kong, X Liu, J Polak (2017), Vehicleautomation and freeway ‘pipeline’ capacity in the context of legal standards of care, Transportation.
Peitong Zhang, Z. Sun, X Liu* (2017), Optimized skip-stop metro line operation using smart card data, Journal of Advanced Transportation.
Fangfang Zheng, X Liu*, H.V. Zuylen, J. Li, and C. Lu (2017), Travel Time Reliability for Urban Networks: Modelling and Empirics, Journal of Advanced Transportation.
Jun Xie, Y. Nie*, X Liu (2017), Testing the proportionality condition with taxi trajectory data, Transportation Research Part B Methodological.
Fangfang Zheng*, HV. Zuylen, X. Liu (2017), A Methodological Framework of Travel Time Distribution Estimation for Urban Signalized Arterial Roads, Transportation Science.
Peng Cao, Y. Hu, T. Miwa,Y. Wakita,T. Morikawa, and X. Liu* (2017), An Optimal Mandatory Lane Change Decision Model for Autonomous Vehicles in Urban Arterials,Journal of Intelligent transportation system, page 1-14.
Hongtai Yang, CR. Cherry, R. Zaretzki, MS Ryerson, X. Liu*, Z. Fu, (2016) A GIS-based method to identify cost-effective routes for rural deviated fixed route transit, Journal of Advanced Transportation.
Fangfang Zheng, HV. Zuylen, X. Liu*, SL Vine, (2016) Reliability-Based Traffic Signal Control for Urban Arterial Roads, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Volume: 18 Issue: 3, page 1-13.
Hezhou Qu, S. Chien, X. Liu*, P. Zhang, (2016) Optimizing bus services with variable directional and temporal demand using genetic algorithm, Journal of Central South University, VOL. 23, NO. 7, 1786-1798.
Xiaobo Liu*, Y. Deng, SL Vine, (2016) Residential relocation in response to light rail transit investment: case study of the Hudson-Bergen Light Rail system, Journal of Modern Transportation, VOL.24, NO. 2, 139-144.
Scott Le Vine,X. Liu*, F. Zheng, J. Polak, (2016) Automated cars:Queue discharge at signalized intersections with Assured-Clear-Distance-Ahead’ driving strategies, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies,Volume 62, 35–54.
Xiaozheng He, H. Liu*,X. Liu, (2015) Optimal vehicle speed trajectory on a signalized arterial with consideration of queue,Transportation Research Part C:Emerging Technologies, Volume 61, 106–120.
Liuhui Zhao, S. Chien, J. Meegoda,X. Liu*, (2015) Cost-Benefit Analysis and Microclimate-Based Optimization of a RWIS Network, Journal of Infrastructure Systems, VOL. 22, NO. 2.
Liuhui Zhao, SI. Chien, X. Liu*, W Liu, (2015) Planning a road weather information system with GIS, Journal of Modern Transportation, VOL. 23, NO. 3, 176-188.
Jincheng Zhu, F Xiao*, X Liu, (2015) Taxis in road pricing zone: should they pay the congestion charge, Journal of Advanced Transportation, Vol. 49, NO. 1, 96-113.
Xiaobo Liu, SI. Chien, M Chen, (2014) An adaptive model for highway travel time prediction, Journal of Advanced Transportation, Vol. 48, NO. 6, 642-654.
Xiaobo Liu, S. Chien, J. Kim, (2012) Evaluation of Floating Car Technologies for Travel Time Estimation, Journal of Modern Transportation, VOL. 21, NO. 1, 49-56.
S Chien and X. Liu, (2012)An Investigation of Measurement for Travel Time Variability, Intelligent Transportation Systems, VOL. 35, NO. 19, 2236-2238.
M Chen, J. Yaw, S. Chien, X. Liu, (2007) Using Automatic Passenger Counter Data in Bus Arrival Time Prediction, Journal of Advanced Transportation,Vol.41, No.3, 267-283.
M Chen, X. Liu and J. Xia, (2005) Dynamic Prediction Method with Schedule Recovery Impact for Bus Arrival Time, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No.1923, 208-217.
M Chen and X. Liu, (2005) Using Neural Network to Analyze Passenger Activity and Its Impact on Bus Dwell Time and Travel Time, Journal of Transportation Research Forum, Vol. 44, No. 3, 131-141.
M Chen, X. Liu, J. Xia and S. Chien, (2004) A Dynamic Bus Arrival Time Prediction Model Based on APC Data, Journal of Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, VOL.19, NO.5, 364-376.
S Chien, X. Liu and K. Ozbay, (2003) Predicting Travel Times for the South Jersey Real-Time Motorist Information System, Journal of Transportation Research Board, VOL.1885, NO.1, 32-40.

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技术支持:信息化与网络管理处 您是第位访客

职务: 院长
所在单位: 交通运输与物流学院
学历: 博士研究生毕业
办公地点: 成都市高新西区西南交通大学交通运输与物流学院
联系方式: 通信地址:成都市高新西区西南交通大学交通运输与物流学院电子邮箱:xiaobo.liu@swjtu.cn
职称: 教授
电子邮箱: xiaobo.liu@swjtu.cn
主要任职: 西南交通大学交通运输与物流学院院长
毕业院校: 新泽西理工学院

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Copyright ? 2019 西南交通大学. All Rights Reserved.蜀ICP备**号
技术支持:信息化与网络管理处 您是第位访客

职务: 院长
所在单位: 交通运输与物流学院
学历: 博士研究生毕业
办公地点: 成都市高新西区西南交通大学交通运输与物流学院
联系方式: 通信地址:成都市高新西区西南交通大学交通运输与物流学院电子邮箱:xiaobo.liu@swjtu.cn
职称: 教授
电子邮箱: xiaobo.liu@swjtu.cn
主要任职: 西南交通大学交通运输与物流学院院长
毕业院校: 新泽西理工学院

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Copyright ? 2019 西南交通大学. All Rights Reserved.蜀ICP备**号
技术支持:信息化与网络管理处 您是第位访客

职务: 院长
所在单位: 交通运输与物流学院
学历: 博士研究生毕业
办公地点: 成都市高新西区西南交通大学交通运输与物流学院
联系方式: 通信地址:成都市高新西区西南交通大学交通运输与物流学院电子邮箱:xiaobo.liu@swjtu.cn
职称: 教授
电子邮箱: xiaobo.liu@swjtu.cn
主要任职: 西南交通大学交通运输与物流学院院长
毕业院校: 新泽西理工学院

当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究 >> 著作成果

[1]S Chien, X. Liu and K. Ozbay, (2003) Predicting Travel Times for the South Jersey Real-Time Motorist Information System, Journal of Transportation Research Board, VOL.1885, NO.1, 32-40.
[2]M Chen, X. Liu, J. Xia and S. Chien, (2004) A Dynamic Bus Arrival Time Prediction Model Based on APC Data, Journal of Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, VOL.19, NO.5, 364-376.
[3]M Chen and X. Liu, (2005) Using Neural Network to Analyze Passenger Activity and Its Impact on Bus Dwell Time and Travel Time, Journal of Transportation Research Forum, Vol. 44, No. 3, 131-141.
[4]M Chen, X. Liu and J. Xia, (2005) Dynamic Prediction Method with Schedule Recovery Impact for Bus Arrival Time, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No.1923, 208-217.
[5]M Chen, J. Yaw, S. Chien, X. Liu, (2007) Using Automatic Passenger Counter Data in Bus Arrival Time Prediction, Journal of Advanced Transportation,Vol.41, No.3, 267-283.
[6]S Chien and X. Liu, (2012) An Investigation of Measurement for Travel Time Variability, Intelligent Transportation Systems, VOL. 35, NO. 19, 2236-2238.
[7]Xiaobo Liu, S. Chien, J. Kim, (2012) Evaluation of Floating Car Technologies for Travel Time Estimation, Journal of Modern Transportation, VOL. 21, NO. 1, 49-56.
[8]Xiaobo Liu, SI. Chien, M Chen, (2014) An adaptive model for highway travel time prediction, Journal of Advanced Transportation, Vol. 48, NO. 6, 642-654.
[9]Jincheng Zhu, F Xiao*, X Liu, (2015) Taxis in road pricing zone: should they pay the congestion charge, Journal of Advanced Transportation, Vol. 49, NO. 1, 96-113.
[10]Liuhui Zhao, SI. Chien, X. Liu*, W Liu, (2015) Planning a road weather information system with GIS, Journal of Modern Transportation, VOL. 23, NO. 3, 176-188.
[11]Liuhui Zhao, S. Chien, J. Meegoda,X. Liu*, (2015) Cost-Benefit Analysis and Microclimate-Based Optimization of a RWIS Network, Journal of Infrastructure Systems, VOL. 22, NO. 2.
[12]Xiaozheng He, H. Liu*, X. Liu, (2015) Optimal vehicle speed trajectory on a signalized arterial with consideration of queue, Transportation Research Part C:Emerging Technologies, Volume 61, 106–120.
[13]Scott Le Vine, X. Liu*, F. Zheng, J. Polak, (2016) Automated cars:Queue discharge at signalized intersections with Assured-Clear-Distance-Ahead’ driving strategies, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies,Volume 62, 35–54.
[14]Xiaobo Liu*, Y. Deng, SL Vine, (2016) Residential relocation in response to light rail transit investment: case study of the Hudson-Bergen Light Rail system, Journal of Modern Transportation, VOL.24, NO. 2, 139-144.
[15]Hezhou Qu, S. Chien, X. Liu*, P. Zhang, (2016) Optimizing bus services with variable directional and temporal demand using genetic algorithm, Journal of Central South University, VOL. 23, NO. 7, 1786-1798.
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职务: 院长
所在单位: 交通运输与物流学院
学历: 博士研究生毕业
办公地点: 成都市高新西区西南交通大学交通运输与物流学院
联系方式: 通信地址:成都市高新西区西南交通大学交通运输与物流学院电子邮箱:xiaobo.liu@swjtu.cn
职称: 教授
电子邮箱: xiaobo.liu@swjtu.cn
主要任职: 西南交通大学交通运输与物流学院院长
毕业院校: 新泽西理工学院

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教学资源 交通运输规划原理
授课信息 交通运输规划原理 /JTYSGHYL 教学成果 暂无内容

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技术支持:信息化与网络管理处 您是第位访客
相关话题/物流 西南交通大学