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国家重点研发计划项目(课题)-网络文化服务的语音/声纹识别和人物动作识别技术研究(2019YFB**, 2019-2022,190W),课题执行负责人。


Zhenche Xia, Zhenhua Tan (通讯),Yuling Zhang, Shaocheng Zhang,Yi Ma. A Novel Information Diffusion Model Inspired by Particle-Collision Dynamics for Online Social Networks, 2019 IEEE Intl Conf on Parallel & Distributed Processing with Applications, Big Data & Cloud Computing, Sustainable Computing & Communications, Social Computing & Networking (ISPA/BDCloud/SocialCom/SustainCom), Xiamen, Dec. 16-18, 2019. (CCF C类会议) Zhenhua TAN, Danke Wu, Liangliang He, Qiuyun Chang, Bin Zhang. SDP: An Improved Baseline Estimation Model based on Standard Deviation Proportion, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), Shanghai, JULY, 2019. (DOI:10.1109/ICME.2019.00013 CCF B类会议, BEST PAPER HONORABLE METION AWARD) Zhenhua TAN, Danke Wu, Tianhan Gao, Ilsun You#, Vishal Sharma. AIM: Activation Increment Minimization Strategy for Preventing Bad Information Diffusion in OSNs, Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol.94 (2019), pp.293–301. [DOI:10.1016/j.future.2018.11.038](SCI Q1,IF:5.768) Yin, H.; Mao, K.; Zhao, J.; Chang, H.; E, D.; Tan, Z. Heated Metal Mark Attribute Recognition Based on Compressed CNNs Model. Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 1955. Published: 13 May 2019. (SCI Q2, IF:2.217) Zhenhua TAN, Danke Wu, Guangming Yang, Bin Zhang. APMSID: Activated Probability for Multi-Source Information Diffusion in Online Social Networks, IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 64435-64449, 2018. [DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.**, PDF](SCI Q1,IF:4.098)Qiuyun Chang, Zhenhua TAN (通讯), Guangming Yang. Improve Predictive Accuracy by Identifying Collusions in P2P Recommender Systems. In: Hong R., Cheng WH., Yamasaki T., Wang M., Ngo CW. (eds) Advances in Multimedia Information Processing – the 19th Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM 2018). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11164. Springer, Cham. (CCF C类会议,PDF DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-00776-8_72)Liangliang He, Zhenhua TAN (通讯), Guibing Guo, Qiuyun Chang, Danke Wu. LFSF: Latent Factor-Based Similarity Framework and Its Application for Collaborative Recommendation. In: Hong R., Cheng WH., Yamasaki T., Wang M., Ngo CW. (eds) Advances in Multimedia Information Processing – the 19th Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM 2018). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11164. Springer, Cham. (CCF C类会议,PDF DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-00776-8_68)Danke Wu, Zhenhua Tan(通讯), Tianhan Gao, and Nan Guo. Activation Increment Minimization Strategy to limit bad information diffusion based on SIR Model, Mobisec 2018, Dube.Zhenhua Tan, Danke Wu,Hong Li, Tianhan Gao, and Nan Guo. Hierarchical Threshold Secret Image Sharing Scheme Based on Birkhoff Interpolation and Matrix Projection, Mobisec 2018, Dube. (Best Poster Paper Award)Keming Mao, Duo Lu, Dazhi E, Zhenhua Tan. A Case Study on Attribute Recognition of Heated Metal Mark Image Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. Sensors, 2018, 18(6), Article No.1871, pp.1-19. [DOI:10.3390/s**](SCI Q2,IF:2.475)Zhenhua TAN,Liangliang He. An Efficient Similarity Measure for User-based Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems Inspired by the Physical Resonance Principle, IEEE Access, 2017, Vol.5, Issue:1, 18pages, PP.27211-27228. [DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.**, PDF](WOS:0004**, SCI Q1,IF:3.557) 谭振华,时迎成,石楠翔,杨广明,王兴伟. 基于引力学的在线社交网络空间谣言传播分析模型, 计算机研究与发展, 54(11):2586-2599,2017. [PDF] TAN Zhenhua, Niu Yicong, Shi Nanxiang, Wang Xingwei, Guo Nan.MCTModel: A Multi-Clouds Trust Model Based on SLA in Cloud Computing, Journal of Computers of TaiWan (JOCTAIWAN),28(6):236-245,2017.[PDF] doi:10.3966/**. Guo, Guibing, Qiu Huihuai, Tan Zhenhua ,Liu Yuan, Ma Jing, Wang Xingwei. Resolving data sparsity by multi-type auxiliary implicit feedback for recommender systems, Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol.138 (2017), pp. 202-207. [DOI: 10.1016/j.knosys.2017.10.005] (SCI Q1, IF: 4.396) Zhenhua Tan,Jingyu Ning, Yuan Liu, Xingwei Wang, Guangming Yang, Wei Yang. ECRModel: an Elastic Collision-Based Rumor-Propagation Model in Online Social Networks, IEEE Access, 2016, 4(1):6105 - 6120, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2016.** (SCI Q1, IF: 3.244, WOS:008). [PDF] Zhenhua Tan,Yicong Niu, Yuan Liu, Guangming Yang. A Novel Trust Model Based on SLA and Behavior Evaluation for Clouds, the 14th annual International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust (PST),12-14 December, 2016, Auckland, New Zealand. (QUALIS B2类会议).[PDF] 谭振华,杨广明,王兴伟,程维,宁婧宇. 面向云存储的多维球面门限秘密共享方案.软件学报,2016,27(11):2912-2928. [Abstract][PDF] Zhenhua Tan, Liangliang He, Hong Li, Xingwei Wang. Rating Personalization Improves Accuracy: a Proportion-based Baseline Estimate Model for Collaborative Recommendation. Proc. of CollaborateCOM 2016, Beijing, Nov.12. IN: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST, Vol.201, pp.104-114, 2017. (CCF C类, Book Chapter PDF). Tan Zhenhua, Niu Yicong, Shi Nanxiang, Wang Xingwei,Guo Nan. A Novel Trust Model Based on SLA for Multiple Clouds, Proc. of MobiSec 2016, TaiWan. Zhenhua Tan, Xingwei Wang, Xueyi Wang. A Novel Iterative and Dynamic Trust Computing Model for Large Scaled P2P Networks, Mobile Information Systems, 12 pages, 2016. (SCI Q2, IF:1.462, WOS:001) Yang Guangming, Ning Jingyu, Tan Zhenhua(通讯). A New Dynamic Authentication Captcha Based on Negotiation Between Host and Mobile Terminal for Electronic Commerce. Proc. of 8th International Conference on Intelligent Computation Technology and Automation (ICICTA), Nanchang, China, IEEE Press, pp.49 - 52. (EI) Guangming Yang, Zhenhua Tan,Fanghua Geng, Tianhan Gao. A Novel Hybrid Algorithm Based on Hill Matrix and Haar Domain Sequence, 2016 10th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS), Japan, 6-8 July 2016, IEEE Press. (DOI: 10.1109/IMIS.2016.133). 王兴伟,李婕,谭振华,马连博,李福亮,黄敏. 面向“互联网+”的网络技术发展现状与未来趋势. 计算机研究与发展, 2016, 53(4): 729-741.(EI) Zhenhua Tan, Guangming Yang, Wei Cheng, Xingwei Wang. Distributed Secret Sharing Scheme Based on Personalized Spherical Coordinates Space, Computer Science and Information Systems, 10(3), pp.1269-1291, 2013. (SCI Q3(2013), IF:0.575,WOS017) [PDF] Zhenhua Tan, Liangyu Zhang, Guangming Yang. BPTrust: A Novel Trust Inference Probabilistic Model based on Balance Theory for Peer-to-Peer Networks, ELEKTRONIKA IR ELEKTROTECHNIKA, 18(10), pp.77-80, 2012. (SCI, WOS:0003**) Zhenhua Tan, Guangming Yang*, Wei Cheng. Distributed Trust Inference Model Based on Probability and Balance Theory for Peer-to-Peer systems, International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems, 5(4), pp.1063 – 1080, 2012. (EI) Xiaofeng Chen, Zhenhua Tan(通讯), Guangming Yang, Xiangshuai Yan. Chaotic Immune PSO Algorithm for Traveling Salesman Problem, Future Wireless Networks and Information Systems, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (Springer), Volume 143, pp.689-695. 2012. (EI)Guangming Yang, Shuang Li, Zhenhua Tan(通讯), Xiangshuai Yan, Xiaojun Hou. A New Multi-pattern Matching Algorithm Based on Frequently Used Group. proc. of the IEEE 12th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT), pp.981-984, oct. 2012.Guangming Yang, Liangyu Zhang, Zhenhua Tan(通讯), Hainan Yu, Shuang Li. A New Method of Trust Inference Based on Markov Model for Peer-to-Peer Network. proc. of the IEEE 12th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT), pp.349-354, oct. 2012. Xiaofeng Chen, Zhenhua Tan(通讯), Guangming Yang, Shuang Li. Chaotic Taboo Fish Algorithm for Traveling Salesman Problem, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (Springer), Volume 143, pp.697-704, 2012. (EI) Xiaofeng Chen, Zhenhua Tan(通讯), Guangming Yang, Wei Cheng. A Hybrid Algorithm to Solve Traveling Salesman Problem, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (Springer), Volume 139, pp.99-105, 2012. (EI) Zhenhua Tan, Guangming Yang, Zhiliang Zhu, Wei Cheng, Guiran Chang. A distributed certification method for peer-to-peer system based on biological information, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol. 176, 409-414, 2011. 谭振华,王兴伟,程维,常桂然,朱志良. 基于多维历史向量的P2P分布式信任评价模型,计算机学报,33(9),1725-1735,2010. (EI, Cited: 21)Zhenhua Tan, Guangming Yang, Zhiliang Zhu, Wei Cheng. K-BRiR: An efficient and self-organized routing mechanism for structured peer-to-peer service networks, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol. 113, 61-74, 2010.Jie Jia, Jian Chen, Guiran Chang, Zhenhua Tan. Energy efficient coverage control in wireless sensor networks based on multi-objective genetic algorithm, Computers & Mathematics with Applications,Volume 57, Issues 11–12, June 2009, Pages 1756–1766. (SCI Q1, WOS: 007, Cited: 113)……谭振华, 通信设备及方法, 2013年4月24(授权日), 中国(发明专利),ZL. 1.X.(已授权)Zhenhua Tan, COMMUNICATION DEVICES AND METHODS, 11/19/2013(授权日), 美国(发明专利),专利号:US**. (已授权-2013.11)Zhenhua Tan, NODE AUTHENTICATION, 11/10/2011(公开日), 美国(发明专利), 公开号:US**. (已授权-2014.6) Zhenhua Tan, PEER TO PEER SEARCH ROUTING ALGORITHM, 08/27/2013(授权日), 美国(发明专利),专利号:US**. (已授权-2013.8)
软件著作权:音频文件自定义滤波软件V1.0, 2016年5月20日, 原始取得, 全部权利, 2016SR230841.MDHT密钥分发软件[简称:MDHT]V1.0, 2016年5月20日, 原始取得, 全部权利, 2016SR230668基于综合影响力的新浪微博谣言传播分析软件V1.0, 2016年5月20日, 原始取得, 全部权利, 2016SR230683


国家自然科学基金项目(面上)-节点决策认知的在线社交信息扩散动力与有序传播机制研究(**,2018-2021,60W),负责人。 国家重点研发计划项目(课题)-网络文化服务的语音/声纹识别和人物动作识别技术研究(2019YFB**,2019-2022,190W),课题执行负责人。 下一代互联网技术创新项目(NGII)-面向IPv6的文本无关型声纹认证技术研究与应用(NGII**,2019.12-2020.12,10W),负责人。 国家自然科学基金项目(青年)-对等计算环境中多维认知与动态推理的分布式信任机制研究(**,2015-2017,24W),负责人。 辽宁省自然科学基金项目(面上)-面向云存储私密数据保护的分布式可验证门限秘密共享机制研究(,2016-2017,5W),负责人。 教育部中央高校基本科研业务费项目(重大项目)-某在线教育网络平台关键技术研究(N,50W),负责人。 中国博士后自然科学基金(结题)(内容:网络行为分析,信任计算),负责人。 教育部博士点基金项目(结题)(内容:信任建模),负责人。 教育部中央高校基本科研业务费项目种子基金项目(结题)(内容:信任推理),负责人。 企业项目:大型仪器设备共享服务管理与运行服务软件平台(内容:沈阳共智网,大数据开发,2016-2017,102W),负责人。


Prof. TAN Zhenhua, born in 1980, is a PhD Supervisor with Software College and Deputy Director of Informatization and Cyberspace Security Office of NEU. He received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees from Northeastern University, Shenyang, China, in 2003, 2006, and 2009, respectively, all in computer science. He is also of the High-level talent in Shenyang, first batch of Industrial Information Security Expert in Liaoning province, Young Expert on network security and Informatization in CAC of China, Professional Member of ACM, CCF, and IEEE. He has authored or coauthored over 50 publications in journals, conferences and book chapters. He holds over 3 US international patents (all granted). He was awarded the Best Paper of ICME 2019, Mobisec 2018, and the Outstanding Supervisor of Master's thesis in Liaoning province in 2019. His current research interests include cyberspace security, social network analysis, verification and identification technologies. He proposes the theory of non-constant probability information propagation, method of Multi-source network ecological evolution analysis, and Spherical cryptography for network information protection. He is funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Ministry of Education of China, Natural Science Foundation of Liaoning, and Industries, with more than 10 projects.

Publications (recently)
Zhenche Xia, Zhenhua Tan (通讯),Yuling Zhang, Shaocheng Zhang,Yi Ma. A Novel Information Diffusion Model Inspired by Particle-Collision Dynamics for Online Social Networks, 2019 IEEE Intl Conf on Parallel & Distributed Processing with Applications, Big Data & Cloud Computing, Sustainable Computing & Communications, Social Computing & Networking (ISPA/BDCloud/SocialCom/SustainCom), Xiamen, Dec. 16-18, 2019. (CCF C类会议) Zhenhua TAN, Danke Wu, Liangliang He, Qiuyun Chang, Bin Zhang. SDP: An Improved Baseline Estimation Model based on Standard Deviation Proportion, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), Shanghai, JULY, 2019. (DOI:10.1109/ICME.2019.00013 CCF B类会议, BEST PAPER HONORABLE METION AWARD) Zhenhua TAN, Danke Wu, Tianhan Gao, Ilsun You#, Vishal Sharma. AIM: Activation Increment Minimization Strategy for Preventing Bad Information Diffusion in OSNs, Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol.94 (2019), pp.293–301. [DOI:10.1016/j.future.2018.11.038](SCI Q1,IF:5.768) Yin, H.; Mao, K.; Zhao, J.; Chang, H.; E, D.; Tan, Z. Heated Metal Mark Attribute Recognition Based on Compressed CNNs Model. Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 1955. Published: 13 May 2019. (SCI Q2, IF:2.217) Zhenhua TAN, Danke Wu, Guangming Yang, Bin Zhang. APMSID: Activated Probability for Multi-Source Information Diffusion in Online Social Networks, IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 64435-64449, 2018. [DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.**, PDF](SCI Q1,IF:4.098)Qiuyun Chang, Zhenhua TAN (通讯), Guangming Yang. Improve Predictive Accuracy by Identifying Collusions in P2P Recommender Systems. In: Hong R., Cheng WH., Yamasaki T., Wang M., Ngo CW. (eds) Advances in Multimedia Information Processing – the 19th Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM 2018). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11164. Springer, Cham. (CCF C类会议,PDF DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-00776-8_72)Liangliang He, Zhenhua TAN (通讯), Guibing Guo, Qiuyun Chang, Danke Wu. LFSF: Latent Factor-Based Similarity Framework and Its Application for Collaborative Recommendation. In: Hong R., Cheng WH., Yamasaki T., Wang M., Ngo CW. (eds) Advances in Multimedia Information Processing – the 19th Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM 2018). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11164. Springer, Cham. (CCF C类会议,PDF DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-00776-8_68)Danke Wu, Zhenhua Tan(通讯), Tianhan Gao, and Nan Guo. Activation Increment Minimization Strategy to limit bad information diffusion based on SIR Model, Mobisec 2018, Dube.Zhenhua Tan, Danke Wu,Hong Li, Tianhan Gao, and Nan Guo. Hierarchical Threshold Secret Image Sharing Scheme Based on Birkhoff Interpolation and Matrix Projection, Mobisec 2018, Dube. (Best Poster Paper Award)Keming Mao, Duo Lu, Dazhi E, Zhenhua Tan. A Case Study on Attribute Recognition of Heated Metal Mark Image Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. Sensors, 2018, 18(6), Article No.1871, pp.1-19. [DOI:10.3390/s**](SCI Q2,IF:2.475)Zhenhua TAN,Liangliang He. An Efficient Similarity Measure for User-based Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems Inspired by the Physical Resonance Principle, IEEE Access, 2017, Vol.5, Issue:1, 18pages, PP.27211-27228. [DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.**, PDF](WOS:0004**, SCI Q1,IF:3.557) 谭振华,时迎成,石楠翔,杨广明,王兴伟. 基于引力学的在线社交网络空间谣言传播分析模型, 计算机研究与发展, 54(11):2586-2599,2017. [PDF] TAN Zhenhua, Niu Yicong, Shi Nanxiang, Wang Xingwei, Guo Nan.MCTModel: A Multi-Clouds Trust Model Based on SLA in Cloud Computing, Journal of Computers of TaiWan (JOCTAIWAN),28(6):236-245,2017.[PDF] doi:10.3966/**. Guo, Guibing, Qiu Huihuai, Tan Zhenhua ,Liu Yuan, Ma Jing, Wang Xingwei. Resolving data sparsity by multi-type auxiliary implicit feedback for recommender systems, Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol.138 (2017), pp. 202-207. [DOI: 10.1016/j.knosys.2017.10.005] (SCI Q1, IF: 4.396) Zhenhua Tan,Jingyu Ning, Yuan Liu, Xingwei Wang, Guangming Yang, Wei Yang. ECRModel: an Elastic Collision-Based Rumor-Propagation Model in Online Social Networks, IEEE Access, 2016, 4(1):6105 - 6120, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2016.** (SCI Q1, IF: 3.244, WOS:008). [PDF] Zhenhua Tan,Yicong Niu, Yuan Liu, Guangming Yang. A Novel Trust Model Based on SLA and Behavior Evaluation for Clouds, the 14th annual International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust (PST),12-14 December, 2016, Auckland, New Zealand. (QUALIS B2类会议).[PDF] 谭振华,杨广明,王兴伟,程维,宁婧宇. 面向云存储的多维球面门限秘密共享方案.软件学报,2016,27(11):2912-2928. [Abstract][PDF] Zhenhua Tan, Liangliang He, Hong Li, Xingwei Wang. Rating Personalization Improves Accuracy: a Proportion-based Baseline Estimate Model for Collaborative Recommendation. Proc. of CollaborateCOM 2016, Beijing, Nov.12. IN: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST, Vol.201, pp.104-114, 2017. (CCF C类, Book Chapter PDF). Tan Zhenhua, Niu Yicong, Shi Nanxiang, Wang Xingwei,Guo Nan. A Novel Trust Model Based on SLA for Multiple Clouds, Proc. of MobiSec 2016, TaiWan. Zhenhua Tan, Xingwei Wang, Xueyi Wang. A Novel Iterative and Dynamic Trust Computing Model for Large Scaled P2P Networks, Mobile Information Systems, 12 pages, 2016. (SCI Q2, IF:1.462, WOS:001) Yang Guangming, Ning Jingyu, Tan Zhenhua(通讯). A New Dynamic Authentication Captcha Based on Negotiation Between Host and Mobile Terminal for Electronic Commerce. Proc. of 8th International Conference on Intelligent Computation Technology and Automation (ICICTA), Nanchang, China, IEEE Press, pp.49 - 52. (EI) Guangming Yang, Zhenhua Tan,Fanghua Geng, Tianhan Gao. A Novel Hybrid Algorithm Based on Hill Matrix and Haar Domain Sequence, 2016 10th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS), Japan, 6-8 July 2016, IEEE Press. (DOI: 10.1109/IMIS.2016.133). 王兴伟,李婕,谭振华,马连博,李福亮,黄敏. 面向“互联网+”的网络技术发展现状与未来趋势. 计算机研究与发展, 2016, 53(4): 729-741.(EI) Zhenhua Tan, Guangming Yang, Wei Cheng, Xingwei Wang. Distributed Secret Sharing Scheme Based on Personalized Spherical Coordinates Space, Computer Science and Information Systems, 10(3), pp.1269-1291, 2013. (SCI Q3(2013), IF:0.575,WOS017) [PDF] Zhenhua Tan, Liangyu Zhang, Guangming Yang. BPTrust: A Novel Trust Inference Probabilistic Model based on Balance Theory for Peer-to-Peer Networks, ELEKTRONIKA IR ELEKTROTECHNIKA, 18(10), pp.77-80, 2012. (SCI, WOS:0003**) Zhenhua Tan, Guangming Yang*, Wei Cheng. Distributed Trust Inference Model Based on Probability and Balance Theory for Peer-to-Peer systems, International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems, 5(4), pp.1063 – 1080, 2012. (EI) Xiaofeng Chen, Zhenhua Tan(通讯), Guangming Yang, Xiangshuai Yan. Chaotic Immune PSO Algorithm for Traveling Salesman Problem, Future Wireless Networks and Information Systems, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (Springer), Volume 143, pp.689-695. 2012. (EI)Guangming Yang, Shuang Li, Zhenhua Tan(通讯), Xiangshuai Yan, Xiaojun Hou. A New Multi-pattern Matching Algorithm Based on Frequently Used Group. proc. of the IEEE 12th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT), pp.981-984, oct. 2012.Guangming Yang, Liangyu Zhang, Zhenhua Tan(通讯), Hainan Yu, Shuang Li. A New Method of Trust Inference Based on Markov Model for Peer-to-Peer Network. proc. of the IEEE 12th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT), pp.349-354, oct. 2012. Xiaofeng Chen, Zhenhua Tan(通讯), Guangming Yang, Shuang Li. Chaotic Taboo Fish Algorithm for Traveling Salesman Problem, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (Springer), Volume 143, pp.697-704, 2012. (EI) Xiaofeng Chen, Zhenhua Tan(通讯), Guangming Yang, Wei Cheng. A Hybrid Algorithm to Solve Traveling Salesman Problem, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (Springer), Volume 139, pp.99-105, 2012. (EI) Zhenhua Tan, Guangming Yang, Zhiliang Zhu, Wei Cheng, Guiran Chang. A distributed certification method for peer-to-peer system based on biological information, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol. 176, 409-414, 2011. 谭振华,王兴伟,程维,常桂然,朱志良. 基于多维历史向量的P2P分布式信任评价模型,计算机学报,33(9),1725-1735,2010. (EI, Cited: 21)Zhenhua Tan, Guangming Yang, Zhiliang Zhu, Wei Cheng. K-BRiR: An efficient and self-organized routing mechanism for structured peer-to-peer service networks, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol. 113, 61-74, 2010.Jie Jia, Jian Chen, Guiran Chang, Zhenhua Tan. Energy efficient coverage control in wireless sensor networks based on multi-objective genetic algorithm, Computers & Mathematics with Applications,Volume 57, Issues 11–12, June 2009, Pages 1756–1766. (SCI Q1, WOS: 007, Cited: 113)……

Patents (recently)
1. Zhenhua Tan, COMMUNICATION DEVICES AND METHODS, Granted date 11/19/2013 (US Patent)
2. Zhenhua Tan, NODE AUTHENTICATION, Granted date 13/6/2014 (US Patent)
3. Zhenhua Tan, Peer-to-peer search algorithm, Granted date 13/7/2013 (US Patent)

Contact info
If you are interested in security techs of distributed networks, and you are relatively well-trained in Math or Discrete Math, or you are good at C or C++ or C# or Java programming, or you have ever joined some scientific competitions, you are welcome to TAN's research team. Please attach your resume (1 page) while email to TAN .
--Email: tanzh@mail.neu.edu.cn (I will feed back to you the same day)
--Office-room(1): Room 433, IT Building, HunNan New Campus.

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