

本站小编 Free考研网/2020-03-22

姓名: 王洪峰
工作单位: 信息科学与工程学院智能系统工程研究所
职称: 教授/博士生导师
学历: 博士
出生年月: 1979.02
电话: 86-
电子邮箱: hfwang@mail.neu.edu.cn;wanghongfeng@ise.neu.edu.cn
个人主页: http://faculty.neu.edu.cn/ise/wanghongfeng





近年来,一直从事复杂系统建模与优化、进化计算、生产运作管理、物流与供应链优化等领域的研究工作。在Applied Soft Computing、Computer & Industrial Engineering、Enterprise Information Systems、IEEE学报、IEEE Systems Journal、Information Science、International Journal of System Sciences、Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing、Soft Computing、Natural Computing、自动化学报、控制理论与应用、系统工程学报、系统工程理论与实践等国内外权威/重要期刊上发表学术论文共计60多篇,其中,第一作者(或通讯作者)论文33篇,SCI检索26篇(JCR 1区和2区论文18篇)。作为项目负责人主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、博士后特别资助项目、中央直属高校基本科研业务费导向探索重点项目、留学回国基金项目、教育部新教师基金项目等国家和省部级项目10余项;作为核心成员参与国家自然科学基金国际重大合作项目、国家自然科学基金创新群体项目、国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目等多项。荣获香江学者奖、教育部自然科学二等奖、辽宁省自然科学学术成果一等奖、沈阳市科技进步二等奖、工控及自动化领域优秀论文奖以及辽宁省教学成果一等奖、东北大学教学成果一等奖等共计10多项。指导本科生参加大学生数学建模竞赛和全国大学生“挑战杯”竞赛,获得国际一等奖1次、二等奖3次和省二等奖1次。










2015.02-2017.01,香港大学,制造与系统工程系,研究员,合作教授:George Huang

2010.06-2010.09,香港理工大学,工业与系统工程系,副研究员,合作教授:Andrew Ip

2008.12-2009.11,韩国釜山国立大学,产业工程系,博士后研究员,合作教授:Ilkyeong Moon

2007.07-2007.08,香港理工大学,工业与系统工程系,助理研究员,合作教授:Andrew Ip



















[1]Hongfeng Wang, S. Yang. Evolutionary Computation for Dynamic Optimization Problems, in the series Studies in Computational Intelligence. Springer-Verlag, 2013.

[2]汪定伟, 王俊伟, 王洪峰, 张瑞友, 郭哲. 智能优化方法(研究生教材). 高等教育出版社, 2007.


[1]Hongfeng Wang, M. Huang, J.W. Wang. An effective metaheuristic algorithm for flowshop scheduling with deteriorating jobs. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2018, DOI: 10.1007/s10845-018-1425-8. (Q1, IF: 3.035)

[2]Y.P. Fu, Hongfeng Wang*, G.D. Tian, Z.W. Li, H.S. Hu. Two-agent stochastic flow shop deteriorating scheduling via a hybrid multi-objective evolutionary algorithm. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2018, DOI: 10.1007/s10845-017-1385-4. (Q1, IF: 3.035)

[3]Hongfeng Wang, Y.P. Fu, M. Huang, G.Q. Huang, J.W. Wang. A NSGA-II based memetic algorithm for multiobjective parallel flowshop scheduling problem. Computer & Industrial Engineering, 2017, 113: 185-194. (Q1, IF: 2.623)

[4]Hongfeng Wang, Y.P. Fu, M. Huang, G. Huang, J.W. Wang. A hybrid evolutionary algorithm with adaptive multi-population strategy for multi-objective optimization problems. Soft Computing, 2017, 21:5975-5987. (Q2, IF: 2.472)

[5]Y.P. Fu, Hongfeng Wang*, M. Huang, J.W. Wang. A decomposition based multiobjective genetic algorithm with adaptive multipopulation strategy for flowshop scheduling problem. Natural Computing, 2017, DOI: 10.1007/s11047-016-9602-1. (Q3, IF: 0.778)

[6]Y.P. Fu, Hongfeng Wang*, M. Huang, J.L. Ding, G.D. Tian. Multiobjective flow shop deteriorating scheduling problem via an adaptive multipopulation genetic algorithm. Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2017, DOI: 10.1177/1553. (Q4: IF: 1.366)

[7]Y.P. Fu, J.L. Ding, Hongfeng Wang, J.W. Wang. Two-objective stochastic flow-shop scheduling with deterioratingand learning effect in Industry 4.0-based manufacturing system. Applied Soft Computing, 2017, DOI: 10.1016/j.asoc.2017.12.009. (Q1, IF: 3.541)

[8]J.W. Wang, Hongfeng Wang, Y.M. Zhou, Y. Wang, W.J. Zhang. On an integrated approach to resilient transportation systems under emergency situations. Natural Computing, 2017, DOI: 10.1007/s11047-016-9605-y. (Q3, IF: 0.778)

[9]Hongfeng Wang, Y.P. Fu, M. Huang, J.W. Wang. Multiobjective optimisation design for enterprise system operation in the case of scheduling problem with deteriorating jobs. Enterprise Information Systems, 2016, 10(3): 268-285. (Q1, IF: 2.269)

[10]J.W. Wang, R.R. Muddada, Hongfeng Wang, J.L. Ding, Y.Z. Lin, C.L. Liu, W.J. Zhang. Towards a resilient holistic supply chain network system: concept, review and future direction. IEEE Systems Journal, 2016, 10(2): 410-421. (Q1, IF: 3.882)

[11]J.W. Wang, Hongfeng Wang, J.L. Ding, F. Furuta, T. Kanno, W.H. Ip, W.J. Zhang. On domain modelling of the service system with its application to enterprise information systems. Enterprise Information Systems, 2016, 10(1): 1-16. (Q1, IF: 2.269)

[12]J.L. Ding, T.Y. Chai, Hongfeng Wang, J.W. Wang, X.P. Zheng. An intelligent factory-wide optimal operation system for continuous production process. Enterprise Information Systems, 2016, 10(3): 286-302. (Q1, IF: 2.269)

[13]Y.M. Zhou, H.C. Huang, J.L. Ding, Hongfeng Wang, Y. Chen, J.W. Wang. Modelling chlorophyll a concentration affected by artificial upwelling in Qiangdao Lake. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 2016, 41(4): 960-969. (Q1, IF: 2.297)

[14]Y.P. Fu, Hongfeng Wang*, M. Huang. Locate multiple pareto optima using a species -based multi-objective genetic algorithm. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2014, 472: 128-137. (EI)

[15]J.W. Wang, Hongfeng Wang, W.J. Zhang, W.H. Ip, F. Furuta. On a unified definition of the service system: what is its identity? IEEE Systems Journal, 2014, 8(3): 821-826. (Q1, IF: 3.882)

[16]J.W. Wang, Hongfeng Wang, W.J. Zhang, W.H. Ip, F. Furuta. Evacuation planning based on the contraflow technique with consideration of evacuation priorities and traffic setup time. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2013, 14(1): 480-485. (Q1, IF: 3.724)

[17]J.W. Wang, Hongfeng Wang, W.H. Ip, K. Furuta. Predatory search strategy based on swarm intelligence for continuous optimization problems. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013, DOI: 10.1155/2013/749256. (Q4, IF: 0.802)

[18]Hongfeng Wang, I.K. Moon, S.X. Yang, D.W. Wang. A memetic particle swarm optimization algorithm for multimodal optimization problems. Information Sciences, 2012, 197: 38-52. (Q1, IF: 4.832)

[19]Hongfeng Wang, S.X. Yang, W.H. Ip, D.W. Wang. A memetic particle swarm optimisation algorithm for dynamic multi-modal optimisation problems. International Journal of Systems Science , 2012, 43(7): 1268-1283. (Q1, IF: 2.285)

[20]K. Kang, I.K. Moon, Hongfeng Wang. A hybrid genetic algorithm with a new packing strategy for the three-dimensional bin packing problem. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2012, 219: 1287-1299. (Q1, IF: 1.738)

[21]Hongfeng Wang, S.X. Yang, W.H. Ip, D.W. Wang. A particle swarm optimization based memetic algorithm for dynamic optimization problems. Natural Computing, 2010, 9: 703-725. (Q3, IF: 0.778)

[22]Hongfeng Wang, S.X. Yang, W.H. Ip, D.W. Wang. Adaptive primal-dual genetic algorithms in dynamic environments. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part B: Cybernetics, 2009, 39(6): 1348-1361. (Q1, IF: 6.22)

[23]Hongfeng Wang, D.W. Wang, S.X. Yang. A memetic algorithm with adaptive hill climbing strategy for dynamic optimization problems. Soft Computing, 2009, 13: 763-780. (Q2, IF: 2.472)

[24]C.H. Wu, D.Z. Wang, W.H. Ip, D.W. Wang, C.Y. Chan, Hongfeng Wang. A particle swarm optimization approach for components placement inspection on printed circuit boards. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2009, 20: 535-549. (Q1, IF: 3.035)

[25]Y. Yang, D.Z. Wang, D.W. Wang, W.H. Ip, Hongfeng Wang. Single machine group scheduling problems with the effects of deterioration and learning. ACTA Automatica Sinica, 2009, 35(10): 1290-1295. (EI)

[26]Hongfeng Wang, D.W. Wang, S.X. Yang. Triggered memory-based swarm optimization in dynamic environments. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2007, 4448: 637-646. (Q4, IF: 0.402)

[27]Hongfeng Wang, D.W. Wang. Three-island PSO memory enhanced in dynamic environment. Dynamics of Continuous Discrete and Impulsive Systems - Series B - Applications & Algorithms, 2006, 13: 16-20. (Q4, IF: 0.193)

[28]Hongfeng Wang, D.W. Wang. An improved primal-dual genetic algorithm for optimization in dynamic environments. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2006, 4234: 836-844. (Q4, IF: 0.402)

[29]付亚平, 王洪峰*, 黄敏, 王兴伟. 基于自适应多种群策略的混合多目标优化算法. 系统工程学报, 2017, 32(6): 738-748.

[30]王娜, 刘生, 王洪峰. 一种求解多目标旅行商问题的混合进化算法. 沈阳师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2017, 35(4): 425-429.

[31]付亚平, 王洪峰*, 黄敏, 王兴伟. 设备具有恶化特性的多目标流水车间调度模型与算法. 系统工程理论与实践, 2016, 36(11): 2941-2950. (EI)

[32]付亚平, 黄敏, 王洪峰*, 王兴伟. 面向多目标流水车间调度的多种群多目标遗传算法. 控制理论与应用, 2016, 33(10): 1281-1288. (EI)

[33]付亚平, 王洪峰*, 黄敏. 面向多目标优化问题的基于Species的遗传算法. 东北大学学报(自然科学版), 2016, 37(3): 314-318. (EI)

[34]黄敏, 付亚平, 王洪峰, 朱兵虎, 王兴伟. 设备带有恶化特性的作业车间调度模型与算法. 自动化学报, 2015, 41(3): 551-558. (EI)

[35]李浩渊, 王洪峰, 孙冬石. 集装箱预倒箱问题的多阶段遗传算法研究. 控制工程, 2015, 22(4): 700-704.

[36]付亚平, 黄敏, 王洪峰, 王兴伟. 混合并行机调度问题的多目标优化模型及算法. 控制理论与应用, 2014, 31(11): 1510-1516. (EI)

[37] 王洪峰, 张迁, 李小将. 基于Species 机制的多目标遗传算法. 东北大学学报(自然科学版), 2014, 35(4): 479-483. (EI)

[38] 王洪峰, 王娜, 汪定伟. 一种求解动态多峰优化问题的Memetic粒子群算法. 系统工程理论与实践, 2013, 33(6): 1577-1586. (EI)

[39]施永贵, 王洪峰*, 唐加福, 孙鸿睿, 王文婧. 多业务CDMA网络基站规划模型与算法研究. 系统仿真学报, 2013, 25(6): 1410-1414. (EI)

[40]薄桂华, 黄敏, 王洪峰. 4PL路径优化问题0-1规划模型与求解. 控制工程, 2013, 20(2): 239-243.

[41] 王洪峰, 王娜, 汪定伟, 黄敏. 一种求解多峰优化问题的改进Species粒子群算法. 系统工程学报, 2012, 27(6): 854-864.

[42]施永贵, 王洪峰*, 唐加福, 何晶晶. 多业务CDMA网络参数优化模型与算法. 信息与控制, 2012, 41(8): 499-504.

[43]施永贵, 王洪峰*, 唐加福, 马辉. 基于功率控制CDMA容量优化的应用. 控制工程, 2012, 19(3): 451-454.

[44]施永贵, 王洪峰*, 唐加福. 基于案例的CDMA网络故障管理决策支持系统. 东北大学学报(自然科学版), 2011, 32(7): 927-931. (EI)

[45]施永贵, 王洪峰, 唐加福, 王骥, 周平, 马辉. CDMA2000 1x EVDO网络接入性能优化分析. 通信技术, 2011, 44(5): 127-130.

[46] 王洪峰, 汪定伟, 黄敏. 求解动态优化问题的分叉PSO算法. 系统仿真学报, 2011, 22(12): 2895-2899. (EI)

[47] 王洪峰, 汪定伟, 黄敏. 动态环境中的Memetic算法. 控制理论与应用, 2010, 27(8): 1060-1068. (EI)

[48]闫杨, 王大志, 汪定伟, 王洪峰. 动态环境中的多智能体进化算法. 系统工程学报, 2010, 25(4): 547-553.

[49]刘黎黎, 汪定伟, 王洪峰. 求解0-1动态优化问题的双概率原对偶遗传算法. 系统工程学报, 2009, 24(5): 636-640.

[50]闫杨, 王大志, 汪定伟, 王洪峰. 求解动态背包问题的多智能体进化算法. 东北大学学报(自然科学版), 2009, 30(7): 948-951. (EI)

[51]闫杨, 汪定伟, 王大志, 王洪峰. 具有优先约束的单机随机排序问题. 数学的实践与认识, 2009, 39(5): 126-137.

[52]孙宪丽, 黄敏, 王洪峰, 王兴伟. 允许费用超支情况下的虚拟企业分布式风险管理. 信息与控制, 2009, 38(1): 81-86.

[53] 王洪峰, 汪定伟. 一种动态环境下带有记忆的三岛粒子群算法. 系统工程学报, 2008, 23(2): 252-256.

[54]闫杨, 王大志, 汪定伟, 王洪峰. 一类资源约束的单机成组调度问题. 控制理论与应用, 2008, 25(5): 901-904. (EI)

[55]闫杨, 王大志, 汪定伟, 王洪峰. 一类具有资源约束和恶化效应的单机成组排序问题. 控制与决策, 2008, 23(12): 1413-1417. (EI)

[56]王大志, 闫杨, 汪定伟, 王洪峰. 基于OpenMP 求解无容量设施选址问题的并行PSO算法. 东北大学学报(自然科学版), 2008, 29(12): 1861-1864. (EI)

[57] 王洪峰, 汪定伟, 杨圣祥. 动态环境中的进化算法. 控制与决策, 2007, 22(2): 127-132. (EI)

[58] 王洪峰, 汪定伟, 刘黎黎. 求解动态优化问题的改进原对偶遗传算法. 东北大学学报(自然科学版), 2007, 28(5): 639-642. (EI)

[59]袁媛, 汪定伟, 王洪峰. 基于案例推理的供水故障管理决策支持系统. 东北大学学报(自然科学版), 2007, 28(5): 635-638. (EI)

[60]王娜, 王洪峰. 多水源供水系统宏观管网模型及其求解方法. 沈阳师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2007, 25(4): 461-464.

[61] 王洪峰, 汪定伟, 张国祥. 多水源给水系统一级调度模型及其算法研究. 中国企业运筹学, 2006, 1: 17-21.

[62]邹广宇, 王洪峰, 汪定伟, 张国祥. 基于神经元网络模型的城市用水量预测. 信息与控制, 2004, 33(3): 364-368.

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[1]面向云医疗系统的资源协同优化配置与调度方法研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(No. **),负责人,2017.01-2020.12


[3]面向云医疗系统的运作管理理论与方法,中央高校基本科研业务费探索导向重点项目(No. N),负责人,2017.01-2019.12

[4]Hong Kong Scholar Project,香港大学,负责人,2015.02-2017.01

[5]基于行为的大型活动疏散管理中动态交通流分配研究,中央高校基本科研业务费培育种子基金项目(No. N),负责人,2014.01-2015.12


[7]动态多目标环境下粒子群优化算法的车辆路径优化决策方法研究,中央高校基本科研业务费培育种子基金项目(No. N),负责人,2012.01-2013.12

[8]基于进化计算的动态无线网络路由优化决策方法研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目(No. **),负责人,2011.01-2013.12(评估为“优”)

[9]先进运作管理中的建模、优化与决策分析的理论和方法,国家自然科学基金创新群体项目(No. **),骨干成员,2011.01-2016.12


[11]物联网环境下实时的车辆路径问题优化决策方法研究,中国博士后科学基金面上项目(No. ),负责人,2010.01-2011.12

[12]基于Memetic算法的动态车辆路径问题研究,中央高校基本科研业务费启动基金项目(No. N),负责人,2010.01-2011.12

[13]动态环境中的Memetic算法及其在生产调度中的应用,教育部博士点新教师基金项目(No. 3),负责人,2009.01-2010.12.

[14]面向DDM的第四方物流风险管理决策机制的研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(No. **),参加人,2011.01-2013.12

[15]Improved Evolutionary Algorithms with Primal-Dual Population for Dynamic Variation in Production Systems,香港理工大学研究基金项目,参加人,2011.06-2011.09

[16]the Ministry of Education, science, and Technology in Korea through the Second-Phase of Brain Korea 21 Project,韩国国家科学研究基金项目,参加人,2008.12-2009.11

[17]基于互联网的商务过程的建模与优化方法,国家自然科学基金重点项目(No. **),骨干成员,2005.01-2008.12




[3]A memetic particle swarm optimization algorithm for multimodal optimization problems,辽宁省自然科学学术成果一等奖,辽宁省自然科学学术成果奖评审委员会,2013

[4]Adaptive primal-dual genetic algorithms in dynamic environments,辽宁省自然科学学术成果一等奖,辽宁省自然科学学术成果奖评审委员会,2010

[5]A memetic algorithm with adaptive hill climbing strategy for dynamic optimization problems,辽宁省自然科学学术成果二等奖,辽宁省自然科学学术成果奖评审委员会,2010




















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Hongfeng Wang is now a Professor in the College of Information Science and Engineering, Northeastern University, China. He worked as a visiting scholar at the Department of Manufacturing and Systems Engineering, The University of Hong Kong from February 2015 to January 2017, as a visit associate at the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University from June 2010 to September 2010, and as a postdoctoral visitor at the Department of Industrial Engineering, Pusan National University, South Korea from December 2008 to November 2009.

He received the BSc degree in Industrial Engineering from the School of Business Administration, Northeastern University, China in July 2001, and the MSc and PhD degrees in Systems Engineering from the College of Information Science and Engineering, Northeastern University, China in March 2004 and March 2007 (PhD thesis: “Research on Approaches and Applications of Evolutionary Computation in Dynamic Environments”).

His research interest covers the following areas: manufacture and operation management; healthcare system; supply chain management; evolutionary algorithms; swarm intelligence and relevant real-world applications.

Journal Papers (selected):

[1]Hongfeng Wang, M. Huang, J.W. Wang. An effective metaheuristic algorithm for flowshop scheduling with deteriorating jobs. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2018, DOI: 10.1007/s10845-018-1425-8.

[2]Y.P. Fu, Hongfeng Wang*, G.D. Tian, Z.W. Li, H.S. Hu. Two-agent stochastic flow shop deteriorating scheduling via a hybrid multi-objective evolutionary algorithm. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2018, DOI: 10.1007/s10845-017-1385-4.

[3]Hongfeng Wang, Y.P. Fu, M. Huang, G.Q. Huang, J.W. Wang. A NSGA-II based memetic algorithm for multiobjective parallel flowshop scheduling problem. Computer & Industrial Engineering, 2017, 113: 185-194.

[4]Hongfeng Wang, Y.P. Fu, M. Huang, G. Huang, J.W. Wang. A hybrid evolutionary algorithm with adaptive multi-population strategy for multi-objective optimization problems. Soft Computing, 2017, 21:5975-5987.

[5]Y.P. Fu, Hongfeng Wang*, M. Huang, J.W. Wang. A decomposition based multiobjective genetic algorithm with adaptive multipopulation strategy for flowshop scheduling problem. Natural Computing, 2017, DOI: 10.1007/s11047-016-9602-1.

[6]Y.P. Fu, Hongfeng Wang*, M. Huang, J.L. Ding, G.D. Tian. Multiobjective flow shop deteriorating scheduling problem via an adaptive multipopulation genetic algorithm. Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2017, DOI: 10.1177/1553.

[7]Y.P. Fu, J.L. Ding, Hongfeng Wang, J.W. Wang. Two-objective stochastic flow-shop scheduling with deterioratingand learning effect in Industry 4.0-based manufacturing system. Applied Soft Computing, 2017, DOI: 10.1016/j.asoc.2017.12.009.

[8]J.W. Wang, Hongfeng Wang, Y.M. Zhou, Y. Wang, W.J. Zhang. On an integrated approach to resilient transportation systems under emergency situations. Natural Computing, 2017, DOI: 10.1007/s11047-016-9605-y.

[9]Hongfeng Wang, Y.P. Fu, M. Huang, J.W. Wang. Multiobjective optimisation design for enterprise system operation in the case of scheduling problem with deteriorating jobs. Enterprise Information Systems, 2016, 10(3): 268-285.

[10]J.W. Wang, R.R. Muddada, Hongfeng Wang, J.L. Ding, Y.Z. Lin, C.L. Liu, W.J. Zhang. Towards a resilient holistic supply chain network system: concept, review and future direction. IEEE Systems Journal, 2016, 10(2): 410-421.

[11]J.W. Wang, Hongfeng Wang, J.L. Ding, F. Furuta, T. Kanno, W.H. Ip, W.J. Zhang. On domain modelling of the service system with its application to enterprise information systems. Enterprise Information Systems, 2016, 10(1): 1-16.

[12]J.L. Ding, T.Y. Chai, Hongfeng Wang, J.W. Wang, X.P. Zheng. An intelligent factory-wide optimal operation system for continuous production process. Enterprise Information Systems, 2016, 10(3): 286-302.

[13]Y.M. Zhou, H.C. Huang, J.L. Ding, Hongfeng Wang, Y. Chen, J.W. Wang. Modelling chlorophyll a concentration affected by artificial upwelling in Qiangdao Lake. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 2016, 41(4): 960-969.

[14]Y.P. Fu, Hongfeng Wang*, M. Huang. Locate multiple pareto optima using a species -based multi-objective genetic algorithm. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2014, 472: 128-137.

[15]J.W. Wang, Hongfeng Wang, W.J. Zhang, W.H. Ip, F. Furuta. On a unified definition of the service system: what is its identity? IEEE Systems Journal, 2014, 8(3): 821-826.

[16]J.W. Wang, Hongfeng Wang, W.J. Zhang, W.H. Ip, F. Furuta. Evacuation planning based on the contraflow technique with consideration of evacuation priorities and traffic setup time. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2013, 14(1): 480-485.

[17]J.W. Wang, Hongfeng Wang, W.H. Ip, K. Furuta. Predatory search strategy based on swarm intelligence for continuous optimization problems. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013, DOI: 10.1155/2013/749256.

[18]Hongfeng Wang, I.K. Moon, S.X. Yang, D.W. Wang. A memetic particle swarm optimization algorithm for multimodal optimization problems. Information Sciences, 2012, 197: 38-52.

[19]Hongfeng Wang, S.X. Yang, W.H. Ip, D.W. Wang. A memetic particle swarm optimisation algorithm for dynamic multi-modal optimisation problems. International Journal of Systems Science , 2012, 43(7): 1268-1283.

[20]K. Kang, I.K. Moon, Hongfeng Wang. A hybrid genetic algorithm with a new packing strategy for the three-dimensional bin packing problem. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2012, 219: 1287-1299.

[21]Hongfeng Wang, S.X. Yang, W.H. Ip, D.W. Wang. A particle swarm optimization based memetic algorithm for dynamic optimization problems. Natural Computing, 2010, 9: 703-725.

[22]Hongfeng Wang, S.X. Yang, W.H. Ip, D.W. Wang. Adaptive primal-dual genetic algorithms in dynamic environments. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part B: Cybernetics, 2009, 39(6): 1348-1361.

[23]Hongfeng Wang, D.W. Wang, S.X. Yang. A memetic algorithm with adaptive hill climbing strategy for dynamic optimization problems. Soft Computing, 2009, 13: 763-780.

[24]C.H. Wu, D.Z. Wang, W.H. Ip, D.W. Wang, C.Y. Chan, Hongfeng Wang. A particle swarm optimization approach for components placement inspection on printed circuit boards. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2009, 20: 535-549.

[25]Y. Yang, D.Z. Wang, D.W. Wang, W.H. Ip, Hongfeng Wang. Single machine group scheduling problems with the effects of deterioration and learning. ACTA Automatica Sinica, 2009, 35(10): 1290-1295.

[26]Hongfeng Wang, D.W. Wang, S.X. Yang. Triggered memory-based swarm optimization in dynamic environments. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2007, 4448: 637-646.

[27]Hongfeng Wang, D.W. Wang. Three-island PSO memory enhanced in dynamic environment. Dynamics of Continuous Discrete and Impulsive Systems - Series B - Applications & Algorithms, 2006, 13: 16-20.

[28]Hongfeng Wang, D.W. Wang. An improved primal-dual genetic algorithm for optimization in dynamic environments. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2006, 4234: 836-844.

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职称: 教授/博士生导师
学历: 博士
出生年月: 1979.02
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