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Sun Young SUNG副教授

联系电话:025-8362-1031 通讯地址: 南京市汉口路22号南京大学商学院人力资源管理学系 邮编:210093
电子邮件 :sysung@nju.edu.cn 系所 :人力资源管理学系

[Academic Careers]School of Business, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China
?Associate Professor,Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management[Dec, 2016 - Present]

University of California, Riverside, Los Angeles, CA, USA
?Visiting Scholar,Department of Psychology [Aug, 2017 - Jul,2018]

School of Business, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China
?Assistant Professor,Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management[Sep, 2013 - Dec, 2016]

Institute of Industrial Relations, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
? Research Associate [Oct, 2010 - Aug, 2013]

?Ph.D. in Business Administration, Seoul National University [2010]
? Ph.D. in Management & Organization, National University of Singapore(Exchange)[2008 - 2009]
? M.A. in Business Administration, Seoul National University [2003]

? Korean,English,Chinese

[Professional Activities]

Journal Editorial BoardBoard Member
?Human Resource Management [Jan, 2019 – Present]
?Journal of Organizational Behavior[Jun, 2018 – Present]
?Group & Organization Management [Jan, 2016 – Present]

Ad-Hoc Reviewer? Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes
? International Journal of Human Resource Management
? Human Resource Management Journal
? Creativity Research Journal
? Journal of Applied Social Psychology
? SAGE Open
? Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance
? Journal of Creative Behavior
? Creativity and Innovation Management
? Organization Management Journal
? Asia Pacific Journal of Management

Professional Service

? Chair, Program Session:Self-Regulation and Interpersonal Behaviors, AOM, Vancouver, Canada [Aug, 2015]

1. Innovation and Creativity at Multiple Levels of Analysis
2. Knowledge Management in Teams and Organizations
3. Organizational Demography

1. Organizational Behavior
2. Research Methodology
3. Organization Management

1. Sung, S. Y., May, 2016.Best Teaching Award,Nanjing University (南京大学杜厦奖教金)
2. Sung, S. Y., Jul, 2015. ExcellentCourse Award , School of Business, Nanjing University (管理学院英文精品课/优秀学科 )


1.Mao, Y. N., Sung, S. Y. et al. Jan, 2019 - Dec, 2022.NSFC (National Natural Science Foundation of China: 国家自然科学基金项目),**, 48万元.主要参与

2. Choi, J. N., & Sung, S. Y. Nov, 2015 - Oct, 2018. International Collaborative Research Grant, NRF (National Research Foundation of Korea), 2015S1A5A2A**, US$150,000. 共同主持

3. Liu, N., Sung, S. Y. et al. Jan, 2015 - Dec, 2018. NSFC (NationalNatural Science Foundation of China: 国家自然科学基金项目),**, 56万元. 主要参与

4. Mao, Y. N., Sung, S. Y. et al. Jan, 2015 - Dec, 2017.NSFC (National Natural Science Foundation of China: 国家自然科学基金项目),**, 17万元.主要参与

5. Sung, S. Y. Jul, 2012 - Jun, 2013.Postdoctoral Scholar Research Grant,NRF (National Research Foundation of Korea), 2012S1A5B5A**, US$30,000. 主持

6. Sung, S. Y., Jul, 2011 - Jun, 2012. Postdoctoral Scholar Research Grant,NRF (National Research Foundation of Korea), **B00025, US$30,000. 主持

1.Choi, J. N.,&Sung, S. Y.2007. How CEO Moon turned Yuhan-Kimberly around? Hans-Media.

1. Choi, J. N., & Sung, S. Y. 2019. Smart Management. Seoul, Korea: Life and Power Press.

2. Choi, J.N., Cho,D., & Sung, S. Y. 2009. Yuhan-Kimberly, 2007(European Case Clearing House, Case #SNU-09-02).Casestudy series of Institute of Management Research, Seoul National University, 8 (pp. 14-53). Seoul, Korea: Woodeumji.


[Major Journal Articles]

? S. Y. Sung made equal contributions.

1. Sung, S. Y., &Choi, J. N.2018.Building knowledge stock and facilitating knowledge flow through human resourcepractices. Human Resource Management,57, 1429-1442.

2. Sung, S. Y., & Choi, J. N. 2018. Effects of training and development on employee outcomes and firm innovative performance: Moderating roles of voluntary participation and evaluation. Human Resource Management,57, 1339-1353.

3. Sung, S. Y., Choi, J. N., & Kang, S. C. 2017.Pay for performance and organizational performance: Mediating role of employee attitudes and moderating role of environmental dynamism.Human Resource Management,56,287-305.

4. Shin, Y. H., Sung, S. Y., Choi, J. N., & Kim, M. S.2015.Top management ethical leadership and firm performance: Mediating role of ethical and procedural justice climate.Journal of Business Ethics,129, 43-57.

5. Sung, S. Y.,& Choi, J. N.2014.Multiple dimensions of human resource development and organizational performance.Journal of Organizational Behavior,35, 851-870.5.

6. Sung, S. Y.,& Choi, J. N.2014.Do organizations spend wisely on employees? Effects of training and development investments on learning and innovation in organizations.Journal of Organizational Behavior,35, 393-412.

7. Sung, S. Y.,& Choi, J. N.2012.Effects of team knowledge management on the creativity and financial performance of organizational teams.Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes,118, 4-13.

8. ?Choi, J. N., Sung, S. Y.,Lee, K. M., Cho, D. S.2011.Balancing cognition and emotion: Innovation implementation as a function of cognitive appraisal and emotional reactions toward the innovation.Journal of Organizational Behavior,32, 107-124.

[International Journal Articles (SSCI Journals)]*S. Y. Sung is corresponding author.
1. Sung, S. Y., & Choi, J. N. in press. Contingent effects of workforce diversity on firm innovation: High-tech industry and market turbulence as critical environmental contingencies. International Journal of Human Resource Management, doi:10.1080/**.**.

2. Sung, S. Y., Rhee, Y. W., Lee, J. E. & Choi, J. N. 2020. Dual pathways of emotional competence towards incremental and radicalcreativity: Resource caravans through feedback-seeking frequency and breadth. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology. 29, 421-433.

3. Sung, S. Y., & Choi, J. N.2019.Effects of diversity on knowledge sharing and creativity of work teams: Status differential among members as a facilitator.Human Performance, 32, 145-164.

4. Sung, S. Y., Rhee, Y. W., Lee, J. E., Choi, J. N., & Yoon, H. J.2019. Multilevel social predictors of employee feedback-seeking behavior: A cost-benefit perspective. Social Behavior and Personality, 47, e7977.

5.Sung, S. Y., &Du, J., & Choi, J. N.2018. Cognitive pathways of team climate for creativity: Implications for member creativity and task performance.Human Performance,31, 197-215.

6. Sung, S. Y., & Choi, J. N.2018.To invest or not to invest: Strategic decision-making toward investing in training and development in Korean manufacturing firms.International Journal of Human Resource Management,29, 2080-2105.

7. Choi, J. N., Sung, S. Y., & Zhang, Z. T.2017.Workforce diversity in manufacturing companies and organizational performance: The role of status-relatedness and internal processes. International Journal of Human Resource Management,28, 2738-2761.
8. Sung, S. Y.,Antefelt, A, & Choi, J. N.2017.Dual effects of job complexity on proactive and responsive creativity: Moderating role of employee ambiguity tolerance.Group & Organization Management,42, 388-418.

9. *Yoon, H. J.,Sung,S. Y.,Choi, J. N., Lee, K. M., & Kim, S. S.2015.Tangible and intangible rewards and employee creativity: The mediating role of situational extrinsic motivation.Creativity Research Journal,27, 383-393.

10. Yoon, H. J., Sung, S. Y.,& Choi, J. N.2015.Mechanisms underlying creative performance: Employee perceptions of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards for creativity. Social Behavior and Personality,43, 1161-1180.

11. Sung, S. Y.,& Choi, J. N.2014.The roles of individual differences and innovation properties in multiple forms of innovation implementation. Social Behavior and Personality, 42, 1201-1220.

12. Sung, S. Y.,Choi, J. N., & Kim, T. 2014. Personality dissimilarity and work-related outcomes: Asymmetric effects and moderating role of group tenure.Group Dynamics, 18, 1-19.

13. *Choi, J. N., Sung, S. Y.,& Cho, T. S.2014.Creative contribution as the creative performance of individuals in groups: Effects of goal orientation and participative safety. Social Behavior and Personality, 42, 407-422.

14. Sung, S. Y.,Choi, J. N., & Cho, D-S.2011.Who initiates and who implements? A multi-stage, multi-agent model of organizational innovation.Journal of Management & Organization, 17, 344-363.

15. Choi, J. N., Sung, S. Y.,& Kim, M. U. 2010.How do groups react to unexpected threats? Crisis management in organizational teams. Social Behavior and Personality, 38, 805-828.

16. Sung, S. Y.,& Choi, J. N. 2009. Do Big 5 personality factors affect individual creativity? The moderating role of extrinsic motivation. Social Behavior and Personality, 37, 941-956.


1. Sung, S. Y., & Liu, N.,August,2016.To invest or not to invest: Firm-level processes leading to strategic decisions in human resource development.Academy of Management, Anaheim, California, U.S.

2. Sung, S. Y.,August,2015.Effects of group diversity on group creativity: Mediating role of status differential and knowledge sharing.Academy of Management, Vancouver, Canada.

3. Sung, S. Y., Lee, J. E., Rhee, Y. W., & Choi, J. N.,August,2015.Multilevel antecedents of feedback-seeking behavior: Linear and curvilinear effects on creativity. Academy of Management, Vancouver, Canada.

4. Sung, S. Y.,August,2014.Contingent effects of workforce diversity on firm performance: The moderating roles of firm size, high-tech industry setting and environmental turbulence. Academy of Management, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

5. Sung, S. Y., Antefelt, A, & Choi, J. N., August,2014.Effects of job complexity on proactive and responsive creativity: the mediating role of psychological empowerment and cognitive overload.Academy of Management, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

6. Sung, S. Y., & Choi, J. N.,August,2013.How does human resource development influence long-term organizational performance? Mediating role of employee competence and commitment. Academy of Management, Orlando, Florida, U.S.

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