

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-27

杭苏琴 详细介绍
性别 女
职称 教授
最高学历 博士
毕业院校 南京农业大学动物科技学院
专业领域 动物遗传育种与繁育
联系方式 E-mail:suqinhang69@njau.edu.cn Tel:0086-
研究方向 动物生殖道微生态与繁殖;动物肠道微生态调控与动物健康
及任职情况 中国畜牧兽医学会繁殖学分会理事、动物胚胎生物技术学分会会员、养兔学分会会员
承担项目 近年主持和作为骨干参与项目:1. 产后奶牛子宫内膜炎与繁殖性能下降机制研究。自2010年以来集中于此,阶段性成果已在国际杂志发表。在此基础上,争取项目支持;2. 主持农业部公益性行业项目“饲料中抗生素替代品关键研究与示范”(2014-2018),经费85万;3. 主持国家“973”项目子课题“胃肠道化学感应与氮营养素的消化”中的部分研究内容(2013-2017),经费约100万;4. 主持农业部饲用微生物工程国家重点实验室开放课题“植物乳杆菌、干酪乳杆菌对仔猪消化道微生态区系影响和调节机制研 究”(2012-2013),到位经费14万;5. 作为骨干参加江苏省农技推广项目“江苏肉鸡生产全程关键技术集成示范应用(TG(17)003)”(2018-2019),20万元6. 参加江苏省农业科技自主创新资金项目“优质安全苏淮猪肉产业链技术创新与集成应用(CX(15)1006)(2015-2017)”,第一参加人,30万元;8. 承担国家科技支撑计划“牛羊高效超排与克隆胚胎生产技术研究与示范”子课题中(2011-2013)的部分研究内容,15万;9. 2008-至今,作为主要成员参加本科生必修课程“动物繁殖学”校级、省级和国家级精品课程建设,国家资源共享课程建设,江苏省MOOC课程建设。
奖励及荣誉 1. 获得实用新型专利“一种体外灌流系统”一项,1/4;2. 2017年,获国内核心一类期刊“中国农业科学(英文版)”优秀评审专家奖励;3. 2016年,指导的毕业论文“钙离子受体介导色氨酸影响猪十二指肠胃肠激素分泌的机制研究”获学院优秀毕业论文;4. 2015年,获学校微课比赛三等奖;5. 2013年,参加的“基于产学研相结合的动物繁殖学教学改革与实践”课程建设获“江苏省教学成果奖”,4/8;6. 2011-2016年,连续获南京农业大学教师教学质量综合评价优秀; 7. 2018年,于澳大利亚召开的“第14届国际猪消化生理研讨会”做口头报告;8. 2014年,在学校“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛中被评为“优秀指导教师”;9. 2014年,在泰国举办的“第11届亚洲生殖生物技术研讨会”做口头报告;

[1] YihanXian, Xiuying Zhao, Chao Wang, Cuicui Kang, Liren Ding, Weiyun Zhu,HangSuqin*. Phenylalanine andtryptophan stimulate gastrin and somatostatin secretion and H+-K+-ATPaseactivity in pigs through calcium-sensing receptor. General and ComparativeEndocrinology, 2018, 267:1-8
[2] WangChao, Kang Cuicui, Xian Yihan, ZhuWeiyun, Hang Suqin*. Sensing ofL-Arginine by gut-expressed calcium sensing receptor stimulates gut satiety hormonescholecystokinin and glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide secretion in pigmodel. Journal of Food Science, 2018, 83 (9): 2394-2401.
[3] ZhaoXiuying, Xian Yihan, Wang Chao, Zhu Weiyun, Hang Suqin*. Calcium sensing receptor mediated tryptophan-induced guthormone release in duodenum of Swine. Journal of Veterinary Science, 2018; 19 (2):179-187.
[4] ZhaoXiuying, Xian Yihan, Wang Chao, Zhu Weiyun, Hang Suqin*. Phenylanaine-induced secretion of gut hormone mediatedby CaSR in duodenum of pigs. Cell Biology international (major revision).
[5] Yang Liming, Wang Yihao, Peng Yu, Min Jiangtao, Hang Suqin*, Zhu Weiyun. Genomiccharacterization andantimicrobial susceptibility of bovine intrauterine Escherichia coli and its relationship with uterine infection. J ofIntegrative Agriculture, 2016,15(06):1355-1363.
[6] Yu Peng, Kaifan Yu, Chunlong Mu,Hang Suqin, Lianqiang Che, Weiyun Zhu. Progressive response of large intestinal bacterial community and fermentation to the stepwise decrease of dietary crude protein level in growing pigs. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 2017, 101:5415–5426.Hang SQ and Zhu WY. Gut bacterial and lactobacilli communities of weaning piglets in response to mannan oligosaccharide and sugar beet pulp in vitro fermentation. J of Integrative Agriculture, 2012, 11: 122-133
[7]Yu Peng, YH, Wang,HangSuqin* and WY, Zhu. Microbial diversity in uterus of healthy and metritic postpartum Holstein dairy cows. Folia Microbiogica, 2013, 58: 593–600
[8]LM Li, JM Huang, ZH Ju, QL Li, CF Wang, C Qi,Y Zhang, QL Hou, HangSuqin* and JF Zhong. Multiple promoters and targeted microRNAs direct the expressions of HMGB3 gene transcripts in dairy cattle. Animal genetics, 2013, 44: 241-250
[9] Hang Suqinand Zhu WY. Gut bacterial and lactobacilli communities of weaning piglets in response to mannan oligosaccharide and sugar beet pulp in vitro fermentation. J of Integrative Agriculture, 2012, 11: 122-133

[10]QL Hou, JM Huang, ZH J, QL Li, LM Li, CF Wang, T Sun, LL Wang, MH Hou, HangSuqin* and JF Zhong. Identification of Splice Variants, Targeted MicroRNAs and Functional Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms of the BOLA-DQA2 Gene in Dairy Cattle. DNA and Cell Biology, 2012, 31: 739–744
[11]LM Li, JM Huang, XJ Zhang , ZH Ju, C Qi, Y Zhang, QL Li, CF Wang , WR Miao, JF Zhong, MH Hou and HangSuqin*. One SNP in the 3′-UTR of HMGB1 gene affects the binding of target bta-miR-223 and is involved in mastitis in dairy cattle. Immunogenetics, 2012, 64: 817-824
[12]Zhu Z, HangSuqin, HL Zhu, SY Mao and WY Zhu. Effects of garlic oil on milk fatty acid profile and lipogenesis-related gene expression in mammary gland of dairy goats. J of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2013, 93:560-567
[13]Zhi Zhu, HangSuqin, Shengyong Mao, and Weiyun Zhu*. Diversity of Butyrivibrio Group Bacteria in the Rumen of Goats and Its Response to the Supplementation of Garlic Oil. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences,,2014,27(2):179-186.
[14]Kamboh AA, Hang Suqin, Bakhetgul M, and WeiYun hu. Effects of genistein and hesperidin on biomarkers of heat stress in broilers under persistent summer stress. Poultry Science, 2013, 92 : 411–2418
[15]李雪莉,虞德夫,杭苏琴*等. 植物乳杆菌制剂对断奶仔猪肠道黏膜功能和微生物菌群及短链脂肪酸的影响[J].南京农业大学学报, 2018, 41(3): 504-510.
[16]李雪莉,王超,杭苏琴*等. 猪源乳酸菌的分离、鉴定及其生物学特性[J]. 微生物学报, 2017, 57(12): 1879-1887.
[17] 杨黎明,周亲,杭苏琴*等. 奶牛产后感染性子宫疾病对子宫和卵巢的影响研究进展. 微生物学通报,2017, 44(2):1-6
[18] 赵秀英,县怡涵,杭苏琴*等. 植物乳杆菌和干酪乳杆菌对仔猪肠道菌群和短链脂肪酸的影响. 微生物学报,2016,56(8):1291-1300
[19] 王超,康翠翠,冯江银,虞德夫,朱伟云,杭苏琴*. L-精氨酸对大鼠胃肠激素分泌及食欲的影响,草业学报(已接受)
[20] 杨黎明,孟祥龙,杭苏琴*等. 产后奶牛子宫黏液中微生物的分离、鉴定及与黏液性状的关系. 中国兽医科学,2016, 46(10):1321-1327
[21]县怡涵,赵秀英,杭苏琴*等. 饲粮粗蛋白质水平对猪胃肠道钙敏感受体基因表达、胃肠激素分泌及胃功能性酶活性的影响. 动物营养学报,2016,28(11):3634-3641

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