周岩民 详细介绍
性别 男
职称 教授
最高学历 博士
毕业院校 南京农业大学
专业领域 动物营养与饲料科学
联系方式 E-mail: zhouym@njau.edu.cn, zhouym6308@163.com Tel:
研究方向 饲料加工、饲料科学
及任职情况 中国畜牧兽医学会家畜环境卫生学研究分会常务理事、副理事长
承担项目 国家自然科学基金面上项目:凹凸棒石对鸡源大肠杆菌抗生素抗性基因的影响及相关机制研究,2019-2022。 江苏现代农业产业技术体系建设项目:江苏现代农业(蛋鸡)产业技术体系营养调控创新团队,2017-2020。盱眙县政府开放性课题:凹凸棒石黏土功能性饲料产品的研发,2015-2017。江苏省产学研联合创新资金—前瞻性联合研究项目:高附加值凹凸棒石黏土产品的开发研究与应用,2012-2014。农业科技成果转化资金项目:节粮环保型生长肥育猪饲料应用中试及推广,2012-2014。苏州市农业科技支撑计划项目:新型育肥猪低蛋白饲料研发及产业化,2012-2013。苏北科技发展计划—科技富民强县项目:超细银杏叶粉在生长育肥猪饲料中的应用研究,2012-2013。现代农业产业技术体系建设专项:国家大宗淡水鱼类产业技术-营养与饲料,2008-2012。太仓市农业科技支撑计划项目:新型饲料添加剂合生元的产业化关键技术研究,2013-2015。横向合作项目:饲用植物甾醇系列产品的开发研究与应用推广,2015-2019。横向合作项目:甜菜碱在饲料中的开发应用研究,2013-2014。横向合作项目:提高猪浓缩饲料抗氧化功效的研究,2013。横向合作项目:金霉素在饲料中的应用效果研究,2013。横向合作项目:功能性预混合饲料应用研发,2013。横向合作项目:高附加值凹凸棒石黏土产品的开发研究与应用推广,2012-2016。横向合作项目:低聚木糖产品的开发研究与应用推广,2012-2016。横向合作项目:动物加工副产品饲料资源开发应用研究,2012-2014。横向合作项目:柠檬酸废水吸附处理产物饲料资源化利用技术——吸附剂及吸附条件筛选,2012。横向合作项目:肉鸭饲料中添加保水剂Surf.ACE对饲料加工和饲料颗粒质量的影响,2012。横向合作项目:低聚壳聚糖在猪饲料中的应用研究,2011。
[1]Wen C, Chen Y, Leng Z, Ding L, Wang T, Zhou Y. Dietarybetaine improves meat quality and oxidative status of broilers under heatstress[J]. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2019, 99(2): 620-623.
[2]Cheng Y, Chen Y, Li J, Qu H, Zhao Y, Wen C, Zhou Y.Dietary β-sitosterol improves growth performance, meat quality, antioxidantstatus, and mitochondrial biogenesis of breast muscle in broilers[J]. Animals,2019, 9(3): 71.
[3]Zhang R, Jiang Y, Zhou L, Chen Y, Wen C, Liu W, Zhou Y.Effects of dietary yeast extract supplementation on growth, body composition,non-specific immunity, and antioxidant status of Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheirsinensis)[J]. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 2019, 86(1019-1025.
[4]Chen R, Zhuang S, Chen Y P, Cheng Y F, Wen C, Zhou Y M.Betaine improves the growth performance and muscle growth of partridge shankbroiler chickens via altering myogenic gene expression and insulin-like growthfactor-1 signaling pathway[J]. Poultry Science, 2018, 97(12): 4297-4305.
[5]Chen Y, Cheng Y, Wen C, Kang Y, Wang A, Zhou Y. Effectsof dietary synbiotic supplementation as an alternative to antibioticsupplementation on the growth performance, carcass characteristics, meatquality, immunity and oxidative status of cherry valley ducks[J]. Journal ofPoultry Science, 2018, 55(3): 182-189.
[6]Chen Y, Wen C, Zhou Y. Dietary synbiotic incorporation asan alternative to antibiotic improves growth performance, intestinalmorphology, immunity and antioxidant capacity of broilers[J]. Journal of theScience of Food and Agriculture, 2018, 98(9): 3343-3350.
[7]Chen Y, Zhang H, Cheng Y, Li Y, Wen C, Zhou Y. DietaryL-threonine supplementation attenuates lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammatoryresponses and intestinal barrier damage of broiler chickens at an early age[J].British Journal of Nutrition, 2018, 119(11): 1254-1262.
[8]Cheng Y, Chen Y, Du M, Wen C, Zhou Y. Evaluation ofdietary synbiotic supplementation on growth performance, muscle antioxidantability and mineral accumulations, and meat quality in late-finishing pigs[J].Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi, 2018, 24(5): 673-679.
[9]Cheng Y, Du M, Xu Q, Chen Y, Wen C, Zhou Y. Dietarymannan oligosaccharide improves growth performance, muscle oxidative status,and meat quality in broilers under cyclic heat stress[J]. Journal of ThermalBiology, 2018, 75: 106-111.
[10]Cheng Y, Xu Q, Chen Y, Su Y, Wen C, Zhou Y. Modifiedpalygorskite improves immunity, antioxidant ability, intestinal morphology, andbarrier function in broiler chickens fed naturally contaminated diet withpermitted feed concentrations of Fusarium mycotoxins[J]. Toxins, 2018,10(11): 482.
[11]Cheng Y F, Chen Y P, Wen C, Wang W B, Wang A Q, Zhou Y M.Evaluation of dietary palygorskite supplementation on growth performance,mineral accumulations, antioxidant capacities, and meat quality of broilers fedlead-contaminated diet[J]. Biological Trace Element Research, 2018, 181(2):314-322.
[12]Su Y, Chen Y, Chen L, Xu Q, Kang Y, Wang W, Wang A, WenC, Zhou Y. Effects of different levels of modified palygorskite supplementationon the growth performance, immunity, oxidative status and intestinal integrityand barrier function of broilers[J]. Journal of Animal Physiology and AnimalNutrition, 2018, 102(6): 1574-1584.
[13]Su Y, Chen Y P, Cheng Y F, Wen C, Zhou Y M. Effects ofmodified palygorskite supplementation on egg quality and mineral elementcontent, and intestinal integrity and barrier function of laying hens[J].Biological Trace Element Research, 2018, 186(2): 529-537.
[14]Xu Q, Chen Y, Cheng Y, Su Y, Wen C, Wang W, Wang A, ZhouY. An evaluation of the supplementation of dietary-modified palygorskite ongrowth performance, zearalenone residue, serum metabolites, and antioxidantcapacities in broilers fed a zearalenone-contaminated diet[J]. Clays and ClayMinerals, 2018, 66(6): 474-484.
[15]Zhang R, Zhou Y, Jiang X, Chen Y, Wen C, Liu W, Jiangan Y.Evaluation of zinc-bearing palygorskite effects on growth performance, nutrientretention, meat quality, and zinc accumulation in blunt snout bream Megalobramaamblycephala[J]. Clays and Clay Minerals, 2018, 66(3): 274-285.
[16]Cheng Y, Chen Y, Li X, Yang W, Wen C, Kang Y, Wang A,Zhou Y. Effects of synbiotic supplementation on growth performance, carcasscharacteristics, meat quality and muscular antioxidant capacity and mineralcontents in broilers[J]. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2017,97(11): 3699-3705.
[17]Lu P, Zhang X L, Xue W Y, Wu D W, Ding L R, Wen C, Zhou YM. The protein oxidation of soybean meal induced by heating decreases itsprotein digestion in vitro and impairs growth performance and digestivefunction in broilers[J]. British Poultry Science, 2017, 58(6): 704-711.
[18]Li X, Chen Y, Cheng Y, Wen C, Zhou Y. Effects of dietarysupplementation with yeast cell wall, palygorskite and their combination on thegrowth performance, meat quality, muscular antioxidant ability and mineralelement content of broilers[J]. European Poultry Science, 2017, 81(181): 1-13.
[19]Zhang L, Yan R, Zhang R, Wen C, Zhou Y. Effect ofdifferent levels of palygorskite inclusion on pellet quality, growthperformance and nutrient utilization in broilers[J]. Animal Feed Science andTechnology, 2017, 223: 73-81.
[20]Zhang X, Lu P, Xue W, Wu D, Wen C, Zhou Y. Anevaluation of heat on protein oxidation of soy protein isolate or soy proteinisolate mixed with soybean oil in vitro and its consequences on redox status ofbroilers at early age[J]. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 2017,30(8): 1135-1142.
[21]Chen Y P, Cheng Y F, Li X H, Yang W L, Wen C, ZhuangS, Zhou Y M. Effects of threonine supplementation on the growth performance,immunity, oxidative status, intestinal integrity, and barrier function ofbroilers at the early age[J]. Poultry Science, 2017, 96(2): 405-413.
[22]Wen C, Jiang X Y, Ding L R, Wang T, Zhou Y M.Effects of dietary methionine on growth performance, meat quality and oxidativestatus of breast muscle in fast- and slow-growing broilers[J]. Poultry Science,2017, 96(6): 1707-1714.
[23]Wen C, Jiang X, Ding L, Wang T, Zhou Y. Effects ofdietary methionine on breast muscle growth, myogenic gene expression and IGF-Isignaling in fast- and slow-growing broilers[J]. Scientific Reports, 2017,7(1): 1924.
[24]Yang W, Chen Y, Cheng Y, Li X, Wen C, Zhou Y.Effects of dietary zinc bearing palygorskite supplementation on the carcasstraits, chemical composition of muscle, and muscular lead and chromium contentsof broilers[J]. Journal of Poultry Science, 2017, 54(1): 34-40.
[25]Yang W, Chen Y, Cheng Y, Wen C, Zhou Y. Effects ofzinc bearing palygorskite supplementation on the growth performance, hepaticmineral content, and antioxidant status of broilers at early age[J]. AsianAustralasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 2017, 30(7): 1006-1012.
[26]Chen Y P, Cheng Y F, Li X H, Zhang H, Yang W L, WenC, Zhou Y M. Dietary palygorskite supplementation improves immunity, oxidativestatus, intestinal integrity, and barrier function of broilers at early age[J].Animal Feed Science and Technology, 2016, 219: 200-209.
[27]Chen Y, Cheng Y, Yang W, Li X, Wen C, Wang W, WangA, Zhou Y. An evaluation of palygorskite inclusion on the growth performanceand digestive function of broilers[J]. Applied Clay Science, 2016, 129: 1-6.
[28]Cheng Y F, Chen Y P, Li X H, Yang W L, Wen C, Zhou YM. Effects of palygorskite inclusion on the growth performance, meat quality,antioxidant ability, and mineral element content of broilers[J]. BiologicalTrace Element Research, 2016, 173(1): 194-201.
[29]Fu Q, Leng Z X, Ding L R, Wang T, Wen C, Zhou Y M.Complete replacement of supplemental dl-methionine by betaine affects meatquality and amino acid contents in broilers[J]. Animal Feed Science andTechnology, 2016, 212: 63-69.
[30]Leng Z, Fu Q, Yang X, Ding L, Wen C, Zhou Y.Increased fatty acid β-oxidation as a possible mechanism for fat-reducingeffect of betaine in broilers[J]. Animal Science Journal, 2016, 87(8):1005-1010.
[31]Li X H, Chen Y P, Cheng Y F, Yang W L, Wen C, Zhou YM. Effect of yeast cell wall powder with different particle sizes on the growthperformance, serum metabolites, immunity and oxidative status of broilers[J].Animal Feed Science and Technology, 2016, 212: 81-89.
[32]Yan R, Zhang L, Yang X, Wen C, Zhou Y.Bioavailability evaluation of zinc-bearing palygorskite as a zinc source forbroiler chickens[J]. Applied Clay Science, 2016, 119, Part 1: 155-160.
[33]Yang W L, Chen Y P, Cheng Y F, Li X H, Zhang R Q,Wen C, Zhou Y M. An evaluation of zinc bearing palygorskite inclusion on thegrowth performance, mineral content, meat quality, and antioxidant status ofbroilers[J]. Poultry Science, 2016, 95(4): 878-885.
[34]Zhang X, Lu P, Xue W, Wu D, Wen C, Ding L, Zhou Y.Effect of Ginkgo biloba leaf powder on growth performance, meat quality andantioxidant activity of muscle in growing-finishing pigs[J]. Pakistan Journalof Zoology, 2016, 48(5): 1555-1561.
[35]Zhang X, Peng L, Xue W, Wu D, Wen C, Zhou Y.Digestive evaluation of soy isolate protein as affected by heat treatment andsoy oil inclusion in broilers at an early age[J]. Animal Science Journal, 2016,87(10): 1291-1297.
[36]Zhang R, Yang X, Chen Y, Yan R, Wen C, Liu W, ZhouY. Effects of feed palygorskite inclusion on pelleting technologicalcharacteristics, growth performance and tissue trace elements content of bluntsnout bream (Megalobrama amblycephala).Applied Clay Science, 2015, 114: 197-201.
[37]Li L, Li P, Chen Y, Wen C, Zhuang S, Zhou Y.Zinc-bearing zeolite clinoptilolite improves tissue zinc accumulation in layinghens by enhancing zinc transporter gene mRNA abundance. Animal Science Journal,2015, 86(8): 782-789.
[38]Chen Y, Wen C, Zhuang S, Zhou Y. A comparison ofgrowth, immunity and oxidative status of broilers that differ in hatchingweight at early age. The Journal of Poultry Science, 2015, 52(2): 137-144.
[39]Tang Z G, Chen G Y, Li L F, Wen C, Wang T, Zhou Y M.Effect of zinc-bearing zeolite clinoptilolite on growth performance, zincaccumulation, and gene expression of zinc transporters in broilers. Journal ofAnimal Science, 2015, 93(2): 620-626.
[40]Chen X, Chen Y P, Wu D W, Wen C, Zhou Y M. Effectsof heat-oxidized soy protein isolate on growth performance and digestivefunction of broiler chickens at early age. Asian-Australasian Journal of AnimalSciences, 2015, 28(4): 544-550.
[41]Qiao L, Chen Y, Wen C, Zhou Y. Effects of naturaland heat modified palygorskite supplementation on the laying performance, eggquality, intestinal morphology, digestive enzyme activity and pancreatic enzymemRNA expression of laying hens. Applied Clay Science, 2015, 104: 303-308.
[42]Wen C, Chen Y, Wu P, Wang T, Zhou Y M. MSTN, mTORand FoxO4 are involved in the enhancement of breast muscle growth by methioninein broilers with lower hatching weight. PLoS One, 2014, 9(12): e114236.
[43]Wu P, Wen C, Leng Z X, Zhou Y M. Effect of oolongtea (Camellia sinensis) powder particle size on growth performance, fatdeposition, meat quality and antioxidant activity in meat ducks. Animal FeedScience and Technology, 2014, 194: 131-135.
[44]Wen C, Chen X, Chen G Y, Wu P, Chen Y P, Zhou Y M,Wang T. Methionine improves breast muscle growth and alters myogenic geneexpression in broilers. Journal of Animal Science, 2014, 92(3): 1068-1073.
[45]Wen C, Wu P, Chen Y P, Wang T, Zhou Y M. Methionineimproves the performance and breast muscle growth of broilers with lowerhatching weight by altering the expression of genes associated with theinsulin-like growth factor-I signaling pathway. British Journal of Nutrition,2014, 111(2): 201-206.
[46]Tang Z G, Naeem M, Wen C, Wang T, Zhou Y M. Effectof dietary probiotics supplementation with different nutrient density on growthperformance, nutrient retention and digestive enzyme activities in broilers.Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, 2014, 24(5): 1309-1315.
[47]Tang Z G, Wen C, Wang L C, Wang T, Zhou Y M. Effectsof zinc-bearing clinoptilolite on growth performance, cecal microflora andintestinal mucosal function of broiler chickens. Animal Feed Science andTechnology, 2014, 189(3): 98-106.
[48]Tang Z G, Wen C, Li P, Wang T, Zhou Y M. Effect ofzinc-bearing zeolite clinoptilolite on growth performance, nutrient retention,digestive enzyme activities, and intestinal function of broiler chickens.Biological Trace Element Research, 2014, 158(1): 51-57.
[49]Wu D W, Chen X, Yang X, Leng Z X, Yan P S, Zhou Y M.Effects of heat treatment of soy protein isolate on the growth performance andimmune function of broiler chickens. Poultry Science, 2014,93(2): 326-334.
[50]Wu D W, Wang L C, Wen C, Hooge D M, Liang C, Zhou YM. Effects replacing of a dietary antibacterial agent (zinc bacitracin) withcopper salts in Cherry Valley Pekin meat ducks. British Poultry Science, 2013,54(1): 112-119.
[51]Chen Y P, Chen X, Zhang H, Zhou Y M. Effects ofdietary concentrations of methionine on growth performance and oxidative statusof broiler chickens with different hatching weight. British Poultry Science,2013, 54(4): 531-537.
[52]Wang L C, Zhang T T, Wen C, Jiang Z Y, Wang T, ZhouY M. Protective effects of zinc-bearing clinoptilolite on broilers challengedwith Salmonella pullorum. PoultryScience, 2012, 91(8): 1838-1845.
[53]Wang L C, Wen C, Jiang Z Y, Zhou Y M. Evaluation ofthe partial replacement of high-protein feedstuff with fermented soybean mealin broiler diets. Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 2012, 21(4): 849-855.
[54]Wen C, Wang L C, Zhou Y M, Jiang Z Y, Wang T. Effectof enzyme preparation on egg production, nutrient retention, digestive enzymeactivities and pancreatic enzyme messenger RNA expression of late-phase layinghens. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 2012, 172(3–4): 180-186.
[55]Zhou Y M, Jiang Z Y, Lv D H, Wang T. Improvedenergy-utilizing efficiency by enzyme preparation supplement in broiler dietswith different metabolizable energy levels. Poultry Science, 2009, 88(2):316-322.
[56]Jiang Z Y, Zhou Y M, Lu F Z, Han Z Y, Wang T.Effects of different levels of supplementary alpha-amylase on digestive enzymeactivities and pancreatic amylase mRNA expression of young broilers.Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 2008, 21(1): 97-102.
[57]齐德生主编. “十一五”规划教材《饲料毒物学附毒物分析》. 科学出版社, 2009, 副主编.
[1]周岩民, 王龙昌, 唐志刚. 一种节粮型生长育肥猪饲料及其配制方法. 专利号: 7.3.
[2]周岩民, 孙亚楠, 王龙昌, 王恬. 益生菌固体粉剂及其制备方法. 专利号: 9.X.
[3]王龙昌, 周岩民, 王恬. 一种防治仔猪腹泻的复合制剂及其制备方法. 专利号: 9.8.
[4]王龙昌, 周岩民, 王恬. 一种减少动物产品重金属残留的复合预混合饲料及其制备方法和应用. 专利号: 0.3.
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刘军花详细介绍性别女职称副教授最高学历博士毕业院校南京农业大学专业领域动物营养与饲料科学联系方式Tel:;E-mail:liujunhua@njau.edu.cn研究方向反刍动物消化道营养参加学术团体及任职情况刘军花,博士,副教授,江西省新干县人,2007年本科毕业于东北农业大学动物科学专业,之后在 ...南京农业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-27南京农业大学动物科技学院导师教师师资介绍简介-刘 强
刘 强详细介绍性别男职称副教授最高学历博士毕业院校中国农业科学院研究生院专业领域动物营养与饲料科学联系方式**研究方向饲料资源开发与利用参加学术团体及任职情况承担项目奖励及荣誉论文论著 ...南京农业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-27南京农业大学动物科技学院导师教师师资介绍简介-张 林
张林详细介绍性别男职称副教授最高学历博士毕业院校西北农林科技大学专业领域动物营养与饲料科学联系方式Tel:;E-mail:zhanglin2012@njau.edu.cn研究方向家禽产品品质形成机理与营养调控;家禽消化道健康与营养调控参加学术团体及任职情况2006年获四川农业大学农学(动物科学专业动 ...南京农业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-27