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刘军花 详细介绍
性别 女
职称 副教授
最高学历 博士
毕业院校 南京农业大学
专业领域 动物营养与饲料科学
联系方式 Tel: ; E-mail: liujunhua@njau.edu.cn
研究方向 反刍动物消化道营养
及任职情况 刘军花,博士,副教授,江西省新干县人,2007年本科毕业于东北农业大学动物科学专业,之后在南京农业大学动物营养与饲料科学专业获得硕士和博士学位,2014年9月至今在南京农业大学动物科技学院消化道微生物实验室从事教学科研工作,其中2017年7月至10月在澳大利亚西澳大学合作研究,2018年3月至2019年3月在加拿大阿尔伯塔大学访学;承担动物营养学、动物营养与饲料学及饲料配方配制技术等本科生课程;美国动物科学协会会员(ASAS)、中国畜牧兽医学会动物营养学分会会员。Journal of Dairy Science、Journal of Animal Science、Animal、Small Ruminant Research、Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry、Frontiers in Microbiology等杂志审稿人。
承担项目 1、国家重点研发计划子任务,2018YFD**,东部地区山羊高效安全养殖技术集成与示范推广,2018.6-2020.12,40万元,在研,课题骨干2、国家自然科学基金青年基金,**,基于GLP-2信号通路研究高直链淀粉日粮促进羔羊小肠上皮生长的分子机制,2016/01-2018/12,24万元,结题,主持。3、江苏省自然科学基金青年基金,BK**,高直链淀粉日粮对羔羊小肠上皮细胞周期的调节及内分泌机理研究,2015/07-2018/06,20万元,结题,主持。4、中国博士后基金特别资助,2016T90474,甜味剂通过GLP-2促进羔羊小肠上皮紧密连接形成的机制,2016/07-2017/07,15万元,结题,主持。5、中国博士后基金面上项目,2015M570462,GLP-2促进羔羊小肠上皮细胞增殖的分子机制研究,2015/07-2017/06,8万元,结题,主持。6、江苏省博士后科研资助计划,TLR/NF-κB信号通路在SARA引发的瘤胃炎症中的作用机制研究,2014/09-2016/06,1.5万元,结题,主持。7、中央高校基本科研业务费,KJQN201610,基于GLP-2信号通路研究高直链淀粉日粮促进羔羊小肠上皮生长的分子机制,2016/01-2018/12,10万元,结题,主持。8、奶牛营养学北京市重点实验室开放课题,kf**,基于宏基因组学研究SARA对奶牛瘤胃和后肠菌群结构与功能的影响,2016.05-2017.12,10万元,结题,主持
奖励及荣誉 2014年,南京农业大学优秀毕业生;2015年,江苏省优秀博士学位论文;2016年,动科院青年教师科研汇报一等奖;2017年,全国百名优秀博士后基金获得者选介;2018年,南京农业大学钟山学术新秀;2019年,教育部自然科学奖二等奖(排名第三)

1.Sun DM, Mao SY, Zhu WY,Liu JH*(通讯作者). Effectsof starter feeding on caecal mucosal bacterial composition and expression ofgenes involved in immune and tight junctions in preweaned twin lambs. Anaerobe,2019, 59:167-175.
2.Sun DM1, Liu LX1,Mao SY, Zhu WY,Liu JH*(通讯作者).Aspartame supplementation in starter accelerates small intestinal epithelialcell cycle and stimulates secretion of glucagon-like peptide-2 in pre-weanedlambs. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 2019
3. Liu JH, Li HW, Sun DM, Zhu WY, Mao SY*. Dynamic changes in rumenfermentation and bacterial community following rumen fluid transplantation in asheep model of rumen acidosis: implications for rumen health in ruminants.FASEB Journal, 2019, 103(5): 1338-1350.
4. Zhang RY1, Liu YJ1, Yin YY, Mao SY, Zhu WY,Liu JH*(通讯作者).Response of rumen microbiota, and metabolic profiles of rumen fluid, liver andserum of goats to high-grain diets. Animal, 2019, 1-10.
5. Liu LX, Sun DM, Mao SY, Zhu WY,LiuJH*(通讯作者).Infusion of sodium butyrate promotes rumen papillae growth and enhancesexpression of genes related to rumen epithelial VFA uptake and metabolism inneonatal twin lambs. Journal of Animal Science, 2019, 97(2): 909-921.
6.LiuJH, Xue CX, Sun DM, Zhu WY, Mao SY*. Impact of high‐grain diet feeding onmucosa‐associatedbacterial community and gene expression of tight junction proteins in the smallintestine of goats. MicrobiologyOpen, 2018: e745.
7. Sun DM, Mao SY, Zhu WY,LiuJH*(通讯作者).Effect of starter diet supplementation on rumen epithelial morphology andexpression of genes involved in cell proliferation and metabolism in pre-weanedlambs. Animal. 2018, 12(11), 2274-2283.
8. Sun DM, Li HW, Mao SY, Zhu WY,LiuJH*(通讯作者).Effects of different starch source of starter on small intestinal growth andendogenous GLP-2 secretion in pre-weaned lambs. Journal of Animal Science.2018, 96(1): 306-317.
9.LiuJH, Bian GR, Sun DM, Zhu WY and Mao SY*. Starter feeding supplementationalters colonic mucosal bacterial communities and modulates mucosal immunehomeostasis in newborn lambs. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2017, 8: 429.
10.LiuJH, Bian GR, Sun DM, Zhu WY and Mao SY*. Starter feeding altered ruminalepithelial bacterial communities and some key immune-related genes expressionbefore weaning in lambs. Journal of Animal Science. 2017, 95(2): 910-921.
11.LiuJH, Zhang ML, Xue CX, Zhu WY and Mao SY*. Characterization and comparisonof the temporal dynamics of ruminal bacterial microbiota colonizing rice strawand alfalfa hay within ruminants. Journal of Dairy Science. 2016, 99 (12):9668-9681.
12.LiuJH, Zhang ML, Zhang RY, Zhu WY and Mao SY*. Comparative studies of thecomposition of bacterial microbiota associated with the ruminal content,ruminal epithelium and in the faeces of lactating dairy cows. Microbialbiotechnology. 2016, 9(2): 257-268.
13. Ye HM1,LiuJH1(共同一作), FengPF, Zhu WY and Mao SY*. Grain-rich diets altered the colonic fermentation andmucosa-associated bacterial communities and induced mucosal injuries in goats.Scientific reports. 2016, 6.
14.Liu JH, Bian GR, Zhu WY and Mao SY*. High-grain feedingcauses strong shifts in ruminal epithelial bacterial community and expressionof Toll-like receptor genes in goats. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2015, 6: 167.
15.LiuJH, Xu TT, Zhu WY and Mao SY*. High-grain feeding alters caecal bacterialmicrobiota composition and fermentation and results in caecal mucosal injury ingoats. British Journal of Nutrition. 2014, 112(3): 416-427.
16.LiuJH, Xu TT, Zhu WY and Mao SY*. A high-grain diet alters the omasalepithelial structure and expression of tight junction proteins in a goat model.The Veterinary Journal. 2014, 201(1): 95-100.
17.LiuJH, Xu TT, Liu YJ, Zhu WY and Mao SY*. A High-grain diet causes massivedisruption of ruminal epithelial tight junctions in goats. American Journal ofPhysiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology. 2013, 305(3):R232-241.
18. Lin LM1, Xie F1, Sun DM,Liu JH, Zhu WY, Mao SY*.Ruminal microbiome-host crosstalk stimulates the development of the ruminalepithelium in a lamb model. Microbiome, 2019, 7(1): 1-16.
19. Xue Y, Guo C, Hu F,LiuJH, Mao SY*. Hepatic Metabolic Profile Reveals the Adaptive Mechanisms ofEwes to Severe Undernutrition during Late Gestation. Metabolites, 2018
20. Hu F, Xue YF, Guo CZ,LiuJH, Mao SY*. The response of ruminal fermentation, epithelium-associatedmicrobiota, and epithelial barrier function to severe feed restriction inpregnant ewes. Journal of animal science, 2018, 96(10): 4293-4305.
21. Xu L, Wang Y,Liu JH,Zhu WY, Mao SY*. Morphological adaptation of sheep’s rumen epithelium tohigh-grain diet entails alteration in the expression of genes involved in cellcycle regulation, cell proliferation and apoptosis. Journal of animal scienceand biotechnology, 2018, 9(1): 32.
22. Zhang RY, Jin W, Feng PF,LiuJH, Mao SY*. High-grain diet feeding altered the composition and functionsof the rumen bacterial community and caused the damage to the laminar tissuesof goats. Animal, 2018: 1-10.
23. Guo CZ, Li HW, Sun DM,LiuJH, Mao SY*. Effects of abomasal supplementation of quercetin onperformance, inflammatory cytokines, and matrix metalloproteinase genesexpression in goats fed a high-grain diet. Livestock Science, 2018, 209: 20-24.
24. Li HW,Liu JH, ZhuWY, Mao SY*. Intraruminal infusion of oligofructose alters ruminal microbiotaand induces acute laminitis in sheep. Journal of Animal Science. 2017, 95(12),5407-5419.
25. Wang Y, Xu L,Liu JH,Zhu WY, Mao SY*. A High Grain Diet Dynamically Shifted the Composition ofMucosa-Associated Microbiota and Induced Mucosal Injuries in the Colon ofSheep. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2017, 8.
26. Zhang RY, Ye HM,LiuJH, Mao SY*. High-grain diets altered rumen fermentation and epithelialbacterial community and resulted in rumen epithelial injuries of goats. AppliedMicrobiology and Biotechnology. 2017, 101(18): 6981-6992.
27.Jin W, Xue CX,Liu JH,Yin YY, Zhu WY, Mao SY*. Effects of Disodium Fumarate on In Vitro RumenFermentation, the Production of Lipopolysaccharide and Biogenic Amines, and theRumen Bacterial Community. Current Microbiology. 2017, 74(11), 1337-1342.
28. Wang Y,Liu JH, YinYY, Zhu WY, Mao SY*. Rumen microbial and fermentation characteristics areaffected differently by acarbose addition during two nutritional types ofsimulated severe subacute ruminal acidosis in vitro. Anaerobe. 2017, 47, 39-46.
29. Mao SY*, Huo WJ,Liu JH,Zhang RY, Zhu WY. In vitro effects of sodium bicarbonate buffer on rumenfermentation, levels of lipopolysaccharide and biogenic amine, and compositionof rumen microbiota. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 2017, 97:1276-1285.
30. Zhang RY,Liu JH,Mao SY*. Impact of Subacute Ruminal Acidosis (SARA) on Ruminal Microbiome,Lipopolysaccharide and Bioamine and Rumen Epithelial Health of Dairy Cows.2017, Dairy and Vet Sci J. 2017; 1(2): 555556.DOI:10.19080/JDVS.2017.01.555556.
31. Bian GR, Ma SQ, Zhu ZG, Su Y, Zoetendal EG, Mackie R,Liu JH, Mu CL, Huang RH, SmidtH, Zhu WY*. Age, Introduction of Solid Feed and Weaning Are More ImportantDeterminants of Gut Bacterial Succession in Piglets Than Breed and NursingMother as Revealed by a Reciprocal Cross-Fostering Model. EnvironmentalMicrobiology. 2016, 18 (5): 1566-1577.
32. Mao SY*, Zhang ML,LiuJH, Zhu WY. Characterising the bacterial microbiota across thegastrointestinal tracts of dairy cattle: membership and potential function.Scientific reports. 2015, 5.
33. Wang XF, Mao SY,Liu JH,Zhang LL, Cheng YF, Jin W, Zhu WY*.Effectof the gynosaponin on methane production and microbe numbers in afungus-methanogen co-culture. Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences. 2011, 20:272–284.
34.刘理想,孙大明, 毛胜勇,刘军花*(通讯作者). 胰高血糖素样肽-2对羔羊胃肠道重量, 瘤胃发酵及小肠上皮发育相关基因表达的影响.畜牧兽医学报, 49(3):549-558.
35. 孙大明,李弘伟,毛胜勇,刘军花*(通讯作者). 断奶前补饲不同直/支链淀粉比开食料对羔羊瘤胃上皮发育的影响.草业学报, 27(8):118-125.
36.刘军花,朱伟云,毛胜勇*. 高谷物日粮促进山羊瘤胃上皮单羧酸转运蛋白1及钠钾ATP酶mRNA的表达. 草业学报. 2017,26 (2): 95-101.
37. 孙大明,毛胜勇,刘军花*(通讯作者). 长期高谷物饲喂对山羊瘤胃酸中毒发生的影响.畜牧兽医学报. 2016,47(12): 2420-2429.
38. 李弘伟,刘军花,霍文捷,朱伟云,毛胜勇*.高精料日粮对山羊瘤胃和盲肠发酵及生物胺生成及吸收的影响研究,草业学报.2017, 26(6): 210-216.
39. 金巍,刘军花, 李袁飞, 成艳芬, 朱伟云*. 甲烷菌对厌氧真菌不同碳源代谢的影响.微生物学报. 2017,57(5): 1-6.
40. 王晓成,刘军花,朱伟云,毛胜勇*.瘤胃源酵母的分离筛选及对不同底物发酵能力影响.草业学报.2016, 25(5): 141-148.
41. 薛春旭,叶慧敏,冯泮飞,刘军花,毛胜勇*.高谷物日粮对山羊小肠发酵、肠道结构和微生物菌群数量的影响研究.草业学报.2016, 25(5): 175-183.
42.冯泮飞,刘军花,叶慧敏,朱伟云,毛胜勇*.寡果糖诱导瘤胃急性酸中毒对山羊瘤胃发酵、蹄组织结构及炎症因子、金属蛋白酶表达的影响,动物营养学报,2016,28(7): 2260-2268.
43. 郭长征,冯泮飞,薛春旭,叶慧敏,刘军花,毛胜勇*.高精料饲粮添加槲皮素对山羊瘤胃发酵、瘤胃菌群数量及血清指标的影响.动物营养学报. 2016,28(9): 2839-2846.
44.刘玉洁,刘军花, 许婷婷, 毛胜勇*. 谷氨酰胺对饲喂高精料奶山羊盲肠黏膜形态及炎症因子mRNA表达的影响. 动物营养学报. 2014,26(2): 513-518.
45.刘玉洁,刘军花,许婷婷,毛胜勇*,谷氨酰胺对饲喂高精料的奶山羊瘤胃上皮的保护效应研究。草业学报.2014, 23(4): 293-299.


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