

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-03

二级教授,博士生导师。现任南昌大学食品科学与技术国家重点实验室副主任。享受国务院特殊津贴,赣鄱英才555工程人才、江西省新世纪百千万人才工程人选,江西省高校中青年学科带头人,首届江西省优秀硕士指导教师,江西省高等学校教学名师,获得教育部优秀中青年教师(支助),江西省主要学科学术与技术带头人,“食品科学”与“营养与食品卫生学”重点学科带头人。现任中国农学会微量元素与食物链分会副理事长,中国粮油学会营养分会副会长,中国营养学会营养转化医学分会副主任委员,江西省微量元素与健康研究会名誉理事长,江西省营养学会理事长,中国农业工程学会农产品加工与储藏工程分会常务理事,中国畜产品加工研究会常务理事;美国化学学会(ACS)会员、国际食品学会(IFT)会员,《食品科学》、《农产品加工学刊》、《食品安全质量检测学报》、《乳业科学与技术》、《南昌大学学报》(理科版)、J of Agri. Food Chem.和J of Food Biochem.编委,中国保健食品评审专家\u**年获得宝钢优秀教师奖






3)米糠中游离和结合态脂肪酶的分布、结构和活性的研究。国家自然科学基金(编\u53f),2019.1-2022.12, 主持60万元(直接经费)。
5)热加工对食品中花青素降解机制及其抗氧化功能的影响研究。国家自然科学基金(编\u53f),2017.1-2020.12, 主持62万元(直接经费)。
10)蜂产业链产品研发。南昌同心紫巢生物工程有限公司\u**.3-2026.3. 主\u**-500万元。
19)油茶产业化技术研发。高正集团,2013.8-2022.8, 主持,500万元 (每年50万元)
24)微波辅助水酶法高效提制油茶籽油关键技术的研究(洪财企\u**】80号农业支撑1-1),南昌市科技局,2013.1-2015.12. 主持,10万元

1)邓泽元主编,阮征、王舒然、杨兴斌 副主编。功能食品学(第一版)(ISBN 978-7-03-052855-1),科学出版社,2017.8
2)邓泽元主编,王舒然、高俊全、刘承初、吴朝霞 副主编。食品营养学(第四版) (ISBN 978-7-109-21909-0),农业出版社出版(21世纪教材,十二五国家规划教材),2016.6
3)Hongyan Li, Zeyuan Deng*, Structure, composition and activities of anthocyanins in vegetables and fruits. Handbook of Anthocyanins: Food Sources, Chemical Applications and Health Benefits. (Chapter 11), Editor(s): Leah M. Warner. Nov. 2014 by Nova Science Publishers, Inc,New York. ISBN978-1-63321-795-9.
4)Hongyan Li, Casimir C. Akoh, Jing Li, Huan Rao, Ze-yuan Deng*. Trans Fatty Acid (Chapter 8), Food Safety Chemistry: Toxicant Occurrence, Analysis and Mitigation. Editor(s): Liangli (Lucy) Yu, Shuo Wang, Bao-Guo Sun. October 15, 2014 by CRC Press. ISBN 45
5)Bing Zhang, Zeyuan Deng, Yao Tang, and Rong Tsao. Toxins in Foods of Plant Origin (Chapter 15). Food Safety Chemistry: Toxicant Occurrence, Analysis and Mitigation. Editor(s): Liangli (Lucy) Yu, Shuo Wang, Bao-Guo Sun. October 15, 2014 by CRC Press. ISBN 45
6)Hongyan Li, Ze-Yuan Deng*. An Overview of the Techniques Used to Estimate the Antioxidant Activity of Gallic Acid (chapter 4), Handbook on Gallic Acid: Natural Occurrences, Antioxidant Properties and Health Implications, Editors: Michelle A. Thompson and Parker B. Collins. NOVA publisher. 2013, ISBN: 978-1-62618-922-5
7)余良莉、王硕、孙宝国主编,食品安全化学(ISBN 978-7-313-12166-0\/x), 邓泽元、徐婷婷、饶欢、李红艳,编写第5章“食品中反式脂肪酸及其安全性”,p153-178。上海交通大学出版社,2014.10
8)赵谋明主编,邓泽元 等参编。食品化学(ISBN978-7-109-16469-7)。中国农业出版社,2012.3(普通高等教育农业部“十二五”规划教材)
9)印遇龙主编,邓泽元 等参编。仔猪营养学(ISBN978-7-109-14876-5)。中国农业出版社,2010.10
10)石阶平主编,邓泽元 等参编。食品安全风险评估(ISBN 978-7-5655-0004-6)。中国农业大学出版社,2010.7
11)邓泽元主编,王舒然、高俊全、刘承初 副主编。食品营养学(第三版)(ISBN 978-7-109-13151-4)农业出版社出版(21世纪教材,十二五国家规划教材),2009.1
12)印遇龙 (主)编著,邓泽元 等参编著。猪氨基酸营养与代谢(ISBN 978-7-03-020039-6),科学出版社,2008.1
13)邓泽元,乐国伟主编. 食品营养学(ISBN 978-7-5641-0452-8\/TS·22), 东南大学出版社,2007.8
1)Yang JY, Peng B, Wang M, Zou XG, Yin YL, & Deng ZY*. Characteristics and emulsifying properties of two protein fractions derived from the emulsion formed during aqueous extraction of Camellia oil. Food Hydrocolloids, 2019, 87:644-652
2)Yang JY, Li J, Wang M, Zou XG, Peng B, Yin YL, & Deng ZY*. A novel aqueous extraction for camellia oil by emulsified oil - frozen\/thawed method. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 2019, **. https:\/\/doi.org\/10.1002\/ejlt..(封面文章)
3)Xianguo Zou, Jiangning Hu, Mei Wang, Yingxue Du, Juan Li, Qiying Mai, Zeyuan Deng*. [1–9-NαC]-linusorb B2 and [1–9-NαC]-linusorb B3 isolated from flaxseed induce G1 cell cycle arrest on SGC-7901 cells by modulating the AKT\/JNK signaling pathway. Journal of Functional Foods, 2019, 52, 332-339.
4)刘小亚, 李静, 温志刚, 黄小毛, 戎俊, 刘小如, 邓泽元. 庐山和井冈山不同海拔高度野生油茶籽油及化学成分的比较. 中国食品学报, http:\/\/kns.cnki.net\/kcms\/detail\/11.4528.TS. **.1402.002.html (EI)
5)邓龙,刘雄飞,刘贤标,李静,范亚苇,丁庆波,邓泽元. GC-MS-O结合电子鼻对橄榄油挥发性成分的分析与鉴别. 中国食品学报, 2019, 19(5):276-286 (EI)
6)Jing Li, Ruo-lin Zhou, Zhiqing Ren, Ya-wei Fan, Sheng-ben Hu, Chengfei Zhuo, Ze-yuan Deng*, Improvement of protein quality and degradation of allergen in soybean meal fermented by Neurospora crassa, LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2019, 101 :220-228, doi:10.1016\/j.lwt. 2018.10.089.
7)Yong Sun, Qianru Hui, Ran Chen, Hongyan Li*, Han Peng, Fang Chen, Zeyuan Deng*. Apoptosis in human hepatoma HepG2 cells induced by the phenolics of Tetrastigma hemsleyanum leaves and their antitumor effects in H22 tumor-bearing mice. Journal of Functional Foods, 2018, 40(1): 349-364
8)Chen Xuan, Zheng Miao, Liu Jia,Deng Ze-yuan, Zhang Bing, Li Hongyan. Selection and use of indigenous mixed starter cultures for mustard leaves fermentation and the improvement of cuocai characteristics. Food Agric., 2018, 98: 1773-1786.
9)Li Jing, Hu Sheng-Ben, He Yue-Ming, Cheng-Fei Zhuo, Ruo-Lin Zhou, Fang Chen, Hong-yan Li, and Ze-Yuan Deng*. 9c11tCLA modulates 11t18:1 and 9t18:1 induced inflammations differently in human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Sci Rep, 2018, 8: 1535.
10)Zou Xian-Guo, Huang Yu-Hua, Li Hong-Yan, Zeyuan Deng*. Effects of Chinese Dietary Pattern of Fat Content, n-6\/n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Ratio, and Cholesterol Content on Lipid Profile in Rats. Biomed Res Int, 2018, 2018: **.
11)JN Hu, JR Shen, CY Xiong, XM Zhu, ZY Deng*. Investigation of Lipid Metabolism by a New Structured Lipid with Medium- and Long-Chain Triacylglycerols from Cinnamomum camphora Seed Oil in Healthy C57BL\/6J Mice. Journal of Agricultural & Food Chemistry, 2018 , 66 (8), 1990\u**
12)14) Deng L, Zou Q , Liu B , Ye W, Zhuo C, Chen L, Deng ZY, Fan YW, Li J*. Fatty acid positional distribution in colostrum and mature milk of women living in Inner Mongolia, North Jiangsu and Guangxi of China. Food Funct, 2018, 9: 4234-4245.
13)Sunnie Chen, Rupeng Xie, Jing Li, Yanwei Fan, Xiaoru Liu, Bing Zhang, Zeyuan Deng*.. Alteration on phenolic acids and the appearance of lotus (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn) seeds dealt with antistaling agents during storage. International Journal of Food Properties, 2018, 21(1): 1481-1494.
14)Jingfang Li, Yong Qin, Xiuliang Yu, Zengxing Xiong, Liufeng Zheng, Yong Sun, Jinrong Shen, Nansheng Guo, Lin Tao, Zeyuan Deng, Xiaoru Liu*. In vitro simulated digestion and in vivo metabolism of chlorogenic acid dimer from Gynura procumbens (Lour.) Merr.: Enhanced antioxidant activity and different metabolites of blood and urine. Journal of food biochemistry, DOI:10.1111\/jfbc.12654.
15)Han Peng, Yong Sun, Zeyuan Deng, Bing Zhang, Yan Qin, Hongyan Li*. The chemical constituents and antioxidant activities of different solvent extracts from the Peduncles of Hovenia dulcis. International Journal of Food Properties, International Journal of Food Properties, 2018, 21(1): 2135-2155.
16)Xianguo Zou, Jiangning Hu, Jing Li, Jianyuan Yang, Yingxue Du, Yanfang Yu, Zeyuan Deng*. Cellular uptake of [1–9-NαC]-linusorb B2 and [1–9-NαC]-linusorb B3 isolated from flaxseed, and their antitumor activities in human gastric SGC-7901 cells. Journal of Functional Foods, 2018, 48, 692-703.
17)Xianguo Zou, Jiangning Hu, Xuemei, Zhu, Yufu Wang, Zeyuan Deng*. Methionine sulfone-containing orbitides, good indicators to evaluate oxidation process of flaxseed oil. Food Chemistry, 2018, 250, 204-212.
18)Xianguo Zou, Xiaolu, Chen, Jiangning Hu, Yufu Wang, Deming Gong, Xuemei, Zhu, Zeyuan Deng*. Comparisons of proximate compositions, fatty acids profile and micronutrients between fiber and oil flaxseeds (Linum usitatissimum L.). Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 2017, 62, 168-176.
19)Xianguo Zou, Yu hua Huang, Hongyan Li, Tong, cheng Xu, Yawei Fan, Jing Li, Zeyuan Deng*. Effects of Chinese dietary pattern of fat content, n-6\/n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid ratio, and cholesterol content on lipid profile in rats. BioMed Research International, https:\/\/doi.org\/10.1155\/2018\/**.
20)Ruolin Zhou, Zhiqing Ren, Jun Ye, Yawei Fan, Xiaoru Liu, Jianyuan Yang, Ze-Yuan Deng, Jing Li*. Fermented soybean dregs by Neurospora crassa: a traditional prebiotic food, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2018.
21)Qian Dun, Lei Yao, Zeyuan Deng*, Hongyan Li, Jing Li, Yawei Fan, Bing Zhang*. Effects of Hot and Cold-pressed Processes on Volatile Compounds of Peanut Oil and Corresponding Analysis of Characteristic Flavor Components. LWT-Food Science and Technology, accepted in 2018.11.
22)Yao Pan, Zeyuan Deng, Shilian Zheng, Xuan Chen, Bing Zhang, Hongyan Li*.Daily dietary antioxidant interactions are due to not only the quantity but also the ratios of hydrophilic and lipophilic phytochemicals. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 2018, 66(34): 9107-9120. (封面文章)
23) Yao Pan, Hongyan Li*, Shilian Zheng, Bing Zhang, Zeyuan Deng*. Implication on the significance of the dietary compatibility: Based on the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory interactions with different ratios of hydrophilic and lipophilic antioxidants among four daily agricultural crops. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 2018, 66(28): 7461-7474.
24)Yanfang Yu, Hongyan Li, Bing Zhang, JunwenWang, Xuping Shi, Jinzhi Huang, Jianyuan Yang, Yanfei Zhang, Zeyuan Deng*.Nutritional and functional components of mulberry leaves from different varieties: Evaluation of their potential as food materials. International Journal of Food Properties, 2018, 21(1): 1495-1507.
25)Jialing Cao, Xiuliang Yu, Zeyuan Deng, Yao Pan, Bing Zhang, Rong Tsao, and Hongyan Li. Chemical Compositions, Antiobesity, and Antioxidant Effects of Proanthocyanidins from Lotus Seed Epicarp and Lotus Seed Pot. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2018 66 (51), 13492-13502. (封面文章)
26)Fang Chen, Zipei Zhang, Zeyuan Deng, Ruojie Zhang, Guangqin Fan, Da Ma, David Julian McClements*. Controlled-release of antacids from biopolymer microgels under simulated gastric conditions: Impact of bead dimensions, pore size, and alginate\/pectin ratio. Food Research International, 2018, 106: 745\u**.
27)袁媛,余修亮,陈宇欢,张兵,邓泽元. 桃金娘花青素和黄酮的提取方法比较及其抗氧化能力研究 [J]. 中国食品学报(EI), 2018, 18(09):150-157.
28)Xian guo Zou, Xiao lu Chen, Jiang Ning Hu*, Yu Fu Wang, De Ming Gong, Xue mei Zhu, Ze yuan Deng*.Comparisons of proximate compositions, fatty acids profile and micronutrients between fiber and oil flaxseeds (Linum usitatissimum L.) Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 2017, 62,:168-176
29)Jing Li, Huan Rao, Qiu Bin, Ya wei Fan, Hong Yan Li, Ze-yuan Deng*. Linolelaidic acid induces apoptosis, cell cycle arrest and inflammation stronger than elaidic acid in human umbilical vein endothelial cells through lipid rafts. European Journal of lipid science and technology. 2017, 119(7): 1-10.
30)Huahong Yu, Xiang mei Li, Zhong shang Liang, Bin Qiu, Siguang Li, Ting Luo, Jing Li, Hongyan Li,and Zeyuan Deng*. Potential Pathways Involved in Elaidic Acid Induced Atherosclerosis in Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells. Journal of Chemistry , 2017, **.
31)Hongyan Li, Yao Pan, Kaiyun Luo, Ting Luo, Yawei Fan, and Zeyuan Deng*. Effects of Different Simple Triglycerides on Cell Fatty Acid Compositions, Proliferation Related Protein, and Gene Expressions Induced by Oxidized-LDL in HUVSMCs. Journal of Food Science 2017, 82(2): 529-535
32)Yao Pan, Benxin Liu, Zeyuan Deng, Yawei Fan, Jing Li, Hongyan Li*. Lipid Rafts Promote trans Fatty AcidInduced Inflammation in Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells. Lipids, 2017, 52(1): 27-35
33)Yan Qin, Yong Sun, Jiaqiao Li, Rupeng Xie, Zeyuan Deng, Hongbing Chen, Hongyan Li*. Characterization and Antioxidant Activities of Procyanidins from Lotus Seedpod, Mangosteen Pericarp, and Camellia Flower. International Journal of Food Properties. 2017, 20(7): 1621-1632.
34)Yong Sun, Rong Tsao, Fang Chen, Hong yan Li*, Jiawen Wang, Han Peng, Ke Zhang,Zeyuan Deng*. The phytochemical composition, metabolites, bioavailability and in vivo antioxidant activity of Tetrastigma hemsleyanum leaves in rats. Journal of Functional Foods. 2017, 30(3): 179-193
35)Yong Sun, Rong Tsao, Fang Chen, Hongyan Li*, Han Peng, Li Jiang, Yuhuan Chen and Zeyuan Deng*. The phenolic profiles of Radix Tetrastigma after solid phase extraction (SPE) and their antitumor effects and antioxidant activities in H22 tumor-bearing mice. Food & Function, 2017, 8(11): 4014-4027 (封面文章)
36)Fang Chen, Guang-Qin Fan, Zipei Zhang, Ruojie Zhang, Ze-Yuan Deng*, David Julian McClements*. Encapsulation of omega-3 fatty acids in nanoemulsions and microgels: Impact of delivery system type and protein addition on gastrointestinal fate. Food Research International 2017, 100 (Pt 1): 387-395
37)Fang Chen, Yong Sun, Shi-Lian Zheng, Yan Qin, David Julian McClements, Jiang-Ning Hu*, Ze-Yuan Deng*. Antitumor and immunomodulatory effects of ginsenoside Rh2 and its octyl ester derivative in H22 tumor-bearing mice. Journal of Functional Foods. 2017, 32: 382\u**
38)Han Peng, Wenting Li, Hongyan Li, Zeyuan Deng*, Bing Zhang*. Extractable and non-extractable bound phenolic compositions and their antioxidant properties in seed coat and cotyledon of black soybean (Glycinemax (L.) merr). Journal of Functional Foods, 2017, 32: 296\u**
39)Bing Zhang, Zeyuan Deng*, Yao Tang, Peter X. Chen, Ronghua Liu, D. Dan Ramdath, Qiang Liu, Marta Hernandez, Rong Tsao*. Bioaccessibility, in vitro antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of phenolics in cooked green lentil (Lens culinaris). Journal of Functional Foods, 2017, 32: 248\u**
40)Fang Chen, Li Liang, Zipei Zhang, Zeyuan Deng*, Eric Andrew Decker, David Julian McClements*. Inhibition of lipid oxidation in nanoemulsions and filled microgels fortified with omega-3 fatty acids using casein as a natural antioxidant . Food Hydrocolloids. 2017, 63: 240-248.
41)Jun Cao, Chuan Li, Rong Liu, Xiao-Ru Liu, Yawei Fan, Ze-Yuan Deng*. Combined application of fluorescence spectroscopy and chemometrics analysis in oxidative deterioration of edible oils. Food Analytical Methods, 2017, 10(3):649-658.
42)Peng, Han, Wenting Li, Hongyan Li, Zeyuan Deng, and Bing Zhang*. \"Extractable and non-extractable bound phenolic compositions and their antioxidant properties in seed coat and cotyledon of black soybean (Glycinemax (L.) merr).\" Journal of Functional Foods 2017, 32: 296-312.
43)Yao Pan, Benxin Liu, Zeyuan Deng, Yawei Fan, Jing Li, Hongyan Li*. Lipid Rafts Promote trans Fatty Acid?Induced Inflammation in Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells. Lipids, 2017, 52:27-35.
44)Hongyan Li, Yao Pan, Kaiyun Luo, Ting Luo, Yawei Fan, and Zeyuan Deng*. Effects of different simple triglycerides on cell fatty acid compositions, proliferation-related protein, and gene expressions induced by oxidized-LDL in HUVSMCs. Journal of Food Science 2017, 82(2): 529-535
45)彭斌,卓成飞,李静,胡蒋宁,邓泽元*。混合油脂肪酸组成数学方程式在食用油模拟掺混检测中的验证。中国油脂,2017,42(05): 60-64
47)Fang Chen, Shi-Lian Zheng, Jiang-Ning Hu*, Yong Sun, Yue-Ming He, Han Peng, Bing Zhang, David Julian McClements, and Ze-Yuan Deng*. Octyl Ester of Ginsenoside Rh2 Induces Apoptosis and G1 Cell Cycle Arrest in Human HepG2 Cells by Activating the Extrinsic Apoptotic Pathway and Modulating the Akt\/p38 MAPK Signaling Pathway [J]. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2016, 64 (40): 7520\u**
48)Hu JN, Zou XG, He Y, Chen F, Deng ZY*. Esterification of quercetin increases its transport across human Caco-2 cells. J Food Sci. 2016, 81(7): 1825-1832.
49)Fang Chen, Bing Zhang, Yong Sun, Zeng-Xing Xiong, Han Peng, Ze-Yuan Deng, Jiang-Ning Hu*. The octyl ester of ginsenoside Rh2 induces lysosomal membrane permeabilization via Bax translocation [J]. Nutrients. 2016, 8(5): 244.
50)Fang Chen, Ze-Yuan Deng, Bing Zhang, Zeng-Xing Xiong, Jiang-Ning Hu*. Esterification of ginsenoside Rh2 enhanced its cellular uptake and antitumor activity in human HepG2 cells [J]. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2016. 64, 253-261.
51)Pingyi Liu, Jing Li, Zeyuan Deng *. Bio-transformation of agri-food wastes by newly isolated Neurospora crassa and Lactobacillus Plantarum for egg production. Poultry Science, 2016,95(3):1-10.
52)Yun Ma, Bing Zhang*, Hongyan Li, Yulu Li, Jiangning Hu, Jing Li, Hongming Wang, Zeyuan Deng. Chemical and Molecular Dynamics Analysis of Crystallization Properties of Honey. International Journal of Food Properties, 2016, DOI: 10.1080\/**.2016.**.
53)Hongyan Li, Yao Pan, Kaiyun Luo, Ting Luo, Yanwei Fan, Zeyuan Deng*. Effects of different simple glycerides on cell fatty acid compositions, proliferation-related protein and gene expressions induced by oxidized-LDL in HUVSMCs. Journal of Food Science, 2017, Accepted.
54)Yao Pan, Benxin Liu, Zeyuan Deng, Yawei Fan, Hongyan Li*. Lipid rafts promote human umbilical vein endothelial cells inflammation induced by trans fatty acid. Lipids, 2016, DOI: 10.1007\/s11745-016-4213-2.
55)Yan Qin, Yong Sun, Yan Qin, Jiaqiao Li, Rupeng Xie, Zeyuan Deng, Hongbing Chen, Hongyan Li*. Characterization and antioxidant activities of procyanidins from lotus seedpod, mangosteen pericarp and camellia flower. International Journal of Food Properties, 2016, DOI: 10.1080\/**.2016.**.
56)Xia Li, Yunlong Zhang, Yuan Yuan, Yong Sun, Yan Qin, Zeyuan Deng, Hongbing Chen, Hongyan Li*. Protective effects of selenium, vitamin E and purple carrot anthocyanins on D-galactose-induced oxidative damage in blood, liver, heart and kidney rats. Biological Trace Element Research, 2016, 173(2):433-442.
57)Zipei Zhan#, Fang Chen#, Ruojie Zhang, Zeyuan Deng, and David Julian Mc Clements*. Encapsulation of pancreatic lipase in hydrogel beads with self-regulating internal pH microenvironments: Retention of lipase activity after exposure to gastric conditions [J]. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2016, 64 (51): 9616\u**
58)Jing Li, Huan Rao, Qiu Bin, Ya-wei Fan, Hong-Yan Li, Ze-Yuan Deng. Linolelaidic acid induces apoptosis, cell cycle arrest and inflammation stronger than elaidic acid in human umbilical vein endothelial cells through lipid rafts. European Journal of lipid science and technology, 2017, 119(7): 1-10.
60)杨建远,陈芳,宋沥文,胡蓉,邓泽元*.油茶籽油提取技术研究进展[J]. 食品与机械, 2016,2,32(2):183-187.
62)Jun Cao, Hongyan Li, Xin Xia, Xian-Guo Zou, Jing Li, Xue-Mei Zhu & Ze-Yuan Deng*. Effect of Fatty Acid and Tocopherol on Oxidative Stability of Vegetable Oils with Limited Air. International Journal of Food Properties, 2015, 18(4): 808-820.
63)Ting-ting Xu, Jing Li, Ya-Wei Fan, Tian-wen Zheng & Ze-Yuan Deng*. Comparison of Oxidative Stability among Edible Oils under Continuous Frying Conditions. International Journal of Food Properties, 2015,18(7): 1478-1490.
64)Bing Zhang, Zeyuan Deng*, Ramdath, D. Dan, Yao Tang, Peter X. Chen, Ronghua Liu, Qiong Liu, Rong Tsao. Phenolic profiles of 20 Canadian lentil cultivars and their contribution to antioxidant activity and inhibitory effects on α-glucosidase and pancreatic lipase. Food chemistry, 2015, 172, 862-872. (ESI)
65)Yong Sun, Yan Qin, Hongyan Li*, Han Peng, Hongbing Chen, Hai-rong Xie, Ze-yuan Deng*. Rapid characterization of antioxidant\/anticancer constituents in radix Tetrastigma, a functional herbal mixture, before and after metabolism by UPLC-ESI-QTOF-MS. Journal of Functional Food, 2015, 18: 300-318.
66) Hongyan Li, Zeyuan Deng*, Ronghua Liu, Honghui Zhu, Jamie Draves, Massimo Marcone, Yong Sun, Rong Tsao*. Characterization of phenolics, betanins and antioxidant activities of the seed, leaf, sprout, flower and stalk of three Amaranthus species. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 2015, 37: 75-81.
67) Haiwei Jiang, Hongyan Li*, Cheng-wei Yu, Jiangning Hu, Rong Liu, Ze-yuan Deng*. The evaluation of antioxidant interactions among four common vegetables using isobolographic analysis. Journal of Food Science, 2015, 80: 1162-1169.
68) Zhao Yao, Yunlong Zhang, Hongyan Li*, Ze-yuan Deng*, Xiaoping Zhang. Synergistic effect of Se-Methylselenocysteine and vitamin E in ameliorating the acute alcohol induced oxidative damage in rat. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, 2015, 29: 182-187.
69)Fang Chen, Ze-Yuan Deng, Zeng-Xing Xiong, Bing Zhang, Jian-Yuan Yang, Jiang-Ning Hu*. A ROS-mediated lysosomal-mitochondrial pathway is induced by ginsenoside Rh2 in hepatoma HepG2 cells [J]. Food & function. 2015, 6, 3828-3837.
71)杨建远,李静,范亚苇,张炳火,邓泽元*. 粗壮脉纹孢菌原生质体的制备、再生及转化条件的研究[J]. 食品科学, 2015,36(17):169~172.
73)何悦铭,王杉,揭琴丰,邱伟华,黄晓婉,邓泽元*。手性色谱法测定L-乳酸锌。食品科学,2015, 36(14):107-110
76)李雨露,刘小如,李红艳,范亚苇,胡蒋宁,李 静,王红明,邓泽元*。水分含量对莲子淀粉回生影响及分子动力学模拟分析。食品科学\u**,36(17):83-87
77)Bing Zhang, Zeyuan Deng*, Yao Tang, Peter X. Chen Ronghua Liu, D. Dan Ramdath,Qiang Liu, Marta Hernandez, and Rong Tsao*. Effect of Domestic Cooking on Carotenoids, Tocopherols, FattyAcids, Phenolics, and Antioxidant Activities of Lentils (Lens culinaris). Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 2014, 62, 12585\u
78)Jun Cao, Long Deng, Xue-Mei Zhu, Yawei Fan*, Jiang-Ning Hu, Jing Li, Ze-Yuan Deng*. Novel Approach to Evaluate the Oxidation State of Vegetable Oils using Characteristic Oxidation Indicators. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 2014. 62(52\uff**-12552.引用17
79)Xian-Guo Zou, Jiang-Ning Hu*, Man-Li Zhao, Xue-Mei Zhu, Hong-Yan Li, Xiao-Ru Liu, Rong Liu, Ze-Yuan Deng*. Lipozyme RM IM-catalyzed synthesis of human milk fat substitutes enriched in medium-chain fatty acids from Cinnamomum camphora seed oil. J. Agric. Food Chem., 2014, 62, 10594\u
80)Jun Cao, Xian-Guo Zou, Long Deng, Ya-Wei Fan*, Hongyan Li, Jing Li, Ze-Yuan Deng*, Analysis of nonpolar lipophilic aldehydes\/ketones in oxidized edible oils using HPLC-QqQ-MS for the evaluation of their parent fatty acids. Food Research International, 2014, 64: 901\u**
81)Bing Zhang, Ze-yuan Deng*, Yao Tang, Peter Chen, Ronghua Liu, Dan Ramdath, Qiang Liu, Marta Hernandez, Rong Tsao*. Fatty acid, carotenoid and tocopherol compositions of 20 Canadian lentil cultivars and synergistic contribution to antioxidant activities. Food Chemistry 2014,161: 296\u**
82)Bing Zhang, Hui Ye, Xue-Mei Zhu, Jiang-Ning Hu*, Hong-Yan Li, Rong Tsao, Ze-Yuan Deng*, Yi-Nan Zheng , and Wei Li. Esterification Enhanced Intestinal Absorption of Ginsenoside Rh2 in Caco-2 Cells without Impacts on Its Protective Effects against H2O2-Induced Cell Injury in Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells (HUVECs). J. Agric. Food Chem., 2014, 62 (9), pp 2096\u**. DOI: 10.1021\/jf404738s
83)Hongyan Li, Zeyuan Deng*, Ronghua Liu, Steven Loewen, Rong Tsao*. Bioaccessibility, in vitro antioxidant activities and in vivo anti-inflammatory activities of a purple tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.). Food Chemistry, 2014,159: 353\u**
84)Xiao-ru Liu, Ru-peng Xie, Ya-wei Fan, Jiang-ning Hu, Ting Luo, Hong-yan Li, Ze-yuan Deng.* Polymerization of proanthocyanidins catalyzed by polyphenol oxidase from lotus seedpod. Eur Food Res Technol, 2014, 238: 727\u**
85)Ting Luo, Ze-yuan Deng, Xiao-ping Li, Huan Rao, Ya-wei Fan*. Triolein and Trilinolein Ameliorate Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein-Induced Oxidative Stress in Endothelial Cells. Lipids, 2014, 49:495\u**.
86)Tingting Yang, Hongyan Li,* Xiaofei Hu, Jing Li, Jiangning Hu, Rong Liu, and Ze-Yuan Deng*. Effects of Fertilizing with N, P, Se, and Zn on Regulating the Element and Functional Component Contents and Antioxidant Activity of Tea Leaves Planted in Red Soil. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2014, 62, 3823\u**
87)Huan Rao, Li-Xin Ma, Ting-Ting Xu, Jing Li, Ze-Yuan Deng*, Ya-Wei Fan and Hong-Yan Li. Lipid Rafts and Fas\/FasL Pathway May Involve in Elaidic Acid-Induced Apoptosis of Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2014, 62, 798\u**
88)Man-Li Zhao, Jiang-Ning Hu*, Xue-Mei Zhu, Hong-Yan Li, Jing Li, Ya-Wei Fan & Ze-Yuan Deng*. Enzymatic synthesis of medium- and long-chain triacylglycerols–enriched structured lipid from Cinnamomum camphora seed oil and camellia oil by Lipozyme RM IM. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2014, 49, 453\u**
89)邓泽元,我国食用调和油存在的问题和对策探讨。中国食品学报,2014,14(5):1-12 (特邀稿)
90)陈宇欢,李静,范亚苇,邓泽元*。脂质组学及其在营养与健康研究中的应用研究进展。食品科学,2014, 35(15),272-276
91)曹 君,朱莹,姜佳靖,章鹏姜,丽娜,李静,邓泽元*。南昌市早餐中反式脂肪酸含量分析。食品工业科技,2014, 35(13), 272-276
92)Yong Sun, Hongyan Li*, Jiangning Hu, Jing Li, Ya-wei Fan, Xiao-ru Liu, and Ze-yuan Deng*. Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Phenolics in Tetrastigma hemsleyanum and Their Antioxidant and Antiproliferative Activities. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2013, 61, 10507\u
93)Man-Li Zhao, Liang Tang, Xue-Mei Zhu, Jiang-Ning Hu*, Hong-Yan Li, Li-Ping Luo, Lin Lei and Ze-Yuan Deng*. Enzymatic Production of Zero-Trans Plastic Fat Rich in α-Linolenic Acid and Medium-Chain Fatty Acids from Highly Hydrogenated Soybean Oil, Cinnamomum camphora Seed Oil, and Perilla Oil by Lipozyme TL IM. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2013, 61, 1189\u**
94)Wu Xin, Shu Xugang, Chunyan Xie, Jun Li, Jiangning Hu, Yu-long Yin, Ze-yuan Deng*. The Acute and Chronic Effects of Monosodium L-Glutamate on Serum Iron and Total Iron-Binding Capacity in the Jugular Artery and Vein of Pigs. Biol Trace Elem Res. 2013, 153:191-195. DOI 10.1007\/s12011-013-9668-x
95)Xiao-Ru Liu, Ze-Yuan Deng*, Jiang-Ning Hu, Ya-Wei Fan, Rong Liu, Jing Li, Jing-Tian Peng, Hai Su, Qiang Peng and Wei-Feng Li. Erythrocyte membrane trans-fatty acid index is positively associated with a 10-year CHD risk probability. British Journal of Nutrition, 2013, 109: 1695\u**. doi:10.1017\/S00071**
96)X Wu, C-Y Xie, Y Yin and Z-Y Deng*. The results of some studies involving animal models of obesity induced by monosodium glutamate are not conclusive. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2013,1 npg
97)Xiao-Ping Li, Ting Luo, Jing Li, Ya-Wei Fan, Rong Liu, Jiang-Ning Hu, Xiao-Ru Liu, Ze-Yuan Deng. Linolelaidic Acid Induces a Stronger Proliferative Effect on Human Umbilical Vein Smooth Muscle Cells Compared to Elaidic Acid. Lipids. 2013, 48(4):395-403.  DOI 10.1007\/s11745-012-3754-2
98)Hongyan Li, Ya-wei Fan, Jing Li, Liang Tang, Jiang-ning Hu, and Ze-yuan Deng*. Evaluating and Predicting the Oxidative Stability of Vegetable Oils with Different Fatty Acid Compositions. Journal of Food Science. 2013, 78(4):H633-H641. doi: 10.1111\/1750-3841.12089
99)Qiu Bin, Huan Rao, Jiang-Ning Hu, Rong Liu, Ya-Wei Fan, Jing Li, Ze-Yuan Deng*, Xianfeng Zhong, Fang-Ling Du. The Caspase Pathway of Linoelaidic Acid (9t, 12t-C18:2)-Induced Apoptosis in Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells. Lipids, 2013, 48: 115\u**
100)Lin Lei, Jing Li*, Ting Luo, Ya-wei Fan, Bin Zhang, Jun Ye, Hui Ye, Yong Sun, and Ze-Yuan Deng*. Predictable Effects of Dietary Lipid Sources on the Fatty Acids Compositions of Four 1Year-Old Wild Freshwater Fish from Poyang Lake. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2013, 61:210-218
101)Hongyan Li, Zeyuan Deng*, Ronghua Liu, Steven Loewen, Rong Tsao*. Carotenoid compositions of coloured tomato cultivars and contribution to antioxidant activities and protection against H2O2-induced cell death in H9c2. Food Chemistry, 2013,136(1): 878\u**
102)Zhong Xianfeng, Huang Guidong, Chen Yan, Li Chaobo, Deng Zeyuan*, Ma Xiaojuan. Optimization of extracting stachyose from Stachys floridana Schuttl. ex Benth by response surface methodology. J Food Sci Technol. 2013, 50(5):942-949 DOI 10.1007\/s13197-011-0413-1
103)Xiaohua Duan, Xiaofei Hu, Fusheng Chen and Zeyuan Deng*. Effects of Simulated Acid Rain and Aluminum Enrichment on Growth and Photosynthesis of Tea Seedlings. Advanced Materials Research. 2013, 610-613:181-185


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