Ir Albert C.K. Choi 蔡志強 Teaching Fellow
Location EF605
Phone +852 2766 4979
Brief BiosketchIr Albert Choi obtained an Associateship in Production and Industrial Engineering from the Hong Kong Polytechnic in 1982 and a Master of Science in Flexible Manufacturing Systems and Robotics from Loughborough University in 1984. His career has been in industry, academia and research organization in both Hong Kong and Australia. He worked in the areas of industrial automation, product and process design, design for environment. He is currently a Senior Teaching Fellow with the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He is leading one of BEng (Hons) programmes in Product Engineering with Marketing. He is also responsible for the WIE (Work Integrated Education) activities and Undergraduate admissions for the Department.
Teaching and Research SpecialtiesAlbert specializes and teaches subjects in the areas of Integrated Product and Process Design, Design for Environment and Product Life Cycle Assessment. He has led and involved in a number of industry and Government Funded project in these areas.
Professional ServicesAlbert has served the following external professional services:
Co-Chairman of the Academic Committee, the 3rd International Conference on Computer Aided Industrial Design and Conceptual Design, the Computer Aided Design Technology Showcase, Hong Kong, 2000.
External Assessor for the New Technology Training Scheme (NTTS), Vocational Training Council, 2000.
Committee Member, Division of Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering. The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (2000-2001).
External Member, Validation Panel for the Higher Diploma Programme in Product Design Engineering, IVE (Chai Wan), 2005.
Member of the Judging Panel for the “School Environmental Creativity Challenge”, organised by the Business Environment Council and Swire Coca-cola HK Ltd, 2005-2007.
Member of the Judging Panel for “Product Design Competition”, organized by the Hong Kong Electrical Appliance Manufacturers Association, 2008.
External Assessor for Li Ka Shing Institute of Professional and Continuing Education (LiPACE), Open University of Hong Kong, 2008-2009.
External Assessor for the Hong Kong Award for Industries, 2012.
Professional Services Principal Investigator of an industry funded project “Design and Planning for Flexible Assembly of Lighting Products”, 1995-1997
Principal Investigator of the ITF project “Ecodesign Programme for Hong Kong Electrical Appliance Manufacturers”, a HK$2M project funded by the Innovation and Technology Commission of the HKSAR Government, 1999-2002.
Principal Investigator of the UGC funded teaching and learning project “A Virtual Factory Model for Learning and Teaching of Product Innovation and Process design”, a HK$1M project aimed at developing virtual based learning platform and activities in the area of product and process design, 2001-2003.
Co-investigator of an Overseas University funded project “A Feasibility Research Study on Environmental Issues Related to Product Design, Development and Manufacture in Mainland China (PRC)”, jointly by the University of Technology, Sydney, and School of Design, 2002-2006
Co-investigator of the ITF project “An Eco-design and Manufacturing Program to tackle the European Union Directive on Energy Using Products (EuP)”, a HK$3M project funded by the Innovation and Technology Commission of the HKSAR Government, 2006-2008.
PublicationsEdited Books Choi A., Sze, S.N. and Chan, C.W., “A Guide to Ecodesign of Electrical Appliances”, 1st Ed., Dept of Industrial and Systems Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, 46pp, 2002, ISBN 962-367-356-6.
Grewal, S. and Choi, A., “Manufacturing Process Design and Costing – An Integrated Approach”, 1st Edition, Dept of Industrial and Systems Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, 53pp, 2004, ISBN 962-367-438-4.
Journal Articles Zhao, Z.Q., Lau, W.S., Choi, C.K. and Shan, Y.Y., “Modulation Functions of the Reflective Optical Fiber Sensor for Specular and Diffuse Reflection”, Optical Engineering, Vol. 33(9), September 1994, pp.2986-2991.
Zhao, Z.Q., Lau, W.S., Choi, C.K. and Shan, Y.Y., "On the Modulation Functions of Reflective Fiber Sensor with Random Fibre Arrangement Based on Pair Model
A Comparison of MTM and RTM
Product Design Enhancement by Integration of Virtual Design and Assembly Analysis Tools
Startup analysis of oil-fired furnace - the smoothing Monte Carlo approach". Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 37, 2001, pp.449-457.
Ji, P, Choi, A.C.K. and Tu, L. "VDAS: A Virtual Design and Assembly System in a Virtual Reality Environment
Application of Virtual Assembly Tools for Improving Product Design". International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 19, 2002, pp.377-383.
Ip, W.H., Choi, A.C.K. and Chan, J. “An Integrated Problem-Based Learning Model for Engineering Education”, International Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 19, No. 5, pp. 734-737, 2003.
Grewal S, Choi A, “An Integrated Approach to Manufacturing Process Design and Costing”, Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications, Vol 13. No 3, pp.199-207, 2005.
Choy KL, Choi, CK, Chow H, Chan J and Yam A, “Design of a Generic Product and Process Development System - A Hybrid Case-based Reasoning Approach”, Journal of Product Development, Vol. 4, No. 3/4, pp.310-329 (2007).
Yung KC, Chan HK, So ht, Wong WC, Choi CK and Yue TM, “Material Usage of an Electronic Product from an Eco-design Perspective". Annual Journal of IIE (HK), Vol. 27, pp.11-18, 2006/2007.
Yung KC, Chan HK, Choi ACK, Yue TM, Mazhar MI, "An environmental assessment framework with respect to the Requirements of Energy-using Products Directive". Proceedings of The Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B-Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Vol. 222, No. 5, pp.643-651 (2008).
Yung, W.K.C., Chan, H.K., So, J.H.T., Wong, D.W.C., Choi, A.C.K., Yue, T.M., "Life cycle assessment of two personal electronic products-a note with respect to the energy-using product directive". International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 42, No. 3-4, pp.415-419 (2009).
Yung, W.K.C., Chan, H.K., So, J.H.T., Wong, D.W.C., Choi, A.C.K., Yue, T.M., “A Life-cycle Assessment for Eco-redesign of a Consumer Electronic Product”, Journal of Engineering Design, Vol 22, No 2, 69-55 (2011).
Yung, W.K.C., Chan, H.K., Wong, D.W.C., So, J.H.T., Choi, A.C.K. and Yue, T.M., “Eco-redesign of a personal electronic product subject to the energy-using product directive”, International Journal of Production Research, 2011. (DOI:10.1080/00207543.2011.571941)
Yung, W.K.C., Chan, H.K., So, J.H.T., Wong, D.W.C., Choi, A.C.K., Yue, T.M., “Environmental impact of two electrical products with reference to the energy-using products directive”, International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, 2011. (DOI:10.1080/19397038.2011.560689).
Conference Presentations Choi, A.C.K and Kaebernick H. “Evaluation of Product Recyclability”, Seventh International Manufacturing Conference in China, Harbin, October 1995, Proceedings by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, pp. 487-492.
Choi C. K., Lee S. C., Kong C. K., Yeung K. T., Yu C. M., Wong M. H. "Current status of environmental pollution and environmental technology management in Hong Kong". APEC Workshop on Cleaner Production, Taipei, Taiwan, June 1999, pp.218-231.
Choi, A and Lai W.H. "A Checklist Approach for Designing an Environmental Friendly Product". 9th International Manufacturing Conference in China, Hong Kong, August 2000, pp.1-3.
Choi, A and Kaebernick, H. "Waste Impact Assessment of Manufacturing Processes for Product Design Evaluations". 7th International Conference on Production Engineering, Design and Control, Alexandria, Egypt, February 2001, pp.571-582.
Choi, A.C.K. "Ecodesign Activities in Hong Kong". 21st APEC - IST Working Group Meeting, Cleaner Production Round Table Discussion - Design for Environment, Penang, Malaysia, October 2001.
Choi, A.C.K. “A Virtual Factory Model for Learning and Teaching of Product Innovation and Process Design”, Mini-conference on Teaching and Learning, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, June 2003.
Choi, A.C.K. “EcoDesign Program for Hong Kong Electrical Appliance Manufacturers”, EnviroSeries 2004 Conference – Sustainable Production and Consumption, Hong Kong, June 2004.
Chan, H.K. and Choi, A. C. K. “Modelling RFID-based Supply Chains by Agent-based Techniques”, 5th International Conference on Supply Chain and Management Information Systems, Melbourne, Australia, December 2007.
Research Reports and Others Choi, A.C.K., “Case Study Report of Ecodesign and Life Cycle Assessment of Kettle for Wing Sang Bakelite Electrical Mfg. Ltd”, Dept of Industrial and Systems Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, 2002.
Choi, A.C.K., “Case Study Report of Ecodesign and Life Cycle Assessment of Toaster for GEW Corporation Ltd”, Dept of Industrial and Systems Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, 2002.
Choi, A.C.K., "Eco-Design of Electrical Appliances
, Consultancy Report, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the Centre for Design, RMIT University, Australia, 48pp, 2009.
香港理工大学工业及系统工程学系老师教师导师介绍简介-Ir Albert C.K. Choi 蔡志强
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-03
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