
香港理工大学工业及系统工程学系老师教师导师介绍简介-Dr Carman K.M. Lee 李嘉敏

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Dr Carman K.M. Lee 李嘉敏 Associate Professor

Location EF609
Phone +852 3400 3899
mail ckm.lee@polyu.edu.hk

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Brief BiosketchDr LEE Ka Man is currently an associate professor in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong. She is the program leader of BSc(Hons) Enterprise Engineering with Management. She obtained her PhD and BEng degree from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Her main research areas include Industrial Engineering, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), Wireless Sensor and Actuator Network (WSAN), Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics. As of now, Dr Lee has published over 130 articles in various international journals and seminars. She was awarded Silver Medal in the 47thInternational Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva in 2019 and Outstanding Paper Award of Emerald Network Awards in 2019. Dr Lee also serves as the Lab-in-Charge of PolyU’s Cyber-Physical Systems Laboratory (https://www.polyu.edu.hk/ise/cps/us/index.html).
Teaching and Research SpecialtiesTeaching ISE 247 Fundamental of Enterprise Systems
ISE 3001 Operations Research I
ISE 460 Logistics Information Management
ISE 518 Workflow Design and Management
Research Specialties Logistics information management, Smart manufacturing, Internet of things, Data mining techniques and Cyber-physical system
PhD students' project: ZHANG Shuzhu, Modeling green logistics activities for sustainable development using swarm intelligence, 2012-2016
LIU Chengli, Study of behavioral operations in dual-channel supply chain, 2015-2018
NG Kam Hung, Modelling Airside operations in Terminal Manoeuvring Area with Metaheuristics Approach, 2015-2019
KEUNG Kin Lok, Designing Computational Intelligence and Data-Driven Cyber-Physical Approach for Robotic Mobile Fulfillment System, 2018-2021
Professional Services Chairman of IET MIES Hong Kong Network in 2019-2020
IEEE Technology Management Society Hong Kong Chapter (from 2013 to current)
Treasurer of IET Singapore Network in 2011-2012
Secretary of IEEE Technology Management Council Singapore Chapter from 2011-2012
Publications Zhang, L. L., Lee, C. K., & Akhtar, P. (2020). Towards customization: Evaluation of integrated sales, product, and production configuration. International Journal of Production Economics, 107775.
Ren, S., Choi, T. M., Lee, K. M., & Lin, L. (2020). Intelligent service capacity allocation for cross-border-E-commerce related third-party-forwarding logistics operations: A deep learning approach. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 134, 101834.
Ng, K. K. H., Lee, C. K. M., Chan, F. T., Chen, C. H., & Qin, Y. (2020). A two-stage robust optimisation for terminal traffic flow problem. Applied Soft Computing, 106048.
Lee, C. K. M., Huo, Y. Z., Zhang, S. Z., & Ng, K. K. H. (2020). Design of a Smart Manufacturing System With the Application of Multi-Access Edge Computing and Blockchain Technology. IEEE Access, 8, 28659-28667.
Lee, C. K. M., Lin, B., Ng, K. K. H., Lv, Y., & Tai, W. C. (2019). Smart robotic mobile fulfillment system with dynamic conflict-free strategies considering cyber-physical integration. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 42, 100998.
Niu, B., Xu, J., Lee, C. K., & Chen, L. (2019). Order timing and tax planning when selling to a rival in a low-tax emerging market. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 123, 165-179.
Hong, Z., Lee, C.K.M. and Zhang, L. (2018). Procurement risk management under uncertainty: a review. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 118 (7), 1547-1574.
Lee, C. K. M., Lv, Y., Ng, K. K. H., Ho, W., & Choy, K. L. (2018). Design and application of Internet of things-based warehouse management system for smart logistics. International Journal of Production Research, 56(8), 2753-2768.
Ng, K. K. H., Lee, C. K. M., Chan, F. T., & Qin, Y. (2017). Robust aircraft sequencing and scheduling problem with arrival/departure delay using the min-max regret approach. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 106, 115-136.
Lee, C. K. M., Mitrea, C., Ip, W. H., Choy, K. L., & Ho, G. T. (2017). Design and development of inventory knowledge discovery system. Enterprise Information Systems, 11(8), 1262-1282.
Ng, K. K. H., Lee, C. K. M., Zhang, S. Z., Wu, K., & Ho, W. (2017). A multiple colonies artificial bee colony algorithm for a capacitated vehicle routing problem and re-routing strategies under time-dependent traffic congestion. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 109, 151-168.
CKM Lee, CL Yueng, ZR Xiong, SH Chung (2016) A mathematical model for municipal solid waste management-A case study in Hong Kong, Waste Management, Vol 58, p430-441.
CKM Lee, CL Yeung, Chole Tan, KL Choy and WH Ip, (2015) Analyze the healthcare service requirement using fuzzy QFD, Computers in Industry, Vol 74, pp1-15.
Chang, D., Lee, C. K. M. & Chen, C.-H. (2014). 'Review of life cycle assessment towards sustainable product development', Journal of Cleaner Production, 83, 48-60.
Lv, Y.; Lee, C.K.M; Wu, Z.; Chan, H.K. & Ip, W.H. (2013), 'Priority-Based Distributed Manufacturing Process Modeling via Hierarchical Timed Color Petri Net', IndustrialInformatics, IEEE Transactions on 9(4), 1836-1846
Lee, C.K.M Yeung YC and Zhen Hong (2012) An integrated framework for outsourcing risk management. Industrial Management & Data Systems 112, 541-558.
Lee, CKM and Lam, Jasmine Siu Lee (2012) Managing reverse logistics to enhance sustainability of industrial marketing. Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 41, No. 4, pp.589-598
Zhang, X., Lee, C.K.M. and Chen, S. (2012) Supplier evaluation and selection: A hybrid model based on DEAHP and ABC. International Journal of Production Research 50, 1877-1889.
Ho, G.T.S., Ip, W.H., Lee, C.K.M. and Mou, W.L. (2012) Customer grouping for better resources allocation using GA based clustering technique. Expert Systems with Applications 39, 1979-1987.
Yang, M., Wu, Z., Lee, K.M. and Khoo, M.B.C. (2012) The X control chart for monitoring process shifts in mean and variance. International Journal of Production Research 50, 893-907.
Lee, C.K.M., Ho, W., Ho, G.T.S. and Lau, H.C.W. (2011) Design and development of logistics workflow systems for demand management with RFID. Expert Systems with Applications 38, 5428-5437.
Lee, C.K.M., Lin, D., Ho, W. and Wu, Z. (2011) Design of a genetic algorithm for bi-objective flow shop scheduling problems with re-entrant jobs. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 56, 1105-1113.
Lin Danping. and Lee, C.K.M. (2011) A review of the research methodology for the re-entrant scheduling problem. International Journal of Production Research 49, 2221-2242.
Yaqiong, Lv, CKM Lee and W. Zhang, (2011) Fuzzy theory applied in quality management of distributed manufacturing system: A literature review and classification. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 24, 266-277.
Ou, Y., Wu, Z., Chen, S. and Lee, K.M. (2010) An improved SPRT control chart for monitoring process mean. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 51, 1045-1054.
Zhang, L.L., Lee, C.K.M. and Xu, Q. (2010) Towards product customization: An integrated order fulfillment system. Computers in Industry 61, 213-222.
Ho, W., Lee, Carman Ka Man and Ho G.T.S. (2010) Multiple criteria optimization of contemporary logistics distribution network problems. OR Insight, 23, 27-43.
Tan, K. L., Lee, C. & Ho, W. (2009), The analysis and case studies of successful express logistics companies, International Journal of Value Chain Management 3(1), 20-35.
Ho, G.T.S., Lau, H.C.W., Kwok, S.K., Lee, C.K.M. and Ho, W. (2009) Development of a co-operative distributed process mining system for quality assurance. International Journal of Production Research 47, 883-918.
Lee, C.K.M., Lau, H.C.W., Ho, G.T.S. and Ho, W. (2009) Design and development of agent-based procurement system to enhance business intelligence. Expert Systems with Applications 36, 877-884.
Lau, H.C.W., Tang, C.X.H., Leung, B.P.K., Lee, C.K.M. and Ho, G.T.S. (2009) A performance tradeoff function for evaluating suggested parameters in the reactive ion etching process. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part A:Systems and Humans 39, 933-938.
Lau, H.C.W., Ho, G.T.S., Chu, K.F., Ho, W. and Lee, C.K.M. (2009) Development of an intelligent quality management system using fuzzy association rules. Expert Systems with Applications 36, 1801-1815.
Lee, C.K.M. and Chan, T.M. (2009) Development of RFID-based Reverse Logistics System. Expert Systems with Applications 36, 9299-9307.
Selected Conference Papers Yaqiong, Lv and CKMLee, Development of Fuzzy Clustering Engine for Decision Making in Manufacturing, The 5th IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology, 2010, Singapore
CKM Lee and D.P.Lin 2010, Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Bi-objective Flow Shop Scheduling Problems with Re-entrant Jobs, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 2010. Macau,, 1240-1245
CKM Lee, YC Yeung, Z Hong, Managing the Risks of Outsourcing in Supply Chain Networks, IEEE International Technology Management Conference, 2011, San Jose, 488-494
LIN, D., LEE, C. K. M. & WU, Z. 2011. Integrated GA and AHP for re-entrant flow shop scheduling problem. 2011 IEEE International Conference on Quality and Reliability. Bangkok, Thailand: 496-500
Dwi AGUSTINA, Carman Ka Man LEE, Rajesh PIPLANI, Cross Docking Scheduling with Delivery Time Window and Temporary Storage, 2011 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Singapore, 131-135
YaQiong LV, Carman Ka Man LEE, Fuzzy Hierarchical Clustering based on Fuzzy Dissimilarity, 2011 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Singapore 1024-1027
Lv, Y. Q. and C. K. M. Lee “Fuzzy hierarchical clustering Applied for Quality Estimation in Manufacturing System”, World Academy of Science and Engineering Technology (WASET), ICIESM 2012 : International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management. Paris, France, 1165-1168
Kejenthiran S/O Thanabalu, CKM Lee,Chang Danni, Enhancing Workplace Safety with TRIZ, IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology, 2012, Bali, Indonesia, 652-657
C.K.M. Lee, Rohan Pasari, A Simulation Experimental Investigation of Demand and Supply Uncertainty, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 2012. Hong Kong
Lin, D., Lee, C. K. M., & Yang, J. (2015, December). The effect of buy-back policy in air cargo revenue management. In Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), 2015 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 465-469). IEEE.
KKH, Ng, CKM. Lee, and H. M. Tang, Design and Development of a Performance Evaluation System for Aircraft Maintenance Industry, 2015 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Singapore (pp. 564 – 568),
Ng, K. K. H., & Lee, C. K. M. (2016, December). Makespan minimization in aircraft landing problem under congested traffic situation using modified artificial bee colony algorithm. In Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), 2016 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 750-754). IEEE.
Ng, K. K. H., & Lee, C. K. M. (2016, September). A modified Variable Neighborhood Search for aircraft Landing Problem. In Management of Innovation and Technology (ICMIT), 2016 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 127-132). IEEE.
Ng, K. K. H., & Lee, C. K. M. (2017, August). Aircraft scheduling considering discrete airborne delay and holding pattern in the near terminal area. In International Conference on Intelligent Computing (pp. 567-576). Springer, Cham.
Lee, C. K. M., Keung, K. L., Ng, K. K. H., & Lai, D. C. (2018, December). Simulation-based Multiple Automated Guided Vehicles Considering Charging and Collision-free Requirements in Automatic Warehouse. In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM) (pp. 1376-1380). IEEE.
Lee, C. K. M., Ip, C. M., Park, T., & Chung, S. Y. (2019, December). A Bluetooth Location-based Indoor Positioning System for Asset Tracking in Warehouse. In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM) (pp. 1408-1412). IEEE.
Book Chapters William Ho and C.K.M. Lee (2007) Demand Forecasting in Logistics: Analytic Hierarchy Process and Genetic Algorithm-Based Multiple Regression Analysis, Logistics Engineering Handbook, 131-147, ISBN 084933053X
Shaligram Pokharel, C.K.M. Lee, (2009)Analyzing the use of information systems in logistics industry, Information systems research methods, epistemology, and applications, 225-246, ISBN: 9781605660400, Hershey, PA : Information Science Reference
CKM Lee and Shaligram, Pokhareal, Benjamin, Ng, (2011) Managing uncertain inventory in supply chain with Neural Network and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Supply Chain Innovation for competing in Highly Dynamic markets, Challenges and Solution, Edited by Pietro Evangelista, Ala,Mckinnon, Edward Sweeney & Emilio Esposito, IGI Global, p137-354 ISBN: 987-1-60960-585-8
Lixing Yang, CKM Lee (2012) Adoption of Genetic Algorithm for Cross-Docking Scheduling with Time Window, H. K. Chan et al. (eds.), Decision-Making for Supply Chain Integration, Decision Engineering 1, Springer-Verlag London, p1-22

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