Prof L.C. Chan 陳聯洲 Professor; Labs-in-charge of Materials Processing Lab & Net Shape Technology Research Laboratory; Director of Net-shape Manufacturing Technology Unit
Location EF601
Phone +852 2766 6634
Open Platform for University Scholars
Brief BiosketchProf. L.C. Chan graduated from the Hong Kong Polytechnic in 1979. After several years of experience in industry, he went to U.K. and got his MSc. in Mechanical Engineering. Then, he came back to Hong Kong and had been worked in Manufacturing Engineering Division of the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) for more than 10 year as Consultant and later promoted to Senior Consultant. He got his PhD from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) in 1997 and was then employed in the Department of Manufacturing Engineering (currently known as Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering) as Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and later promoted to Professor. During his service period in HKPC and PolyU, he was mainly responsible for the research and development of solid and sheet metal processing as well as relevant forming technologies. Metal forming, process simulation, fine-blanking, tool design and manufacture as well as rapid prototyping together with advanced manufacturing technologies are main areas in his recent research work and career development.
Teaching and Research SpecialtiesFor Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering: Level 2: Fundamentals of Manufacturing Processes; Manufacturing Technology;
Level 3: Tool Design; Design for Manufacture; Manufacturing Systems and Technology; Materials and Processes Selection; Integrated Design for Manufacture
Level 4: Advanced Mould and Die Design; Task Consultation of Design for Manufacture;
Level 5: Precision Tooling Technology.
For Management and Executive Development Centre of the Institute for Enterprise - MEDC (under Institute for Enterprise)
Sheet Metal Processing and Solid Metal Forming Technology;
Tool Design in Practice;
Process Design Technology;
精密模具加工工藝設計及檢測for Leeport (Holdings) Limited.
Fields of Interest and Expertise
Advanced Sheet-metal Processing;
Design and Manufacture of Precision Tooling Systems;
Fine-Blanking Technology;
Bulk Deformation and Sheet Metal Forming and their Process Simulations;
Advanced Manufacturing Systems;
Rapid Prototyping Techniques.
Hydroforming Technology
Honours and Awards (Partially)
Industrial and Engineering Service Grant Achievement Awards, Faculty of Engineering, PolyU
ISE Distinguished Alumni Award (2017)
Best Individual Application Project Award – MIE Division, The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (1997)
Commercial Research and Development, Hong Kong Productivity Council (1997)
External Committees (Partially)
Visiting Professor, Chongqing University
Panel member of Appeal Tribunal Panel under Buildings Ordinance (Planning and Lands Branch, Development Bureau, Government Secretariat, HKSAR)
Senior Vice-Chairman, PolyU MILES Alumni Association Limited
Expert Committee, Guangdong Die & Mould Industry Association (GDMA)
Mentor, Institute of Mechanical Engineer, Hong Kong Chapter
Departmental Liaison Officer, Hong Kong Diecasting Association
Chairman, Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering Alumni Association (MILESAA) of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Committee member of Judging Panel for Hong Kong Mould & Die Council Awards (Student)
Executive Committee Member of Federation of Hong Kong Higher Education Staff Associations (FHKHESA)
External Assessor for the Applied Research and Development Schemes of the Applied Research Council
External Examiner of the course in Higher Diploma in Automotive Engineering of Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education
Founder Member of the Hong Kong Metals Manufacturers Association (HKMMA)
External Examiner of the Course in Mechanical Engineering of the Vocational Training Council.
RGC Grants and other Externally Funded Projects (Partially)General Research Funded Project
Multiscale Damage-based Failure Prediction in Warm Forging Biocompatible Alloys for Medical Devices and Implants (PolyU 5115/11E)
Multiscale Damage Analysis on Multistage Hydroforming of Magnesium Alloy Sheets (PolyU 5119/09E)
Damage-based Failure Analysis of Thermal-hydroforming Lightweight Laser-welded Tubular Blanks (PolyU 5114/07E)
Failure Prediction of Laser Tailor-welded Blanks under Multi-Stage Forming (PolyU5255/04E)
Failure Prediction of Laser Tailor-welded Blanks under Multi-Stage Forming Process (PolyU5261/03E)
A Study of the Formability of Tailor-welded Blanks using Non-linear Heterogeneous Analysis (PolyU5178/01E)
Innovation Technology Funded Project (Partially)
Technological Platform Development of Thermal-Forming Titanium-alloy HollowBlades/vanes
Energy-efficient Trial-equipment Development for Warm Hydrostatic-forming Large-scale Tubular Vehicle Frames and Structures
Optimal Design and Fabrication of Hydroformed Bike Frames for Cycling Athletes
Process Development of Components Manufacturing for Vehicle Frame Structures and Bumper Systems
Revolutionary Development of an Intelligent Platform for Bra-Cup Manufacturing and Inspection
Multi-axis Motion Platform Development for Exergames
Integrated System Development for Trial Producing Disposable Foil Food Containers
System Development for Leather Quality Inspection and Nesting.
Development of Magnesium-based Metal Sponge
Notable achievements in public, governmental and professional services Development of a next generation Zero-emission Electric Car-inter-departmental collaboration research and development project
Mid-life assessment of Overhead line Components
Prototyping of an Bio-tech domestic waste appliance
Feasibility Study of Warm and Cold Forming Technology for Production of Stainless-Steel Components
Development of Fine-blanking Tooling Systems for Progressive Production of Intricate Mini Gears
Expert Report on a Lifting Accident Case
Preparation and Experimental Investigation of a Specified Food Container
Provision of Non-destructive Inspection Service using X-ray CT system
Preliminary Study and Trial for Bra-cup Cutting
Publications (Partially)Book Chapters: (2) TC Lee, CY Tang and LC Chan, “Fine-Edge Blanking”, Chapter in Blanking and Piercing, Volume 14B, Metalworking: Sheet Forming, ASM Handbook, 2006, p177-190.
CP Lai, LC Chan and TC Lee, “Thermal Formability of Titanium Tailor-welded Blanks”, chapter in Titanium Alloys: Preparation, Properties and Applications, Edited by Pedro N. Sanchez, Nova Science, 2010, pages 423-439, ISBN: 978-61122-323-1
Selected journals and conference papers within recent 5 years: (Over 130 publications since 1995) LC Chan, Significance of Bike-Frame Geometric Factors for Cycling Efficiency and Muscle Activation. International Journal of Sport and Health Sciences, Vol. 14 (5) (2020), Pages 118-124
XZ Lu, CP Lai and LC Chan. Novel design of a coral-like open-cell porous degradable magnesium implant for orthopaedic application. Materials & Design. Vol. 188 (2020), 108474
XZ Lu, LC Chan. X-ray CT assisted damage identification in warm forging. Procedia Manufacturing, Vol. 15 (2018), Pages 535-541
TF Kong, XZ Lu, LC Chan. Analysis and reduction of wrinkling defects for tube hydroforming magnesium alloy components at elevated temperatures. Materials & Design. Vol. 173 (2019), 107761
Chan, LC, Lu, XZ, Lai, CP, Chow, LWP, Compressive Behaviours of Raw and Cased Porous Magnesium-alloys determined by X-ray CT, Procedia Engineering, Vol. 207 (2017), Pages 1427-1432
KM Yu, YM Tang and LC Chan, Property estimate for inkjet based direct digital manufacturing, Computer-Aided Design and Applications, Vol. 15, Issue 2 (2018), Pages 188-192
X.Z. Lu, L.C. Chan. Micro-voids Quantification for Damage Prediction in Warm Forging of Biocompatible Alloys using 3D X-ray CT and RVE Approach. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol 258 (2018), Pages 116-127
Xianzheng Lu and LC Chan, "Numerical Simulation for Thermal and RT Forming Light Sheet Materials Using a New Combined Model of M-K Theory and Shear Localization Criterion". The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 83, No. 1 (2016), pages 357-363
XZ Lu and LC Chan, Micromechanics-based damage model for failure prediction in cold forming, Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol. 690 (2017), pages 120-131
LC Chan, Non-destructive testing for microstructure assessment in applied research and development, in YXLON CT user conference 2016, Hamburg, Germany, 26-27 Oct 2016, YXLON International GmBH (Oct 2016)
LC Chan and XZ Lu, "Multiscale Analysis of Deformation in Metal Damage Prediction
Multiscale Analysis of Deformation in Metal Damage Prediction
Non-destructive quality inspection of forged components using X-ray CT
, HK Short-term Patent (HK1252600)
Liu Tin Loi & Chan Luen Chow, “Manufacturing Method Metal Foil Container
Apparatus and Method for Forming Shape of Metal Foil Products With Wrinkleless Surface
, (PCT/IB2019/059330), Filed on 31 Oct 2019
香港理工大学工业及系统工程学系老师教师导师介绍简介-Prof L.C. Chan 陈联洲
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-03
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